Electric Motorcycles

This time I found the Cops riding my Illegal E-Scooter

This time I found the Cops riding my Illegal E-Scooter

That’s a motorcycle cop right there we’ll see if we can catch up to him yeah yeah oh oh oh he’s on it I’m on it too damn is that a cop yep that’s a cop all right we’re going to have to go around Them all right ladies and gentlemen we are on the k6 you guys have been waiting for a video for this because apparently this thing now does 120 km per hour so I’m going to have to get my phone up here and let me show it to you real

Quick if you guys aren’t familiar with what this looks like this is a sit down mini scooter I guess that’s that’s what you can call it they call it an ebike and a scooter on their website and I’ve done many videos on it and it’s always

Topped out at 100 kmph and that’s about 60 MPH anyways uh it’s supposed to go I think like 70 or 75 so uh let’s see if it does it or not I went on to the app and the app is called theod basically just got to search for your device it

Already found it um the bad thing is I am at 70% battery I was charging this before I was leaving for work right now but everything’s good temperature is good um I’m trying to see where it would say like 120 km or not let’s see in the

Settings tilt back speed I don’t know what that is maximum speed reminder uh you can put it to 120 uh it’s in off-road mode the app is updated as well I don’t know if the scooter itself is updated or not or even how you update the scooter but I updated

The app and the app connects to it and I did this uh the other day you got soft medium and strong settings tilt back speed I just don’t know what tilt back speed means there’s an alarm on this thing power alarm uh can you change this a mile per hour

Now oh you can’t still so it’s still in kilometers I wish we can get mile per hour on here but anyways I’m going to open my Speedo meter and I guess I don’t really have to reset that cuz it’s going to be one of the fastest things we’ve

Been on in a a hot minute but I’m going to uh just see how fast it goes I don’t know if we’re going to be able to do it on this type of road right now because it is like very very busy and we’re going to come up this we’re going to

Come up the skateboard ramp after I do the kickstand damn it we got to be careful I haven’t aired these tires up it’s been sitting for a while and you guys know how it is going from hot to cold these tires are actually a little bit not as pumped up

As they should be I just didn’t have enough uh time to get this thing ready because I was trying to fix the main bolt that we missing to the suspension I found a random bolt that came off of one of my cars a long time ago and it’s

Actually a stud it’s an exhaust stud and uh it was for like a turbo manifold that I had to put on my car anyway so I just put a nut on the bottom of it and I just tightened it down so I think we should be okay well hopefully anyways I’m I’m

Praying we are This thing always gets me uh nervous every single time we get on it because people got to pay attention to you on the road you got to pay attention to them and you basically have to uh drive like people do not see you so

Every single car that’s like you know coming out right now like see I want to go around this bus can I make it can I make it around this bus sketchy I made it though around all these people okay this car is getting to the bike lane let’s slow down a little bit

All right so we’re doing about 45 we know it can go 60 already ready not the safest Street to do it on yet because I know there’s some potholes coming up right here so if you’re ever going to get one of these scooters man make sure

You know the road before you be a jackass and a haul ass on it I also have some uh Kevlar lime pants I don’t know how they’re going to be able to work in today but they feel great so that should be good if we go down which I you know

Hope we don’t go down all right maybe oh all right let’s see in this long stretch of road right here oh my god oh it still only hit like right under like 60 it was like 55 is roughly I forgot how fun this thing is all the worries of like how fast it

Is and that nerve-wracking feeling you get like the bottom of the pit like when you get on a roller coaster type of feeling it all goes away when you start riding this thing you just have a blast it’s really stable it’s not as stable as

If the tires were aired up to where they need to be what the hell’s going on right here but it still feels great I don’t have any issues with it at all and uh yeah it’s a blast but I haven’t seen any uh faster top speed out of it yet I

Don’t think it’s going to do it though because it felt like it was topping out and I know again we’re at 70% battery but I feel like it should have went faster than that because it was just uh it was just too slow and that’s a motorcycle cop right there we’ll see if

We can catch up to him yeah yeah you can really hear that tire let’s catch up to this motorcycle cop you think you’ll give us a ticket maybe motorcycle C I would laugh if we got a ticket I mean what I don’t know what they would do on something like this I

