Electric Motorcycles

My First TESLA SPONSOR! + New e-scooter & e-bike unboxing

My First TESLA SPONSOR! + New e-scooter & e-bike unboxing

What’s going on ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the channel I apologize for not getting more videos out before Christmas so really I really do apologize there’s been a lot going on I’m not no air rck I don’t have any extra videos on my computer that I could

Just upload for you guys I’ve been super busy we got a brand new store I’m the new manager been closing it up been staying later just because of holidays so if you guys know how it is to work in the retail business you’ll understand how busy I’ve been with trying to do

YouTube as well and getting days off so I think after the holidays will be a little bit better but I do want to bring you guys in along for the ride what we have sitting right behind me I got two new products if you guys didn’t see my

Post so this is a scooter over on this side and then we have a bike on this one this is from Fu care and this is the Taurus ebike made in China we like to see made in China and it says do not drop I think they dropped it when they

Dropped it off yeah get it uh then we got an e scooter right here this one is from AR Vara I’m assuming that’s what it is it’s almost sounding like Vara scooters but this is R Vara I’m assuming I don’t know I’ll have to look up a

Video and make sure I’m saying that right this should be very easy to put together I don’t think we’re going to have any issues with this cuz normally scooters just lay flat the handlebars go up you put the Locking pin in maybe you have to put the display on and maybe

Like the thumb throttle or whatever that’s mostly it this is going to take a while and I want to get this done as well tonight it’s been a long day I’m probably going to be up till like 4:00 in the morning but I want to knock these

Two out so before I do that though I got to move this big old car and then after we remve this this one and we get these put together I want to go show you guys a Tesla because I’ve been working on that thing like

Crazy well just like I said you just got to pull this thing out maybe put the handlebars on which you need to put two screws right here it looks like and other than that it looks pretty good there’s some grease on it I don’t know where this grease came from you guys can

See that but it’s really greasy everything’s going to have to be moved around cuz this is way too low so everything’s going to have to be uh loosened up and tightened this is just way too high this is way too high as well so I got a lot of work to do ahead

Of me but it was pretty easy just to take it out of the box the only thing is it has a lot of foam all over it that’s just stuck onto it from being in these boxes you can see it’s even in the charge port over here so we’re going to

Have to get like a blower or something like that I do have an air compressor over there and I’ll use but other than that um let me just put these screws in and I’m going to put off to the S start charging it so then we can open this bad

Boy okay so I couldn’t get the scooter to turn on so I had to pull it over here and get it on the charger and I was finally able to get it activated because on this scooter it has an NFC right here which is this little thing that had oil

On it that I showed you guys and it uses these right here so I was holding this on here I was also holding the power button it just wasn’t doing anything and obviously you just know it just turned off I don’t know if that’s a safety

Thing but I didn’t know if you come up here hold this for 3 seconds and then it’s supposed to come on or if you’re supposed to come over here first use the NFC and then it blinks like that and then you hold this and it turns on so

That’s what I was thinking and it still wasn’t doing it so then I tried holding this actually on there and turning it on at the same time I only have two hands so I can’t do it all at once but I think it’s just dead I think they shipped it

Out it was completely dead so I can’t even test it out right now hopefully at the end of this video I can write it but I’m just going to get started on this thing for now while that one Charges all right now I don’t know how that footage came out but it was long as heck compared to opening the scooter and putting it together that probably took I would say a good one or two minutes this thing has has taken me so far about 30

Minutes to put together just taking out of the box and getting everything off of it getting the front tire on there and just basically getting everything wrapped the one thing that I didn’t think was going to have to be installed was this this actually came completely uninstalled which you would think that

They would just do it already and put this screw in here and put this cuz what is it going to affect in the Box they just put the other fender on top of here you know put Styrofoam whatever they got to put and it should be good the one

Thing that I need to put on now is I’m looking for this piece so I’m hoping it’s in that big old box over there because normally these are on and they’re just like loose but this isn’t here and it’s not on here either but I just basically stopped it because

There’s just too much to do so I’m just going to finish this off camera then get the pedals on make sure everything’s good on it and then we’ll try to take either the scooter if it’s charged or take this one for a spin all right so another 15 minutes later the fu care

