Electric Cars



Mary Bar’s Eevee dreams just crashed a shocking new Eevee report just exposed EV unreliability shocking GM’s CEO and leaving the middle class in disbelief the true reality of EVS is finally out and it’s not looking good if you were going to buy an EV this video might save

You thousands of dollars you see General Motors has been having problems selling EVs and until now Mary bar was hellbent on forcing EVS on consumers anyway but new Eevee report just exposed four fatal issues in Eevees that might hurt you badly is it the end for Mary Bar’s Eevee

Dreams are those EVS a scam and more importantly are they even safe in this video I’m going to take you through four major red flags of EVs and why GM could be closing its doors here’s what exactly happened you all know about the EV hype right the political leaders are forcing

Us to buy them and now even brands have started to abandon gas car production to convince us but that’s just one side of the story those silent eco-friendly cars that are supposed to be the future are becoming a real pain in the neck there’s this new report from consumer reports

That just exposed everything so here’s the deal according to this report electric vehicles have almost 80% more problems than gas powered ones Yes you heard me right 80% on the flip side regular hybrid cars are doing way better with 25% fewer issues than gas cars but

How could that even be possible EVS are newer and more Advanced right well not exactly you might never want to buy an EV if I tell you about the Four Deadly flaws this report uncovers but before I do that let me explain why this is super

Bad news for Mary bar the CEO of General Motors GM’s EV sales have taken a nose dive we’re talking a drop from 20,671 to just 15,6 152 in the second quarter that’s a whopping 24% plunge and here’s the kicker this is happening while Tesla is soaring high with

466,000 EVS sold growing 10% quarter over quarter it’s like Tesla is sprinting ahead while GM is tripping over its own shoelaces now let’s talk about percentages EVS make up just 2.3% of GM’s total sales that’s right only 2.3% that’s tiny compared to the US national EV market share which is over

7% and now that the Biden Administration has set up its new EV mandate if Mary fails to meet these EV sales targets she’ll have to pay a hefty fine to the government as well the second quarter numbers are more than just disappointing they’re alarming for GM while Tesla and

Byd are on track to hit close to 2 million EVS each this year GM looks like it’s lagging far behind and this is where the real problem lies their CEO is hellbent on not lowering prices Mary bar has literally said EVS in the $30 to $40,000 price bracket are not profitable

So while other brands are looking to lower prices she wants to focus more on premium cars and turn GM into a luxury car maker now how redonkulous is that and now as a result nobody’s buying gmvs which has led to a huge production stoppage for them they are killing

Production firing people left and right and increasing car prices to make up for their losses and the common man is having to pay the price for poor decisions taken by their CEO now let’s talk about the four major issues that you should definitely know about first

Up these EV batteries are a Ticky Time Bomb you might have heard about EVS Going Up in Flames but let’s give them the benefit of the doubt and ignore that problem another big issue is that these batteries are super sensitive to weather too hot or too cold and they start

Acting up in extreme cold for example you can see your ev’s range drop by up to 30% that’s like your car suddenly deciding it can’t go as far as promised plus these conditions can damage the battery and shorten its lifespan then there’s the maintenance cost you’d think

EVS would be cheaper to maintain right fewer moving parts and all that jazz but nope the reality is a bit harsher EV owners are finding themselves coughing up way more for upkeep than they expected some are paying up to 6,000 a year just for insurance and keep in mind

That the more you use your EV the more your battery will degrade and the cost to replace an average EV battery is more than 10,000 clams the second major issue lies in the build quality of EVS we all know that GM was never really known for being the quality King but this is

Getting bad Beyond comprehens mention customers are complaining constantly about rattling noises poor quality fit and finish in GM’s EVs and even in their hybrid pickup trucks and if these problems weren’t enough for you there’s the whole charging Fiasco firstly not all of us have a charger setup at home

And even if you do long trips on these things is full of stress more than 40% of the charging stations don’t work properly and if you get stranded out in the middle of nowhere then there’s nothing you can do rather than asking a gas vehicle owner for help how precious

And and this simply doesn’t seem practical enough if EVS are your only option and the last issue is also somewhat connected to this the range unless you spend close to 75 grand on an EV all the vehicles nowadays come with a poor range of only 300 mil and that’s

