Electric Motorcycles

Best of Sur Ronster 2023

Best of Sur Ronster 2023

What do you mean it’s not street legal I don’t think you understand my go-kart has a spoiler this is outrageous oh no yeah so right across the street here is actually that angle that that now millions of people have seen that video of that jumping Tesla all right it’s

Hayden’s last day here so we decided to take three of the heavy hitter bikes out to the steepest hill in America that was do you guys are awesome wow police first test he said you’re going to do a jump you should have been like you should have been like I just did they’re asking questions like that cool getting into the downtown metrop Talton Area how am I in like the jungle right now wo wo w w look how far I was sliding can’t believe I just walked away from that rer yeah should be like a red oh you lit electric gang electric game so this is street legal I’m going to abide by all

The street laws except for having license plate and a motorcycle license look how fast I’m going I’m already 10 Mi above the speed limit okay so it makes an alarm and then it should lock the wheel too the rear wheel whoa that’s cool so not only not only is it locking the wheel

But it’s actually using the motor to push against you I’m actually giving it everything I can to push this bike there we go oh okay so if you fight it for like 4 seconds it’ll stop this is my 2004 Ford Ranger it can haul up to four bikes

Comfortably and fit up to five people uncomfortably without being very big at all in fact you can kind of just walk away with it in this video I’m testing to what extent this truck can be placed by a custom electric bike we’re going to fabricate a steel swing arm something

Kind of just like this and we’re going to make it a trike we couldn’t wait so we kind of just went ahead and did it look at this let’s throw it On you seeing this you seeing this wait we forgot the most important test though that sounds as cool as it looks we’ve just been doing ebike let’s do some truck finess let’s go I seriously wasn’t expecting that to work there’s no way this is working it feels amazing ooh the Turning is not

Happy about this at all it cannot turn at all but it can definitely haul it’s like a Wheeling machine no turning at all this a good way okay that’s not too hard to turn just have to get off let’s see how the electric YZ85 does on Here that’s how you let’s make sure the horns are still working this is a truck as far as I’m concerned let’s do something Stupid okay we got 1,000lb Cargo Carrier on the back of this bike I’m pretty confident it’s going to be able to tow it the question becomes is it going to be able to break and turn so let’s see mode one no way and we can slow down okay

Let’s see if we can turn let’s see if we can turn there’s no way I’m turning this easily this is totally working better than I was expecting all right we’re going to mode three oh God no way oh oh wow that should have been way worse than

It it actually was I definitely busted my shin though all right here we go mode three pull Full Throttle from nothing here we go wo wo wo all right okay I think that was too light let’s try pulling my 3,000lb truck actually hurt tweaked my wrist doing that h This is why I do electric that’s so SP no Okay so this is pathetic I’ve got something kind of special planned a couple weeks ago I was tagged in a post where this kid was building a replica of my siron out of basically cardboard and tape with the goal of making it fully

Operational so I reached out to him to say what a great job he’s doing and he said thanks basically I can’t buy a suron so I thought I would make one myself and I think that is the best mindset ever and I want to support that passion so after getting approval from

His dad I’m on my way to hook him up with some parts what’s up Ben pleasure to meet you in person no way that is so Impressive oh no you okay yeah you good yeah that was kind of Cool today we’re teaching men how to wheelie her suron she’s been riding hers for over a year now we’ve had a couple wheelie lessons in the grass and I’m so proud of her progress that it’s finally time to pull Out the big guns good catch boot yeah the boots come in handy holy [ __ ] oh Man yeah today I’m turning my childhood dream into a reality this is an RC car and I’ve always wished I could shrink myself down so that I can ride inside one but because that’s not possible I’ve done the next best thing and built one at full scale 1 2 3 Let’s Go Oh my God I can’t even control I can’t even control this wa I lit I can’t drive this woo I just Jerry rigged the uh insta 360 go on there for a little POV see how they do set the [Applause] street wow I’ve never felt so competitive against an inanimate object

Before 3 2 1 smoke good game Fist Town boom have your shet all in the middle of the street but I have to it looks so pretty two one smoked it’s not even close look at this riding alongside my mini me come here oh no we’re going to hit the streets

This isn’t entirely street legal it does have a spoiler though I’m pretty sure that’s regulation wow the suspension’s really nice and this is uphill who the wind’s blowing my head back oh [ __ ] there’s lost power oh it’s going to be a long push I don’t know I need to tail up the ground

