Electric Motorcycles



Today we are visiting Paul buug in Germany and checking out the ebok 2 to see if it lives up to his promises and we are also checking out their new secret scooter project so stick around to see the fuckload of Action Oh here we go holy this is top there are a lot of things you can say about pulok and ebok 2 first thing is they’ve chosen to use a a lot of high quality components meaning a lot of different dirt bikes I see is you buy

The basic one and then you still have to pay a little bit extra to upgrade certain Parks whereas with this one you get a high quality machine straight out of the garage and you can just have a lot of fun and you can race with it you

Don’t have to worry about buying extra things there’s a hidden cost that comes with a lot of dirt bikes that you don’t have to worry about with buying this bike and then of course they have built it all here thems eles which means the quality control and the efficiency

Everything works together perfectly so nice I don’t have to worry about foot break in here’s woohoo it’s so powerful I just spin out brakes are really good I mean suspension are nice nice woo and you can even jump a little bit nice I got to say you know remember this

I am not a Motocross rider I’m barely an Enduro Rider wo we’re drifting brakes work so well these is the electric brake not hydraulic so that’s probably why it feel so good and you just up the speed in no time for example if you use the electric brake it’s another advantage of this

Brake the wheel does not stop it always spin a little bit and uh it’s like an integrated RBS and if you use this uh you can go very fast with a very uh heavy slide into Corners right or left it doesn’t matter anymore because you do

You do not put away your fet from the right food pet and you can concentrate and focus on on the riding and on the sliding and can uh the to size it very precise with the hand you have to test it and then you will you will laugh the

Electric brake I think I’m getting too comfortable it’s so good I’m riding way better than I thought I would do okay yes I I think the AOC is made for uh fast driving so you learn very fast to drive fast yeah because it’s it’s very

Easy like how and and I’m feel very safe with the brakes yes breakes are this is the electric brake right yes yes feels so good I usually chicken out the bit in the corners but this one I break like last second and then get out of it like

Poof okay I’m done with the test track let’s do some Enduro a this bike is so cool and they do make a super motor version which will soon be street legal so imagine this street legal and this is obviously dirt bike tires instead of slick tires but still and then

You this is not even top spe there’s also a lot of things that you can customize with your bike and when you order you can just ask them for what you want and they will put the right parts to you depending on how you like to ride so for example like me I

Love a lot of Enduro so I would probably want the hydraulic brake uh in the back instead of the electronic one because they can help me when I’m uphill another thing is I might want to have one battery that is more suitable for longer ride so have more time on the bike

Because I’m going to be out a long time whereas other people want to have the other type of battery that they have because that will charge most faster uh and you will have more power out of from it when you’re for example riding Motocross so that’s more efficient for

Those things so depending on your style of riding you can customize the bike a lot okay so now we’re off we’re going to go do some Ura riding off into the forest so it will be a lot of fun cuz that’s where I’m a little more comfortable and where I’m most

Experience so then I can compare it to my time in Bulgaria doing combustion engine Enduro so this would be a lot of fun oh it’s so beautiful look at the sun coming through H beautiful late fall here in Germany wow it is so high up I’m like

I’m going to drive the left side The story of the company started uh with me and Florian in our parents houses in the garage and um yeah we are thinking a lot and both of us riding Motocross and we have a lot of space out of our houses but uh the space uh was not comparable

With the with the noisy sound of the of the of the combustion dirt bikes so we think about an electric one and build it from the first time for for us to ride a little bit so we can ride everywhere and it was no problems and then more and

More people come and interested in the bike what is it and what can I drive can I test it and so more and more we are growing up and make a business from the bike to start selling the first 15 bikes with small piece of numbers and uh then

We are growing up and from the since time we have started to develop different things on the bike for the heavy using of of motocross like the components for example our IP 69k and so on and uh then we are growing up a a second business with all drive frame

Parts beginning from the engine over the BMS system battery and software controlling and and everything that you need and in future we are coming with some other projects also some street legal projects and I think uh it will be yeah very exciting in the next years and

Also with our Drive trims we have very good applications and uh that is one special part of our company that we are um building the complete Drive Trin so every customer can have the perfect drive train for his application from 7 up to 40 and over kilowatt and yeah

Kilowatt hours what they need everything is perfect for him and uh I think that is very special in our company look how beautiful this Forest is amazing place to ride F do little offroading definitely capable no problem with that and yeah the nice thing is you don’t have to

Struggle too much with the clutch when you get into tricky situation yes the clutch help you to have more control at some sometimes but also sometimes it can be a little bit tricky and you you know stole the bike and stuff if you’re not

Pro like like me I’m not a pro and you can program the left brake to be a clutch instead if you want so you can ride and if you feel you need that clutch control you can use it but as soon as you let it go you still don’t

Stall the bike so that’s fantastic with the ebok 2 you can do hundreds of changes with your computer that you simply connect with the cable to the bike you can then set your own three Maps which will control the power torque and speed you can also customize the