Bike is finally put together or I should say Taurus electric bike is put together it looks like the headlight works and one cool thing about this bike before we even get into the review is every single time that you hit this or you hit the power whatever it vibrates it actually

Sends a vibration to the bike and I think it’s coming from this throttle right here cuz I’ve never experienced anything like that it’s not vibrating the rest of the bike it’s pretty cool but another thing I noticed I was like wait where’s the brake light at and

There is one light and it’s on this side and that might seem like hey that’s cool it’s integrated into the frame but if you live in America and you’re driving you have to be on the right hand side of the road which means cars are going to

Be on this side of you the brake light should have been on this side for us instead of this side so that’s a huge safety thing um so I think I’m going to have to put a shred light R1 for my skateboard on this bike just to be extra

Safe because I’m not a big fan the brake light being way on that other side anyways this one’s done probably going to go take it for a spin really quick I’ll just bring you along with the camera why not let’s go I highly don’t

Advise one do what I do I have no helmet I got one hand on and I have to push the brakes and this is sketchy as heck I have the pedals activated too so I got to be careful on that and it not taken off on me now the bike’s not very

Twitchy or twerky or anything like that it doesn’t seem like but it does have decent power but it does feel very weird and it wants to take off from me because I only have one hand on the bike so I think we’re going to leave it at that it

Looks like it’s a 28 mph bike it looks like it slowed down um it like it top out but again I’m not trying to go that fast do not be like me I just want to make sure these things are working so we can get them charged and then we can hit

The review oh make sure we don’t hit the Tesla hold on hold on oh God all right so we know this works now let’s uh see if the scooter over here is somewhat charged so we get to go take it for a spin I don’t think I’m going to be

Able to take you with a camera on that one though unfortunately because I just have a feeling that I need two hands for scooters scooters are not safe to use one-handed but uh let’s uh see if I can take it out real quick I hope everything is

Tight and since it’s all wheeel drive you can’t just spin the wheel to make sure it works and it needs a push start for it to move so going to have to take it out so I’ll be back guys if you guys can even see me the GoPro super wide be

Back okay so I wrote it maybe 5 seconds and in number three or five it was only going about 10 or 15 miles an hour and it did not have any power so I’m assuming we need to unlock it somehow I know it’s probably charging too uh I

Don’t know where the batter’s at I got it looked up with the manual the manual is funny enough is actually in this box so it’s not a standard manual everyone says make sure you read the manual you got to scan this thing with your phone takes you to a website and it doesn’t

Even tell you anything about how to use the NFC on it and I’m not watching any YouTube videos obviously I’m just trying to do this stuff myself when I don’t figure stuff out most of the time I see if someone else did a review on it first

Before I did but uh yeah that’s where I’m at right now so I’m going to see if there’s a way to unlock it while scanning that again and checking out the website and uh see if it goes any faster but so far nice and smooth I guess okay

I should have known ladies and gentlemen there is an actual app that you need to download first and then once you do that it connects the Bluetooth to the scooter and then it allows you to do your settings and oh man what’ you know I got

To register oh man I hate when you got to register for this type of stuff all right so Bluetooth is searching on here and it’s also blinking right there in the corner and so far nothing is coming up okay so finally got it figured out

What you had to do is get rid of the app basically force close it whatever you got to do on your iPhone or Android whatever you’re using and then bring it back up and then it will find your scooter and I turned it back on and off

The thing is is I don’t think it’s charged enough it says it’s at like 50 volts it’s a 52 volt scooter if I’m not mistaken and it doesn’t seem like it has that much power though um I was only in single motor then I realized that d

Right there means that we’re in dual motor so if you hold the menu button up here you’re going to see that change to S and that means single motor I thought that meant sport so just kind of learning as we’re going along the manuals not that great um the scooter

Quality looks decent um there are some like stuff I’ve seen here and there but I wanted to have more power because right now it doesn’t feel anything like the Vara scooter that I rode but I do love all these lights now it is representing the company and you’re basically just flashing free

