Electric Cars

Cars like Aptera ARE the Future, Here’s Why

Cars like Aptera ARE the Future, Here’s Why

I often get asked Drew why can’t you stop talking about aptera and well I guess it’s because I may have a pessimistic SL optimistic view of the future as to why I think there’s going to be a very large generational shift in buying Behavior especially when it becomes to our personal vehicles

Especially as every generation seems to care a bit more about efficiency and making sure that we take care of this one world this one planet we got and it wasn’t considered that much in the earlier Industrial Evolution era it was just like yeah pull all this coal out of

The ground burn all of this oil because that was for a lot of people the only way certain industries can work and unfortunately it still is outside of the transportation space it’s going to be much much harder to transition away from fossil fuels and for the record yes I’m

Still very supportive and open to public transportation I wish governments would spend more time developing better infrastructure for buses and trains and I want that as much as possible but particularly here in the United States our government for both better and worse was designed to move slowly and that was

Originally intended to be a way to protect us as individuals right the government can’t change the rules or laws on you really quickly but the downside of that is when there’s a really good idea like public transportation or nuclear energy because of all the red tape and the slowness of

Our political system it doesn’t matter if we all agree that public transportation is better and should be pursued because it takes so long and it is nearly impossible to get anything done in our current government system so you know vote for it and ask for it as

Much as you can but you could be asking for it for years and years and years and still really not get anywhere not to mention public transportation tends to work a lot better in countries that don’t have to travel as far a lot of the United States is built around

Agriculture and farming which involves lots of big fields lots of big distances between where people live public transport tends to work better when people are all living together and yes it can be cheaper but usually when you have a big city and everybody living on top of each other that drives the cost

Of living up so sure you could save money by not owning a car but then a lot of that money will go towards higher rent higher expenses that you wouldn’t find in more rural communities so I’m all in favor of public transportation but I’m also a realist and I understand

That that’s not just some magic wand that you can apply to everyone’s life and everyone’s use case and say boom just use public transportation everywhere and that’ll solve all your problems that’s a problem that comes back to complaining about the government which there’s a laundry list of things

To complain about and we’ll probably never stop complaining about our governments till the end of time so that means we still have to work with the idea of private transportation like vehicles that you own yourself and of course that’s why I’m so excited about this whole electric vehicle transition

The Tesla is no question spearheading into the 21st century getting everybody on board with the Knack standard and showing how you can profitably and at scale build mass Market adopted electric vehicles and the main reason we’re moving towards electric vehicles and not hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and not

Nuclear vehicles or or you know hybrids is because EVS are able to move the most efficiently sure you can pack a lot of energy within a gallon of gasoline but you can only make an internal combustion engine so efficient and you’re relying on literally an explosion to move a

Piston to move a valve to move an axle and there’s so many losses within that process that even with state-of-the-art super efficient combustion engines you cannot get as efficient as a battery pack and an electric motor and that’s why all electric vehicles have the best efficiency of any vehicles that have

Ever been made there’s way too many energy losses with hydrogen I won’t go into that because it’s such a stupid idea it’s too expensive and the infrastructure is too complicated okay I’m getting into it but I think as time goes on it will become more abundantly clear that the companies with the best

Profit margins and more interesting to you guys the vehicles that are the most cost effective are the ones that require the least amount of energy to use because even as we get better at mass-producing EVS left and right and the price of lithium Falls and we’re building more and more cells every year

The battery pack is still probably going to remain the most expensive part of any electric vehicle which means that relatively speaking over the grand scheme of EV history vehicles with smaller battery packs are likely going to be able to price themselves lower than vehicles with larger battery packs

That’s just kind of the way the world’s going to work and that brings us to aptera which is this super futuristic startup that I’m very excited about because I’m in love with this desire for efficiency and I think the buying behavior of the public is likely going

To follow in the same way that you know I was obsessed with iPhones as a kid even though everyone around me thought okay Drew what’s the big deal it’s an iPod that makes phone calls but over time more and more people started seeing the potential and all of the

Opportunities that the smartphone would allow now to the point that I feel like smartphones are so addictive they’re actually quite destructive to your mental health and they could be quite damaging to a child’s upbringing but that’s besides the point we’re talking about the future here and obviously I

Think most of us here agree electric vehicles are the future if you don’t believe that just stop watching now block my channel you’re not going to like anything I have to say but I think what’s going to dictate a big portion of electric vehicle sales in the future is

Which one is the most efficient because this whole transition is about efficiency and I think we’re already starting to find some of the limitations within the electric vehicle Market I don’t think that there’s a limit of people who want an electric vehicle but I do see a pretty noticeable limit that

Even Tesla is experiencing which is why they’re doing price cuts and inventory discounts and end of quarter sales pushes because there’s a limit to the number of people that can afford electric vehicles and even Tesla with all of their manufacturing expertise and all of their vertical integration is

