Plug-in Hybrids

2023 in review for EVs and renewables

2023 in review for EVs and renewables

2023 in review from an EV and a Renewables perspective so in 2023 there were many records broken new EVS on the market many renewable energy stories but these are just some of the ones but firstly we’ll cover some Tesla stories then we’ll move on to the rest of the

World so um here in Australia Tesla opened 30 new supercharger locations and that included 82 new plugs alone in December primarily over on the east coast not here in wa and they also introduced version four superchargers the first of which was installed in Albury or Albury New South Wales and

Tesla also started to open up its supercharger Network to other EVS cyber truck deliver delies started in the USA yeah have you got one on order H I haven’t uh but since deliveries have started a large number of new orders came in apparently once you’ve seen the Cyber truck in real life

You’ll want one well I’m going to wait until I can see it in real life also model 3 Highland was released and it’s starting to become available here in Australia um it was on display even in Perth where I was uh recently and I did a video on it maybe

Here Tesla Model y broke a 37 year old record for sales in Denmark when it became the bestselling car in a single year and it set to become the world’s bestselling car not just EV bestselling car now in addition to that the Tesla NEX or the North American charging

Standard which we don’t use here in Australia we’ve got ccs2 that was accepted by the SAE which used to be the Society of Automotive Engineers as the new standard for EV charging connectors and it’s been given the honorable name of j34 now Tesla also bought a block of land in Shanghai

And they’re going to build a new MEAP pack Factory for its energy storage business there and their goal is to produce 10,000 Mega packs a year not bad and obviously this year the Tesla semi was also released and PepsiCo took delivery of quite a few of them and after a bit

Of testing they reported that its efficiency was 1.1 k hours per kilometer or was that per mile H but anyway it was a lot more efficient than they were expecting fast DC charges in Australia have almost doubled throughout the year and here in wa the wev network which is

Funded by our state government has passed the halfway mark uh in installations making traveling in an EV around the state much easier they are opening 4 9 and they had 25 or 26 opened uh already and um Tesla surpassed the 5 million sales worldwide and China surpassed 20 million electric vehicle

Sales and that all happened this year so talking of new EV sales in Australia EVS accounted for around 8% of of new vehicles sold which is double last year’s which is about 3 point something per. so the need for the charging infrastructure uh to keep up in

Australia uh is now Paramount as’s many more EVS are on the marketplace including some of the cheaper ones like orat uh mg4 EV and the byd dolphin which are all selling very well now talking of those three new cars the total list of EVS now available able in Australia is over 50 passenger

Vehicles and around 14 Light commercial Vans and several medium tohey electric trucks and some more sales records Norway reached 93% of new cars sold having got a plug on them now that’s actually 87% of battery electric and 6 % uh plugin hybrids but that’s a fantastic result

And it’s a Target that all countries need to emulate Chinese companies like byd they’ve continued their expansion program they were going into lots of different countries but they’re now uh just announced that they’re going to build a new evm battery Factory in jigged or however you pronounce it in

Southern Hungary and it’s probably going to Sur pass Tesla in the sales of pure battery electric vehicles now remember they sell plug-in hybrids as well as battery electric vehicles and their sales are way above Tesla but just on the battery electric vehicles they’re almost certainly going to uh beat Tesla out of first

Spot now cop 28 it came and went and added to the amount of global warming because of all that hot air that they generated talking I wonder if cop 29 will bring anything different now now it’s just going to be more of the same as the dino Juice

Companies increase their efforts to stop the decrease of the usage of their products yeah I’m G to leave that one there but on the brighter side of things a massive 1,500 megawatt wind project got planning approval which is the first in nearly three years and that’s in New South

Wales now also in New South Wales neoen is going to begin construction of its second biggest solar farm so that’s all good news and hopefully this is going to gradually push those Dino juice and so on companies out of business we’ve got a federal opposition here that that’s going on about nuclear

Power and um smrs and so on the CIS iro which is our um science organization here in Australia has said that wind and solar are much much cheaper than nuclear even with the added costs of the integration of the um grid so as usual our uh opposition parties are way off the

Mark uh in more good news people power stopped $1 billion loan going to White Haven coal which is Australia’s largest coal producing company now this movement stopped the National Australia bank and 11 other Banks refinancing a 1 billion loan to White Haven coal hey and since then the NAB has also indicated

