Electric Motorcycles

He Says, “Those Vehicles Are Illegal” – He Doesn’t Like Ebikes!

He Says, “Those Vehicles Are Illegal” – He Doesn’t Like Ebikes!

Are illegal those bikes are not illegal are illegal those bikes are not illegal vehicles are illegal those bikes are not Illegal it this is Russ yeah I’m back out on the road again okay this will be the final ride of of the year I’ve said that in the last couple of ones that we’ve gone out on but this is definitely going to be the last one I took a look at the

Weather forast and next week yeah it’s not going to be uh it’s not going to be conducive for me to go out there it’s going to be a little too code today is still a little chilly but it’s much better than it had been I think the uh weather forecast

Showed it was like 53 or 54° but again with the wind chill blowing up against you it feels like a lot colder than that but uh I’m all decked out again I have uh two sweatshirts on I have my full fingered gloves on I have my ex

Needle helmet on with the um ear muff SL um liner on so between all that that’s keeping me uh nice and semiwarm I mean it’s um it’s you know the wind chill hitting you and you still feel it but I figured I’d take it out for a

Little bit you know we can’t go too far again like I said uh my battery power has been dropped down I’m sitting at about 70% right now so I’m on the magic cycle deer 26 INX 4in Fat Tire version and uh it’s been a while since I’ve taken this bike out

So what I did is I gave it a little bit of Quick Charge I gave it an hour worth of uh charge time just to see if that would help it a little bit but apparently I must have had this battery even lower than I thought because it’s

Only registering 70° 70% 70° we wish 70% battery Power so we’ll ride it for a little bit and then when I get back home I’ll give it another charger I’ll bring it back to 70% so today is Sunday day before Christmas yeah December 24th so what am I doing out on a Sunday should be at church right well we went to church yesterday actually they had the Christmas service they had the Christmas service on Saturday at 5:00 p.m. I was not playing for a Christmas

Service so I was not playing guitar or keyboards or Bass so they had uh someone else playing and um on Sunday they have a service at um 11:00 2:00 and 4:00 I believe yeah 11:2 and 4 so the people who are playing at church this time for

This service have to play four times on Tuesday seate days so in a sense I’m glad I wasn’t asked to do it so they gave me the time to come out here and uh and ride today so yeah not bad I mean I like I like playing it’s

Not not like I don’t like playing on worship team I do I enjoy it but uh I think for four services in two days I think I’d rather pass on that one and let someone else play so how’s everything else going well the coughing I think is pretty much gone I I

Haven’t coughed much at all in the last several days um but I do have the the drier mouth and incredible thirst and also uh running to the washroom a lot too because I’m drinking so much water now one of you guys mentioned uh maybe you need to check for

Diabetes that’s a good Point yeah so I will check it out um cuz some of the symptoms of it is um a lot of drinking a lot of peeing and a loss of weight now you guys remember I’ve lost 9 lbs and I don’t know how I’ve done that you add some of

These things up you starts thinking maybe it’s diabetes I was borderline diabetic at one time and then I got rid of it just from uh losing the weight my per my my my goal is to try to lose the weight and get rid of the possibility of the

Diabetes I don’t even want to hit the doctor until till I’ve done a little bit of that myself because I know that once you you’re diabetic or been diagnosed as diabetic then a lot of things happen I mean you got to take medication all sorts of stuff I don’t want to do all

That so I’m going to try to rid my other issues myself first first I’m not I’m not at the point where anything that I do I feel it I mean it’s not like um it’s not like I go into you know shock or anything like that being diabetic and not having insulin or

Whatever so um and I don’t want to get to that point so I figure whether it is or whether it isn’t it’s still a good idea for me to lose the weight right and then just watch what I’m eating don’t eat certain types of foods that’s going

To gain me weight too and on top of it and maybe after all that it will help me out in terms of uh in terms of Um getting the possibility of diabetes right now others might say just go and check it out with the doctor now I’m not doing that I’m going to wait a little bit I don’t want them uh saying yep you are and here’s all the stuff you’re