Advertisement with them as you’re rolling around but it’s actually at a pretty good price point I think it’s like 15 or 1,600 bucks and then this thing I think is around the same price if I’m not mistaken maybe even cheaper but uh this is a cool looking frame I

Think on this electric bike and it has a huge battery as well in there it’s not a mid drive or anything like that it looks like it is it has an actual regular motor in the back but this is looking cool but now what I got to do before I

Show you guys the Tesla and we go check that out with everything I’ve been doing I got to clean this up it’s probably going to take like 20 to 30 minutes man I got to figure out what I’m going to do with all this stuff first make sure I organize everything get the

Bikes put away with the Chargers next to them so we get them charged for the next time we do a review and then hopefully after this video I’ll get started on that Rave GTX bike but it rained the last time I was actually going to do the

Video on promise I’m I’m not kidding you I had two days off I was going to shoot the Tesla video right before Christmas and then I was going to do the GTX one I was either going to do either or I wasn’t exactly sure but it rained both

Of those two days that I had off and I went right back to work Christmas everything is just hectic as hell I was the last one to leave the store I had the keys of the store in my backpack right now because I was literally the

Last one to leave and I was like an hour and a half overtime just trying to clean up the store but anyways uh yeah let me get started on this I’m so excited 15 minutes later all right now it’s time we got to jump in the Tesla you are going

To be excited and all the stuff we’ve been doing with this thing so we’re now sitting in the Tesla I went to a charging location cuz I took this C to my sister’s house and I was giving her a ride and Stu so she could check it out

She hasn’t seen my car since I bought it about 3 months ago but yeah we’re just sitting at a charging station with everybody else and we got this Jackass over here and a Camaro that’s taken up two of the the installs which is great but anyways oh yeah you guys can see the

Location of where I’m at right now so this is where I normally charge my vehicle super late at night uh I normally go up to about 90% or maybe 95% and then I have a home charger I just I just try not to charge all of it at the

House but anyways I wanted to get into the lights of this vehicle and you can see we got some cool LEDs on the bottom so these lights were actually supposed to be one up here which there is and then one on the bottom way down here if

You guys can see that now the one that’s underneath the seat is actually supposed to go in the back bag here so if you notice I have no LEDs back here whatsoever but no one’s ever going to be in the back seat so I figured why not

Put both of them firing up front so it just makes it look cooler right and they’re like a 100 bucks to get those floor lights from abstract ocean I like them the only thing I don’t like about them is it uses this remote and this remote basically you have to point it to

Every single sensor to the light to get it to change it’s not like oh you hit one button and it changes all of them all together so this is kind of a huge inconvenience and also this is like low quality type of kits when you get

Remotes like this so I don’t know it’s not too bad for 100 bucks though honestly and it was very simple to do once I put the light in here I ran the cable to the corner we just basically tucked it all underneath the plastic and then right at this corner right here we

Just basically just came right under the seat and we are perfectly fine and it literally took me maybe less than like 45 minutes to do the whole setup on the floor now the other lights you might be noticing are the ones that we have on the dash that are changing cool ass

Colors you can change these to anything you want and what I like about these you use your phone and on your phone you can do so many different like stuff that you want to do like it’s it’s ridiculous on how many settings you have and then I

Have this one down here for the phone chargers which I never use my phone charger because I got a swivel mount for this screen right here and what happens with that is it actually dropped it an inch um but anyways before I start talking to that um these lights that are

On here as well are from the same company and I love how these look so I was debating on if I was going to have have these go all the way back or if I was going to start them right here and then have both of them line up to this

Like Edge right here but I think it’s kind of cool it just people get surprised when I lift this up and they see that they actually keep going which is pretty dope and then we also have the ones up here as well but I don’t have this one um this one because of

Christmas and everything it kind of got delayed but um there was a short on one of them and it’s probably my fault but I’m pretty sure it said that the LEDs were like really strong so I push it in there as best as I could and I guess I

Shorted something out I don’t know but those are all from EV base that’s actually my first sponsor for making Tesla videos is the LEDs that you see up on the dash the ones right here on the center console and then the ones up here and they look so great let me go through