You know what I think I ran out of battery yeah yeah yeah no problem how far this is incredibly convenient place to break down let’s go got all these lights set Up good luck dude let’s go good luck all right I’ve advancing to the next round good Match on the Strip This is the Vegas Strip yeah no way you’re killing it oh oh oh [ __ ] oh video super sick thank you so much for watching dude I appreciate it uh I like yourart I love your content you don’t know who I am huh I don’t

Recognize you dude I so I’m back in California Carson and I are going out to San Diego for a ride out wow this is so badass it’s literally half suron half gas bikes this is the first I’ve ever seen like this and I don’t think it will be the last

A here we go out on the water Open Road Ocean Breeze the sun’s out come on it doesn’t get any better than This wo that was so bad oh my God oh oh he saved It oh he save let’s go break fly went out dude you you did that so gracefully he tried with 8 Kow of power the Taria sting is the new king of ebikes boo dude F Taria suron is King what are you talking about the Taria R is faster

And has more battery than the siron please my siron smokes your Taria your siron doesn’t even have wheels hey do not bring my siron into this your siron also doesn’t have a battery how are you going to smoke me without a listen you Taria loving [ __ ] boy siron is King

Just Give Me 2 to 6 months for my parts to get in and I’ll prove It here we go second try is the Charm damn that one hurt on the next one man thanks dude that’s the right mindset yeah yeah the next one you’ll do it here’s SN going to be a next one oh oh [Applause] Oh that was pretty gnarly I went right into this bush shout out to helmets this went right off the path CU dramatic music yesterday this hill posed the ultimate Challenge and we failed but today we come back stronger let’s conquer it going into my highest power level 3 2 1 go easy let’s Go now before we upgrade let’s see how this does totally stalk this thing is so slow this was it before versus now the only difference between this bike and a 72 volt siron is the frame here we go the winner has been selected by the third party facilitator and he will be

Announced right now we’re matching right now this is awesome Skyler pleasure to meet you I just wanted to congratulate you on winning the tarious thing are is there anything you want to say to the world s is the best YouTuber ever dud that was the right answer by the way thank you for

Always wearing a helmet in your videos I think that is like the coolest thing that you do for the Kids 10 years before the legendary Honda Odyssey was introduced there was an even more legendary Honda Odyssey you’ve never heard of the Honda Odyssey FL 350 a full suspension two-stroke single-seater buggy that had so many issues Honda stopped selling it after only 1 year in 1985 now almost 40 years later the Honda

Odyssey FL 350 is back what’s up man good to meet you same here man wow this thing’s so cool [Applause] Looking Armando is homeless he saved up for over a year to buy an ebike because he has a disability that limits his ability so even a pedal bike it’s hard to get around on he saved up for over a year for an ebike and it was stolen

Within a month and he showed me the security footage is terrible he went running after them and injured himself in the process I talk to him all the time when I get food he watches my bike for me when it’s when I leave it outside

So I’m on my way right now to give him this uh angue how you doing bro got some chipot way yeah hell yeah I want I want to give you this bike if you take this folded it in half if you want to put it somewhere

When you pedal it’ll give you power or there’s the the thumb throttle so then you don’t even have to Pedal many this is 750 WS it’s the strongest that you can ride he you know you know Viking is a miracle for me we’re on our way into the largest electric Expo of

The year the scooter thank you it’s a can we not call it a scooter though I just giving you a hard time they uh I’m not sure if they have what they have for you but man they just had me stand in here for like 10 minutes a picture with you brother yeah

Of course dude channel is amazing dude your [ __ ] is so amazing thank you for that I really appreciate it yeah did you reg register for media credentials yeah I got a press pass on my email oh you did okay um you might get yelled at for having it in there that’s okay that’s

Okay I won’t I mean I’m just going to be walking it promise I promise I promise I promise I want to not get kicked out ride around no yeah sorry I’m I’m not going to ride around nice dude they didn’t let me bring my bike in saying no bike’s

Allowed and I’m seeing all these bikes what’s up dude okay this is definitely the my favorite so far look at this I I would marry this if it was a human God damn so I just spoke to the team they’re actually inviting me to potentially race

This on the track right after Lucy block drives it this is so cool stay tuned for updates on this my man is on a chair he’s literally just sitting on a chair no way no way no way no [ __ ] way dude that was so sick oh my god I’ve never seen That bro you you are the first person that’s ever made Scooters look cool with two ends no Way [ __ ] I lost my phone my phone fell out of my pocket yeah you who who did careful this this gu behind us please be careful please be careful God bless you please please dude thank you so much oh you I saw cops about to get your ass I said you get in