Mean it’s kind of like it’s not road legal but it’s also kind of like what are they going to do like what type of ticket are they going to give and dang someone blew up their motor dang thanks son hey look like there’s oil all underneath that car well that cop’s back

There somewhere he didn’t even come after me he didn’t even go into the turning lane nothing like he just stayed in the lane he was in behind the car that he was just watching I guess so I think we should be in the clear so hopefully we’ll be all right because I

Want to go kind of fast and just kind of have some fun but I also know this thing is not supposed to be in the street and I’m also not supposed to be doing like 40 m an hour but I want to be able to have fun in this

Thing and I’m so glad I haven’t got rid of this thing yet there’s been a lot of people that asked me about it but it just it’s one of the funnest pevs I got but I think this year is going to be the

Year that I uh get rid of it and by the way uh Happy New Year’s to you guys maybe I’ll have another video slightly after this before New Year’s comes out oh my God truck you smell like ass burning oil and everything yeah again I’m glad I didn’t

Get rid of this thing I love it uh it just it’s going to have to go sometime I’m thinking March is when we’re going to have to probably get rid of this thing this year I don’t know we’ll have to see we got to replace it with

Something else that’s super cool and fun because I don’t know like I this is like the fastest thing I have other than like a suron but this thing is just like way more enjoyable and like just badass that’s what I can say all right so uh we’re going to try to do some

Sketchy shit real quick before I go to work you know for the video we’re going to go around this truck byebye people we out of here 54 mph so we’re actually going slower but again that makes sense I’m down to probably like 65% battery now oh let’s

Make it let’s make it there’s a lot of bumps coming up like that one oh I should have known that I knew it was somewhere but still new to this area and thanks for being in the very middle got I love people that know how to drive anyone that’s turned in there was

Not going to be able to fit yeah yeah want to do some burnouts no one at my work is out to impress God dang it I really wanted to see if there was like people out here so we can have some fun and show it to them and whatnot but no no one’s

Here we are here ladies and gentlemen hey that footprint still there from the guy that I told couldn’t come in let me turn this thing off but I forgot you got to do when it’s not rolling my bad my bad my bad big old fat fingers when using your gloves all right I’m

Definitely going to have to lock this one up because uh this one you can just turn on you don’t need no key no push button no nothing so I’m going to log this up and uh I’ll see you guys at night time all right you guys see You that’s in low mode got to get these shred lights on here so people can see me cu the brake lights on this thing are not great the stock brake lights you see them in the back look they look like this that’s it that’s yeah so I put these little

Flashing things on so people can see me bro it ain’t that great it should have been up well no you’re back yeah yeah it’s just not bright enough it’s all little dry so it’s hard to like kind of keep it down really hey what is this called again uh extreme

Bull k6 from a company called bod they make a lot of like Fast scooters like crazy stuff that it’s not like a mass production thing they do like a few units at a time so it’s kind of hard to like get one uh you got to get them when they’re in stock bro

What should wait so you have a key fob to it right yeah a whole keys are in here that’s so weird that if the key fobs in the car it won’t let you get into it I can get it try toy I mean I could try to help you like

Pull the trunk up without pulling the wing up cuz oh ow no thanks man uh oh oh yay there we go dude did it just happened to push while you’re I don’t know but do you have an extra spare though like at the house no I fcking hate dog damn well I’m just

Glad you got it we’re back on business though yeah you want to try it out since you got to wait for your car to warm up I got gloves too if you want to wear them just in case they’re kind of new like they’ll probably fit you cuz

They’re a little bit uh bigger on me really yeah I got small hands the OJ glove yeah just be easy with the throttle and you you’ll get used it’s it’s easier when you just like lean back in it and just kind of just yeah yeah

There you go and then here let me get the kickstand so you don’t hit that all right you good to go man it’s in low mode oh be careful make sure you know the brakes there’s definitely one sketchy vehicle to be uh riding without a helmet it’s taking it easy taking it

Easy dang that light is bright that dog didn’t want to chase me though damn dud look at my I have tears going bro this is so fun though but man how’s the was the was my back light on too or what yeah I had both of them on yeah it’s fun

Huh I left him in mode number one just so it’s uh not super super fast I think got all of them I think I’m giving this a nine a nine a nine out of 10 oh yeah I’m giving this n out of 10 shoot like loveing get the kickstand the kickstand

