Electric Cars

EV vs Diesel Winter Road Trip – 400 miles from Sunrise to Sunset – East to West

EV vs Diesel Winter Road Trip – 400 miles from Sunrise to Sunset – East to West

Oh yeah we’ve won already haven’t we we have 100% got this in the Back I think I’ve already made a huge mistake you’re going to add about 2 hours on your journey are you kidding why is that allowed on this road why is that allowed oh dear turn around when possible shut up look at that it’s an mg convertible I they closing the road for

No reason is any work going on uh my tomtom’s been thrown out the window I can oh my gosh I can see him I can see him he’s over there he’s charging my car’s be B I don’t know if that’s cuz this is supension is broken or I’m going

Too fast he said ABC always be charging hook Shire yes we’re in pen Brookshire Shire could be gtwy which is get to where you’re Going yeah that was a bit of drama for camera secretly I’ve got to get my coat off first you’re not going to win doesn’t stand a chance he does not stand a chance get out before him anyway look here we go oh yeah we’ve won already haven’t we

We have 100% got this in the B 7 and 1/2 hours uh 402 mil I have every confidence in my big BM I really do you know it I know it all there is left to do is prove it so uh jokes aside I am going to have a coffee stop at some

Point um I’ve got a few bottles of water with me S pelino yeah cuz I’m Posh um no at all it was on offer in the coop yesterday uh and and it’s Posh is it I have that as a little treat for today so I’m going to stop for one

Coffee break but I want to do that ideally in Wales I’d like to get all the way to Wales before I even think about stopping that’s my plan anyway it’s 8:00 now so we’re up against sort of rush hour business e work traffic we just have to see how much ground we can

Cover this morning the big question is which CD am I going to start the day with now sadly due to copyright reasons I can’t share with you the music that I’m listening to in my car but I can tell you and we’re kicking off with talk

On Corners by the caruse cuz that was a great album right let me get a few tracks under my belt and some miles and I’ll check back in with you shortly we are ahead at the moment 391 M to go according to the satnav 7 hour was 19

Minutes of driving should arrive at 3:30 p.m. ample time basically let’s go a red light God tell me you’ve not broken down no but I am I think I’ve already made a huge mistake you’ve made a huge mistake well I reckon because I’ve just checked my my

Old school TomTom saav and I was looking on the cuz you shared your location with me and I was like why is he going the wrong way but now I’m thinking it’s me that’s going the wrong way a you check my location I’ve just gone by wayes taking me North I guess to

Go west yeah well mine’s gone South to go west so I’m going to end up on the M25 which I think could be a huge mistake oh that’s a huge M huge M oh no CH I did terrible I have sec I’ve second guessed myself and my other satav is

Actually saying there’s no there’s only about 3 minutes difference between going above Birmingham and going below it so yeah I’m going to stick with it I’m going to stick with the TomTom route because that’s what I said I was going to do I think you should stick with it I’m terrified I hate

London I think I think you should stick with it it’s a rown it’s a re name uh you know is that the right right word it’s a welln brand top top from the 1980s yeah so uh I’m going to I’m going to what what’s your time of arrival there 3:26 p.m. what’s yours

316 all right so there’s only 10 minutes in it um and you obviously need to have a charge so I think that mistake might just even the playing field a little bit well you could say that but what you could also say is my my S up here ways

With the live traffic information because it’s the future like an electric car it’s going to REO me or route America to a more uh well a less congested route I am a little apprehensive now actually uh I was very confident before we jumped in the cars

And now I’m thinking ways might well Sav the day for you M25 bad very bad all right well ex we we will see uh have you got an idea as to where you’re going to stop to charge your milk float no um I’m not really I’ve got 21

Miles I’ll just I’ll find it because G are all over the place and there’s that many of them the infrastructure now is getting so much better so I’m very confident very confident I’ll find somewhere so Our Roots won’t actually uh meet again until the M4 just after

Bristol I think cuz you end up going down the M5 don’t you I’m sure we end up we’ll end up on the same route just after just after uh yeah around the M4 M5 Junction well I’ll be well gone by that I would have thought you enjoy the M25

Because it’s a wonderful wonderful Road in fact do you encounter any congestion charges there uh no I don’t think I do on the M25 um you sure sure sure sure about that I’m semic confident but I never go anywhere near London CU I hate the place so much that I genuinely never

Go anywhere near it sometimes when I have to go collect cars from reading and Guilford I hate it why have I done this to myself and now now you’re going on London’s road to hell you know I think that’s what Chris re wrote about that

This is the road to hell I’ve uh I’ve shot myself in the foot 10 mes in well 21 miles in I’m standing by a river but the water doesn’t flow exactly right I’ll catch up with you in a little bit then and we’ll see how badly I get screwed over in and around

London you enjoy it say hi to the capital for me bye okay let’s reframe this situation Leah’s gone the easy route in an electric car I’m going the hard route the route that is most statistically like to cause me problems in a diesel car and I’m still going to

Win I’m not a very good loser I really don’t want to lose hello I just had a good omen go on an electrical mg abandoned at the side of the road that had clearly run out of charge it was half on and half off the curb abandoned in the way that you’d

