
Clio, 33 ans de souvenirs publicitaires | Renault Group

Clio, 33 ans de souvenirs publicitaires | Renault Group

Cleo fits exactly with my professional life because I started working in 1990 there are several things that stand out for me in the crew advertising Saga the first was the launch which honestly I thought was a complete failure with the Transformer concept But I have to sincerely admit that we made up for it because I remember the Cleo Saga perfectly with its got everything of a great car I remember the three USSR movies in 1992 the Chinese film in 1994 with that incredible slogan that you can’t do anymore if you don’t have the nuclear

Ride or bike it’s impossible to say that today and then of course the 1995 film with the modern version of The Godfather I also vividly remember a film that marked a world generation which I think was the first time we saw the cleobacaha I think it was on Cleo phase one again not expensive enough myself with the very cool Emir in the same attitude as she has everything for a

Great car there are at least two uh that for me uh are absolutely iconic movie the famous get up get up get up as it’s remembered this advert which I believe was for the MTV limited edition in Italy Then of course there’s the absolutely crazy advertising Sagar from 1991 I think it lasted to 1998. it’s in UK it’s Popeye Nicolo that’s an iconic Saga I love that song then I remember one slogan which was a perfectly written it was around 2007 it was the movie called the scenic

Stereo duration I think it was in France I really like that I’m quite jealous I would have loved to have found the slogan obviously out of Majesty I don’t want to include in the list of the iconic movies the one that I’ve made since 2020 but I really like

One of these uh it was the one where we covered um the music from the bagels called video kill the Radio Star which was a bit of re-story telling of the Cleo Saga I have to acknowledge the fact that there are plenty of ads that I didn’t like either let’s be honest that’s fair but still about nine or ten that I liked that’s pretty cool the energy is changing it’s becoming an hybrid but the love is still there and

It’s really what we wanted to play up in fact we wanted to do something extremely fashion premium we wanted as always an iconic music we have chosen erazure I say it is a French accent or Amour which is a huge eat from the 90s Close my heart but that’s not enough we have a little surprise for the end of the year because we have made something specific for Cleo and it will be released by the end of the year exactly in December we’ve given carto Blanche to a rap artist his name is Sila

He’s from Belgium that’s the surprise of the year for the Clio 33 anniversary of advertising

Si on vous dit « Elle a tout d’une grande » ou « Pas assez cher mon fils », à quelle voiture pensez-vous ? Ces slogans publicitaires sont devenus aussi culte que la voiture qu’ils désignent, en l’occurrence la Renault Clio. Deux coups de maître qui en ont appelé de nombreux autres. Arnaud Belloni, Renault Global Chief Marketing Officer, apporte son regard de spécialiste sur les campagnes et les slogans les plus marquants de 33 ans de carrière publicitaire pour Clio. Il nous dévoile ses coups de cœur, revient sur la campagne actuelle « Oh l’amour » et nous donne quelques indices sur la prochaine qui arrivera d’ici la fin de l’année.
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