Going to have to do now I don’t want to hear that so I’m going to try to get rid of everything else myself first and like I said before in the past I had lost weight and um I was like pre-diabetic at one time and then the doctor told me I

Wasn’t after I lost all the weight and stuff like that so I’m going to going to try to do it yeah now I have more incentive to drop that weight now a weight loss I have no idea how I lost the weight and and that’s why that’s why they’re saying that well

Maybe it is diabetes because uh if you don’t even know how you you lost the weight and you lost a lot of weight but I don’t have any of the other symptoms I’m I’m I’m not hungry I don’t have uh fatigue I don’t have any of that stuff

So it may not be so now we’re going to do a uh a test preliminary test uh fingerprint test I could do that um myself and then check that out and see if that comes out with anything but yeah what a what a way to to hear

About the possibility of it right I mean we don’t know for a fact we’re just guessing at this point so really who knows all right we got to turn here but we got cars coming so and I got a car behind me so I’m just going to pull off to the side

Here all right let’s turn here it’s where we always turn I’m looking at my uh my battery met I’m down to 49% already which means this battery was really pretty low already the start yeah this is going to be a short ride we’re not going to be able to

Do uh do a longer ride than I had hoped so I can’t go too far again either because I go too far we may have issues got to ride some distance to get back so anyways that’s the updates on my health issues um I do go to the a lot because I’ve

Been drinking a lot that’s my guess or it could be something else it could be the diabetes things who knows you know when I say I’m going to the washroom a lot I’m not kidding I’m I’m I’m needing to go to the washroom like every every half hour to 45 minutes at this

Point yeah so yep what a pain what a pain what a pain all right you don’t want to keep hearing about my medical problems oh anyways by the way thank you to everybody for the um Merry Christmas uh wishes and happy holiday wishes uh you can say Merry Christmas to me but you

Know I I leave it open for everybody else cuz I don’t know what uh what everybody else’s leavs are but yeah you can say Merry Christmas to me I’m okay with that and come on I play Church you kind of know right I play my guitar and stuff

At church and keyboards and stuff so on this bike um you might notice I don’t have a headlight thing on the uh handle bars but I do have the front headlight on the standard front headlight we’re going to make the turnar around like we did before we’re going to go forward and

Um then we’ll turn around here so uh yeah what was I talking about oh yeah uh yeah thank you for the uh The Season’s Greetings see that’s another way you can say it right thank you for the season greetings so uh yeah we’re we’re coming

Up towards the end of the year I mean in another well another day it’ll be Christmas and then another week it’ll be uh New Year’s already man it’s time’s really flying by this year has really flown by I I find that I keep uh keep losing track of time time really

I I have to look at the calendars just to know what date it is what day it is also a lot of times I don’t remember what day I’m on I think this is the problem with uh being retired or something if you’re sitting at home you’re

Not you you’re not under uh pressure to do certain things and uh you just tend to forget everything you don’t know what’s going on so anyways to combat some of the drying in the mouth uh I’m chewing gum right now so if it sounds like I’m chomping at

Things sorry about that I’m just doing it to keep my mouth um moist and um not having to drink the water and if I drink the water then I got to go go hit the washroom again I’m trying to stay out here but I think I

Think this battery is going to pull us down to where I have to start head back it’s 46% I’m quite surprised it dropped that much now usually when I take bikes out I’m at 100% I make sure that the battery has juice in there so if I go anywhere then

I can go farther and and the like but as you know since we’ve dropped this thing down to at least the 70% level it could have been less because probably had less because I um I I gave it like an hour’s worth of um charge time just to give me some extra

Running time now and it’s already down to 46% or something 45% now so yeah that’s not good I’ve been uh eating up some power too because I’m not really pedaling a whole lot here let’s pedal a little bit as you know I usually don’t pedal um when I’m on

Camera I will tend to Pedal when I’m off camera I have uh nine levels of pedal assist on the bike I usually set my bikes to nine at this point I like the in between numbers because if I don’t want to go quite as fast uh I have an in between

