Electric Cars



The end is here USA and Canada just made a shocking announcement sending shivers down the spines of all common people non- gas powered cars are getting banned and it’s happening sooner than you might have thought and get this people are totally going against EVS refusing to buy them even straight up abandoning

Thousands of EVS but the elite politicians are keen on forcing EVS on the people so why are people hating on EVs and why exactly are the political leaders going against the nation and ripping off the middle class at the same time EVS are not as good as they seem

And the government doesn’t want you knowing the full story but in this video I’m going to expose the truth first off let’s talk about what’s going down in the USA you know how we love our road trips and our gas guzzling cars right well things are taking a crazy turn as

Of now nine states led by California are saying affirm no more to new gas powerered cars by 2035 yep you heard that right they’re not not just cutting down they’re straight up Banning the sale of new gas cars this isn’t just about reducing pollution it’s a complete GameChanger but wait there’s more the

Big Folks at the EPA or Environmental Protection Agency are pushing for something even Wilder they want 67% of all new cars sold to be EVS by 2032 so they want two out of every three cars to be electric by 20132 that’s not even a decade away think about it that means EV

Sales have to jump 10 10 times from where they are now and right now electric cars are just about 7% of new car sales this is like trying to jump to the moon but what if I were to tell you that EVS are doing more harm than good

All these promises are nothing but a big scan in the next two minutes I’m going to expose what the government doesn’t want you to know so listen very carefully now President Joe Biden he’s been talking about EVS too last year he said he wants half of all new cars sold

To be EVS or hybrids by 2030 but the EPA they’re like nah we’re going bigger they’re not including hybrids in their goal so it’s all about fully electric cars what these guys don’t understand is how badly this will hit the common man if implemented think about it the

Average price for a new EV is well over $55,000 and you can add to that the heavy insurance cost on these things in some cases Tesla owners are having to pay as high as $6,000 for insuring their car annually but more on that later and

Tell me this do all of you have the facility to charge cars in your house what about the folks that live in colder climates where the range drops even further and don’t even get me started on how the batteries degrade on these things used EV prices drop like crazy so

In just 3 years you’re looking at a price drop of almost 50% simply because the batteries can’t hold to their full capacity anymore so here’s where it gets tricky this isn’t an outright ban on gas cars you could still drive your old gas guzzlers or buy a used one but if you’re

Looking for a brand brand new ride after 2035 in these states it’s going to have to be electric so the car companies they’re in a frenzy some are like this is too much too fast but others like Tesla are all for it they’re saying bring it on we can sell only electric

Cars by 2030 yeah Elon Musk and his crew are pretty confident now let’s look at the numbers because they paint a clearer picture from 2023 to 2027 Automotive companies are pouring in $616 billion in total investments in EVS as reported by consulting firm Alex Partners despite these Investments EVS are surprisingly

Piling up at dealership Lots initially both EV and IC Vehicles had about the same day supply which is a measurement of how long a dealer’s current inventory would last without new stock coming in but things changed drastically while IC vehicle supplies remained stable the supply of EVS shot up to 97 days in

Early October even touching a peak inventory of around 111 days in early July this means dealers have more EVS sitting unsold for longer periods in a striking contrast back in August 2023 it took about twice as long to sell an EV in the US as it did the previous January

While gas burning Vehicles continued to sell all EV makers have to lower car prices to stay competitive they are saying the demand is huge but on the other hand they are slowing down production Ford killed their F-150 Lightning while GM stopped production of their Silverado EV the Japanese like

Toyota and Honda on the flip side are making huge profits selling good hybrids but here’s the catch switching to Electric isn’t just about making new cars we need tons of batteries and guess what most of those materials come from outside the US plus where are all these

Electric cars going to charge the whole country needs a massive upgrade in charging stations so what’s the public saying well it’s a mixed bag some people are super excited about electric cars but others especially those who can’t afford a $50,000 car are not so thrilled

And get this Canada is joining the US in the non-ev ban as well by 2026 Canada wants 20% of all new cars sold to be zero emission vehicles that includes battery electric hydrogen and plug-in hybrids then just 4 years later in 2030 they’re cranking that number up to a

