Electric Cars

EV News | Tesla Slashes Model 3 Price; Ford Dealers Overwhelmed

EV News | Tesla Slashes Model 3 Price; Ford Dealers Overwhelmed

Hi I’m Dave welcome to Dave takes it on it’s Christmas so a very Merry Christmas to everyone out there even the EV haters and I wish you a very prosperous and happy New Year Welcome to our Friday night news update last one before Christmas there’s an awful lot happening

So we’re going to do a quick Roundup of everything around the world that’s likely to impact us for next year okay the first item Rems me of horses and stable doors for some reason well BMW General Motors stantis Mercedes Honda Kia Hyandai they’ve just announced they’re getting together and launching a

Massive installation of EV Chargers totaling 30,000 by 2030 well let’s get a little bit realistic here first of all it’s a Target nothing’s been done yet not a single charge has being installed under this program the first of these is due out late summer next year

2024 is that going to be reached and 30,000 by 2030 good Target let’s hope them all the success in the world Tesla announced they have over 50,000 charges already installed and they’re installing at an incredible rate so how did the last Venture go I seem to remember back in about 2010 2011

They were all starting to get together uh running right through to 2015 when they were developing the CCS 2 concept and companies like Audi BMW Dame leford General Motors Porsche Volkswagen well how did that one go I don’t seem to remember that one being a startling success you only have to ask

Some of the drivers with ccs 2 non- Teslas whether that was a success it wasn’t okay a landmark record over 1 million EVS have been sold in the USA to date and this year it’s a 50% increase on last year this is a remarkable achievements people said EVS will never

Catch on but a little company started the ball rolling big time about 13 14 years ago and today it’s really really taken off well done America you’re a little behind elsewhere in the world but well done for getting there eventually now quick look today at total electricity generation for all you EV

Haters who say the Grid’s going to collapse well today it’s cold wet windy overcast and yet 57% of all our electricity is coming from renewable resources 0% from coal yeah no more coal and only 9% from gas total demand is 33 gaw as I record this and of that

Renewables are producing 22 GW gas the Savior for everyone just 3.5 gaw well this just shows what can be done we’ll look at uh some PV figures in a minute but what we need is much more renewable and we need to get the storage up to speed okay another meeting OPAC had a

Meeting well they had a meeting last year to cut oil production because oil prices were falling is this not a cartel are they not illegal and do we base our prices in the UK on the prices fixed by a cartel oh anyway uh what have they done well

They did announce a cut in oil production designed to raise prices and therefore increase their profits but apparently it hasn’t worked yeah the prices have gone up as some of you at the pumps will have noticed when you’re buying your petrol and Diesel but their profits have not reached the levels they were

Anticipating so guess what they’ve just had another meeting and they’ve just announced another cut well I say cut series of cuts all around the world hey I’ll say one thing they are determined if they want their profits to increase they will get there eventually but

Having a look at this what you find is those price Rises following on from the cuts do have a limit if you put the price up too much price of petrol goes up people stop driving and the sales drop bit of a catch 22 there we’ll see

How that work works out for them well Ford me meanwhile has run out of space to store all the topof the range expensive luxury cars that it cannot sell well no I tell a lie it can sell them to the dealers it’s the dealers who can’t sell them on to us the

Customers now Ford had a policy of only making topof the range models H wonder why that was oh think back to OPEC if Ford only make topof the range models customers have no choice they have to buy more expensive models and more expensive models means more more increas in profits po

Again is this not obvious that it’s a very short-term measure if you increase the price of your models Beyond a certain point the customers can’t afford them we have a bit of a inflation going on at the moment and interest rates are pretty much as high as they’ve been for

A long time certainly higher than two or three years ago when this sort of Prof this sort of project was being envisaged back then customers couldn’t get enough cars well now that’re overflowing with cars prices have gone up the loans have gone up and they’re not selling them so

The answer well let’s make more higher higher end models so that if we do sell one we’ll make a really healthy price profit hm see how that one works out well Tesla seems to think maybe that’s not the way to head Tesla’s just announced it’s slashing prices of the