Number right and that uh that sometimes helps so my level what am I at four my level four is not your level four when you get one of these bikes straight out from magico my level four would be different than yours anyways for those who have recently purchased um any of these magico

Bikes that have a similar display screen it’s mine um there is a video that I made that uh describes how to change things in your um settings there’s a lot of cars here so we’re going to have to let these guys go first there’s nobody behind me so we’re going to go this

Way and so uh yeah if I remember I’ll try to put a link for you so you can take a look at that in case you want to change anything in your settings I think the only thing that my video does not describe is um since I had made that

Video video a long time ago I made it for the ocap pro which of course you know it’s the same it’s the same display setting stuff for the other bikes too deer and and that deer 20 ocelot ocelot Pro they all have the same uh display screen settings

It’s squeaking a little bit um the only thing is not in there is how to set or turn or turn off the um the cruise control cuz current version you can’t actually turn off the cruise control if you don’t want cruise Control like right now I’m on I’m on cruise control right now um so I’m not pedaling I’m not using the throttle we’re going pretty fast we’re doing about 26 mph right now um the cruise control on these bikes as you might know uh will start out

Immediately if you if you if you come from like one of these stops and you hit that throttle and you push it all the way down and you hold it for a little bit it’s going to assume you want full power it’s going to drag you all the way

Up to 28 mph if you’re not careful like here I’m just pushing it down if if I were to leave that and then just just like let go it’s not doing it now um it will um at times tend to pull all the way up to 28 mph so yeah it’s going now

See it’s going it’s going up by itself so when when that happens all you do is um either start pedaling that’ll cancel Cruise control or just tap on the brakes yeah just tap the brake a little bit that’ll cancel the cruise control okay but standard cruise control

You know if you push it to a certain level you know whatever you hold it to hold it for 8 seconds and it will um it’ll keep that speed it’ll kick into cruise control I would like to see them set it so that it’ll go back to resume

Like for instance I think I should at Cruise right now yeah so I’m on cruise control right now at 15.6 mph see nothing there um I’d like to see them do a resume function on cruise control like if if I had to hit the brakes and I go

Okay now I want to go back to 15.6 miles an hour you know you tap it or something and then it goes back to 15.6 mph that to me that would be um a nice feature to have for cruise control if they can program something like that now backpedaling I’m going to

Backpedal a little bit the do not do anything for the cruise control doesn’t start it doesn’t stop it I got a car behind me so I’m going to speed up um but I I’d like to have a resume function I think that would be kind of nice I think this car is following

Me cuz he could have passed me a long time ago and he’s not he’s just looking at my bike or something I’ve I’ve seen cars do that before where they’ll just tail me cuz they’re checking out my bike and the deer really grabs attention because of the

Color it’s a full suspension bike they can’t tell that from the back but I they can tell that the they can see the color on on the on the rear from the rear of the bike I mean from the side of the bike it really looks nice because it’s got the

Whole bike right the rear all you’re going to see is like the chain stay and all that stuff seat stay they all have different names little parts right yeah I think uh I think you got to learn the name of the parts if you’re a bike rider that

Way you can describe you know what problems you might have you can say oh is on my seat post is on the Chain stay it’s on the whatever problems you’re having you know now the squeaking I think is happening too because it is kind of damp

Out here we we didn’t have really rain yesterday but it was so foggy I don’t okay maybe there was a little bit of drizzle and it’s supposed to drizzle a little bit again today but uh that’s why the the pavement looks wet I also thought that maybe I wouldn’t

Be able to go out because uh earlier in the day I took the car out and I could took I I can see it on the windshield little uh little bits of uh water hitting it and I said is that the fog or is that slight drizzle I think it was slight

Drizzle so I was uh kind of lamenting see all these fancy words I use I was lamenting saying oh man I won’t be able to go out I told everyone I was going to try to get out there but then it it got a little better

So here I am outside I’m down to 35% now let’s take this street now you notice I’m not putting the hand signals out because there’s nobody there so I I decided okay forget it I’m not letting go to handlebars yeah I don’t like it when the pavement