That they plan not to lend any money to any company whose primary activity is mining thermal coal so does that mean if it’s their secondary activity yeah we’ll wait and see on that one but I tell you what people power’s got a lot to uh uh to go for it now our

Federal labor government announced finally that they’re going to introduce Euro 6D emission standards yay but it won’t come into effect until December 2025 that’s two years away it’s a start I suppose um now up until now there were only two of the more advanced countries uh without emission standards so that leaves just

Russia well there you go um and Talking of um Renewables West Australia hit a new record in November with at one point in time 81% of its energy was Renewables it’s only for a short time but that’s still not too shabby uh for the most isolated Grid in

The world its previous Peak was 79% back in September now I just had a look at our energy consumption and it was over 50% was solar and wind production um with the other 40 something per being uh coal and gas when nighttime comes around it’s more coal

And gas obviously but even so to get about 55% give or take uh Renewables during the daytime is a start and uh we just need to build more and more so whilst I’m on the subject of state government poor old Victoria their state government lost the high court

Challenge brought about out by my mate Chris vanderstock um regarding their EV Levy their Road user charge and they’ve now said that they’re going to repay all the money is taken yes well done Chris in April catl I always refer to them as cattle but that’s just me they launched

An ultra high density battery which claimed an energy density of 500 W per Kil at the cell level that’s not bad Chinese smartphone manufacturer xiaomi revealed its first EV it’s an SUV called su7 and they said it will do not to 100 in 2.8 seconds have an 8 Kil 800

Kilometer range on the cltc standard so real world probably about 600 K kilometers with a 101 KW battery still pretty good it’s also on an 800 volt architecture very impressive stats so let’s see if it lives up to all the hype X me has also stated that over the next

15 to 20 years they’re aiming to be one of the top five auto manufacturers in the world H Apple what are you going to do so the world’s first EV powered with sodium ion batteries rolled off the production line in China jaac groups ye way or ye

Way3 um it’s a brand new um EV brand in China it’s backed by VW and uh they brought two cars with sodium ion batteries now they don’t have a huge range they’ve only got about 27 30 kwatt hours of battery with a range of 150 or 200 kmers not a huge amount

But they’re City cars and zika demonstrated what has to be the most advanced and safest battery and they’ve called it the golden battery now it can withstand freezing temperatures and temperatures as high high as 1,000° centigrade and still be put back in a car and work that’s just insane but it will also

Charge at a high rate apparently they claim it will add 500 km in 15 minutes now that actually means nothing what you want to know is how many kilowatt hours it’s going to put into a car but even so that’s pretty reason so if all their claims are true and I

Can’t see any reason why not cuz they provided some evidence and videos that’s going to be a real game Cher I just wonder how much it’s going to cost now for next year 2024 what are we going to get I’d like to see some cheap EVS being made they

Need only be what a term City cars like those sodium ion battery ones from China um perhaps Tesla will bring out their $25,000 uh EV although with inflation I expect that’s going to come out to be 30,000 but byd they’ve got the seagull which is a small cheap EV now it sells

In China for the equivalent of $177,000 Australian when it comes to Australia though it’s anyone’s guess I would expect it would be in the region of 20 to 25 ,000 if it comes yeah um but seeing as how it sold over 200,000 units in the first eight months on the market

In China it’s going to sell like hot cakes wherever it goes I reckon now it doesn’t have a huge range once again it’s a city car and we need more of those the average Journey here in Australia is 40 kilm a day so if your car will

Do 200 km that’s good for virtually 5 days um so on average not too bad and finally the North Pole to South Pole in an EV has been completed it’s just fantastic and congratulations to the pair of them that drove a niss ara EV from pole to pole that’s just a massive

Achievement so well done so that’s it for this year um let’s see what 2024 will bring I know there’s a few new EVS coming into the market certainly here in Australia um so let’s keep an eye out and see what happens now please don’t forget can you click that like And

Subscribe buttons below and also check out my links in the description below there’s a few there that um you can help me out with a few of them so please stay safe and I’ll see you all in 2024

Do you think 2023 was a good year for EVs and renewables? Here I outline some of the important milestones for 2023

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