Electric Cars



EVS are killing the middle class EV makers just sent a brutal warning to ditch their own EVs and go back to combustion cars why because they don’t want to be ripping off the middle class anymore with thousands of EVS lying unsold in dealer Lots the EV hype is

Finally over prices will come crashing down and you might be in for a big surprise if you were going to buy an EV but don’t get excited just yet I’m going to be exposing fatal flaws with EVS that the politic leaders have been trying to cover up they’ve got to stop forcing EVS

On us and give us what we really want and it has to happen now so here’s what exactly happened the Biden Administration has been forcing all car makers to make more and more EVs and if they can’t that’s tough Jack but car makers have just threatened to go

Against EVS cuz EVS are nothing but a big scam killing these companies this sounds good for the environment and all but here’s the real deal EVS are heavily overpriced right now and come with four big issues that no one told us about but before I tell you about that let me tell

You about why all the EV makers are finally going against the government EVS are turning out to be a big disappointment for everyone the middle class cannot afford them and Brands can’t continue to make these cars if they don’t sell well but how bad can it

Really be well how does a $9 billion hole in the ground seam the US government has already pumped more than that in incentivizing EVS even handing out a $7,500 tax credit just to sell these EVS but the consequences they’re so bad that you might start to hate EVS

Picture this automakers like GM Ford Hyundai and Toyota all big names in the game are sitting on a ticking Time Bomb over 90 days worth of unsold EVS that’s not just a few cars we’re talking about over 92,000 EVS a staggering triple increase from last year Accord according

To Cox’s Automotive imagine car lots crammed with Sleek silent electric vehicles with no one to drive them and it’s not just a few models there’s a whole range with some like GM’s Cadillac lyrics below the industry average but still struggling GM’s in a tough spot they’re trying to ramp up their next gen

Ultium EVS but out of the 36024 EVS they’ve delivered in the first half of the year only a tiny fraction were these new models they’re aiming to build 100,000 electric vehicles in North America in the latter half of the year but given the current scenario it feels like a high stakes gamble Ford’s

Situation isn’t any better they’re holding on to 86 days worth of F-150 lightnings and even more 113 days worth of Mustang Mach e SUVs Ford’s arguing that these numbers are inflated but even then the reality is grim they’ve built over 46,000 Mach e in the first half of

The year but only sold about 14,000 they even slashed prices in May A desperate move to lure buyers and get this Volkswagen dealers are sitting on 131 days worth of their id4 electric SUVs that’s a lot of cars sitting around just waiting for buyers VW admits there’s a

Softening in the US EV Market but they still see strong demand for the id4 they’re facing a peculiar problem not enough all-wheel drive versions which is what American buyers are looking for everyone is trying to void the reality that the EV hype is now over and they misjudged everything even Tesla the big

EV player is slashing prices and seen a sales dip this price War has pushed the average selling price of EVS to 53,486 6,390 in June of 2022 it’s a fierce battle out there with automakers caught between aggressive competition and Regulatory pressure from DC Biden wants

Two out of every three cars sold to be electric by 2030 but people are definitely not on board with this plan now remember when I told you about four major problems that are keeping people from buying EVS let’s go over them in detail first up we have the biggest

Issue that no company wants you to know the range of these vehicles especially in specific scenarios like living in remote areas colder climates and for those who need their vehicle for heavy duty tasks like hauling this concern isn’t just a minor inconvenience it’s a major roadblock in the path to

Widespread EV adoption the advertised range of EVS is often based on ideal conditions moderate temperatures flat terrain and no additional load in the vehicle however in real world conditions this range can drop significantly for people living in remote areas or in regions with extreme weather conditions this range issue becomes a significant

Concern in colder climates for instance the battery efficiency of EVS can drop drastically it’s not uncommon Comm for ev’s range to decrease by 20 to 40% in cold weather this happens because lithium ion batteries which power most EVS are less efficient in cold temperatures moreover using the heater

To keep the car warm consumes additional battery power further reducing the range for those of us living in rural or remote areas where charging stations might be few and far between this reduced range can be a major problem imagine living in a mountainous region or a place far from Urban centers and

The nearest charging station is over 50 Mi away with a reduced range an EV might not make it to the charging station and back without running out of juice similarly when an EV is used for towing or carrying heavy loads the range can again take a significant hit the extra

