Electric Cars

MG ZS EV: 1000 km road trip from Delhi to Ranthambore | How difficult is it? | TOI Auto

MG ZS EV: 1000 km road trip from Delhi to Ranthambore | How difficult is it? | TOI Auto

What’s up Akash hey good morning bro all set for the trip of course let’s go either my car is there but we’re taking my car let’s go your car all right but Akash bro this is an eveve I think it’s best suited for the city let’s take my

Diesel SUV I think it will be more dependable for our trip no but this is 2023 and this is the Zs EV it can easily do our entire trip without any hassle I can bet on it well if you insist then let’s take this one and uh let me tell

You that if anything goes wrong you’re putting the bill for the entire trip deal Deal All right so we are well on our way for our road trip which I think is going to set us back close to 300 km yes so how many times will we have to charge the Zs e well the Zs comes with a 50.5 Kow hour battery pack which gives a claim range

Of 461 so we actually do not have to stop anywhere however while the car might not need a charge we both might need lunch for that we will have to stop okay just humor me for a second let’s say we do not want to max out the entire battery

Pack so what kind of uh charging stations do we have on our Indian highways absolutely so thankfully now with the popularity of EVS there are more charging stations than ever even on highways and on our route also there are multiple options how do I know that well

Because I saw the map on the infotainment system and when you set the route it gives you an option to search for charging stations along the Route and it shows multiple charging options including a fast 60 Kow charger as well so we can easily use that and it just so

Happens to be at the location where we plan to stop for our halfway Journey seems like all the connected Tech is giving you a lot of confidence about your road trip right absolutely it Is sober we are finally on the famed Delhi Mumbai Expressway and this is my first time and I’m completely mesmerized by how big it is how magnificent it is is this your first time as well yes this is the first time I’ve been on this Mumbai Expressway of course these are the kind

Of Roads we want you know to be traveling and doing long road trips on because of both the convenience factor and the kind of comfort you have on such well-built expressways absolutely and you know had we taken your car there is one thing we would have missed out on what

Adas this has 17 Adas features including the adaptive cruise control which I have just engaged now that we are on the highway and we do not have to worry about breaking and accelerating again and again so that is working and also it has Lan keep assist which means that you

Know if you you are maybe momentarily losing your focus on the road which you should not but even if you do this will sort of correct your course and that is pretty helpful yeah as you just tested it out I was checking it and in the city

Also it uh was giving us constant feedback from what is behind us due to the blind spot monitoring Adas feature that it has I did feel the emergency breaking also kick in when a motorcyclist came really close to us yes that was really helpful because when someone else is being irresponsible and

Maybe your reaction times aren’t great enough then the system kicks in and the mgzs EV keeps you safe Sumer that is almost 200 km done and under the belt and it has been pretty smooth the car like I said still has enough charge to keep going but I

Can tell that you are hungry aren’t you well I am of course we’ve been uh traveling for quite some time and we left in the morning so yeah yep definitely so let’s go eat and since we are eating might as well charge the car as well because we have a very fast 60

Kow charging station right here and like I mentioned there are so many charging stations now that you can easily charge your vehicle at almost any point during the journey and I think before we finish our Paras the charging of this car will be done well that was quite the lunch Akash I am

Absolutely full and like I said the car is done charging before we could finish our food already yep and now we have about 200 km still to go so let’s hit the road but uh that wasn’t so bad yeah but I’ll make it better would you like

To drive the car well Akash Eevee or not I have a weakness for black SUVs so I’m right I will so Amber you’ve been driving the zsv for a few kilometers now what are your thoughts well Akash what do I like when I’m out on the open Highway in my

Diesel SUV well it’s for the most of the part the torque and point that is not a complaint that anyone can have from an Eevee especially the Zs e and uh it is all systems go in that department and this is in fact quite a comfortable family

SUV when you need it to be and combined with the fact that there is an electrical motor giving you instant power it can also get pretty exciting when you need it [Applause] to okay a so that was a pretty successful day one of our Eevee road

Trip I don’t think there is much left than uh pointing this Eevee towards runor and gunning it absolutely let’s go for It Well umber I told you we’ll get to the dam and we got here and what a view you know what I noticed was that this is actually quite far away from the normal route that you would take we had to go through some of those really Rocky

Terrains but man and what a view I think it was worth it worth it definitely worth it what’s next well next nature is going to give us another glimpse of its beauty at the Jungle Safari are you excited for that of course we are in

Ranmor so we have to go for a Jungle Safari now but now I am driving go for it man Yeah Wow Akash what a day we had yesterday not only did we spot a tiger we did it on the first day itself yeah I mean I was not expecting I mean yes seeing all the other animals was great but I was not really expecting we’ll see an actual

Tiger in person we even saw Pumba so that was great we did we did we did do that well now it is time for us to head back to the city to our boring lives so yeah let’s do that but on the right side

We still get to drive back the Zs e oh yeah that is Good sober the Sun is setting down and D we are about to reach our homes only a few kilometers left for our journey we have covered close to 1,000 km and on this trip I don’t think the Zs has been a hindrance to us it has stopped only as

Many times as we had to stop for our lunch and chai breaks and I don’t think I have to pay for this trip entirely well I have to see it to you Akash because everything that you just said is true the Zs EV has shown us a

Great time up till ranmore and now almost back to Delhi and uh I could really not complain in fact the car surprised me yesterday when we had taken a little detour and lost our way and that is how I think we got to that 1,000 mark because exactly we went into the

Jungle got lost we went to see the dam we went to check out the local food and all throughout that Journey the Zs not only in terms of its charging but in terms of its capability of being able to take almost any narrow or wide Road take

On the highway take on the village routs everything it took in its stride with ease and do you know the icing on the cake what’s that can you guess what was our running cost for this trip for the vehicle for the entire trip yes I would wager around

4,400 nope I did the calculation and it came down to about 2 and 1/2 rupees per kilometer which means the the actual estimate is close to half of what you just quoted and this is while using the more expensive fast charges on the highway that’s interesting Akash so

Basically what you are telling me is that while this car has saved us a lot of money over the past uh 1,000 km it has also saved the environment a lot and also I think that if the cars spotting the wildlife are also electric then the visitors will definitely have a closer

Look and a much better time yeah an Eevee like the Zs can definitely sneak up on people as well as Wildlife so that is the end of this trip where do you want to go next weekend well Akash I cannot tell you where will we go next

But I can definitely tell you that it will be the Zs that will take us [Applause] there He

People think of electric vehicles (EVs) as modes of transport for short distances. Range anxiety and charging infrastructure are still key concerns for customers. So, we decided to partner up with MG Motor India and take the ZS EV on a long road trip from Delhi to Ranthambore. The goal of the trip was to travel to the wildlife reserve in Ranthambore and possibly spot some tigers. With the advancement in battery technology, the ZS EV can deliver a claimed range of 461 km which is plenty for most trips and the charging infrastructure has also expanded enough that you can find a charging point rather easily.

#MGZSEV #roadtrip #tigers #ranthambore

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