Electric Cars

Our favourite Electric Cars! Brilliant features we love and what WE would buy. Best used EV?

Our favourite Electric Cars! Brilliant features we love and what WE would buy. Best used EV?

Hello everybody welcome my name is Richard a very Merry Christmas to you all in this video I’m going to sit down with my colleague behind the camera there gints and talk about some of our favorite electric vehicles of the past year we don’t just get a press car for

Half an hour make a quick video we tend to spend a lot of time driving up and down the country using these cars or Chargers and so we’ve got some Fair opinions about what we like and don’t like and some of the electric cars out there that we’ve driven this year before

We get into that though I’ve got a little treat for you surprised my November 2023 video made a lot of comments about my jumper uh I like that jumper it’s really comfortable uh it’s from a company called Metal Rooster I like it I got a few of their things but

I thought I’d put on a special jumper for you today so Merry Christmas right let’s talk about some of the best electric cars of 2023 right again so we’ve not driven everything out there but we’ve driven many miles in a lot of electric cars so uh I’m I’m going

To break this it down into a couple of categories and I think I’ve got some random little segments to give kind of awards to so let’s pretend you’re going to compile uh your ideal EV and you’re going to take certain components from certain cars I’m going to say which I’ve

Got some weird categories for you let’s have a look and then I think we’ll say uh just to practically answer some of the questions we have what car would you buy for up to 20 up to 30 up to 440,000 top categories we’ll just mention what

Off top of our head so if your car does not get a mention in this video we either not spent enough time with it to give a valid opinion uh we just not had one in here yet remember we use car dealers so does have to be car round on

The used car market that’s what we’re going to focus on uh but hopefully this does give you a bit of insight of some of the bits we’ve liked from certain cars so in no particular order no particular order R off a couple of odd categories okay there been many

Different cars so let’s have a look okay so you know I’m a bit fanatical about Headlights yeah and so Tesla are good at so many things we come on to what they’re good at in a bit but when it comes to headlight not their strong point what would you pick off for best

Headlight of the car that you’ve driven so far that’s electric I think straight to my mind comes Mercedes eqe yeah that was special 1 million pixels per headlight it’s a 2 million pixel digital headlights it just does amazing things all you can draw things on the on the

Floor and R it just looks awesome they were good I will say also Ali rron Porsche tyan possibly the same sort of headlights system those but my tian’s great my wife has the ID3 with those Matrix headlights the upgraded headlights and their Matrix but they also do proper corner and the actual

Things move like the old citrons so it might just be an ID3 id4 and id5 have the same if they’ve got the upgraded version I think they’re very good and you remember the pole star not many a poar recently but the pole star was good they were good yeah very bright yes they

Were very great and when we say Mercedes that remember the Mercedes eqv that also had things had really the van had better headlights than the best Tesla out there cuz also it says a bit higher so the beam goes nicely cover good those head whites were slightly different they

Would sort of merge around and move their pattern around sequence of mirrors and stuff I don’t know how they work so they good the best headlights of cars and Tesla not in any of those uh we still yet to see Tesla Matrix uh being active so and apparently talks that

Cyber truck is going to be fully Matrix activated apparently it that don’t know I guess it never been a motivational point cuz Matrix hasn’t been legal in the States but is now it is now since 2022 I think maybe that’s going to come through so something Tesla are good at

Software so what’s got the nicest software in a car it’s Tesla yeah I think it has to be Tesla software including the root planning is very good but just to use I think it’s actually really intuitive yeah hold on N looks it’s just easy simple press go and you

Go like no sub menus nothing it’s just simple really easy to get used to I think so and I think that’s a strange thing because lot people especially models 3 and Y are bit intimidated because there’s not many buttons it’s all on the screen but I think it is just

The nicest to use the best visuals best resolutions and stuff like that um so it has to be test other ones I thought were quite good poar one I like any Audi sort of yeah although most Audi you didn’t one Audi you’re prob out to use any of

Them so that’s sort of quite easy to transition into isn’t it quite nice uh and the Mercedes MB system that’s good I actually thought was pretty good A couple of things like the augmented nav were nice on there as well something you don’t see in some other cars had a

Couple of nice features about it so but Tessa has to take best software Award right ride Comfort another one of mine like I I’m getting older I I love I love a good ride comfort so I’m going to pick the first one off and that’s why I