Old model 3 for those of you remember the model 3 has just been refreshed uh it’s called the Highland and that one is selling at the same price as the old one and that left a bit of a surplus of stock of the old models which nobody in

The right mind would buy so what does Tesla do well they do the opposite to four they decide let’s slash prices and just sell them at any price now the press and the media announced this as Tesla’s desperate it’s got to slash prices uh you’ll see in the figure

Shortly that that’s absolutely not the case all it is is Tesla have a potential excess of stock of the old models so they slash the price you can now buy a Tesla Model 3 this is a luxury performance large family Saloon and with the government Ira allowance of $75,000 it’s now available at

$228,000 throughout the whole of America to put that into context Toyota Corolla a very small little petrol hatchback is now selling at 24,000 for the minimum basic model h wonder where this one’s going well USA continues to bring its jobs back home by well it’s just sold

Its largest steel plant to japon Japan’s nipon steel so it would seem we’re not going to concentrate on creating jobs at home I would imagine half of the steel production is now going to disappear to Japan which is suffering even worse from the recession in inflation than America isn’t this strange Japan tiny

Little island nation they’re good China right next door really cheap labor they’re bad oh well no accounting for economics well eveve sales in Europe oh they’re taking a bit of a turn for the worst for some stellantis dropped right to the bottom of the list most of the others absolute disaster Tesla just

Rising to the top they’ve just become the bestselling car in Germany beating all of the others and the latest figures show that out of the top 10 bestselling cars in Europe EVS that Tesla have sold 21,000 with the model Y and the model 3 and all the rest combined have sold

35,000 H what was that Elon said about making a model that was desirable and affordable H maybe the rest should take a lesson okay looking around the world China’s going off the boil anyhow because new study shows that the cheapest labor you can now get is in Mexico oh isn’t that exactly where

Tesla’s just building its latest gigafactory well after Mexico it’s India and after India China’s dropped down to third place now with the activities of the Union in America I think American labor prices have gone through the roof so anyone like to have a guess where the likes of Ford General Motors stantis are

Going to be manufacturing their latest models luckily models manufactured in Mexico do qualify for the government Ira subsidy tax Grant oh well Strange World well to address the no home charging issue the one thing stopping a number of people from buying them there’s been an absolutely massive Drive in workplace charges and destination

Charges this is the big boom here in the UK and around the world Best Western Hotels yeah we’ve got them here they’ve just announced a massive order to Tesla for their destination charges these are seven or 11 kilowatt ones exactly the same as I’ve got installed here and it

Means that their hotel car Parks will be packed full of them now some of you will have seen my video about my trip across South Wales and will remember that in Newport the supercharge is actually in the grounds of a hotel and they have 20 or 30 destination charges there which

Are free to Hotel guests so is this the way forward well it actually is particularly with workplace if you run a business and your St are now asking for the salary sacrifice system so they can buy an EV which is a cracking deal by the way then

It makes sense for you to put in workplace destination charges now if you go to a company like podp point they will actually put them in for free they have a range of deals on offer one of them is just hand the whole thing over to them they will install them run them

And everything but the usual Arrangement is they will install them free of charge and you do a deal on splitting the revenue they generate from the electricity they sell so for workplaces it means you don’t have to pay anything to get a proper workplace charging station

Covering 5 10 20 50 charges in your car park totally free so why is this important well if you think that you have to have home charging then you’ll think thinking will go something like this every day I have to come home I have to plug my car

Into my home charger it will charge slowly overnight so when I wake up in the morning the battery will be fully charged and I can go off on the day and then I repeat that at night so if I haven’t got home charging I obviously can’t have an EV well let’s reverse that

With workplace Chargers you have no charger at home you don’t need one what happens is you jump in your car which is part of your salary sacrifice supplied by the company you drive to your workplace you pull into the car park and you plug it in to a to a workplace

Charger it will sit there all day 7 8 9 10 hours however long it is you work there for and so when you come out of work at the end of the day and jump in your car it will be fully charged allowing you to drive home don’t