Trouble those motorcycle cops thank you so much home be careful oh hell yeah all right have a great day thank you no way yo I got a question for you guys I got a question for you I’m making a video about this bike I saw you on YouTube you

Were passing right there time is this bike ugly or not hey you guys have a good rest of your day stay in school burn Up Guess what what’s up you won the Saron oh my God crazy yeah this is the first thing I ever won it’s just like such a like big thing it’s the Calm before the storm we’ve got four electric hyper carts we’re hitting the street oh that’s a cop up ahead undercover oh [ __ ] wheel

Down that’s terrible oh my bad my bad literally right in front of that undercover c y what happened bro right in front of the [ __ ] car dude this is so funny we are downtown LA right now downtown wo that was badass that was so sick oh dude I’m so sorry my bad

Are you okay you’re good oh oh [ __ ] God damn it I forgot about the Spoiler oh yeah scooter kids are back baby scooter kids are back no way this is what I’m talking about oh yeah oh yeah come on how you doing is it simple no way no way give me oh yeah I got I grew my balls back trust that

Break a you got it right there okay okay yeah I do think I have it though yeah youd EAS got a couple tries I got it y y yeah got it you got it come on one two I cannot thank you enough you just taught me a new thing broy you ready to

Ride put him in the shoot he’s so chill another day another ride in La we’re out with the dirt bikes today what’s up are you noox yes sir just wanted to let you know that you won one of the Taria X’s no way it’s all you dude just want

To let you know you won the Taria x no dude are you serious just wanted to let you know you won the Taria X that’s amazing I’ve been waiting for this call this is a Razer mx500 it is slow allow me to demonstrate this is an upgrade

Kit and it is fast allow me to Demonstrate [Applause] good to see you someone told me it was mini Wednesday so I brought my mini oh man what am I doing on this thing Dude back to the back is someone [ __ ] K oh I just got yelled at I have no idea what I did out 14 kows on the Razor 3 2 1 go what’s up guys what’s Up this is crazy watching dude oh God let’s go that was super cool are you sure bro we need to start the I judged X gam for years so in order for the police to allow us to comply for the wheelie comp we can’t block that road right

Now right give it up for Nathan give it up for Nathan let’s go Nathan it’s all you let’s go back up back up hey okay all right oh [ __ ] oh my God dang son D he all right y hey it’s about the angle you want to drift at dude this is

Crazy how you did this oh that’s smart what a weird feeling oh oh oh this is a unique experience like this is such a crazy way to engage a vehicle but it’s it’s actually like kind of intuitive except when you’re turning I don’t know where to I don’t know where

To put my feet yeah your outside foot has to come off oh oh oh no no no I think I broke it look at this thing come on I don’t know dude I don’t think it’s long enough how long is the thing that’s crazy no

Way just saw Big Sky what’s up say can we get a picture absolutely hell yeah guys have a good [Applause] one just to kind of get the muscle memory come on this thing this thing actually rides nice you’re like Willy Wonka with these things dude [Applause] yeah got it right good night

Sir turn on all my lights here bang all right first cop encounter not bad it’s that water oh o o are you okay yeah Oh oh oh what’s he doing oh no oh oh noop stop stop yo turn on your car yo turn your car around how how do you feel bu Street she’s like you you sure you don’t want to call the police like yeah no we’re good we’re we’re good a this just doesn’t get Old this bike is by far and way the nicest bike that I’ve ever personally seen I had the Ala before I’ve had every kind of brand you can think of not only is it an excellent performer not only does it have amazing specs it’ll go 90 mil per

Hour basically infinite torque it is just a work of art in my mind they really went the distance with all these little fine details so not only are you getting a great performer you’re getting something you can like be proud to look at no no I dumped [Applause] it come

On my electrical Burn’s healing up pretty good this is half throttle I don’t even want to go beyond half throttle by far that’s as most powerful bike I’ve ever ridden and I’m only in mode two okay this thing pops nobody saw that nobody saw That we’ve got one 2 three electric hyper carts on the most notorious Road in Los Angeles all right you guys ready I was born ready here we go so just before we left they told us to get out of here we said okay we are doubling the rster power

From 14,000 watts to 30,000 WTS go just the thickness of this like a KN one and then look at this one oh yeah you’re right that’s that’s a good way to show It no no no that’s should be illegal this is half throttle this is half throttle here we go Full Throttle oh my God effortless W oh my God would you like to raise this gentleman I would be honored to raise two one go that was hella fun bro cop cop