Drive a Tian the Tian for me is very unreal because it’s just got one of the most compliant rides ever you go down a Motorway like a Mercedes S-Class very nearly it’s actually very nearly that level yeah it is close and yet you can then switch it it’s a three stage down

In and you can drive around a track and it’s then got the best handling as well so it just put in best handling as well uh so tyan for ride come for where else would you pick off could be rron the big rron well I the rron GT that’s sort of

The same as T but a big rron that’s very comfortable as well Ron 55 yes it’s not the Q4 but the 55 yeah uh of which also got one out there at the moment I five pretty comfortable ionic 5 is actually yeah iic 5 is you know again in a kind

Of family car segment is a nice com car um very refined as well and quiet isn’t it what the iic 5 does sometimes with some bumpy country roads it’s actually a bit underdamped if you get like a sequence of bumps it starts kind of catching it out but generally it’s a

It’s a comfortable car and another curve ball in there mg5 mg4 yeah great ride as well so they all get a shout out well done guys uh right so should we go I’m just doing this to make sure microphone’s okay probably don’t much chin um I’ve got here best real world rang

Tesla Model S long range Model S long range so the new one now which is only leftand drive but even the previous what we call the Ravens late 2019 2020 model L long range still going to take we’ve done the videos I mean even did Edinburgh to London nonstop that’s 420

Miles a bit trying you know a little bit not going slower than trucks but just kind of taking it easy on a nice day but I did the JN gr lands and even now you you know they over 300 miles really quite easily very good money as well now yeah now

They’re getting very good money absolutely uh model 3 long range has to be in there isn’t it again especially the 2021s the refresh ones with the heat pump bigger battery you can do over 300 really quite easily on that but the car we actually drove with the most Real

World Range was thats eqs 450 plus and I thought actually it’s going to fall behind and the tested Moda beat it so actually that’s the car we’ve driven that at least on the day unless you without trying like like I did with the Eden London trip it was actually eqs 450

Probably it was cuz that Pro wred out so my memory some that 370 380 Mi of range yeah in real worlden bit of M25 traffic slowed it down which helps but all good range it’s good to see there’s a lot of cars out there now uh that are easily

250 which is again you got talk you don’t need bigger range in this because your bladder is has a limit so really by the time you get 200 mile cars that’s in the real world at least 3 hours of drivve and typically more four hours of

Traffic and then you stop for a lunch dinner and stuff like that 30 minutes and you’re off again hey look gin your specialist subject let’s bring this one in Stereo good one it’s going to points points going to go down to Tesla as in X and S long ranges and they’re not

Branded a tested with the premium audio they’re not branded but it’s there there’s quite impressive audio systems in there and very Punchy very clear and after that it’s probably going to be Burmeister free 3D like Audi has and Mercedes has and can it’s really expensive upgrade isn’t it but three and

A half Grand if we’re saying look what’s the best OS system in a car the B me is certainly it was Unreal I’m not like espe I like a moderate music in terms of level I can appreciate a nice audio system but when you actually just start

Cranking up it starts hurting your ears and it’s still really clear the B did that and the uh Model S is an X nice and Punchy especially the upgrade ones in the left- hand drive ones are even better now so active noise cancellation be interested to see the new model 3 hi

And with a premium that’s a new system apparently there as well yeah that’ be good to see wouldn’t it uh I’m going to throw a really strange one in here gin um because I I just want to say that the Genesis gv60 gets a little tick for me

He’s obsessed with that right uh because it had the best reversing lights sometimes I live in the dark now I live I live out of town now and it’s pitch black so when you’re reversing a good reversing light makes a difference you can see where we going good cameras as

Well yeah but when we had a Genesis gv60 recently it’s got almost like headlights at the back they’re really good and it marks out little white lines on the on the on the behind cuz normally just you have like a one bult either side of the car Genesis has like two somewhere down

In a bumper makes makes look as you go near a wall you can actually see it project on the wall like a headlight but on the back of the car whereas you get like a the Tesla minia car Tesla Model S with the one single yeah same as wi

There just a small thing in there that’s it doesn’t cut it is it and it’s very high as well Tesla’s got really good reversing cameras let’s do that reversing cameras cuz this is where I’ll defend taam for a lot of things but in terms of cameras is not in there this is

Way out of it it’s like Nokia 3310 cameras por come on seriously it’s embarrassingly bad yeah I’m even embarrassed about it so um for camera quality Tesla yeah but it only has well up now it’s three access accessible cameras it used to be just one you can