Bother plugging it in at home you haven’t got a charger and you’ll have plenty of charge to get back to work the next day now it does mean that whatever you put in the day will almost certainly exceed what you use getting to and from

Work so on a Friday night when you get home your batter is likely to be fully charged and at that point you can go driving around all over the weekend without any home charging or public charging as long as you’re not going to do more than about 200 miles which most

Cars can cover in one single charge and just leave enough for you to get back to work on the Monday morning and plug in again wow is that a turn up for the books but also look at the hotels car Parks shopping centers all of those are installing destination charges now you

Go to a hotel like the uh Celtic Mana hotel in Newport uh you stay overnight you plug your car in great absolutely brilliant you wake up every morning it’s fresh so Best Western Hotels just announced a massive deal with Tesla to buy their V4 charges off them and install tens of thousands

Of them around the world so again if you don’t have charging at home if everywhere you go you find there are Hotel car parks there are retail parks there work destination uh workplace Chargers if everywhere you go you can just plug your car in and do

A topup whether it’s an hour or 7 hours then you don’t actually need a home charger one of the things most people don’t realize about an EV is that it will sit for about 22 hours every single day not being used you made do a half hour commute in the

Morning half hour back in the evening you may do a bit of a drive at weekend your car is sat there all the time not doing anything if you can get enough destination charges workplace charges you can just make sure wherever you go you just plug it in top it

Up anyway moving on okay uh just having a look at Australia there’s a certain um anti EV Channel as I’ve referenced a few times I don’t name names cuz I don’t want to drive any extra business to this obviously ridiculous site telling lies uh but the very latest is oh it’s

Getting a bit desperate isn’t it he’s had a look at the Cyber truck and he’s told everyone don’t buy the Cyber truck it is too ugly well okay sorry I was going to say something about looking in the mirror but no that’s lowering myself a little

Bit too far uh this really is des desperation setting in if the only thing you can say about a car is that you find it ugly and you wouldn’t buy one huh getting a bit desperate well back here in the UK our insurance companies starting to refuse

To in insure certain cars no not EVS these are Land Rovers and Range Rovers apparently they’re way too easy to steal and they’re just going at a massive rate and we’re seeing prices quoted for people with Land Rovers and Range Rovers ad mly top of the range paying over

5,000 a year on average and up above £10,000 a year in certain hotspots H makes my EV Insurance £1,200 look really cheap looking at the banks oh there’s a movement around the world now this stopping lending to customers who want to buy petrol and diesel cars whoa okay this is

Unexpected this early on uh this was obvious for later but at this stage it’s quite unexpected what they’re saying is these loans are becoming too risky well the interest rates are high already people are struggling to make their payments if you’re going to buy an an ice car at Sky

High interest rates first of all financially there’s a very good chance you might well get it back again um as a default uh you just can’t afford it anymore so you hand it back but but if EVs do take off and if that drives down

The price of all cars not just EVS then it means these ice cars are lending money against will not be worth anything like the outstanding debt if they’re handed back and Banks do not like lending money not getting paid interest and not having assets sufficient to cover the

Loan wonder why so what we’re seeing is the banks are now starting to get very choosy over in the states the interest rate on the car loans for petrol and diesel cars is now rocketing you’re talking about 10% if you got good credit rating 15 to 20% if you’re not absolutely

Perfect some of the ice manufacturers legacies like uh Ford Motor Company General Motors they’re starting to offer just a few zero interest uh loans to their customers using their own Finance of course no banks would touch that but in general the rates are going higher Tesla however not only if they

Slash prices they’re offering 6.9% and you get six months free supercharging whoa this is seriously good stuff come on Tesla there’s more you can do oh yes there is cybertruck deliveries now happening and there’s a load of videos on on YouTube uh mainly Sandy Monroe and others and they’ve been given a totally

Open tour of the factory now this just doesn’t happen in the in the Motor World in the auto world everything people do it’s all top secret hidden you can’t let it out of the bag what we’re working on what we’re hoping to achieve Tesla has a