Is like the cheapest part of this thing it’s so bent it doesn’t hold the weight like the bracket the metal bracket of the kickstand like kind of started breaking I felt like d you are crying man I know so excited I feel like the kick St have

Been like more more like you know sunning like though it should to me it should have been more straight up it should have just been more beefy cuz this thing is so heavy but I mean it’s it’s working for what it is it’s just not the best and then uh this was the

Horn I was telling you about D that’s good it does sound a little off though and I think it’s cuz I I had to solder the things on cuz when this got shipped to the inja the guy bought it from um it was the wires were

Ripped so I had to I had to do them again so I feel like it’s making connection but it’s not that great a connection dang dude no this thing holds weight too like it was like almost popped I swear I popped like two ear like I was like that was only on one

Yeah only on one yeah n out of 10 that’s my favorite one right nine out of 10 all right Lee approved yeah Le said it all right let me get my Speedo meter up here so you guys can see how fast we’re going and I need to fix this because I am very

Worried about this phone falling very sketchy but I’m hoping we go race we get some racing in oh the backpack hold that on all right let’s put it in two we good to go oh let me lower this down just so it’s Tad all right cool waitting for him to go I

Don’t want to get ran over too small to be out here woo traction is going to be in issue definitely already tell traction is going to be a big issue with this thing oh dang it I got the kickstand for him and I forgot to K get the kickstand

For me I’m all dragging it that’s one reason why the kickstands all messed up too I think it just got like dragged a lot and during shipment oh God no water why is there always water right here come on sketchy all right all right oh no oh no my foot

Peg I’m going to get behind him because there is a car behind me and I want them to uh go around me what up guy what up guy why is your blinker on Sir yeah let’s go where’s he at where’s he at Oh I thought that was a car coming

Out oh man hopefully it’s not the Police I got to raise him from a dig I don’t know if we’re going to get a light or not but that’s where this thing’s going to shine oh oh oh he’s on it I’m on it too oh oh oh oh God God damn man fucking road construction that’s some bullshit that

Hurt my ass woo I wonder what these people are thinking that are right in front of me they’re probably like man what is behind me it’s so bright cuz I got an aftermarket headlight that I ordered from Amazon this is the legal headlight I had on my Zeus electric bike and I

Tell people that you need to get this headlight it is so badass but it’s really not made for the robe a heck honestly safety is our thing I want to be able to see everything on the Road damn he got me we’re going to ride this thing just a little bit longer even though I am down the three battery bars we still got a while I don’t remember when we rode this many times on what our mileage would be but I’m assuming it has

To be about like 40 m of range and of course we were at 70% when I left the house but it should be all right all right around the corners was a little sketchy cuz these tires are completely flat they’re like 4 in wide and the

Tires on the side you just don’t want to ride on the side of the tire um I’ve said it many times you don’t want to go over 40 mph roughly it just feels too dangerous riding on that side wall but Flat Road is just insane if I had all my

Gear on right now and these tires were aired up I would definitely show you guys that I can let my hands off when going straight and not have a single problem but doing this and hitting a pothole is the scariest thing on this and I’m not trying to go down I’m not

Trying to test out these pants that I just brought like I’m not doing it yeah baby that guy was like what the hell oh good stuff I should go get some food man I’m hungry go to like McDonald’s or something I don’t know I’m going turn

Here we got no turn signals or nothing but it’s all right I think my buddy goes straight he might actually turn with me we’ll see right here you going to have to you going to have to pull up it’s going to detect his car it ain’t

Going to detect this thing all right man I’ll see you oh I can’t see I can’t see I got to put my visor back up I was just trying to make a funny little video all right we’re going to get the hell out of here and go home and uh just

Relax the rest of the day I’ll try to get this video up as soon as possible most likely before New Year so you guys can uh just have a video to enjoy I noticed since not posting videos like day in and day out like every other day

Like I normally do uh my video views went down which kind of sucks but is that a cop yep that’s a cop all right we’re going to have to go around them oh it’s just security get this get this one I was like I’m going go around him

Regardless I wasn’t probably going to go that fast but they was going a little slower oh little bumps little bumps woo I love this thing man I forgot how fun this thing is oh my God I love it oh it just I don’t know how to explain