The some of the settings and show you so I want to show you guys the app that uses all these lights and it’s funny is this is all my ebike stuff so you can see that I have the bod app right there that’s for the k6 cuz I heard the k6 now

Goes up to 120 km per hour that little sit down scooter God can’t say I’m not nervous for this one so that’s going to be fun so I downloaded that again I actually don’t need this I don’t know why I there but anyways this one right here Magic

Lantern uh you hit that this is where it gets crazy you can just move it around if you want you can see that everything’s changing based on you know like what I moved the scroll wheel too like it’s pretty sick but you can also come in and do your custom colors as

What if you want I don’t know like blue is like probably the best because that matches everything in my car I really like uh the red for some reason the red is just very bright but the cool thing about this all the style so this is the

Autoplay feature right here if you guys want to see that if it’s uh coming out good this is a very wide GoPro it’s really good for riding bikes but it’s really hard to uh film with this in the car but you definitely see all the stuff

You can do and it’s not even that I mean there are so many like transitions you can do like it’s just never ending like it does so many cool things and it just I don’t know I can’t ever figure out what I want to keep it on so I normally

Just just change it like almost every day but I think some of my favorite ones are the trail ones and I go to where is it at the Blue Trail I normally leave it on this because to me this just looks kind of like stylish and unique and a

Lot of people are like oh that’s cool every time I go and get fast food late at night but just know that company is EV base and I have a coupon code for their website and it’s Mr Central driver the same as my YouTube channel so you

Can go over there I think you save like 10 or 15% so if you guys own a Tesa or even if you guys don’t own a Tesla this is a crazy it uses cigarette lighter so if you want to order say the dash light

That one hooks up to USB or you get it with a cigarette lighter and all they are is like little thin pieces of plastic with I want to say a a back backing that’s barely like very like thin it’s like I don’t know half the size of my nail and basically with a

Little bit of 3M tape that you put on there yourself and it sticks to anything and it won’t ruin your interior at all so if you’re thinking about getting some LEDs just for your car it actually would work for anything really if you have a USB port or a cigarette lighter and once

We’re done with with this charge which won’t take long we will uh show you guys the outside of the car and stuff that I’ve been doing all right so let’s step out of the vehicle and let me show you what I’ve done to it so first off you

Guys can see the LEDs in the car and how bright they are just looking at it from the outside so people that see this when I open the door like damn that thing is fresh right and that steering wheel too just looks badass I wish there was some

Light up LEDs right here because once you get the carbon fiber coverboards on the steering wheel you lose the up and down arrows which we already know what they are when you’re a Tesla owner but I would have liked to seen some LEDs on the steering wheel that’d be kind of

Cool I don’t know maybe it’s ricey I don’t know anyways uh I got these put on there’s blue LEDs for the flood lights or whatever you want to call the door lights that go to the ground on every single door I also got these two I don’t

Really know what these are called either they’re basically just a door lock cover I don’t know like a latch cover and then the biggest thing you guys are going to notice are going to be the wheels I went with a staggered setup these are 21in

Wheels they’re 20 by 9 and 1/2s in the front and then 20 by 10 and 1/2s in the rear and these are 275 35s in the back and then in the front they’re 255 35s and I feel like it looks great I also put these little spinning things on here

They’re like floating center caps but when you’re moving over 20 M hour the tea stays upright at every single time but to show you the lights I have to spin them this way oh and you can hear my custom lock sound on this car it sounds like something getting armed like

A bomb and that’s one of the new updates they did it wasn’t a recall I mean they did make it a little bit more nagging for autopilot but that’s basically what the recall was it was just an update but they gave us some more cool features we

Also gained an extra camera on this car too because before you’d only be able to face this way and out that way now you can face like in the corner which is pretty cool anyways uh back here I tinted this so this was the charge port

Door I’m not going to try to open it but this was a red reflector I tinted that to match up to the tail lights that I did to this car which are from alphar Rex these are some cool badass tail lights I love them we also got the

Blacked out emblem back here I got the stock spoiler I do want to change it out and get something a little bit like wider and I got the digital plate as well that has a YouTube name on there and then the reflectors on the bottom I