Cyber Tru open day and it just invites all of the engineers who want to to go and have a wander around the factory what they found was absolutely amazing they have discovered that the factory is already set up for mass production now they’re not making cyber trucks in mass

Production yet they are though geared up for it so what happens is as they start making cars in larger numbers what you’ll see is they just slowly ramp up the speed until quality control says Whoa hang on a minute we’re going to a bit too fast at this stage so speed will

Be backed off whatever caused the quality control issue will be rectified and then they’ll go back to ramping up the speed we’re going to find that the speed speed of manufacturer of these uh cyber trucks is going to be way more than most people are anticipating so can they sell them well

Obviously at this stage we’re in the early adopters these are people who buy anything at any price and these are absolute magnet for them this is just so different so Hightech so state symbol everyone’s got to have one if you’re one of these rich people you’ll just go out

And buy these time will tell because the the adopters will drop off Tesla have announced they do have 2 million Advanced pre-orders these are held on a $250 uh deposit uh but they’re now writing to everyone saying if you want your cyber truck you need to convert your

$250 into a decent size uh deposit and confirm your order well that obviously won’t happen this year but over the first six months of next year what you’re going to see is a number of the early reservations just dropping off the system it always will a lot of people

Just speculative yeah let just going reserve one see what happens however the one to watch is how many people are confirming their orders with a larger deposit that’s the telling one I think we’re going to start getting an indication of that in six months time so my prediction the early adopters will

Drop off but nothing like the extent that people are claiming and the dedicated buyers will grow not only will some of those who have early reservations turn it into a firm order but other people seeing them on the road will be going wow look at that that is

Amazing and when they start seeing all the videos on YouTube about these going faster than Lamborghinis and Ferraris and Porsches a number of totally new buyers who never reserved will will put their orders in I predict that the orders will grow over the year and Tesla will be required to

Increase a rate of production way above the 250,000 that they’ve set as their first Target that’s my prediction 2024 we will see this before the end of 2024 so we’ll come back to that in 12 months time now in the UK there’s a lot of moves uh being happening at the moment

Uh particularly regarding UK public EV charges well they have been taking an awful lot of government money grants and subsidies to install loads and loads and loads of EV charges Rapids and Ultra Rapids around and we’re seeing that everywhere we go there are Charges going in everywhere however those uh grants

And subsidies and tax breaks were subject to meeting certain targets for example reli liability was one of those which must be over 99% so if they want to keep on getting funds what they’ve already installed from January the 1 will now be monitored much more closely and if they have as a

Lot of them have just slapped them in and let them fail and we do in our travels Jonas and I come across a large number of new charges that just aren’t working uh we saw six out of 12 grid serves recently down uh we witnessed a total grid serve site going down and

We’ve seen others just being switched off because they’ stopped working so what’s going to happen now is those future funds are going to dry up and they’re going to have to spend some money which well they don’t actually well they haven’t set aside any for and

They’re going to have to get all their existing EV uh Chargers up to dat fully working before they can get any fresh money so at last starting January 1st we’re likely to see a lot of these out of use out of service charges coming back online if they can achieve that then

They have a chance for the future see one of the problems is that Tesla spotted this a long long time ago what they saw was that you need fast reliable charging to encourage people to buy EVS so Tesla started their charger installation that superchargers and they were all highspeed they started at 150

KW and they’re now up at 250 KW but they’ve also worked on the cars and the cars charge very much faster than your average car so all of the model 3 is now minimum 170 175 KW but the long range and the performance models across acoss the board and now 250

KW Tesla also adapted the software in the car so that if ever you tell the car satav that you’re going to a charger it will automatically precondition the battery even in the summer mine often comes on with an ambing temperature of 21° and what this means is the Tesla

Cars will arrive at the Tesla charges with a very nice warm battery waiting to be charged at full speed the car will be able to take 170 KW most of the charges now are 250 KW so they will charge really fast and the average Tesla charging time now has been reduced down

