Electric Cars



It’s over the brutal reality of EVS has finally been exposed and it’s not looking pretty for the middle class electric vehicles once hailed as the ultimate solution for a cleaner future are simply unreliable turns out EVS have nearly 80% more problems than traditional gas powered cars that’s right 80% more problems while everyone

Is talking about how EVS are the future this report just exposed a shocking reality that completely shattered the dreams of the middle class if you thought buying an EV was a good idea this video might end up saving you thousands of dollars so here’s what exactly happened for years everyone’s

Been hyping up EVS as the next big thing they’re supposed to be better than traditional cars in every way right better performance zero emissions and above all Superior reliability but hold on to your seats because the real story is nothing like that fantasy a recent Consumer Reports

Analysis turned the tables on ev’s Big Time showing that they’re actually causing a whopping 80% % more problems than traditional internal combustion cars yes you heard me right people are either exchanging their EVS for hybrids or outright refusing to buy them so sit back relax as I take you through the

Seven key reasons why EVS are turning out to be such a headache first off let’s talk about battery and charging problems naturally you might think that since EVS have fewer moving Parts than traditional cars there’s less that can go wrong but boy oh boy Are We Wrong

Batteries and EVS are not only super expensive but they also degrade over Time Imagine buying a car that promises you a range of 300 M but a few years down the line you could barely make it to 200 Mi on a full charge and let’s not

Even start on how they perform in cold weather a drop of 30% and then there’s the risk of fires we’ve seen EVS Catching Fire not just while charging but also just sitting there doing nothing there was this Tesla in denan right it got a bit too cozy with

Saltwater and the next thing you know poof it’s Up in Flames firefighters had to go all out drenching it in water like there’s no tomorrow just to get it under control and then there’s the case of Jennifer Roto in Florida she had a Mercedes-Benz EQ E350 plus parked in her

Garage no big deal right wrong the thing spontaneously combusted and her house almost a total loss and this wasn’t even a saltwater situation just a regular day in the neighborhood and the worst part an Eevee fire continues even days after the incident no no matter how much you

Try to get rid of it if you already own an EV or are thinking about getting one this isn’t meant to scare you off but it’s crucial to be aware of the risks it’s gotten so bad that even big players like GM had to recall their bolt EVS

Because of potential fire risks in their batteries now on to the second Point too much industry first technology EV makers are trying to pack their cars with the latest tech but it’s a double-edged sword these cars often have no physical buttons relying entirely on touchs screens and come loaded with Advanced

Driver assistance systems but guess what this Tech is so new that it’s often full of glitches a tiny software bug can render the whole car useless can you imagine being stranded because your car’s software decided to take the day off thirdly the cost of repair and maintenance is another huge turnoff I’m

Talking about repair costs that can jump from a manageable $11,000 to an eyew watering $115,000 since EV technology is still relatively new there aren’t many mechanics who know their way around these vehicles yet and when you find a specialist they charge an arm and a leg simply because they can not to mention

The astronomical cost of replacing an ev’s battery we’re talking about thousands of dollars for a repair insurers spooked by the potential risks are often too quick to ride off entire EVS for minor battery damage and it doesn’t help that many repair shops don’t have the knowhow or the parts to

Fix these high-tech batteries so what happens the batteries get replaced at staggering costs sometimes more more than $112,000 now let’s talk about the hidden costs of owning an EV while we’re all cheering for the downfall of gas prices the initial cost of EVS is still pretty

High the average price of a new EV is around $61,000 way above the average of a gas car around 48,000 and while you save on fuel don’t forget the cost of Home Chargers which can be around $2,000 alone then there’s the longevity issue a US Department of energy report suggests

It could take 15 years for an EV to offset its high High purchase price through lower running costs and just how many of us keep a car for 15 years maintenance while cheaper for EVS is still a thing we’re talking about $900 a year compared to $1,200 for gas cars but

The real thing comes when EVS need major repairs after an accident they are more than 50% costlier to repair than gas powered cars leading to higher Insurance costs on average insuring an EV is 30% more expensive adding up all these factors the total cost over the lifetime

Of an e EV can be staggering we’re talking $71,700 for an EV compared to $5 58,60 for a gas car that’s a $113,000 difference if you think that gas cars are still the way to go go hit that subscribe button and show me your support it would really mean a lot now

Probably the worst of them all and this is something that many automakers even lie about range anxiety despite all the advancements no EV on the market today can match the range of a conventional gas powered car this is especially a problem in rural areas where distances are longer and charging stations are as

Rare as a fourleaf clover even in cities with plenty of charging stations you could end up waiting for hours to get your turn and then another half hour or so just to charge up imagine showing up at a charging station only to leave with the same battery level you came with