Bike to have either hand or foot back breake an e- clutch and reverse gear perfect for when you get stuck in a little extra push unlike the V for example the ebook is using low voltage 72 volt in total with 36 volt from two batteries which means you don’t have to

Worry about getting an electric shock and you don’t need a license if you would like to change check repair or do something on the bike this means it’s safer easier and cheaper to check on the bike’s Electronics on a normal combustion bike usually after 100 hours

Of riding you’re going to have to repair fix or change things with uh with the engine it going to be bearings or it’s going to be Pistons or the whole engine itself all these different parts are going to start to break and you need to replace it with this one especi this

Exact bike here has been riding for 370 hours and still works I rode it yesterday it works fine it is amazing you don’t have to worry about all those extra things that will break with the combustion bike this one keeps riding keeps feeling great so you save a lot of

Money in a lot of time a lot of stress not have to worry about those things a look how beautiful ha and what a fun ride finally I can ride this I rode this bike at reload land just to try it out and like a straight little

Road which is nothing this is how it’s supposed to be tested and this is my first electric fulls siiz dirt bike and I barely Tred a s on so this is a lot of fun w wow look at the trees a fast cool silent ride and also the beautiful nature wo Perfect combo

That’s what it’s all about people people are not dist sered people are walking there was some Walkers before they all happy smiling saying hi no one’s worried no one’s angry and we are having the best time a this is so cool almost turning into night Enduro now wo I like deep

Forest oh yeah H see this now with the light perfect W oh yeah that’s not we’re talking yeah baby woohoo [Applause] [Applause] Fun yeah so I guess now is the best time for me actually to talk about I feel the really difference now in how you set the bike up so this really is so aggressive from like this first little Twitch in the throttle because it’s obviously the motorcross setup and uh with the neur

One I was like oh it’s still a bit slow in the start which is perfect when you you know just starting uphill and you don’t need all that acceleration so quickly so I really do feel like the way they set it up is is great and you can definitely feel the

Difference we are very excited to show you the future more applications bigger Engines new projects like this but I don’t want to tell you too much about it we will talk in Future all right guys we are are going to be the lucky ones who get to experience this prototype scooter that they have for the first time I’m not sure if anyone else except the team pbook have ridden ridden this so yeah join me on the amazing test am I the

First one out of pook to try it yeah amazing okay switch on magical sound and then ready to race it feels really nice I love I love how it’s suspension here in the front suspension in the back it’s very comfortable smooth obviously I’m much tiny guys so I like scooters but yeah

Okay you guys ready for from stop and then go oh here we go Woohoo yeah it’s the Prototype so I’m going to help push it too much cuz obiously there’s still parts that needs to be tweaked and tuned and they’re working hard on making the hardware work all in the optimal way and obviously they’re going to change the battery and

All that kind of stuff to make it more scooter friendly but yeah it’s so cool already it’s a it’s a good prototype got the kick to it I think the top speed 140 km an hour which is mad so the batter is actually optimized to not have the

Craziest acceleration but a bit more longevity so that’s the kind of battery and the setup they have which obviously you want to make sure you can drive for a long time without recharging so czy acceleration is maybe not the most important thing it’s still a good acceleration but it’s not like the ebok

Obviously cuz it’s designed for different reasons but I mean that is still good so cool to test I I should just be a test rider for p b and they are collaborating with a company from Italy because we all know that Italians make the best scooters

Best quality so the chassis is from a company Italy and then they put everything with the motor the battery all the other stuff they’re going to build their own uh swing arm in the back so just very much customize it it’s only the chassis cuz it looks really good and

And then they can just focus on putting all the parts together building the best battery doing the best swing arm all the other parts are important and make the coolest CEST scooter Ever Jesus Christ that’s not even close to full power of course no bike is perfect there’s obviously things that can be improved but I really struggle actually to find find anything but I think is the main thing is just the cost it’s not a cheap bike but again you buy this bike

Because you want the best and you want high quality not because you want something cheap that you can just play with this is for people who are serious and want to have the best ride possible and again with all the other stuff that comes with the bike for example the

Really good customer service that they have connection with all the companies that they buy parts from are really close by so getting the built and delivered is really quick getting it customized is really quick all those things is what you pay the extra money for and then you have a bike that you

Can have a lot of fun on so with that I want to say thank you for joining us in this video today here in amazing Germany even though it’s a bit cloudy it’s been really funny because you know it’s the what is made for to be in the dirt to be

In the rain that has been an amazing experience so if you want to see more of these videos make sure you subscribe and we’ll see you in the next One A

We are test riding and reviewing this electric dirtbike called eBock2 by Pohlbock in Germany.

It’s a premium electric motocross or electric enduro (depending on your setup) with a high quality feel. We are also testing their new electric scooter prototype. Let’s see how they ride!

For more info, you can visit www.pohlbock.com

Thank you for watching! If you’d like to support us and see more of our electric motor content, feel free to subscribe and like this video so we can keep making great content for you 🙂


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