Electric Motorcycles

State of electric motorcycles 2024

State of electric motorcycles 2024

All right let’s talk about the state of electric motorcycles going into 2024 uh it’s not great it’s not great so Dem motorcycles was supposed to be building a new Factory in Canada uh this will be done in uh summer of 2022 that didn’t happen and actually the

Uh the CEO went on Reddit and uh said that he was going to cancel the factory this year and move it to California um so yeah that’s that’s not happening they’re not making motorcycles anytime soon soon uh very unfortunate but um kind of expected along the same lines uh Damon

Has gone public via a reverse merger so you can now buy shares of their stock um via a spin-off of in pixon which I looked up and it’s basically a penny stock I I don’t know why you would I don’t know I guess just to try and funnel money into your scam Motorcycle

Company um so continuing on this same line lightning motorcycles had a Meetup they had uh like eight or nine lightning bikes there and only about half of them belonged to the company so that was pretty good so every lightning employee rode a lightning motorcycle there and there was four or five actual owners

There with lightning so that was impressive and that kind of puts them on track to be making about yeah two strikes a year or so based on uh maybe three based on what uh other people have seen um so yeah good for them and uh completely unrelated to that other story

Uh lightning is going to go ahead and let you buy shares with them uh they value themselves at 75 milon1 188,189 and uh for only what is it uh $36 you can own 30 shares of the company as it uh as it starts to sell itself off here

And you have to hurry cuz uh deadline is February 29th of next year so if you want to get some lightning pick it up now all right this is such a depressing year I mean I hope 2024 is better than this because Saunders the freaking the the The Golden Child of electric motorcycles

You know like we were hoping that they would pump out these cheap City bikes and maybe eventually start to you know crank up higher trim levels and have different models and you know have nice cheap electric two wheel Transportation unfortunately uh mik he’s amazing he he dug up the fact that uh

Saunders is not paying their bills and they this is actually back in October that this happened and they have thousands of partially completed meta Cycles they are just various states of repair or various states of build in the factories out in China and they won’t send them here because uh meta because

Saunders isn’t paying their bills so very uh very depressing there it’s bad news for everyone who bought one uh you’re not going to have support for it anymore and yeah no no bright future of cheap electric motorcycles um and then most recent story Micah also published that uh

Saunders is selling off their various patents trademarks all the uh the various Technologies they’ve stacked up over the years so another one bites the dust uh like I said bad year bad year for electric motorcycles I want to say 2024 is going to be so much better but I I don’t I

Don’t know I mean who’s who’s left we got the last negative story I promise all right we’ve got ena’s parent company ideanomics I I went and actually met with their leadership in New York years ago and um they uh their Shares are down 90% this year they were down 95 or so

Perc I think earlier this week um before they had some little announcement but this company they’re just they keep doing reverse split Blitz and stuff they’re they’re they’re printing shares at an amazing rate to to buy off all these Technologies and I mean the the good thing is enera itself is doing well

And they definitely have a lot of uh lot of technology and patents that make the company itself worth a lot so I don’t think we’re going to see enera go away anytime soon does it get spun off does it become its own company does it get

Bought by someone else does it does it come up under Yamaha I mean who knows um but the important thing is energy itself seems pretty solid uh and along those lines uh energica as you saw some of other stories I had this year uh they actually competed against gas bikes and did quite

Well across the country in a super hooligan series actually Podium Podium that’s a hard word to say is that a word Podium they got on the podium which uh I think is the first for electric motorcycles against gas bikes so very well done there and then along those

Same lines uh it turns out a stock Eva Rebel is uh too fast for the drag strip as Sam Baker found out in in New Zealand down south uh they were told to slow it down or else they were going to have to get special licensing or stop racing it

There so I think he’s putting some uh racing slicks in that and pimping it out and I think he’s going to come back maybe find a different track that uh isn’t going to kick him off and uh maybe push that thing a little harder even so

I can’t wait to see that uh Link in description for all this stuff check it out uh definitely check out Sam Baker’s channel New Zeal new zerand and uh watch all the fun things he’s doing down there um all right can’t can’t not mention zero motorcycles in a uh uh year wrapup

Year wrap-up video so uh going to 2024 zero has entered a manufacturing deal with the company in the Philippines and uh I thought they were doing they were manufacturing a bunch of the parts in China but I believe that stopped and the amount of production done in California has been

Reduced and it’s being mostly done in the Philippines with some of the final you know last few bolts being put put in in California you know to make it a California built or whatever you know I’m sure there some legality where they have to put the the final pieces

Together in California and America for it to be a American motorcycle American manufacturer um completely unrelated to that zero has slashed prices uh it’s more of a going into 20124 kind of thing so uh if you want to uh pick up a discounted electric motorcycle I’m sure there’s still plenty

Of stock from what I’m hearing at the dealers so go check those out they are $1,000 to $4,500 off for the 2023 models as the new 2024 start to roll out um that’s about all I’ve got there’s there’s more depressing news about like I think Yamaha has they they made this

Little tiny motorcycle we’ve we’ve all been waiting for the oems to finally get an electric motorcycle game well they come into it and they bring little like 3 Kow hour packs that are hot swappable that’s great I guess for commuters you know sure but but we were hoping for

Sporty fun you know ninja kind of thing and that’s what we got so uh yeah a depressing video as always but that’s uh that’s the wrap-up going into 2024 and uh I hope it hasn’t been a complete waste of your time uh links for all these will be in the description below

And uh have a great New Year’s be safe out there don’t drink and drive take care

Well, 2023 hasn’t shaped up to be a great year for electric motorcycles. All indications are that 2024 will continue this trend, but hopefully things will improve. Updates on Damon production, Lightning Motorcycles, Energica/Ideanomics, and more!



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