Kind of bumping up against their margins a little bit going okay we need to clear inventory now because not enough people are buying these and that eats into their average selling price and eats into the profit margin of every vehicle sold and I’m sure Tesla is going to

Exist I’m not saying that one company has to die for another to succeed I think lots of Automotive companies will continue to thrive but the genius of aptera that I’m seeing is a way to lower the cost of ownership by a substantial amount and that’s thanks to smaller

Battery packs and more efficient designs that can unlock use cases that were never possible before and this is not just talking about epter is able to make a low price EV it’s a lot bigger than that it’s that when you get wat hours per mile close to the 100 range which is

What aptera is targeting thanks to their aerodynamic shape that opens up a lot of possibilities for the charging infrastructure which is arguably just as important as the vehicle itself if not more important been a huge deal breaker for a ton of EVS on the market right like Lucid air fantastic vehicle a bunch

Of people sold it because of their experience with Electrify America and as you start reaching more a affordable and affordable markets there’s going to be a growing number of people that can’t justify an electric vehicle because they can’t necessarily charge it from home you know they don’t have a great setup

At their apartment or their town home that allows them to plug in their car and a lot of the time plugging into a basic 110 outlet is not going to cover daily driving needs you’re going to need to install a faster higher amperage plug in order to get meaningful range into

Your car and a lot of people you see it all the time in America they’re parking on the street their garages are full or a lot of houses now convert their garages into more living space so you got to park outside and to a person on a

Budget the concept of buying this really expensive EV hopefully you make it back with the gas savings but now you got to spend extra money on the at home charging equipment too yeah that adds to the overall cost of ownership experience whereas what the aptera is targeting is

The concept of letting the EV charge itself purely from sunlight and sure even if you live in a cloudy climate where maybe you only get 15 to 20 M of range for free via solar still that’s a lot of free driving miles that’s impressive but let’s say you live in the

Middle of Alaska and you have 3 months out of the Year where it’s completely dark well because of the apter’s aerodynamic shape and efficient powertrain you can plug it in Via a basic 110 outlet and get over 200 M of range added back overnight you don’t need some fancy High amperage plug this

Is literally going to take the same Outlet you charge your phone off of and that ease of charging and that ease of affordability knowing that this EV for a lot of its driving won’t need to charge you any money whether it’s from electricity bills or it’s from gasoline

And because of our ever growing grid infrastructure and a lot of people who are living in apartment complexes that don’t have access to their roofs not everybody can buy solar not everybody can buy their own power wall a lot of people just have to pay whatever the

Electric utility rate is in their area which the trend is it’s going up grid infrastructure is not necessarily getting cheaper just because there’s more solar panels connected to to it there’s still a lot of wire connecting all of these grids and houses together that needs to be maintained by utility

Providers and that’s why we’re expecting the price of electricity to likely increase especially if you’re not able to own your own home and buy solar and a power wall for it and all that so for people who are doing a lot of on street parking and that rising cost of

Electricity is eating into the overall gas savings they can get out of an EV that makes it a hard thing to justify and I know that a lot of people probably look at the Tera and say you know what it’s a three-wheeler that’s weird it’s a twodo vehicle and those just don’t sell

All that well but I don’t think we can really compare it to anything else on the market because there’s never really been a vehicle with a three-wheel design that’s enclosed still has an HVAC system you can still driving around in the winter and it’s actually capable of charging itself being fast and also

Going as far as it does with the launch edition targeting a 400 mile range Which is far longer than the majority of EVS coming out today it’s hard to compare to really anything cuz there’s never been a vehicle like this on the market which is why I don’t think you can truly gauge

What the true demand is for it but I predict the demand will be far larger than most people realize because the data is showcasing that the average vehicle on the road has one and a half people in them so for the vast majority of driving two seats is enough and sure

I hope more people can get into biking and ebiking their way to work that’s far more efficient and that uses less energy but there’s a lot of climates and a lot of situations where biking to your destination may not be that practical if you’re going to you know a dinner party

You don’t want to show up all sweaty have to change out of your clothes especially if you’re going to get some groceries run some errands or you’re bringing food to the get together a bike can only cover so many use cases it’s great and I love mountain biking but

There’s definitely a big difference in use case between a vehicle with an HVAC system that you can get inside in drive around in the rain and snow and go on great distances whereas biking is just good for kind of around town driving and like I said in a lot of these more rural

Communities across the country that’s going to be a lot bigger of an Ask than it would be to just ride around in a car and I also think we’re seeing an arc a trend continue with the cost of living there’s less people that are able to afford their own houses because the

Price of real estate just steadily increases and that pushes more people to renting their homes instead of buying them outright so the cost of living is higher they have to work harder they have to pursue higher paying jobs and be a bit more strict with their spending

And that also encourages a lot of people to have greater commutes because typically the more dense you are in a packed area the higher the demand is therefore the higher the price is so a lot of people in fact I know a ton of people in my Social Circle that have to

Move further away from their place of work and have to commute longer because they can get a cheaper place to live further away where the demand isn’t as high so because I expect that Trend to continue where it’s cheaper to live outside of the major cities basically