Is wet either because sometimes you know it’ll spray up some water I do have fenders on on this bike so it’ll hit the fenders first before it hits anything else but sometimes yeah sometimes underneath your bike it can still a little bit wet so I prefer fenders I

Um what is it the enu x24 that I have does not have fenders I’d like to see it have fenders now it may not look as cool as it is without the fenders has a more rugged look I don’t like getting splashed so I prefer fenders I prefer plastic fenders let me

Say that I don’t actually prefer the metal fenders I know metal fenders probably cost them more money it cost companies more money but uh no I I prefer the Met uh the plastic ones over the metal ones um sometimes the metal ones you know they make noise you know things hit it

And it goes ping ping to the right here and um you don’t have that problem with the plastic ones and I think the plastic ones are just easier to deal with yeah they flexed a little bit it’s okay I don’t care but yeah I I prefer fenders on my

Bikes I prefer fenders I prefer rear racks and I prefer a front rack I put everything on you give me an option I’m taking all the options I told you that here’s a funny thing too and it’s I’ve heard this from several people in

The past they go oh you know you I don’t know who said it recently says you you should you should have a career in radio really I don’t think I have that good of a voice for radio although I used to sing a lot I

Don’t sing at the church I don’t I don’t tend to um I don’t tend to offer my uh vocal talents on the worship team um I figure I’m old enough at this point let the kids play it and let them let them sing it I just want to play my guitar play my

Keyboards um but no I used to be a worship leader too when I was uh a little younger I was like worship leader for 10 years at a church so it’s not like I can’t do it but uh I have not done it at this current church it’s

Okay but a radio voice yeah I’ve heard that from several people before I I don’t I don’t think so I tend to slur sometimes all right if you think I have a radio voice put it in the comments below I don’t hear it I don’t think

So all right everyone vote on this one all right I want to hear if you think it is say yes if you don’t think it is say no you don’t have a biradial voice you won’t hurt my feelings either way okay I want to find out from from others if

They think the same thing I don’t think so I really don’t I don’t think so it’s just the way I Talk although here’s an interesting thing I’ve always wondered you know some of these guys on television you know like uh TV reporters you ever notice they all kind of talk the same I mean they got different tones uh their voices are different but their the way they say

Certain things is kind of the same from one reporter to the next take a take a listen to oldtime radio uh broadcasters too they all kind of s sound the same think about okay think about it this way think about those world World War II um announcer guys that that used to do

Those um used to do the uh you know um today we have uh what would they say something like today the Nazis have done this and that and you know they have they have that certain radio type voice you know what I’m talking about they all they all

Had that and then now when you listen to TV reporters and the like they all have a certain type of TV voice as well how do they do that do they have to go through training I mean do they have to go through training um to get their jobs

Or if they get their jobs they send them through uh uh television voice training or something so that they all have the same type of sound their inflections and the like if you know anything any details about that let me know about that I’ve always been curious I’m going why do these people

All sound the same dogs always want to get me yeah they all sound the same to me all right we’re down to 30% I think it’s time we need to start heading back going to run out of battery power on this thing all right we got to turn it around

Again if we if we do what we did before we keep going and then uh um I didn’t take the bike path back and then I went past it and I like uhoh going through a bunch of C sacks I’m not going to do that again all right bike path is coming

Up right here right by that Snowman inflatable snowman but there’s so many cars I I really can’t uh move over there is one more car but I’m going put the hand out so he knows I’m turning stop and waiting for all these cars forever all right yeah so we’re not

Talking about a lot of stuff you know thing is I if I see puddles at this point let me give her the Bell here If I see puddles I tend to avoid them in case you’ve ever wondered why is Russ all over the road here you know on these bike pads you I’m not always on this right side I’ll be in and out it’s because sometimes I’m avoiding uh bumps sometimes I’m avoiding puddles so if I

See there’s nobody behind me and there’s nobody in front of me why not try to avoid some stuff some stuff we talked about that before once some of the things some of the phrases we say right it’s kind of funny anyway yeah we’re not really talking a