The advertised range in so-called ideal conditions if you were to take the same car out in the real world the range you’d get is about 200 M at best but it’s not just GM that’s doing badly with EVS even Volkswagen is cutting back on EV production at its mden plant in

Germany they’re citing quote strong customer reluctance end quote to buy their EVs and Toyota they’re barely making a dent in the EV Market with less than 8,000 EV sold in the first half of 2023 that’s far less than half a percent of their total sales here’s a stat that

Puts things into perspective Tesla is selling 110 electric vehicles for every one EV sold by Toyota and 30 times as many as GM it’s like Tesla is playing in the major leagues while GM and Toyota are still warming the bench in the miners and let’s not forget the bigger

Picture the economy higher interest rates and general economic worries are affecting big purchases like cars for EVS it’s even tougher with their higher costs and the Public’s unfamiliarity with the tech so what is Bary bar doing now she’s slowing down their electric car production in North America pushing

Their manufacturing targets to 2025 this decision is a major U-turn from their previous plans and saves them $1.5 billion next year now models like the Equinox EV Silverado EV and GMC Sierra EV are getting delayed adding to the drama labor strikes are causing chaos at GM the strikes have cost them $ 800

Million this year buyers are becoming more price sensitive and the Allure of new EVS is competing with the practicality of the used EV market now this EV report is here at the worst possible time there’s this whole push for EVS with government tax credits and all everyone wants your money selling

Overpriced Eves with poor range whoe automakers are rolling out new models like hot cakes but turns out adapting to EVS is slower than expected they’re more expensive to maintain than traditional vehicles and need extra stuff like a home electric charging port it’s like buying a high-tech Gadget but then

Realizing you need all these accessories just to make it work Jake fiser from Consumer Reports considers EVS a growing pain and this report isn’t some smalltime survey it’s based on a survey with data on over 330,000 EV Vehicles what’s interesting is that EV owners are mostly complaining about battery and

Charging systems plus they have issues with how the car’s body panels and interior parts fit together even Tesla the market leader in EVS is being criticized for its poor build quality and panel gaps Consumer Reports thinks as manufacturers get better at making EVS these issues should improve but here’s the catch these reliability

Concerns add to the hesitations buyers already have about EVS like high costs not enough charging stations and long charging times it’s like wanting to jump on the eveve bandwagon but finding out it’s not as smooth of a ride as as you thought now about those plug-in hybrids because they combine regular engines

With electric drives there’s more that can go wrong but hey not all hope is lost some phvs like the Toyota Rav 4 Prime and Kia Sportage are doing pretty well in terms of reliability now if we look at the whole Market compact cars sport cars and small pickups are leading

In reliability and guess who’s sitting pretty at the top for the most reliable model Toyota’s 4Runner let’s check out the scoreboard for automakers Lexus Toyota mini Acura Honda these guys are in the top five for reliability and at the bottom Jeep Volkswagen rivan mercedesbenz and Chrysler so despite the

Premium price tag the Japanese have taken over luxury brands in terms of reliability and that shouldn’t really come as a surprise so what’s the big picture here EVS are sort of in their awkward tween phase battery issues charging headaches fit and finish problems the list could go on and on so

Where does this leave us the Average Joe looking to maybe get an EV well it’s a bit of a gamble right now let me ask you this would you rather spend $660,000 on an EV that is twice as likely to break down and not even last you 5 years or

Would you buy a hybrid vehicle for $30,000 I know what I would do are EVS unreliable what do you think let me know down in the comments below I just uploaded a video about groundbreaking news that could hurt the entire EV industry do check it out if you want to

Be truly shocked by what’s about to happen with EVS

Mary Barra’s EV dreams just CRASHED! A shocking new EV report just EXPOSED EV unreliability, shocking GM CEO and leaving the middle class in disbelief! The true reality of EVs is finally out, and it’s not looking good! If you were going to buy an EV, this video might save you thousands of dollars! You see, General Motors has been having problems selling EVs, and until now, Mary Barra was bent on forcing EVs on consumers anyway, but a new EV report just exposed 4 fatal issues in EVs that might hurt you badly!

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