Abandon a car if it was running out of power and holding up all the traffic on the other side of the road and that for me was a sign that said Jeff keep going you’re on the right route I’ve just spoke to my mate who’s a lry driver yeah

And he said you’re going to add about two hours on your journey are you kidding no he’s he’s he’s a very good lry driver drives a lot of miles uh and and it’s going to land about 2 hours on your journey ah see I don’t know what to do with that

Adice pee on your strawber used to say this the stubborn person in me and The Optimist thinks it’ll be all right but I don’t like that advice and I’m going slowly at the minute it’s took you the wrong way basically M25 on the busiest day of the year is going to be G

Right tell you what forget it you win on navigation the modern way of doing it is better you get 25 points and I lose 25 points bye forget that honestly if a lorry driver is saying that my route is going to add 2 hours on my journey today

I’m not doing that my life is not worth it yes it’s good for YouTube content to go and do the M25 but there’s more to life than YouTube content I am going to change my Route right now we got to make up a bit of time TomTom I’m really disappointed I wanted it to work and what kind of road is this I’m meant to be on big fast roads and I’m on a Country Lane uh come on BMW you can do me proud

Here cuz you’re basically an Audi TT aren’t you exactly the same thing except slightly heavy flood really is there a flood I’ve learned one thing in the last few months it’s if there’s a flood sign you should be wary turn left no I’m not listening to

You we’re doing it the new way in an old car that’s how we’re going to win new maps old Tech yeah to be honest back when Tom was born old TomTom there weren’t anywhere near as many people in the world well no there were but not in England because the population has grown

So much since this TomTom was made and when I stop for a coffee I’m going to tell you exactly how much the population has grown since Tom was made after 600 cards turn left then bear left you can keep going in your pretentious voice but it’s not happening we’re not doing it

Your way doing it my way which is a sort of combination of doing it wrong and then changing your mind and doing it right but if a lorry driver has advised not to do that route then that really is the answer isn’t it turn left then bear left no oh

Dear turn around when possible shut up on this Lee Val it with you I’m going to reach forward and turn you off in a minute using the new technology and looking at the live location Lee is just outside thatford and I am coming up to Stow Market with both aiming for New Market

So we’re kind of forming a v towards New Market where I will then pick up the road that Lee is on after making my stupid detour um I’m getting stuck behind cars on this road however this is a great car for today I know there’s not much light because it’s gray

All the time but I’m loving the panoramic roof because it makes a dark interior very light and Airy and I like that a lot um it’s got plenty of power for getting past people but it’s solid and stable and Big And Chunky and everything you want in a winter road

Trip car I’d like some better tires on the front I think um but other than that I’ve got no complaints about my 6 5 oh yeah that’s Nice [Applause] how are you I’m all right now pretty desperate for a coffee now to be honest right well what’s your ET on your TomTom device uh my tomtom’s been thrown out the window oh you got rid of the to to now I’ll concede the points right I would

Rather concede the points and admit that the future is better for some things than ruin my Christmas so I’m given up on the TomTom you’re giv up on the TomTom so we figured that the TomTom is no good what’s your ETA and your Apple are you

Using Apple Maps then Apple Maps says 25 minutes past 3 16 minutes plus three and you got 16 yeah but I need and I need to charge I’ve got 108 mil of range left and 50% of battery so it makes no be charging now now I’m passing

Cambridge now for Cambridge I’m not 100% sure where I am um truth be told I’ve been on the phone for about 20 minutes trying to pay my phone bill all right all to the it does yeah yeah uh yeah for some reason it wasn’t set up and then I kept getting text

Messages saying we’re going to cut your account off and I thought the last thing I need in the middle of a YouTube challenge is for my phone to be cut off there you go right well anyway so uh I’m going to stop through a week shortly

I know I shouldn’t do but uh the viewers here that’s watching now I’m sure you agreed it’s probably better than wetting myself not going to help the value of your car is it if you we yourself in the driver’s seat really it might not do anything to

The electric heated seats as well that’s a very good point they may down 39 miles to go though yeah we are covering I tell you what it’s all all right so far it’s all all right it’s all all right let’s keep it like that I went down some right small

Lanes and small villages and all sorts cuz basically I was on the way to London wasn’t I and then yeah we had that conversation about your Lorry driver friend and I thought logically and I just thought thought this isn’t happening so the saav went out the

Window I fired Tom Tom got fired and um we went Apple Maps instead what I should have said is oh my driver friend said the M25 is the best best route to go you should have done but I was I was already having doubts about heading towards London and I

Shouldn’t have gone that way from the outset this morning and I realized within about 3 miles that I’d made a bad choice but I think I’ve made made up for that now cuz I’ve gone quite a distance towards London when I decided not to go towards London

So are you going to have a coffee you’re going to stop for a coffee yeah def I definitely am I definitely am yeah right I’m going to stop for a we I don’t think I am going to charge at this point uh because the Cambridge Services which I

Now I think I think as well what’s you what how long have you you got left what have we got left to travel I’ve switched my time time off now so I can’t see it about 200 miles I’ve got 306 miles to go and there’s Services

Here which has got myy n you can’t be charging there you got to get some more miles under your belt have your way and get back in your car have a we get it back in my car because yeah I need to get otherwise I’m