Only Access One camera although has like seven cameras around the car yeah you can access only three now but new updates coming yeah and apparently new more access to cameras well I think as well like every time I I reverse Tesla you go it’s just a good quality camera

With not it’s not distorted too much it’s just got the nice angle of vision uh a lot of cars got pretty good cameras now but that’s just given a water tester for that cuz ultimately they has the best the 360 stuff I’m actually not that

Much of a fan of it’s always just a weird distorted image I would never trust but yeah know the only thing 360 works is on your Ron because it doesn’t have proper mirrors yeah that’s got some reasonable cameras isn’t it reasonable cameras um most practical car I’ve got

Here model X we’ve done we’ve done quite a little practicality testing we with the boxes with the boxes recently model X just takes the most isn’t it spacewise and you go eqv just swallows everything yeah then you go to V and that’s a sort of different category isn’t it um right

What else have I got here I’ve got um I was going to say best seats cuz you spend a lot of time in a seat and there’s certain cars that I like although it’s not down to the seats much BMW I4 nice refine quiet car the seats

Actually are good so I dive to the bit from the topic but I can’t quite get my left foot in the right place transmission time is in the way so therefore I’m sitting uncomfortably and therefore talking about that you know it’s ergonomics Pula the same your left

KNE and it’s you and me and we’re different heights but um but seats CU there’s been a couple of spectacular ones ionic 5 pretty comfortable not the most supportive but comfortable as a passenger you can recline it all back and stuff like that it’s going to be eqe again Mercedes eqe

For you they’re just so comfy I was put another one in there for good seats which is you pay your money for it again it’s a Porsche is an upgrade but the Porsche um with the 18 way seats and the massage oh that’s great and it’s a proper pushing massage cuz there’s some

Cars that massage seats but kind of lumber just goes in and out a little bit and it’s all right in fact the eqe wasn’t amazing for its massage fun Mass function was pretty bad but the Tesla Mass the Tian massage yeah it’s actually a thing isn’t it yeah it pushes quite

Hard you’re like oh I feel that it’s actually a thing yeah um right okay that’s just a few odd little bits um I’m just going to mention as well before we get into which cars we would choose for different money there’s probably some different opinions here um but before

That a little curveball as well is kind of manufacturer for service and parts availability something that we experience different manufacturers for which the general member of the public wouldn’t now Tesla used to have a bit of reputation for not getting parts really quickly and stuff like that but they’ve

Been brilliant recently because I think since cuz they open a massive Warehouse it’s been a couple years now I think in Netherlands where they store I think they store and manufacturer PS there which is great in Europe so we just find out you book at something on the app it

Can go in next week it can be done uh we actually had a broken seat in the model S recently and the frame had a break in it and and I thought that would take ages to get a seat but actually it was done the next week and I like the way

You just drop it off any time just leave the car in the car park you don’t even leave your keys with Tesla you book it on an app you just leave the car there take your own Keys away you get a message around when it’s done and you go

Pick it up great and the parts have been quick yeah which is a flip side for the worst experience I’ve had which is Kia key Nero needed a war it’s warranty fixed but that was in June and we just got the car back and we’re now in

December that’s bad that is bad which is just all there’s no excuses for that um and we’ve also you know six months to get a part and you could drive it with theault but we couldn’t sell it with theault so therefore I had to just own a

Car for 6 months that we was just parked up lost some money on it lost money on it um you know that’s and that’s Kia you know big manufacturer now they they’re playing big boys with the Eevee game uh they got new cars coming out but if they

Can’t fix a known problem with a previous car um so yeah beware of that annoying because it’s a good car yeah yeah that’s it it’s a fine car just this part for 6 months even if it was a month or six weeks I understand it but like

Six months was ridiculous so um you know sort I don’t like to sort of bad mouth anyone but that was just a firsthand experience it just wasn’t appropriate at all uh We’ve also had issues getting Rena into Rena BMWs into BMW you know just good bookings for little things a

BMW TPMS sensor A Renault steering angle sensor it’s just across the board feels like it’s just something’s going wrong it seems really painful um we were speaking to Matt clely at cev V yesterday he was saying there’s a shortage of just mechanics and the trade so maybe people just aren’t doing

Apprenticeships for mechanics and such like so you still need mechanics even if it’s EVS uh so right we agreed on a few things there so let’s talk about what we would buy for x amount of money because a lot of EVS are expensive but let’s go