That’s the reality for 20% of EV drivers thanks to Broken Chargers and long Lines customer satisfaction it is plummeting it’s dropping fast faster than leming off a cliff we’re talking about the lowest satisfaction scores since 2021 and it’s not just about broken equipment it’s the whole experience charging is

Slow boring and inconvenient most Chargers are located in places where there’s nothing to do but stare at your car and watch paint dry now Tesla is opening its supercharger Network to other EVS but will it be enough to turn the tide it’s a step in the right direction but the public charging

Network still needs a major overhaul we’re talking about a need for more Chargers fast Chargers and better located Chargers it’s a tall order and time’s running out the fifth reason is the rise of plug-in hybrids now I know this category of vehicles is the best selling right now but there’s a big

Problem no one tells you about hybrids combine the complexities of a gas engine with those of an electric powertrain doubling the potential for problems while they aim to offer The Best of Both Worlds in reality they end up being a maintenance nightmare here’s the deal with hybrids you’ve got two Power

Systems to deal with the gas engine and the electric battery the common belief is that because the engine and Battery share the load there’s less strain and therefore less maintenance sounds logical right the engine gets a Brak now and then and the regenerative braking means your brake pads might last longer

So far so good but wait there’s more to this story take the battery for instance yes they’re meant to last a long time often well past 100,000 M but when they decide to call it quits you’re looking at replacement costs that could be anywhere from 1,000 to a jaw drop

$8,000 then there’s the issue with coolant hybrids run hot because of the Dual Power Systems so you’ve got to be on top of your coolant game checking it more frequently than in a regular car miss this and you could be cooking up a costly problem under the hood so in the

End hybrids might need less routine maintenance but that big ticket battery replacement can wipe out any savings you might have made the sixth reason is all about infrastructure issues the charging infrastructure is nowhere near where it needs to be for widespread EV adoption this is a huge deterrent for people who

Live in apartments or don’t have a garage in urban areas even if there are enough charging stations they are often busy or Worse out of service and in rural areas the challenges are even greater due to lower demand and higher costs finally the seventh reason comes down to new technology challenges EVS

Are a new technology and like all new technologies there are growing pains it took decades for internal combustion cars to become reliable EVS are going to be no different from battery issues to autonomous driving features there are so many Kinks that need to be ironed out and until that happens EVS just can’t

Compete with the reliability of traditional cars but despite all the issues the Biden Administration still continues to push EVS like crazy foisting them upon the middle class some states in the US led by California are planning to ban the sale of new gas powered cars by 2035 this isn’t just a

Small step it’s a giant leap the idea is to significantly cut down on pollution and combat clim climate change but this move is sending shock waves across the country the EPA is setting some ambitious goals they want 67% of all new cars sold to be EVS by 2032 that’s a

Huge jump from where we are now with electric cars making up about 7% of new car sales aside from the costs think about this not everyone can easily charge an EV at home what about the folks living in apartments or those in colder climates where the battery range

Drops it’s like having a cell phone that only works when it’s warm and near a power outlet automakers are pouring billions into EVS but here’s the irony EVS are piling up unsold in dealerships while the supply of ice Vehicles is stable EVS are sitting longer on Lots the demand isn’t matching the supply

Despite what automakers are claiming and even with this giant push for EVS there’s still resistance the average American might not be ready or able to switch to electric and with President Biden’s regulations there’s a sense that this ship shift is being forced rather than encouraged car dealers are urging

The government to slow down the EV push union workers are worried about their jobs in the traditional Auto industry EVS might be the future but right now they’re more trouble than they’re worth from Battery wos to Tech litches High Maintenance costs and an inadequate charging Network it’s a rocky road for

Ev owners the reality is that these vehicles are still a long way from being the reliable hassle-free transportation solution we all hoped for it’s like we’ve opened Pandora box and now we’re dealing with the consequences the Eevee revolution has hit a major detour and it’s going to take a lot more than fancy

Marketing to smooth things out what do you think should politicians ban gas cars let me know down in the comments below I just uploaded a video about groundbreaking news that could hurt the entire EV industry do check it out if you want to be truly shocked by what’s about to happen with EVS

IT’S OVER! The BRUTAL REALITY of EVs has finally been exposed, and it’s not looking pretty for the middle class! Electric vehicles once hailed as the ultimate solution for a cleaner future, are UNRELIABLE! Turns out, EVs have nearly 80% more problems than traditional gas-powered cars. That’s right, 80%! While everyone is talking about how EVs are the future, this report just exposed a shocking reality that completely shattered the dreams of the middle class!

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