Doing I need to do it as the Evangelist would do it and chargeing at 48% any sense they ain’t going to be happy with you come on think like Morag what would Morag do wwmd what would Mor do what would Mor do come on now they viewers I was all

Confident thinking I was ahead of Le but if he is just passing Cambridge I am approaching Cambridge too so I think he’s not far ahead he must be ahead of me because of my massive up with my root he has to be maybe we’ll see him somewhere down

Here also I’ve mentioned that I am tired today so it’s time to bust out my secret weapon a driving glasses this is a different pair to what I Ed on John gr’s trip to be honest they’re not as nice I prefer the ones I had for the John and gr’s trip but I

Can’t find them Jeff you’re so disorganized yeah I know right I’m coming off here done 103 miles um Cambridge Services I’m only really I do want a coffee but I am mostly coming off here just to see if Le’s there wonder if he’s pulled a sneaky one on me and he’s actually

Decided that he is going to charge at Cambridge it would be funny now it would be funny now if I ran into him but also kind of embarrassing because we left at the same time and I should be miles ahead of him and I’m not KFC Costa MNS McDonald’s wh

Smith car Caravans food court if there’s a wh Smith I might be able to buy a flat cap that might sound ridiculous but people say to me Jeff where did you get your flap caps from I buy them from wh Smith and Motorway service stations there’s a flat cap brand called

Heritage and I quite like them so you know they’re not like special or anything just pick them up at service stations which is Handy cuz I lose them all the time I can’t tell you there’s the electric car charging points look is he here can’t see him anywhere I

Think he’s ahead of me he must be ahead of me what I could do be really funny is block one of the car charging points I’m not going to do that he’s not here I can’t see him see what I like about this X5 right is although it’s big it’s not that big

So you can park it really easily right self- level suspension inactive I know my self- leveling suspension is active I don’t mind get my shoes on let’s go for a little break I’ve done enough of these challenges with Lee now I can oh my gosh

I can see him I can see him he’s over there he’s charging he bloody is as well he’s actually Char look he hasn’t seen me has he seen me no I think he has this is hilarious look there I am filming myself over there it’s leel

Look I I think he’s SE me and I think he’s leaving what’s he doing terrible filming there he’s off is he going he is going isn’t he or is he moving if he’s going then I’m going no let’s prove the point I’m going to go buy what I need to buy and then

I’m going to catch him cuz it’s more fun I’m okay no he was moving he wasn’t leaving I don’t think I don’t think he’s no he’s moving he’s moving he’s plugging in he’s plugging in that’s what he’s doing right I’m going to I’m going to do this without him seeing me I

Am I’m going to go buy a new hat and then he won’t recognize me this is funny yeah so he was plugging in his car so we had to move from one charging space to another I’m going to grab a coffee and I’m going to hit the road before he’s even finished setting

Up his app that’s my plan right coffee who’s got the best coffe here none of them they’re all rubbish right it wasn’t the right wh Smiths because they don’t sell flat caps I can see Lee up there having a conversation with another evangelist I’m waiting for my coffee my BMW is there

And he’s charging up there in the corner and I don’t think he’s seen me so if he’s he’s having a chat look I can see him he’s filming he’s chatting to that guy in the white can you see him just there excellent pointing there Jeff ice LTE with an extra shot ice latte

With an extra shot thank you very much ice latte with an extra shot and December that’s what I’m having right it’s going to be hours I’m out of here I’m done just felt like it was an is latte sort of day right I’ve just said to the chap at

Costa another man’s is going to come in with his camera and his microphone and he’s and he’s going to order a coffee and I said to him you have to say oh he’s he’s coming I’m going to hide I’m going to hide here he’s filming he’s not going to

See me I’m genuinely I’m hiding by this wall right terrible filming cuz I I do not want him to see me he’s not seen me he’s coming he might have seen me in which case this is ridiculous I think he’s seen me always be charging a BC hard back here

Look it’s high on and it’s cheap which is what we Want I can confirm that he did not see me excellent we off we’re out of here I just hit from him we’re the same service station I don’t think he saw me cuz he’s going to be going to the toilet and then he’s going to Costa and I’m out of here my

Ass about fall off right this is now really funny because I’ve got a special something that I’m going to go stick on the back of his car and hopefully he’s not going to notice I bought this earlier on for just this sort of situation so I’m going to

Go pop it on Lee’s car while he’s having a we and if I know Lee he won’t find this until he’s on the motorway looking in his rear view mirror that’s what I Reckon get him all the gays charging their cars done what do you reckon viewers it’s waving in the wind uh so I’ve given him a new driver’s sticker and I’m out of it that is so funny water turn up for the books 100 miles and it is neck and neck well

It’s not neck and neck Because my GoPro Died well that’s annoying the batteries in my GoPro have overheated and have killed the GoPro really glad I’m not driving a car that uses you know batteries as it main source of power right that’s it then the race is over he has got to do a big

Charge as well after this one so I’d say that’s it you might as well stop watching now what’s happened is exactly what we expected would happen and Jeff has won once again in the Old Co roller so funny the way this has worked out today ah I’m really annoyed that my

Gopro’s broke it literally lasted one trip never mind right on the road Again I hid behind the door as you went in the service station and cuz he was on his phone he didn’t see me so I filmed him walking in the service station I left I put a new driver sticker on the back of his car and now I’m ahead of him