Through if you were going to buy an EV for £10,000 reality is it’s not going to be huge long range car but maybe it’s a second car in a household doing the school runs or you know you don’t actually need to commute or drive that far every day a lot of people think

Drive 500 miles a day probably not going to pick one of these but £10,000 electric car in for you daily you don’t do massive mileage just you driving to them from here so what would you pick for under £10,000 say at me is a good one say it

Me yeah very efficient especially if you get the later bigger battery thing really efficient actually quite good range just a funky little thing and they’re not that old you know yeah they’re fresh cars they’re cool yeah I agree with that so mean there’s vwe up

And the SC cgo versions yeah so I give them a shout as well I think I would be trying to find an ionic for that the original Hern ionic you do see him for under 10 about 10 Speck is crazy on that good spec uh and and you know yeah just

Good good little things really efficient good spec even the sort of autopilot I don’t know what they call it but the autopilot thing the one we had had Lan keeping radar great it was great um you see some BMW i3s for that money as well which quite like zo bad look things to

Run around zo nice um okay let’s say the budg bit bigger up to 20,000 sort 10 to 20,000 bracket put spot again it’s going to depend on your needs isn’t it so I would say again we’re seeing well AE Nero is under 20 yeah and that’s now fixed how

You know High spec car heated steering wheel seat a reasonable family space and a 64 K battery that does 300 miles if you want it to it’s good for under 20 grand they are now spacious inside like pretty good yeah you got good track spec to them

What about you like the mini I’d like how they drive yeah they drive very nice range is questionable yeah I was getting 120 many compar like if you compare iner range and mini it’s different but the way drives love it yeah under 20,000 mini electric uh and you know I always

Like that little E28 as well so and you get E28 as well a bit bigger for that money so I think um and the other one I liked actually you seen them around a little bit more now is the mg5 so an state car sort of sensible affordable

Family car very reliable and stuff like that so um up to 30,000 20 to 30,000 what would you pick it’s going to be Tesla Model three model 3 you can get you can choose standard range or long range now you can even get some of the refresh ones it depends on exact but

There’s um there especially recently with the Tesla Model 3s they’ve come down a bit because there’s a new one on the way so we’re seeing even refreshes even some refresh long range under 30 but typically lfp standard ranges which are great if you’re in the upper 20s you

Get some long ranges in the mid and upper 20s but if your budget’s 20 you can actually just get a model three standard rate we sold a couple recently 21 22 Grand really clean model stand not crazy mile as well no they one 20,000 miles 28 you know like with good good

Examples not Tatty ones really good ones so I think they’ve got to be in um I was going to mention um mg Zs you get some the later ones with the big battery they go for 300 Mars you again you got the Conor in Heros in that category con are

Good yeah cona is a nice thing get super efficient on we always get mega efficiency out of one of those uh VW ID Falls big spacious family car they’re under 30 now there’s 95 coming next week under 30 you know nice things nice mileage good space in those that’s what

I was thinking with those and also you do see the PO stars in that price category now yeah true um if you don’t have legs but yeah yeah just check your left knee bangs against that console but the poar is a good car it’s a nice car

Isn’t it and you get dual motor two wheel drive big batteries decent ranges um so I’d consider a PO star in that category as well and you get hatch toeb bar stuff like that you know uh 30 to 40,000 what would you pick M white yeah

They’re under 40 now aren’t they yeah so you get I mean standard range big long ranges um so we’ve had long ranges for yeah 39 you’ve seen them about 38 sometimes now I driv a model y long range from Edinburgh back to here on the south coast One charging stop 30 minutes

That’s all it needs that’s crazy you know it’s good it’s an all round practical family car uh rron 55s now the 55s the bigger battery ones you see the 50s in the 20s but the 55s big luxury car I always say it’s like the electric Range Rover Sport it’s

Got they are lovely lovely super refined feel about them not the most efficient but NE neither a Range Rover no but you just feel good in them you just sit down relax and just Cruise yeah just great to see it’s nice build good finish everywhere just good stuff yeah I like

We like the E 55s we both agree on that bit it was always that first one I had which was a while ago now wasn’t it we just sort of fell in love with it because so good we weren’t expecting to we like oh just try another car this is

Really good yeah really really U so actually yeah Eon 55s get our vote on that um model 3 performances good ones in you know refresh ones in that money as well and you’re starting to get a some modeles long ranges with a little bit more miles would be in that category um