Cop oh my God why is he swerving in the cop hella chill hella chill last week we doubled the rster power with this insane motor upgrade today we’re unlocking its full power I’m about to fulfill a lifelong fantasy a lifelong dream I think is commonly shared amongst Riders so once’s in a lifetime

Chance let’s go Okay [Applause] wo W oh my God it’s it it turned so nice no way this is crazy power cool we’re here this is the the brainchild RAC trck of Ken Block as a a playground for him and his family to to enjoy very high quality rally cross

Track big jumps sliding corners and I think it’s a great place for you to taste the Echo and uh you know get your driving skills up to par and this is the place to do it oh [ __ ] oh my God I can’t [Applause] breathe oh yeah yes can I get

A so he’s in a 700 CC Sierra car 36 36 w let’s go we’re in the desert there’s no way I’m going to find This oh oh it’s right there let’s go nah there’s no no way let’s Go so down please SE down back to your seat please thank you see man just got to Austin look at the Airbnb three Ultra b super motos we got Ty from the UK we got J from DC got er in here my God I forgot my key what

We’re doing here we’re linking the FL capacitor the breaker off [Applause] So let’s Go oh [ __ ] no no no no no no they’re going to that was too much much that was too much shouldn’t have done that over pull over pull over she think she’s talking [Applause] to they know who they want Man Austin Texas never been out here before we got some of the best Riders from around the world coming in for this Mega Ride No way all On WOW Look at that it’s like a movie look at this self-driving car how crazy is that I want it to hit me so I could sue this company that’s crazy this is min she commutes 20 m a day on her suron and it’s pretty sweet it’s got a massive 72 volt battery 14 KW

Controller and my first ever set of wheels these 17-in super motos but it’s also got a loose chain fingertight sprocket mirror headlight dangling Twisted bars stock pegs stock brakes no swag and it’s filthy this is Pimp My siron today I’m turning my girlfriend siron from a disaster into a master peace a [Applause] masterpiece here we go this is my first time seeing the bike o oh [ __ ] like that oo I need thatting all right we’ve got the $4,600 siron X the $3,200 Taria XXX the $4500 Taria sting R mx4 we’ve got the $4,000 Eide Pro s and the $4,800 ride Pro SS let’s

Throttle them [Applause] up look at this thing oh I feel so bad ass on this that didn’t hurt at All need Dude that’s Brian 636 that’s crazy I’ve been watching him since high school huh holy [ __ ] that’s an oncoming Lan the Bel yeah damn huh Huh oh that’s a cup that’s a cop right there turn the left go up we are mixing it up today it’s an electric off-road scooter that retails for $2,000 should electric off-road scooters even be a thing let’s find out the fun way I’m not taking any risks around the

Corner and I’m also not taking my hand off this fu is sketchy like there’s no way around this is super sketchy but we are outside we are out here yo shout out nut breaks try I’ll take the sponsorship any day for nut breaks represent who it’s race day baby we got the truck

Loaded up Eide PR SS in the bed I’m giving away this entire setup my own truck with a brand new Eide process in the bed if you’re interested in winning this setup go check out my giveaway down below right now I’ve got a 1hour drive to the RAC Trck this is the second round top three make it to the finals oh oh that was dirty oh that hurt oh oh my God ow my tailbone that hurt he did that to me isn’t that dirty that’s [Applause] dirty o let’s go dude that was so sick I’m good I’m

Good I’m good that was just cool thank you oh this is Pike spiky I I had so much arm pump I just wanted to call it a day and I decided to go through the fence as always thank you so much for watching as I Do

Sur Ronster Win & Fail Compilation 2023

Thank you so much for the support. Another crazy year in the books!

🏆 My Truck + E-Bike Giveaway 🏆

My Merch https://chargedpev.com/products/t-shirt-bundle
My Detailing Line https://chargedpev.com/products/charged-starter-kit
My Keychains https://chargedpev.com/products/rcr-key-tag

What do you want to see in 2024? 👇 Comment Below! 👇

Best Moments of Sur Ronster 2023 Sur Ronster 2023 Highlight Compilation Sur Ronster 2023 Fail CompilationbBest Sur Ronster Fails Electric bike fail compilation electric bike surron upgrade 72v surron turbocharged electric dirt bike stark varg review electric gokart on city streets electric gokart surronster in the street custom electric motorcycle build surronster compilation 72v razor mini moto amazon cheapest electric bike

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