Weight requires more power from the battery reducing the total distance the vehicle can travel on a single charge for someone who uses their vehicle for work like hauling equipment or transporting goods EVS are not practical at all sure you have big EV pickups with 500 horsepower or more but what good is

That that when you can’t even go the distance without charging now the second biggest hurdle which you might ignore completely is the charging infrastructure sure you might have seen Brands claiming you can charge your EV within 30 minutes or that there are more than a 100,000 charging stations around

But what if I told you the reality is far from this in fact GM and Ford even had to pay a huge fine due to false advertising and sure Tesla’s supercharging network is growing fast but there’s a big problem that everyone is hiding let me explain imagine this

You’ve just bought an EV excited about contributing to a cleaner environment you plan a road trip but halfway through you need to charge your car you drive to the nearest charging station and what do you find the charging station is either broken or there’s a ridiculously long

Line of people waiting to charge a recent survey by JD Power found that 20% of EV owners faced this exact problem they arrived at a charging station and left without getting any charge that’s one in5 people which is pretty alarming the overall satisfaction with the EV charging experience is dropping and it’s

Not hard to see why the scores for fast charging and level two charging stations have plummeted to the lowest levels since 2021 this Decline and satisfaction isn’t just about broken equipment it’s also about the cost and speed of charging and the lack of amenities near charging stations now let’s talk about

Charging speed level two Chargers are painfully slow offering about 25 M of range per hour of charging this means if your EV battery is completely drained you might need to wait for hours to get a full charge imagine needing to spend half a day at a charging station it’s

Not exactly convenient now is it but it gets worse the survey also identified specific areas where charging is a nightmare for instance in the Fort Lauderdale metropolitan area there’s a whopping 35% rate of unsuccessful charging attempts and then we have the cost issue EV charging is becoming

Expensive and it doesn’t help that the the price for public charging is often higher than charging at home plus the EV Market is still in its infancy meaning there’s a lot of confusion and learning for new EV owners which only adds to the frustration so what does all this mean

For Ev owners and potential buyers it’s a serious turnoff the unreliability and dissatisfaction with charging are pushing people away from EVS then the third problem is the price which you’re probably already aware of if you’ve been looking at a new car lately you’ll have to pay nearly $220,000 more for an EV

Compared to a hybrid and get this in order to make up for the additional upfront cost you’ll have to drive your EV for at least 60,000 miles now 60k might not seem like a lot but you know what happens to your car by then the battery capacity will decrease by nearly

30% and your car’s value will go down by nearly 60% whereas if you had purchased a hybrid at a similar price you’d only be seen a 30% drop in valuation and last but probably the worst issue with EVS is is how they’re being forced onto us with

No other options in sight car makers like Honda Toyota and even VW have previously expressed how having only EVS is a bad idea so what does Biden do instead of understanding the situation he tells these companies that they will not be getting the $7,500 tax credit anymore this was on purpose so that

Their sales suffer while the American brands like Ford and GM can flourish but instead Biden’s strategy has backfired people went forward with the Japanese selling cheap hybrids instead of buying costly EVS with huge dealer markups and now Ford is selling EVS at a loss of 36,000 per vehicle stopping further

Production without any future plans in sight and looking at a mammoth $4 billion loss on their EV division this year Tesla’s share price dropped the lowest last month since their launch of the model 3 with musk having to slash prices three times in a single quarter

GM is doing the worst of them all having to shut down production while also facing huge criticism for the flawed leadership of Mary bar which has only added fuel to the fire so on to you what do you think are politicians forcing EVS on all car makers let me know down in

The comments below I just uploaded a video about groundbreaking news that could hurt the entire EV industry do check it out if you want to be truly shocked by what’s about to happen with EVS

EVs are killing the middle class! EV makers just sent a BRUTAL warning to DITCH EVs and go back to combustion cars. Why? Because they do not want to rip off the middle class anymore! With thousands of EVs lying unsold in dealer lots, the EV hype is finally over. Prices will come crashing down, and you might be in for a big surprise if you were going to buy an EV! But don’t get excited just yet, I’m gonna be exposing fatal flaws with EVs that the political leaders didn’t tell you about!

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