Also uh tinted those as well so those kind of blend into the whole back of the car looking kind of dark I think it looks great uh the mud flaps in the back are going to have to go though because when I do lower this car which I do have

Lowering suspension for it um it’s already hitting right now and the car is not even low this is a performance model so it does sit a little bit lower than the standard one but still it’s scraping man it’s bad and then if you guys can

See the door handles they kind of give a little bit of reflectiveness to them it’s because I got some uh real carbon fiber door handles on there and then we also have carbon fiber mirrors on this thing as well they just slip over they’re not actual the whole mirror they

Just basically just covers that slip on there and then we got carbon fiber Hardware 4 cameras for the fender right there and those are sick those are super like cheap I think they’re like 99 bucks but I love them they’re they’re great and then up here um I didn’t do anything

To the headlights I do have a blacked out emblem right there but that’s causing some issues and then we got the turn signal fog lights these are sequential turn signal fog lights they look sick this is probably one of my favorite mods on this car so far other

Than the rims but it just looks so great and I love that I put that yellow little fog light cover on there so it kind of reminds me of a JDM look um but I’m loving it so far I just need to change out these headlights I want to go to a

Four projector headlight or I think it’s four or five and it’s a blacked out housing as well but you do lose the daytime running light I guess I don’t really care too much about it I’m really trying to black out everything on this car and I should have tinted the front

Windshield just a little tiny bit more I think because it’s not that great but overall guys the car is coming along the lowen suspension is in my garage it’s ready to go and it just looks fantastic man I I love it so far um I got the

Covers on the wheels as well these are like little oh God okay I guess they come off easier than I thought but basically uh these just pop over your lug caps so uh please don’t try to steal those they basically pop over your lug nuts is what I meant to say and they’re

Just little caps um they’re cool though and then from the car you can see all the stuff like running looks pretty sick and then when you open the car and get in it it does a little cool animation the reason why this one kind of stays running longer cuz it’s off the

Cigarette lighter let me turn that music down and then this one is hooked up to the glove box where the the hard drive and the security camera stuff is so it’s hooked up a different way than what this is and also the top but anyways that’s

Pretty much it guys it has been a super super long day and I’m pretty sure this video has been a mess because I didn’t really have a plan for it normally like I kind of had a plan for like my YouTube videos and whatnot and today was just

Like I need to get these bikes and scooters put together I got to leave my family a little bit early and get this done charge this car so I can take it to work the next day and basically just get this video done tonight so right after

I’m done with this it’s going up the very next day so you guys can see it on the 26th and I hope you guys are doing well I don’t have any videos in the bank ready to go I’m not air rck again I’m not doing those 30 day challenges I’m

Very far behind on my YouTube but hopefully after the holidays I’ll catch up and you guys are the true MVPs for sticking around to the end again sorry it was all over the place I really apologize but I I really appreciate you guys being here and uh can you guys even

See me because it is dark as heck in here but love you guys TR me peas again peace out

EVBASE Dash / Center / Roof Lights: https://bit.ly/3TFHfoc Use code: Mrcentraldriver
Abstract Ocean Floor Lights: https://abstractocean.com/products/multi-color-front-rear-footwell-lights-for-model-3-y
21″ TS5 Wheels: https://tsportline.com/collections/tesla-model-y-21-inch-aftermarket-tesla-wheel-and-tire-package/products/ts5-tesla-model-y-21-inch-wheel-and-tire-package-set-of-4
AlphaRex Tail Lights: https://tsportline.com/products/alpharex-pro-series-led-telsa-tail-lights-for-17-22-model-3-20-22-model-y?_pos=1&_sid=51d0d96b0&_ss=r&variant=42095540797634
LED: Sequential Turn Signals: https://www.rpmtesla.com/products/model-3-y-led-sequential-fog-light-upgrade-with-turn-signal-indicator-1-pair?variant=39810620686390

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WOWGO SKATEBOARDS 10% OFF Use Code: xxxrider https://bit.ly/3qFWldy
TESLA REFERRAL: https://ts.la/jonathan60407
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