Lot about bikes today really we’re just kind of going out for the ride you know going out for the ride talk about anything that comes to mind so anyway uh I was once on the path and I saw my neighbor she was walking down

The path and she said hi to me and I stopped I didn’t know it was her from from behind she was walking with a friend of hers I go hey how did you know it was me she says I heard you from behind yeah as I’m talking people hear

You you know the thing is I I usually don’t talk as I’m passing people but no she heard me from from behind cuz I’m talking usually at my normal voice volume level unless I come near people that I usually will talk softer but but until that point I didn’t

Realize that you know even from a distance from here she was able to hear all the things I was saying all righty well where we at we’re down to 28% how did this thing drop so fast I didn’t go that Far but uh in order to uh make it back home yeah I got to start heading back at this point anyways if you guys enjoyed this video go and hit the like button hit the Subscribe button if you haven’t already done so um yeah we’re not going to hit the

18,000 that was my goal for the year we’ll we’ll probably hit uh 17,500 something like that that’s my guess in that range that’s pretty good though I appreciate everybody for um hitting the Subscribe button helping me out and hopefully we’ll do more for next year we’ll get more uh subscribers get

More bikes there’s water puddles there I got to avoid that get some more bikes uh and we’ll we’ll ride more so anyway um it’s It’s Been a Good Year I appreciate you watching for the whole year some of you guys have been with me a long time

Several years yeah thank you so much and uh yeah we’ll just continue on add more uh goodies you know we are way over a th videos now you know I don’t think it’s over a thousand for biking but it is uh combined of all the various videos I’ve made over time KNE

Replacement videos odds and end videos go listen to some of my music videos yeah go go on the uh the main Russ’s right channel page okay then look at the playlist and look for music videos yeah that’s where you can hear some of my music videos these are not uh my church

Stuff okay these are secular music contemporary secular music from the 70s and ‘ 80s so you you’ll recognize them you you’ll recognize songs you know like more in a feeling you know Boston you know stuff like that some America songs are on there there’s uh who else who else we

Got on there vehicles are illegal those bikes are not illegal there you go he called me out he says my bike is illegal on this path no way [Laughter] buddy and I was only probably doing around 15 M hour anyway yeah see can’t go off and finish

Off a video without someone calling you out yeah I think we’ll name that uh he tells me my bike is illegal we’ll show that in the front of the video and we’ll show it at the end also some people don’t make it to the end might as well let you hear

It hopefully you heard that he he yelled it out pretty loud that’s pretty funny huh yeah this is what happens when you ride a ebike sometimes people think it’s illegal I wasn’t going fast I was minding my own business he’s running down a path he

Thinks this whole path is just for him I don’t think so you can’t win you can’t win I’m trying to sign off and can’t win anyway put a comment about that in the video I’ll talk to you guys next time

The guy’s comment is from his own ignorance. Ebikes are not “illegal” and are allowed on that bike/walk path. Too many people think the paths are only for themselves and any bike or ebike they come across, they have to let you know that you are in the wrong. Well, he’s wrong…

Here’s my video on how to set up advanced settings on the various Magicycle ebikes: https://youtu.be/zLUpKZVFwCw?si=JFw4gjxWyZ0PpSxI

Check out my new “blog” website that has a list of everything in this description (and more) for my recommendations of accessories and products. Affiliate links help my channel. Thanks!

Visiting the Magicycle website using this link helps my channel if you plan to purchase an ebike. Please click on this link to be able to use the discount codes from Magicycle:

Save $100 on orders over $1200 on Magicycle Ebikes by using these codes: RUSS1: $100 off orders over $1500
RUSS2: $200 off orders over $1800
RUSS3: $300 off orders over $3600

If the codes become invalid over time, use the affiliate link above to access the Magicycle site and then use the discount codes on the site. The link above still helps the Russ Is Right Channel. Thanks!