And he doesn’t know that I was at the same service station as him have not he hasn’t seen me he doesn’t know I’m ahead of him and he doesn’t know I was at the service station there he is so he’s he’s got to do if he’s charging

There he’s got to have at least another charge which is going to be at least another 40 minutes so if you want we could meet for a fairly quick lunch somewhere it won’t be for a couple of hours I like it see all right well don’t

Say I never think of you no I Know So like the way the AUD did it then he came down in the right hand lane with his right indicator on which is the German way of saying move out the way it’s much more polite than flashing people with your headlights uh I just feel like Lane discipline could be a lot

Better people pull out where there’s absolutely no need to pull out they pull out without checking the mirrors and lot L’s come on Lorry drivers tell me why you do it you’re all limited to the same speed it can’t make much difference can it someone explain it to me why does a

Lorry doing 54 pull out and go around a lorry that’s doing 53 I do not understand it you now everybody’s stuck somewhere up here there’ll be someone who’s going too slow in the right hand lane Some shocking driving going on in front the BMW up there is holding everybody up there’s no excuse for that unless it’s a police car then you got a single cab truck thing that’s trying to get past that and then this box van that’s trying to get past that and the ay that wants

To get past everybody I’m just going to sit at the back and wait for them to all fight it out and then when they’ve worked it out between themselves I’ll accelerate also got a Lander over behind me that is desperate to get past me if people understood how to use Lanes none

Of this would happen this single cab what is going on it’s got to be a police car holding up this traffic that’s got to be what it is it must be an unmarked car that doesn’t want a single cab truck to go past him driving like an absolute

Knobber it’s funny being so high up in the X5 cuz you can just watch it all happen and let everybody get on with it but then I’ve got the power to get involved if I really want to nobody’s moving over now it’s just ridiculous but

We got to see how this turns out who’s going to come out on top is it going to be the Audi or the van the Audi’s going for it go on son I’d have done the same get out of the way Why is that allowed on this road why is that allowed that’s dangerous you’re too slow you’re holding everybody up on the busiest day in the world we get bus lanes we should have tractor Lanes the entire nation would get behind that instead of like ripping out the

Roads to install roads for Bikes let’s rip out the roads to install a grass lane for tractors and then everybody else can get on with their lives come on I’m doing a YouTube challenge I got to get to pen Brook here before an electric Porsche Je by cars what is it with van drivers that they want to get right up your back side flash you when you can’t go anywhere because there’s a Dy in front of you I mean unbelievable the guy is a bar end is this the

A4 this is the uh what am I on now what I’m on actually I’m on the I’m going I’m near catching yeah that A14 is the most frustrating Road I’ve ever driven on I did it yesterday as well and that’s partly why I decided to go for the

London route because I had such a bad experience cuz you can’t make any progress it’s a very very frustrating road to drive on you got two lanes nobody has any Lane discipline everybody’s angry everybody’s flashing everybody and why are people letting Lor’s out why are you letting a lorry

Out when there’s two lanes and there’s an uphill section so I watch someone generously flash a lorry to let him out and then the Lorry slowed down to the exact same speed of the Lor it was next to for the uphill and we’re all stuck behind them both it’s

Infuriating well more Transit ders shame on you shame on you for drivers you are all B yeah like right up your rear and flashing the lights apart from the ones that subscribe to me they’re not B they’re nice anyway interesting stopover C Services I’ve learned something oh yeah

What I think you agree evangelists I call them I diger them I have a list who really happy and excited because well he he Wasing it doesn’t work does it it doesn’t work we can’t we can’t hear you it just keeps breaking up can’t even make a phone

Call why is what we’ve got 5G masks going up everywhere and we can’t make a phone call yeah we’re on a main arterial route that goes across cross the country and we can’t make a call what am I doing with the with the uh with the mo with the cell service if

They’re not using it for us well they’ve been upgrading the cell network and moving everybody to 5G but based on the quality of our phone calls across all of our challenges so far it’s not for the phone network is it it’s not for you and me Awesome so you are around about ketering is that right I am just past ketering to the of cing Cu I can see on my two maps what about to you uh I don’t really want to tell you you’re further on than me now aren you you’ve gained I’ve gained a little

Bit thanks to your stop yeah well I’m hoping that we’re not too far off of each other’s arrival time I’d love to get there for Sunset so we’ll see I mean it’s all still to play for um there was a moment when we were extreme extremely Close right but now I’m gathering you are further ahead than be I am but by how much that’s the question I’m trying to make some ground now and get some distance but I was held up a lot on the A14 but I know for a fact there was a

Moment when we were almost touching well I’m going up to the m6 shortly are you oh yeah right then in that case there might not be as big a gap as I think there is it it is it is more exciting not knowing um because if I

Know where you are then I’d be tempted to like oh I’ll have a little long break I’ll do some shopping but I quite like the idea that I’m getting there in a a very good time and the petrol heads on my channel would rather that I do that

So it works better that way yeah oh another lry just side by side with another Thor again uh he’s miles behind me he’s only just joined the m6 and I’ve just joined the m42 even though I took a massive detour at the start and then changed my mind oh nice