But I put in the 40 to 50,000 the model S a low mileage late long range Raven with a steering wheel on the right hand side the right right hand side and even the performances we’ve had some more less performances now which will always over 50 and now

They’re M upper 40s you have to think it’s crazy 825 horsepowers and 2.5 seconds till 60 yeah for 50k top well we had one for low 40s like 42 4 just crazy and 300 mile range and good software and ton of space yeah and again that’s we’re

Talking about the good you know we get good ones and and that’s a good one you know so we’ve had some crackers one had FSD you know 45 crazy stuff so I think 40 to 50 that would be my Mark um you do also get mod wi performances under 50

Now Y and they’re starting to be an incent of a few tians under 50 which I think it’s unbelievable that’s crazy anyway let’s go above 50 and I’m straight in there a tians tians good one uh back to EQ again eqs yeah EQ eqs eqs you know if you like

That kind of wafty luxury then yeah eqs and there’s some great deals out there um on the used Market from manufacturers as well from from Mercedes as well um it’s a lot of car for money because they list at like 120 new but you see them around with low mileage 70 80,000 you’re

Like still a lot money but oh yeah we’re talking big money but you know then you’re going yeah cuz when they were like new list 120 we were both like it’s nice but I don’t know if I’m quite motivated to that level but for 780 again just the augmented nav and those

Superb headlights and some of the tech they have is is another thing isn’t it um over 50 also gets you the the really good examples of the late model X’s the model X Ravens so the the sort of 20 70 plates low Min the last of the right

Hand drives so typically between 50 and 60 couple of performance ones over 60 not as many around now they’re getting a bit thin on the ground people are keeping them because they L the right hand drive one of my favorite cars is it just lovely thanks yeah big things um

Guess again if you’re talking big money I’d be possibly considering more like the tyan Crosser risos then as well uh and maybe the Electra might take a fancy I mean I like the way that looks I like the way it drives it’s a bit different it’s I like it it’s beautiful thing it

Looks crazy good like with all those vents everywhere you can put your hands through panels in person it just it’s an interesting car I like it for that so I hope that’s been useful if your car wasn’t mentioned there maybe it’s just not ter or maybe we just haven’t had it

Don’t be offended I would like to see your comments below about what you’ve got and what you like about it you know so um chip in your bit as well for sure um what do you well that’s I got next year in a minute but what about what would you

Just say used EV of the year if you could just recommend one used electric car for somebody with a you know fairly healthy budget at end day still talking on the money but what’s the best used EV more free long range refresh totally agree yeah it’s just such a good thing

All all over it like you can’t really say I mean of course there is bad points about it but it’s just so good yeah as we’ve seen we’re trying to be fair here it doesn’t have the best headlights it doesn’t have the best ride quality it wasn’t in those categories but as we

Have said 30 or th000 gets you the latest refresh long ranges with sensible mileage they can do brilliantly good over 300 M range they’re super efficient but one of my main reasons for choosing it is they’ve been around a little while now and the reliability is just superb

There’s barely anything ever goes wrong on these cars maybe the very odd squeaky upper front suspension Bush which is a cheap and the moisture in and back light that’s it yeah like do hardly anything you got remember 3 is’s no kind of Maintenance schedules no servicing

Schedule as such you just got to look after your car but it doesn’t have that every year two two years that guy from is it Canada 369,000 miles that was it original battery orig 2019 model 3 long range isn’t it original battery original Motors and original brakes yeah original

Brakes still on like 60 75% warn you know that’s crazy yeah so you know take it from us and one of our model 3s is just about to tick onto 100,000 miles so that’s a video coming up stay subscribed you and see that and we’re going to show

You not just what the condition of it’s like how how’s the seat held up what have we had to do with it over the course of 100,000 miles nothing basically a battery health check as well yeah and of course we’re going to do a battery health check and see exactly how

Much usable usable capacity is still left in that car so make sure you subscribed that video will probably come out in the New Year we might film it shortly but that probably come out in the new year we’ll see how we go for time we we’re like 200 miles off of the

100,000 M Mark and this is a car that we’ve done track days in as well it gets used up the country we’ve done track days in it’s not it’s not an easy life no um but it it’s it’s done really well so yeah I think if you had to try and