Save $50 when you purchase a Rad Power Bikes EBike with this link to their ordering website: http://rwrd.io/7qoq3tv?c

Please use this affiliate link to purchase an Electric Bike Company ebike: https://bit.ly/3B1G3AY

To purchase a Himiway ebike, please use my affiliate link here: https://himiwaybike.com/RUSSISRIGHT
The coupon code is “RUSSISRIGHT”

To save on lots of accessories on the “Himi Zone” store on Amazon, use this link: https://amzn.to/3Bx2Zbn then use this coupon code to save 5%: RUSS95OFF

To purchase an Engwe ebike, please use this link:


Xnito Helmets: Be sure to click on this link to save $15 off your Xnito Helmet! https://xnito.com/RUSS

#ebikes, #magicycle, #radpowerbikes, #himiway, #engwe, #xnito, #euphree, #ebc, #electricbikecompany

Here are the eBike Accessories I have on my bikes:

Amazon Affiliate Links:

SunTour Suspension Seat Post (27.2mm x 350mm) – https://amzn.to/41S2oNe
SunTour Suspension Seat Post (31.6mm x 350mm) – https://amzn.to/3n8VoMA
Tire Levers – https://amzn.to/40HbgEo
Insta360 X3 camera: https://amzn.to/3sQyBog
Veeape Tire Inflator – Portable Air Compressor: https://amzn.to/3fXq0dG
Rockbros Hex Driver – Multi-tool: https://amzn.to/3fibv6B
Rockbros Triangle bag: https://amzn.to/3SOtrmY
Extension for Handle Bar: https://amzn.to/3LzoKvr
Phone Mount: https://amzn.to/3dKKUKx
Lamicall Phone Mount: https://amzn.to/3A3Irrq
Bluetooth Speaker: https://amzn.to/3rZV6nM
Left Side Mirror (on my Rad Rover 5): https://amzn.to/3mrxCa1
Hafny Left Side Mirror (Teardrop shape): https://amzn.to/3A2MAvl
Polar Insulated Water Bottle: https://amzn.to/3emGATv
Bottle Cage: https://amzn.to/3ejwjHE
Kryptonite Chain and Lock: https://amzn.to/2Qeq2mN
Giddy Up – XL Bike Seat With LED: https://amzn.to/3Rq1RMq
Giddy Up – XL Extra Padded Bike Seat with LED: https://amzn.to/3E7xOG0
(The Giddy Up seems hard to find now… so try the XWing saddle below. (I have not tested this saddle however!)
X Wing – XL Adult Ebike Saddle with LED: https://amzn.to/3ZwKy0g
Bikeroo Saddle (I got the Indoor Elastomer version): https://amzn.to/3AZntu6
Inner Tube Slime: https://amzn.to/3uGS8WQ
Rear Rack Pannier Bag: https://amzn.to/3usEGWV
Bike Alarm with Remote: https://amzn.to/3opebiO
Safety Vest: https://amzn.to/3uW9PlU
Thin Cycling Gloves: https://amzn.to/3u1IU76
Finish Line – Dry Bike Lubricant (for Bike Chain): https://amzn.to/3pFVrfX
Unit Pack Power Battery: 52 Volts, 20 Amps: https://amzn.to/3zyRIUT
Anderson to XT-90 Cable: https://amzn.to/3fdWT5d
Pepper Spray: https://amzn.to/2Y6iPtb
Chest Strap Harness Mount for GoPro: https://amzn.to/3jHwCPe
4mm Park Tools Hex Wrench: https://amzn.to/3zGoW4p
5mm Park Tools Hex Wrench: https://amzn.to/3kFZGHm
Bern Bike Helmet – Brentwood 2.0 Helmet with MIPS – https://amzn.to/348M6GJ
Entity HL800 Light: https://www.bikesonline.com/entity-hl800-800-lumens-front-bicycle-light-usb-re
Magicycle Headlight: https://www.magicyclebike.com/products/107
Tektro HD-E250 Hydraulic Disc Brakes: https://www.magicyclebike.com/products/tektro-hd-e350-hydraulic-disc-brakes
Selfie stick clamp: https://amzn.to/3UhEEhp

Music for Russ Is Right Open:
(YouTube royalty-free music): “Leslie’s Strut” by John Deley and the 41 Players

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