Jumper love it with this X5 it’s so high up you can see into everyone’s cars you can see everything that’s going on got a bit of cruise control there it’s just a nice thing to drive and I’ll be honest it does intimidate people a little bit

When you’re in the fast lane I’ve got my headlights on cuz it’s nice to be able to see but um just a great car for covering distancing it’s perhaps a little firm suspension’s perhaps a little bit firm but when I was on that rat run across the

Country just yeah felt like I was in an Audi TT absolutely brilliant and that was the point that I knew Lee was ahead of me and I had to get the hammer down so I did and here we are we’ even got some blue sky up ahead

We’re on the m42 now and after that we join the M5 and when we’re on the M5 practically on the own stretch we’ve got 213 mil to go and as you know cuz you’ve watched my videos before that’s driving to Nuki from Birmingham do that no worries so we’ve absolutely not only is

This in the bag but what what’s for what’s a better analogy than it being in the bag it’s in the and I’ve taken it home it’s already on my shelf so that’s that is it to some degree to do with the driver I wonder if it’s to do with the

Driver as well maybe I’ve driven a little bit more spiritedly but then again Lee said he wasn’t messing around either and there’s only so much progress you can make on the A14 as we’ve discussed so some of it is the luck of the draw but if we can just talk about

Range for a moment My car is saying I have 503 mil left in the tank but I’ve driven 193 so that means my big 2 and 1/2 ton X5 is going to do 600 96 mil on this tank of diesel not withstanding the fact that when we started this trip today it

Was saying 620 mi in the tank so whereas Leah’s lost range I have gained almost 100 miles they’re brilliant these old diesels aren’t they why we should just all Drive these CU they just make so much sense I don’t have to waste any of my life talking to other people at

Service stations low battery on my phone obviously so I’ve got low battery on my phone and the batteries in my GoPro have killed my GoPro but we’re going to get there first not only are we going to get there first I think I’m going to be ages

Before him so now that I’ve got to the point where I know that I’m ahead you know instead of taking it easy and messing about let’s destroy in right we know that we’re ahead by a little bit it’s like like in a football match you know you get to three

Ner don’t stop don’t be like oh let’s start defending no let’s make it 53 n so that’s what we’re going to do now I’m going to get down the m42 and I get onto the M5 onto the M50 and it’s going to be

53 3 n by the end of the day come on let’s go it’s not even noisy it just does it 36 M the gallon is still going to be a better equivalent than what that tan is working out at and if an electric car can’t beat a 1,000 four-wheel drive 3 l

Diesel automatic that weighs 2 and 1/2 tons and we got problems hav we should have W Tesla he didn’t buy a Tesla he bought a Porsche cuz he didn’t want a Tesla and he didn’t buy any of the other electric cars cuz why would you they’re

All made in China are they all made in China are they all made in China correct me in the comments right m42 M5 I’ll check in with you again when we’re on the M50 how about that that will be some distance away I just had an idea I’m on

The m42 and I know full well that one of these service stations here has a W Smith that does sell the hats that I want which one and 42 weight tros is it the one with the weit tros it’s got a wh Smith strong wind slow down I think it’s this one coming

Up you know is IT hotwood Park yeah this is hotwood Park this is the one where the service station’s over there I got a lot of good memories with this uh service station cuz I broke down here once in a Jaguar damler it was a

Damler about 3 years ago is this the one that’s got a w Smith I think it is I’m pretty sure this is the one so I’m going to stop here I’m going to buy myself a new flat cap results it is this service station

Where I can buy a flat cap so I’m going to go to hotwood park and go to wh Smiths I buy myself a new flat cap and if I haven’t got them in stock I’m going to be really disappointed I don’t know where my flat

Caps gone I had two few weeks ago I had two flat caps and now I’m down to zero I thought I’d left in my three series when that went away to have some work done but three series came back and the flat caps didn’t I think someone’s

Stealing my flat caps I think that’s what it must be it’s busy here look at that line in the sky it’s busy here a’t it yeah lots of people traveling now lots of people traveling charging points down the front early oh no way look at that it’s an mg

Convertible oh there’s another one look we found on some concept cars that’s amazing that’s the new electrical mg convertible let’s go and have a look at that that is exciting isn’t it right look at this look look at this that is an electrical mg convertible let’s go have a Look [Applause] So that is the only mg cester convertible they’re out in China they’re not out in the UK yet but that’s phenomenal it’s electric it’s absolutely it’s actually quite a good looking car isn’t it and the reason the over it is cuz they’re having some problems with that one look they’re all Chinese

So they’re all off back to um Birmingham Dent development wow what a treat what an absolute Treat amazing this look in the men’s room charges any electric vehicle fits any home and comes in six Scandinavian colors what’s a Scandinavian color brilliant wow look at this sunlight that’s crazy um it’s exciting to see that mg isn’t it I do find that quite exciting right um let’s go yeah I can’t

Believe that yeah the new mg cyber it’s got a stupid name um someone should tell him it’s got a stupid name I hope they were able to charge didn’t have any problems with the charging points that’d be embarrassing wouldn’t it for the Chinese investors to be over here and find out

That the infrastructure in the UK is rubbish for the cars that they’re building they a’t building them for this country are they if we get that little cyber thing over here it’s just a bonus right on with the journey let’s get back to the motorway sun is out driving glass is