Pick one of course it’s not quite suitable for everyone for maybe for practicality and that’s why we’ve picked off a few other cars in our kind of cars that we like list nothing too official quite casual yeah um so we’ll wrap up soon but uh I was just going to sort of

See what you might be looking forward to in 20124 there’s an obvious one in there well cyber truck okay let’s go to Texas and drive if I have to I to do of course Highland is going to be here soon yeah will nice to test finally why it’s so

Good because people love them yeah um we haven’t done a video yet on the model 3 Highland um in terms of driving it because uh and if you’re getting a model 3 Highland I’ve got a couple of volunteers already but do let us know if you’re up for something because maybe

You want to try a standard range a long range and such like but and with different Wheels but uh when they actually arrive properly as production right-and drive cars and people are getting them the customer versions rather than any pre-production press car stuff that it’d be good to then spend a

Bit of time with them and do a proper range test get it alongside a previous model 3 long range or standard range um and see exactly we do our normal kind of hour style test and trying to do some side by side stuff and that so um we’ve

Had opportunity to spend a little bit of time but it would just end up like a little hash together little thing what am I looking forward to what what would I like to see with the model 3 Highland I’d love to see lights and door handles

Hasn’t got that I’d like to see better ride quality apparently it does have that I’d like to see active matri headlights don’t know yet question mark big question mark on that if you know let us know but model fre Highland performance or plaid or ludicrous whatever it’s going to be called yeah so

There going to be something amazing because it’s still not out and there’s been rumors what pictures of new seats y new bumpers it’s going to be interesting to hear about that for sure uh also be good to see I don’t know if I like it or not yet but the hondai onic

5n I don’t know if I agree with this this kind of rare V don’t know if I agree with that I do like the tyan soundbox it’s not trying to sound like an engine it’s not trying to do throttle Blitz I think I like the idea of the

Kind of I’d like to try it just for nty Factor but it probably I don’t know if I like it I I I’m looking forward to maybe getting my hands on one one day I think it’s going be fun it’s definitely going to be fun there’s no doubt about that on

The track yeah we’re going to have to get a track we’re going have to do our stuff on the track drift it like yeah can hit the limiter we need a VTE electric that’ll be good um and the other car of course I put an order

In oh randomly one day Alaska yeah the Fisco Alaska might make its way um you know an electric pickup truck there is the Maxis but the fisal Alaska just I like the look of it it looks cool we do have practical use for pickup truck is a

Useful thing U and that’s allegedly due 2024 so that might be how far 2025 late 2024 apparently cool little cut camera stopped look we were done anyway um so I think all left to say really is uh a big thank you to all our customers that we’ve seen throughout the

Year people have been in cast to us that we’ve either bought or sold for them and of course they want us v card from us so massive thank you uh big thanks to everyone who subscribed to our channel it’s a massive part of of the business now really isn’t it and we’ve we’ll

Admit you know it’s been a bit difficult to get some videos out recently because we’ve got to make hey when the sunshines and it’s been busy like November it was crazy it was crazy busy like multiple cars in and out every day so uh we had

To be sort of hand the pump but let’s uh get into New Year and we’ll try and get some more videos out try and get H some interesting stuff um and get some get some great content out there because there’s some interesting things on the

Way new cars coming so this is it yeah this is it it’s about trying to balance up everything but you know look massive thank you to everyone all the subscribers all nice comments we get people watching our Channel and all our customers and big thanks again for producing the videos editing the videos

Thanks watching all the other staff here at RV I hope you have a brilliant Christmas and best wishes for the new year we will see you just before just after the new year with our end of December end of the year end of a year of solar Roundup and exactly how the S

Statistics and market demand is for Eves during 2023 and then we’ll just kick into 2024 yeah hit the deck with the feet running year just gone like nothing that’s it really quick wasn’t it it was a busy one so you were selling more cars this year than the previous year it’s

Been actually busy but in much more fluctuations but about that a bit more in the next video so stay subscribed put your comments down below we will try and read through them Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas 2023
Me and Gints sit down and chat about some of our favourite EVs. What electric cars did we like that we drove this year, what are some of our favourite features?

What would we buy for a budget up to £10,000 , £20,000 , £30,000 , £40,000 , £50,000+

A big thank you to all our subscribers and customers!

Have a great Christmas

Thanks for watching

Richard Symons
R Symons LTD “RSEV”
EV Specialist based in New Milton, Hampshire on the South Coast near Southampton and Bournemouth
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