The more populated it is the more expensive it is and that increases the likelihood of people needing to commute to work and then drive home a little bit further away where they can get a better price on rent or maybe afford a home in a different area because it’s a lower

Price and they can qualify for a mortgage on a home further away than they can in town and couple that with the cultural phenomenon that is the birth rate decline you know I know a lot of people are saying the Tera is not going to work for them because their

Whole family can’t fit inside of it and that’s definitely true it’s not going to be the last vehicle for a ton of people but there’s a lot of people these days that are feeling more interested in traveling before having kids or they don’t feel financially prepared to expand their family so they’d rather

Just be on their own or just with their partner in which case the aptera is going to be perfect for a lot of those households and be a lot cheaper than it would be to buy a big SUV or a big pickup truck which is kind of the social

Norm these days that’s what everybody’s used to but I think there will be a generational shift as the cost of living grows higher and higher and it’s going to be more and more expensive to pay for gasoline pay for these larger vehicles and the push towards a more energy

Efficient future I think will continue and that light at the end of the tunnel of how do we get more efficient how do we get better energy consumption is the aptera because that’s the only company right now that has a targeted 10 m per kilowatt hour no one is even close to

That and I think over time as production starts and crash testing is done more people will be open to the idea that okay this actually can be a very safe vehicle to travel in okay the solar energy charging is true it’s real it’s not a fat it’s not vaporware anymore

We’ll have our initial bubble of tech enthusiasts that want to take delivery of it right away but I think as the world and as the market starts to learn and understand that there’s a vehicle like this in production and that the range numbers are true you’re going to

See demand for a two-door three-wheeler like never before because there’s never been a two-door vehicle with cost savings this high and with range this good for the money and there’s never been like a self-powered vehicle before right so once everything starts clicking in people’s head heads into all of the

Possibilities of a vehicle that can use this much energy that can be this cheap to own and also have carplay which is a huge requested feature in the Tesla and rivan Market they don’t want to support it aptera does support it so it’s going to be compatible with these freaking

Smartphones that were also addicted to and on top of that aptera is going to be a big fan of right to repair which I could see Annoying a lot of people out of Teslas and rivan they’re great cars and I’m an owner I love it but anytime

Something goes wrong it’s not going to be cheap to replace place in service whereas aptera is trying to make all of those parts and manuals accessible to the masses so that anybody can work on their aptera and every part is accessible and affordable so I see all

Of these advantages making a real impact and kind of fitting the Next Generation that might be less inclined to grow their family or not be able to afford a super big house or maybe not be able to own their own land because they’re living in apartments and that often

Means street parking parking outside not having a garage and it’s just a simple fact that with a lot of markets supercharging is getting so expensive that the savings for gas are negligible because if you can’t charge from home and you have to pay 50 or 60 cents per

Kilow hour every time you charge your EV then yeah you’re not going to be saving much money on it you’ll probably pay a premium for the registration than you would compared to a gas car and the electricity is going to be barely less than a gas vehicle so for a lot of our

World which is having less ownership of housing less garages more on street parking the traditional four-wheeled EV that only goes 3 to 4 m per kilow hour and costs a lot more because of that huge battery pack it’s just not going to be cost effective for a lot of people

Out there and that’s why I think aptera is kind of like headed where the market trend is which is a push towards sustainability a push towards efficiency and in that a lot of people I think will learn to love it it’s just a vehicle that looks as weird as it does that

Turns heads that’s also affordable that can still be fast that can have long range and not be expensive that can still be high-tech and serviceable I truly believe the market for this is quite large I’m not saying it’s going to replace all SUVs on the market but I do

Think that it will easily become the most popular Auto cycle you know the most popular three-wheeler ever made and aptera could end up becoming one of the largest players in the automotive Market I genuinely believe that I’m not saying that just because I’ve met with them and

Talked with them I just think this is where the market is headed personally and there’s a lot of people driving around by themselves or with one other person and as less and less people are having kids there’s a greater desire to travel more and have more Independence

And freedom and that’s kind of for better for worse what this country was founded on individuality you get to do what you want to do and there’s pros and cons to that ideology but I think the ABA supports that ideology very very closely you can go wherever you want to

Go as long as you want to go you’ve got space in the back you can set the air temperature you can set what music you’re playing and it charges itself you don’t have to buy this certain home charger and if you want to go 1,000 miles non-stop you have the choice to do

That pretty much the only compromise is yeah there’s only two seats but who knows maybe aptera has something in store with a little more occupancy but do you guys disagree with me I know I just threw a lot at you but feel free to let me know your thoughts down in the

Comments below and thank you to everybody supporting this channel directly seriously helps us out a ton as does just watching these videos so thanks again have an excellent rest of your day

Accelerate Aptera Here: https://aptera.us/accelerate/

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Channel Art: Wouter-vA19 from our Discord

Music by: https://www.youtube.com/c/RandyVazquez

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