To about 15 minutes for a 20% to 80% charge and that means that each Tesla Supercharger has a throughput of up to four cars an hour now let’s have a look at non- Tesla ccs2 Chargers no names here they’re all the same but unfortunately the EVS that they are

Charging do not have hugely fast charging speeds most of them stellantis for example very rarely allow above 100 kilowatt some of the older cars are 80 Kow and even the new dashia spring that one’s about 35 kilow so what this mean means is that all these 350 Kow Charges going in are

Going to be plugged into cars that can take less than 100 many of these because charging is so slow will also want to charge up to 100% just blocking a Chargers but what it means from a business point of view is that a 350 KW charger charging a I don’t

Know a f 500 the car’s going to be there for 30 40 50 minutes trying to get the charge up they’ll quote 20 to 80% in 45 minutes or something but in reality people often charge above that and some of them charge slower so it means that these 350

Kilowatt Chargers are going to be taking about an hour to charge one car that’s four times slower than the Tesla superchargers and we see this in EV production as well Volkswagen have announced it takes them three times as long to make an EV as Tesla does speed mass production it’s the

Secret so we are going to see more charges which is absolutely great for all EV drivers we’re going to see a lot more Teslas they’ve installed about 300 new charges this year across 17 locations it’s a massive program going on so let’s hope that this all heads in the right

Direction my own person person Al prediction for next year Well Tesla will install more Tesla will start dropping prices where other charges are already or being installed and they are going to have to cut their prices if that happens the money for keeping and maintaining the charges is

Going to dry up overnight future investment is just going to end totally and we’re going to see all charger prices coming down how’s that for a prediction will Tesla recall up to 4 million EVS for a critical upgrade no um this was all about full self- driving or autopilot uh there is

No such thing as full self driving legally at the moment but on autopilot it requires driver attention and the powers that be it they decided that Tesla drivers were not required to pay enough attention to the road which would make the autopilot potentially dangerous Tesla agreed and so Tesla has has produced an

Overthe a update to force drivers to pay more attention you know that niggly thing where you have to touch the wheel every so often or with some cars you have um ey tracking to make sure you’re looking ahead at the road it just means that in future drivers on autopilot will be

Required to actually watch the road that’s what it’s intended for that’s what it’s sold as on the website meanwhile Ford retains his place as the number one auto company for product recalls H just so many can’t even count them and Toyota today also recalls 1 million all of those have to

Go back to the factory isn’t it strange that Tesla send out and over the air update while the drivers are asleep it’s called a recall and Toyota drivers all having go going back all having to go back to the factory and leave the car in for some time is also a

Recall and just on the point of recalls turns out the niss and ARA it has no recalls well uh they have a facility for overthe a updates and recently there were two recalls for Nissan uh both of those were fixed with what they called an over the theair

Update but the cars had to go into the workshop in order to get the overthe a update I’m thinking andone if it is an overthe a update it doesn’t matter where the car is it’s an overthe a update if it has to go into the workshop it means

It’s not a true overthe update someone somewhere in the workshop has to to do something manually H well Tesla drivers meanwhile uh they’re average averaging something like one a week over the air update some of them are General improvements and necessary ones and most of them are just bonuses I mean recently

For example a lot of people complained about the wipers it wasn’t very good it sometimes wouldn’t detect when the rain was there and would Le leave the wipers on bit longer once the rain had stopped a lot of people complained last over the air update just come out you get an

Update to the wiper control and first reports back from that one it’s now working properly you don’t have to take over and manually adjust your wipers and I still get about one a month my car’s now seven years old I get bonus ones all the time loads of things

Happening and usually there’s another bonus one at Christmas this one has hidden Easter eggs for those of you who don’t know an Easter egg is just something think about Easter egg Huns it’s just something that’s hidden away within the uh over theair update that you have to look for it might be having

To rename your car um 42 uh heik is Guide to the Galaxy fans will know what that means and if you do these sorts of things new features will open up well that’s absolutely great but in the meantime one I got about three years ago is my Christmas update so that one’s