On I sit now I ain’t stopping again no chance I’m done we can go all the way we can go all the way on one charge I’ve had a weat I’ve got a bike to eat let’s just get there and let’s get there a long time

Before Lee but I’m so glad I stopped here what a little bonus that was for the video to be able to uh film a car that isn’t even out yet brilliant absolutely brilliant put more charges in here aren’t they they definitely are exit exit can’t make that up can you that

Sort of stuff only happens to Jeff love it wait until mg realized that they’ve been on Jeff boys’s cars I don’t think i”d be happy about That Oh yes look at this is an xr3 or is an RS turbo it’s cute is it it’s an RS turbo that’s a nice looking thing look at the shape of it in the sunlight beautiful what was that color called it had a a particular name didn’t it was it

Moonstone Gray was Moonstone the blue color they only came in a couple of colors those RS T I’m sure gray black and white maybe and red very cool I like that a Lot for a fire engine on a l it’s got 10 points is it yeah everybody knows a fire engine brand new 72 plate but that’s not electric cuz that wouldn’t Work Going into the Monmouth tunnel do you uh do you hold your breath when you go through a tunnel you know that that’s the rules if you go under a tunnel you have to hold your breath unless it’s some of those ones of Paris because that’s not a Princess Di

Go I’m just saying the tunnels are really long and you’ll probably pass out this is just a nice short one ready 1 2 3 ah easy sometimes if I’m with the kids I like to slow Down And this is this is part of the problem I have with with archaeology as a discipline it likes to think of itself as scientific but what I think it’s primarily doing and is what do is trying to control the narrative about the Past Well I tell you something funny I spoke to Lee on the phone 12 minutes ago and he said I’ll call you back when I’ve got plugged in and I’m charging so that means it’s taken him more than 12 minutes to get his car sorted and charging and all that time I’ve been

Adding to the distance that is already between us tell you what it’s incredibly windy it is I’m getting blown all over the place I am in my big BMW I’m absolutely flying all over the road in this wind this storm I can’t even remember what name of the storm is

I thought this storm was going to be in the north but it’s in the middle of all my car’s peeping I don’t know if that’s cuz the suspension’s broken or I’m going too fast I got a speed limit to set up see so I don’t get caught out here in

Whales where they don’t like speeding here we go look Road Works place you bets now are they closing the road for no reason is any work going on what are you reckon what are they doing why are we going down to one L there’s a lot of nothing up here a lot

Of nothing I can see some flashing lights down there what we got what have we got we got couple of lorries we’re cutting some trees are we oh we’re doing a bit we got a digger we got a digger they just finished the work have they Digger i’ kind of trees up there

Bit of tree cutting down isn’t it cutting down a few trees yeah got to get rid of these trees too many trees that’s the problem that is the problem is it with the bottom world too many trees pen Brook Shire Shire yes we’re in pen brookers Shire just just went past the sign

Excellent it’s exciting or it yeah Yeah crap crap crap crap right are you going to make it in time to fetch the kids yeah yeah okay got i’ got plenty of time just the motorway there just too much on the motorway yeah yeah no no where are you going where am I going where not you

Are you talking to a Lori yeah get in Babe fair enough I’m filming I’m filming a minute you might be in my video what’s going on here now oh they just just closing all the lanes aren’t they closing all the lanes moving all the cones closing all close the lanes move the Christmas is coming

Get the cones out get the cones out shut the roads yeah everywhere in it everywhere everyone just mad it it and it it does seem like everybody’s just gone crazy again this year like I can’t believe how busy the retail park is all the time and you go in supermarkets and

They’re all absolutely rammed it’s like what what are you all doing why is everybody going so crazy about it yeah you need a piece of meat and a bit of edge like I don’t get it and the thing is as well see like boxing day everyone

Will be at the shops again it’s like what what are you now buying that you didn’t buy Before Christmas the think is right it’s really hard to keep a track on day when it’s Christmas really is yeah I know I’m trying not to go stupid spending money but things are

Expensive I know they are yeah you know leave theid with milk look if we’re spending money anywhere then I’d like it to be on what’s in the fridge you know the gentleman that I saw earlier on Lovely Gentleman by the way he probably watching and he is a he was

A l gentleman wish about time a coffee with him he said ABC always be charging yeah I say don’t get an electric car because always be charging it I I agree I mean you could say ABC always be charging or let me come up with a new acronym

GT W YG you could be gtwy which is get to where you’re going get to where you’re going exactly It’s good old swell running it’s a good old swell Running Oh 16% this one Le watch your battery not a problem for the big BMW with its 3 l diesel power plant I can’t think of a car that I’d rather have been in today than this has been absolutely

Fantastic I’d much rather be in this than my 320 diesel for this trip and the CLS so I feel like this was Peak Jeff Mountain Warehouse a warehouse full of mountains so we are now right in the middle of some Davids but I’m not going to phone Lee until we get to the actual Point we do go down here ah there you go just saw a sign post for it rnli sent David’s life Bo station can’t be permanently clo I maybe it’s permanently closed to the public but it’s still actually a Lifeboat station that’s what I’m thinking anyway Farmers arms Pub that look like a