It man and what’s crazy is these things are now $44,000 they dropped in price and I think it’s like still $4 or $500 for like shipping or something but they’re still they’re cheap I mean $4,000 it’s not like cheap cheap but I mean compared to it being I think it was

Like 4700 bucks or something like that it’s actually not that bad I really want in and out but I don’t want to sit on the ground when I order that would just not be fun so we are just going to uh head out there was cops in the drivethru we

Out oh dang we’re getting a low voltage warning that’s the first time I think I’ve ever heard that so uh we got to be careful cuz this thing has has so much power that if your voltage is very low it just has a huge voltage tag and if

You go on the App it will show you and uh I didn’t know what it was that first but now I understand it’s just like the Onyx RCR if you ever had the battery cut out or voltage issues but the Onyx doesn’t have a thing that tells you

Where this does which is super cool but uh yeah we’re just probably going to take it easy on the way back I mean honestly I only got another 2 miles so it shouldn’t be that bad but next time I take this we’re definitely going to uh

Have it fully charged and we’ll see how fast it goes but realistically you guys are capping man you guys are like really really capping this thing doesn’t do 120 km per hour even if it was at a full charge it just doesn’t and if someone

Wants to tell me how to do a vol um an update on this thing then cool show me how to do an update I’ve never seen anyone be able to update the software I just been seeing people being able to update the app on their phone which my

App did update when I redownloaded it I don’t think it’s at the same version anymore but it ain’t doing no over 60 MPH you can feel it uh hard cap so it is what it is though hey there’s trolls out there I listened to them I thought they

Were right but no this thing doesn’t go that fast come on before the cops come come on let’s see how me reaction time is go go go oh shit oh oh yeah we got that warning oh man I love it I love it man yeah I see this thing in my garage

Every day and I’m like getting on that thing is sketchy as hell you get butterfly just like when you’re going to go on a roller coaster I think I said this earlier but then when you get on it man it just it’s night and day difference it’s just so smooth like yeah

The seat could be a little bit more comfortable but it’s really not that bad you can always put a pillow or put some padding down there cuz it’s completely flat or you could also put something like in your pants too but uh it’s really not that bad honestly so I love

It man it’s just a fun fun toy it just needs some uh work tires aired up for sure and then I just need to check all the bolts to the wheels man that’s like one of the biggest things I can’t have a wheel coming off I think I’m really just

Going to keep this thing until March I might have even said that earlier in the video um I’m going to probably like wear these tires down by then like not completely Ball but they’re definitely not going to uh look how they look right now I definitely want to give this some

Use and I want to go around town I really just want to use it around places and what sucks about this thing is uh when I got the bike rack put on my Tesla it’s a extreme one up and it holds up to like I think 160 lb of a bike but this

Is too wide these tires are like 4 and 1/2 in wide and they don’t fit on the Tesla bike rack it’s only made for I think 3 in tires maybe 3 and A2 at the most so I can’t take this anywhere and it’s too heavy to load up on the back

I’ll drop it it’s going to hit my bumper scratched the whole car up yeah but anyways go Equinox Go baby go oh I forgot we’re getting that warning again go Equinox go Equinox I know what that car is cuz my mom has one always keeps it in eco

Mode Oh turnings weird turnings weird but yeah I would love to take this thing like really far and if I do I just got to be very slow like put it on one um two clicks go on oh man you really oh you got um regen yeah it’s slowing down

For me so you got regen in one that’s probably why he was rocking back and forth um so that’s going to save some batter if he put it in one then you can feel when you put it in the two it just it fre Co but um I don’t

Know I got to do more videos on this thing I forgot how fun it is that was a blast my nose is running my eyes are watering like my buddy’s at work he was like crying oh oh oh don’t fall all right guys you guys are the true MVPs for

Sticking around to the end of this video I know it started out rough but it was pretty fun towards the end but um till next time guys peace out

The Extreme Bull K6 !!! 134v monster
Mirrors Shown in Video: https://amzn.to/3OuLChw
Headlight on handlebars: https://amzn.to/3qe97Do
https://alienrides.com/products/extreme-bull-electric-scooter (no affiliate link)
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