Electric Motorcycles

BUDGET E-BIKE TEST – Riding my Mamba Venom Double Strike at Bayview Conservation Area

BUDGET E-BIKE TEST – Riding my Mamba Venom Double Strike at Bayview Conservation Area

[Applause] good morning guys um I’ve been doing this for a few mornings now you know going for a cool ride and stuff and um this bike I’ve done about hang on let’s double check it um we’ve done a fair few KS on it now I just wanted to give it a

Decent run before I um did like a really sweet review on it’s got 350 km on it now I’ve done some really big rides um I’ve ridden from Redland Bay all the way to Eagle Farm on one charge on speed five the whole time going over the

Gateway Bridge um I didn’t that on the GoPro but I did do it on Instagram if you do want to go check that out um anyway I’m going to take this bike we’re going to ride over to the other side of uh Redland by sort of Mount cotton

There’s some cool uh sort of downhill mount bike riding tracks in there so I’m going to jump on and do that I’m I’ll do a little bit of recording um try to show you a bit of Staff I’m not like a professional downhill mountain bike rider or anything like that um but

Having that extra power is just like making me want to ride every day it’s like having a motor bike again all right to turn this thing on there’s a little button over here press that press hold a tiny bit pump it straight up to setting five so it’s on five full battery we’re

Ready to roll now this thing does drive itself but I hope I got the camera in the right spot so here we go hope that’s all right there all right Bay View Conservation Area Conservation Area yeah oh good we going to take this bad boy let’s go and smash

This truck up a little bit um most of it’s going to be on this lovely little eBay GoPro little holder I got bit weird but uh probably give you the best footage um that I can give you he let’s go [Applause] smack welcome I’ve been smashing around on the

Mber Venom yeah remember double strike sorry Venom dual suspension ebike uh 750 W Motor um 17 amp hour lithium battery yeah jump on the website it’s pedal.com wau um they’ve been really really helpful um super super good communication any little issues that I’ve had which I’ve only had one little

Thing was one of the pedals was clicking um they basically sent me down to uh any bike shop they said go to any bike shop grab a new set of pedals and they’ll reimburse me so Boom the pedals all good so that was um just one little issue

That I had otherwise it’s been so good so good so I’ve done about 370 km of travel on this thing um I’ve been out to uh Eagle farm so I’ve ridden from Redland Bay to Eagle Farm I did a video on the Instagram Wheels by the ocean

Instagram you might be able to find it in our reals there um of me driving uh riding the bike all the way there on the highest speed setting and I made it the whole way it was it was Unreal was a really really good ride um it’s a goodl

Looking bike but anyway what I’m trying to show you today I’m out at um W something something Bay View Conservation Area it’s called um and I’m just doing a bit of downhill I did have a strap um around my chest out of the camera on it and stuff and I’m like oh

Yeah sweet I’ll do a little bit of filming with that but it kept aiming the camera too low um so sort of just I don’t know what I want to show you here this I found this big hill here yeah it’s a big long hill I want to show you

This thing can get up hills it’s freak amazing like it’s making my ride so much more fun so instead of having to get off the bike and walk up all these Hills I’m actually able to Pedal up it it’s going to be a bit different holding the camera

Out to the side cuz I’m going to try to show you how I do all this um but here’s a little bit what the bike looks like from this point of view um there’s my little Speedo thingy to turn it on and off over here to change the speed

Settings it’s just here set a speed set I can go 4 3 2 five thre that right speed five all the time that’s all I ride it on already been riding for about 20 minutes um and we got full battery still the bike still looks great um I

Did drop it on its side before unfortunately while I was trying to do something um come back around here let’s let’s try to get up this hill I’m hold it out here my left hand speed five I might drop down a few gears oh my God

See I’m not even pedaling right oh my God this this is not good with one hand it’s not ideal oh this a big hill yeah I think you can see this a this a really Steep Hill no I don’t think do this I’m running that energy

Already come on there’s no way I’d be riding up this Hills usually come on baby motor still going still onehanded come On you can do Baby I see you been up the hill the bik get all that Ch ch That was a sick ride that was mad basically no pedaling right he just does its thing any I’m going to say by here I was saying body up there then all mate started talking to me um anyway awesome bike thanks very much for watching see you Later

Pushing my Ebike to its limits

I am so happy with how good my Mamba Venom Double Stike is preforming. I can’t stop riding it!!

Today I take it for a ride to Bayview Conservation Area at Mount Cotton (Redlands) so many awesome trails in here. Usually I can only go 2 times downhill because i get too tired pushing the bike up the hills haha. Now its way more fun!

Check out PEDL here
NEW MAMBA Venom Double Strike EBIKE 48v17ah 750w

The bike is $2250 which is an amazing price for an ebike so I definitely consider it ‘Budget’ compared to other bikes on the market.

NEW MAMBA Venom Double Strike EBIKE 48v17ah 750w

Thanks for watching guys,
Stick around, some more travel eps will be out really soon!!



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