Swedish flag to me 1.6 mil to go there you go see that white sign there above the H cine Catherine Street sign sign there for the Life Play Station it’s got to go down these lives might be in danger seconds cost lives I guess that’s a sign for

Traffic maybe is it about not blocking the roads because the lifebo needs to get out that would make sense lives may be in danger seconds cost lives if you see a car heading towards the lifebo station with its headlights and using its horn please pull over to allow to

Allow Lifeboat crew to pass if I was a Lifeboat fast responder I think i’ probably want to be in one of these four-wheel drive fening power great visibility nice place to be if I was drowning in the sea I’d want to know that the person who was on their way to

Rescue me was on the way to the boat in an X5 I wouldn’t want them to be in a Range Rover cuz that’ll probably break on the Way A that’s the Lifeboat Hut stop the clock the time is 3:38 let’s get him on the Phone Jeff cars good afternoon you’re going to tell me you’re there aren’t you I am staring at St David’s Lifeboat station you kidding me you’re actually there I’m actually there you’re GNA see you’re going to see Sunset yeah I am I am I’m going to have a little walk down

It’s very pretty and uh I’m here I’m done uh where are you I’m an hour and 44 minutes away from the hotel I tell you what I’ve do you know what I’m so dis I’ve got the camera on here and I’m trying to put up a front

To make it sound really good but to be honest can I cheer you up really yeah cheer me up have you looked at the back of your car yeah there was a little thing that stuck on it I took it off was that to do it what was

That you know when you were at the service station chatting to your mg man yeah I was at the service station you was at the same service station I hid from you you went through the door to the service station right and as you went through the entrance if

You’d looked to the right I was hiding behind the pillar really and I got it all on camera and I I did you put that did you put that sticker on that suction thing on my back window then oh was there no sign on it no there’s no

Sign it had come off then I put a new I put a new driver thing on the back of your car a new it was just a I’m thinking what is that is it blown on in the wind or something it was so funny because you’ll

See it in my video because at that point I didn’t know where you were I knew we were close but I didn’t know where you were so I thought right I’m going to stop and grab a coffee cuz I was desperate for a coffee at a Wii and then

I was talking about I wonder where you are and then you Blum and pulled up didn’t you at the charging points but then when you moved cuz you moved charging points didn’t you and I was watching all of this and I thought he’s I thought he’s seen me he’s twigged that

I’m here and he’s and he’s off he’s seen that I’ve stopped for coffee he’s he’s he’s sort of logged me and now he’s going to leave and then you moved to the next charg and I thought no he hasn’t seen me I’m okay here so then I thought

I’m going to run inside I’m going to get a coffe and I’m going to get out of here quick and you put a new driver stick yeah and I got what that was you’ll see it all on my video it was so funny um I

Was so shocked to see you there I don’t know how I caught you up cuz I obviously went halfway to London and then met you there so yeah interesting a little bit Yeah although I have to say I just I mean it just I can’t get my head around

The fact now and I know even though an evangelist has helped me out right yeah I can’t get my head around the fact that people still think that electric cars are the future and it doesn’t make any sense because they clearly are not the thing is um I was expecting this journey

To be more difficult than it was I got to be honest this is the easiest one we’ve done for me and I think it’s partly down to my car um it’s big and powerful and it’s quite imposing on the road and if it wasn’t for Lor’s and bad Lane discipline on the

A14 it would have been a complete walk I mean it’s been a walk in the park anyway I mean I’m two hours ahead of you um but you’ll have to send me a send me a photograph of you and the sunset and I’ll put it on my video because I’m not

GNA see it are you and is the are the skies clear no it’s extremely cloudy there’s a few clear bits um but it’s it’s not blue but I think I think we will get a sunset so I just pulled up my my notes now 4:11 p.m. is sunset so I’ve

Arrived with what 50 i’ I’ve arrived with about 23 minutes to spare um give or take a little bit more than that so it would have been very very difficult for you to get here for the sunset if even I’ve only managed to do it with 20 minutes

Left yeah it’s it’s it’s not possible at all it goes to show yet again and I actually was really really hopeful and quite positive about it when it set off yeah um but yeah there we go all right well not to big I’m gonna have a little

Walk around and send you some photos I’ll uh I’ll speak to you well I’ll see you at the hotel when you get there text me the details for the hotel and I’ll I’ll go and get the first two beers in and probably drink those and then I’ll

Get some more when you get there I actually thought I was going to get to the blooming Hotel before you thought I just go straight to the hotel but it looks like not so crazy again it’s it’s it’s a it’s 4N but next year I feel like the 2024

Season of YouTube car challenges that might be your year 2024 could be the year of the EV I’m going to get a long range Tesla and prove you wrong all right I’m up for that your longrange T Tesla against my bladder right I got to go I need a we

I’ll speak to you in a bit onwards see you later bye bye go for a little victory walk then shall we let’s go [Applause] why is that still up [Applause] Really okay Jack Barrow now come we Comm deer boat Comm deer is a great word isn’t it cuz you it basically means steal but if you Commander something then that’s all right stealing something isn’t all right you got the self service excuse me sir did you steal that no I commandeered It yeah so head on back up find a nice spot try and catch the sunset from Le misses out on all of this stuff just cuz he brings the wrong car to these [Applause] Challenges [Applause] done four of these now haven’t we four of them every single one has been in a high mileage cheap car bought in a hurry and he’s yet to win and in order for him to win he needs to create a race with very specific parameters like low emission