Running at the moment so every time the car startop starts up my car is no longer shown as a Tesla Model S in the display it’s now a Santa Claus on a sleigh with reindeer and my indicators no longer go they play Jingle Bells it’s hilarious no use whatsoever but

Hilarious and the display has now got snow falling all the time I don’t know I just like it okay UK fful take panels it’s on a massive sales Boom at the moment as the price of the panels continues to drop it’s a boom industry which should been putting more money

Into this boom industry apparently now 73% of all photoa panels are going onto private homes not into big solar PV Farms those solar Farms did take the bulk of panels until recently but now private houses are taking over with those solar PV Farms I’ve added 1.7 G

Gaws this year and that brings their total up to 17.6 gaw now when we’re looking at generation today we C the current demand is around about 33 gaw and nearly two gws of that is from from PV Farms Volkswagen launched the new id7 to a

Disaster yeah the rot is set in the ID3 and the id4 are dropping rapidly down the same sales lists and very disappointing results and have virtually gone down to zero in China the id7 was meant to be the Savior come get them out of the hole they’ve dug for

Themselves didn’t work maybe you need to go to plan B push taan in the meantime that one almost reached the same point it dropped alarmingly but they made a few changes and it’s now bounced back and they’re having a bit of a run bit of a success

On it so good luck to them now i’ just like to add an article this comes from Timothy Oliver one of my regular viewers and he’s sent in an article and it’s a Nissan ARA uh which I’ve just done the video with uh with Phil and it is the

First vehicle ever to travel from pole to pole yeah North Pole South Pole all the way driving never been done by any car before petrol diesel or electric and the car was totally unmodified apart from installing snow tires well pretty logical for that one anyway that’s a massive achievement which seems to have

Bypassed the media totally but you can always G guarantee you’ll find it on this channel well thanks very much Timothy if any of you out there have similar articles or you’ve got photographs or videos of anything that you’ve seen while you’re out and about please send them through to me uh Dave

Takes it on@ gmail.com we will now include these as a feature of most videos in the future well it really is an exciting time at the moment I hope you’ve enjoyed this news review news update there’s so much happening all around the world can’t possibly include

It all uh and even this one is running far longer than I would have liked for a video well thanks very much for watching if you have enjoyed this video please click the like button and if you’d like to see more please subscribe and click the notification Bell so we can notify

You next time we launch a video and a massive thank you to all our patreon supporters it is your support that enables us to go out and make these videos for you so thank you very much for your contribution I’m Dave

The year is winding down but EV news keeps pouring in. So to find out what’s going on in the world, stick around as Dave Takes It On.

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About The Channel:
Dave Takes It On is run by Dave – who creates the videos – and his son Jonas, who supports with thumbnails, titles, and the technical side of things. Dave drives a Tesla Model S and regularly travels around the country, so if you see him feel free to say hello.

#davetakesiton #ev #electricvehicles #evnews

00:00 – Start
00:28 – 7 EV makers launch 30,000 EV chargers
01:13 – Tesla now has 50,000 superchargers
01:59 – US EV sales exceed 1 million YTD
02:40 – Live Gridwatch renewable power
03:35 – Opec cuts production again to try to boost profits
05:02 – Ford Dealers packed with unsold cars
06:33 – Tesla slash prices of Model 3
08:03 – US sells largest steel plant to Japan
09:36 – Cheapest labour now in Mexico, then India then China
10:27 – Best Western Hotels Install Tesla chargers
15:49 – Cybertruck is ugly do not buy it. Desparation?
16:41 – Insurance companies refuse to cover Land Rover and Range Rover
17:23 – banks refuse to lend for ICE cars
19:18 – Tesla loan 6.9%
19:36 – Cybertruck deliveries
23:22 – UK EV charger regulations toughen up
25:43 – Tesla charge 170/250kW much faster plus pre-heating
28:56 – My charging prediction for 2024
29:27 – Tesla and Toyota vehicle recalls
31:12 – Nissan Ariya OTA update
33:18 – Tesla Christmas display mode
33:53 – UK solar PV boom
34:46 – VW launch ID7 to disaster

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