Whopping 60% and by 2035 it’s game over for gas cars 100% of new cars sold will have to be zero emission and it’s not just North America getting in on this the European Union and the UK are also jumping on the EV bandwagon they’ve set their own deadlines to ditch gas cars by

2035 let’s not forget the big picture climate change the whole idea behind this massive push for EVS is to cut down on pollution cars and trucks are one of the biggest sources of greenhouse gases so making a switch to Electric can really help out the planet but it’s a

Huge change and not everyone’s ready for it and what if I tell you EES are not as green as they seem but there’s a darker side to the story that’s kind of shocking and not talked about enough so Eves use these big batteries and they’re made up of rare metals like lithium and

Cobalt these metals are crucial for the batteries to work well and safely but here’s the catch a huge chunk of the world supply of cobalt comes from just one place the Democratic Republic of the Congo or DRC and the situation there is pretty bad there are no real safety

Rules or laws to protect the workers and a shocking number of them are kids we’re talking tens of thousands some as young as 6 years old these kids work in brutal conditions they crawl into narrow tunnels that are way too small for adults digging for Cobalt with their bare hands sometimes without

Proper safety gear or enough oxygen and here’s another twist some big car companies like Tesla and others say they’re trying to cut down on using Cobalt or get it from more ethical sources but the truth is tracing these Supply chains is super tricky it’s hard

To know for sure where every big bit of material in your EV battery comes from so while EVS definitely have their benefits like lower emissions when they’re on the road but there’s this whole backstory that’s not as clean and green as we’d like it to be but

Regardless of what’s happening in the EV Market Biden is imposing rules and regulations to get rid of non- EVs and Strongarm the middle class his stance is companies should make EVS or simply perish Jack and as for the middle class he has smartly introduced these tax incentives so that people think EVS are

Afford whereas in reality the truth is something else on the flip side former president Trump isn’t buying the EV hype he’s more about economic nationalism worrying that this rapid shift to EVS might be a misstep Trump’s concerns revolve around the practicality and cost of EVS questioning their feasibility and

Impact on the traditional Auto industry he’s skeptical about relying on Tech that’s still in his view in its early days Trump’s approach is more about preserving jobs and the status quo in the auto sector and less about jumping on the EV bandwagon now about these rules and regulations they’re not just

Suggestions they’re pretty strict and car makers have to follow them if they don’t they’ll get fined the US Transportation secretary Pete Budaj is all about this he says it’ll save Americans money and make the country more energy secure but here’s the real kicker people aren’t buying electric

Cars as fast as the government hoped even with tax credits and incentives EES are just sitting in dealer Lots unsold before we continue if you could hit that subscribe button it would make my day car dealerships are freaking out they’re telling the government to slow down on

Pushing EVS 4,000 car dealers even sent a ravaging letter to the Biden Administration begging to stop pushing for EVS so hard but no one seems to be listening then there’s the job situation union workers are worried they’re thinking what happens to our jobs if everything goes electric it’s a big

Concern especially in the Auto industry which has been around for like forever Ford and GM have fired thousands of workers already and over in Germany Volkswagen has been doing the same so all in all this hurried push seems to be doing more harm than good at least for

The middle class while EVS are seen as a key solution to reducing emissions they aren’t the only option there’s a growing debate about whether we should put all our eggs in the EV basket or explore a mix of Technologies including hybrids and other alternative fuels should gas

Powerered cars get banned do we need to go all electric let me know down in the comments below I just uploaded a video about groundbreaking news that could hurt the entire EV industry do check it out if you want to be truly shocked by what’s about to happen with our precious EVS

The END is HERE! USA & Canada just made a SHOCKING announcement, sending shivers down the spines of all common people! Non-EV Gas-Powered Cars are getting banned, and it’s happening sooner than you might have thought! And get this: People are going totally against EVs, refusing to buy them, and even straight up abandoning thousands of EVs. But the elite politicians are keen on forcing EVs on people.

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