Zones that are made up bollocks anyway so in a madeup world of Make Believe where you create the rules based on things that you just dream up the electric car can win but in every other scenario if you actually want to go somewhere what you need it’s an old-fashioned internal combustion

Vehicle ideally a 2005 BMW X5 right I’m going to the hotel just love this car oh yeah still got 200 mil left in the tank I could drive home now it’s just comforting it’s just powerful and just it just feels capable and then when you want to plant your foot it just

Flies and if you want to drive sensitively and this is odd because I hate SUVs I’m not an SUV person I never bonded with that Range Rover I never I I I didn’t I wouldn’t have thought twice about getting a Range Rover for this trip but the X5 as soon as it occurred

To me that the X5 was available I was like yes that’s going to be the one that’s my car for the trip the rain driver is essentially the same thing it’s the same engine I think it’s the same gearbox but just not as good not as good

Because the BMW X5 is more car drive than the rain driver so instead of being an off-road vehicle that has been adapted for the road this is more closely related to a 5 series and a five series can you go wrong with a five series I don’t think you can

Really there’s not too much technology on it there’s no touchcreen the computer is easy to use I’ve got 35 miles to the gallon you can get 40 out of these but as I say every challenge that I do I could have driven a little bit slower but what would be the point in That David’s cross family butches I’ve even got here in time to go to the Shops cre clothing should go pick Mrs Jeff up something what’s the time it’s only 20 4 I’m in time I’ve got here in enough time to see the sunset and go and do my Christmas shopping I’m going to be able to get a nice present for my wife for Christmas

And that there is real value in that the hotel’s just up here so I can walk into town love it here it is the Grove Hotel excuse me we got an electric car charging point no no we we don’t here I I don’t know I don’t know where you’re

Charging there your car down here I I haven’t seen one for Miles I haven’t maybe in Cardiff here we go The Grove Hotel time stamp it 24 minutes past 4 done the sunset done the journey my compatriot nowhere to be seen well done car well done you did good you did very good

Finished the day with a pint of Bayside Welsh logger beautiful right this is my second you should be here any minute now if I go outside should go outside and find him said he’s coming in at 38 minutes 5 or 1 and 1 half points after me not bad cuz

Cornwall it was like 5 I was HED by the time you got here when when we did Cornwall so any minute now he should be coming down this road that is the lights of Porsche tyan there he is I can see him look he’s here there he is way he’s Arrived good afternoon better late than never I’m only one and a half in it’s better than Cornwall should have got uh a Tesla better late than never should have planned your journey yeah should have only charged should have only charged to 80% uh um should have got a better should have

Got a better car that’s not a performance EV should have not got a performance EV yeah um shouldn’t have spent ages chatting to the guy with the mg yeah should have done it on a different day should have done different should have done a different trip should have done should

Stayed at home should have stayed at home saved lives uh most people wouldn’t do that trip no they wouldn’t um any others I think we covered them all we covered them all you get parked I’ll go order you a beer where have you put oh is that that big thing there it’s that

Huge thing there it’s 2 and a half tons but still got a two and half hours before you on that Ro sh I’d love it then if it just crunched going up that tiny ramp right that is it thank you very much The 50 Quid 30 L should be good 50 Quid though he might beat me on That I think I’ve already made a huge mistake you’re going to about 2 hours on your journey are you kidding why is that allowed on this road why is that allowed oh dear turn around when possible shut up look at that it’s an mg convertible I’ve they closing the road for no reason

Is any work going on uh my tomtom’s been thrown out the window I can oh my gosh I can see him I can see him he’s over there he’s charging my cars be B I don’t know if that’s cuz the suspension’s broken or I’m going too fast he said ABC

Always be charging pen Brook Shire Shire yes we’re in pen Brook Shire Shire could be gtwy which is get to where you’re Going

PART 5 – Welcome to the big video! This is the full challenge from start to finish.

Welcome to a SIX PART video series that will be posted over the Christmas break!

EV vs Diesel, 400 miles, East to West, Race against The Sun

Welcome to the big Christmas special! Lee @TheMacMaster and I are driving against the sun from Ness Point, the most Easterly Point of the UK to St David’s Life Boat Station in the West of Wales in Pembrokeshire.

This 400 mile journey should be simple… we have around 8 hours until the sunset but we have to contend with bad traffic, bad sat navs, bad charging networks, bad driving and in my car, bad suspension.

Lee is in his £120,000 Porsche Taycan EV and Geoff is driving a £1,000 BMW X5 with 217,000 miles on the clock, bought the day before and driven straight to the start line. There’s a lot on the line with this one…!


Part 1 – What car shall I use for the adventure?

Part 2 – The train up, collecting the new car, driving to the start point, fuelling up for the trip

Part 3 – The pre trip chat with Lee in the pub

Part 4 – Geoff and Lee at NESS POINT ready for the off

Part 5 – BIG VIDEO!

Part 6 – The costs and summary

#TopGear #TopGearChallenge #EV #Porsche #BMW #GeoffBuysCars #MacMaster

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