Electric Cars



Volkswagen’s CEO is in big trouble one of those EV reliability reports just got leaked leaving all EV car makers in disbelief EVS are not safe nor practical and I’m not just saying this I have proof that I’m going to be uncovering in this video so if you were planning on

Buying an EV in 2024 chances are this video might change your mind for good here’s what exactly happened a new report exposed four unexpected but massive issues with EVs and we’re going to be talking about all of them today but before we do that we first got to

Understand why this is terrible news for VW Volkswagen is the largest German car maker with reputable Brands like Audi Lamborghini Porsche and even Bentley under their belt and when such a big car maker starts to warn everyone that EVS are a bad idea it has to mean something

Right the big news vw’s CEO Thomas Schaefer has basically hit the pic button on EVs and it’s turning the automotive world upside down let me paint a picture for you Volkswagen is suddenly facing a crisis like no other we’re talking about the company that’s been neck-and-neck with Toyota as the

Biggest car maker in the world but now they’re on the edge of a cliff and it looks like EVS are pushing them over so Schaefer the big head honcho at VW comes out and says something that’s got everyone’s jaw on the floor he’s like we are no longer competitive we’re bleeding

Money and the roof is on fire that’s some serious drama right there it’s not every day you hear a CEO of a massive company say something so alarming now let’s get into the nitty-gritty of this whole mess first off vw’s got some real issues with their EVS they used to make

Cars that were all about quality but now with the shift to Electric they’re struggling big time their Interiors feel outdated their prices are through the roof and they can’t seem to get a grip on making EVS that people actually want to buy but here’s where it gets even crazier Schaefer reveals that they’re

Under a mountain of debt and it’s just getting worse here are his exact words with many of our pre-existing cars and high costs we are no longer competitive as a brand we’re facing strong customer reluctance in the EV sector the roof is on fire this is the final wake-up call

That’s like saying the ship is sinking and there aren’t enough lifeboats vw’s response they’re slamming the brakes on EV production it’s a to 180 from where they were heading Volkswagen recently announced Cuts in production and shifts at their mden plan in Germany they’re saying customers are just not into their

EVS they also reduced their sales forecast and warned everyone that the market is about to crash now this is weird because EVS are selling like hot cakes everywhere else Tesla for instance reported an 83% increase in sales over Q2 2023 so the problem isn’t with electric cars in general but

Specifically Volkswagen to make things worse they’re cutting jobs about 300 temporary workers at the mden plant are getting the boot plus they’re shutting down their dedicated EV Factory there for 6 weeks to add to their wos their profits are nose diving we’re talking about a 31% drop in q1 profit compared

To last year sure their sales revenue is up thanks to Europe and North America but their foothold in the Chinese market is slipping and that’s a big deal and the situation is so bad that they’re even nickel and Diamond customers for basic stuff like there was this mom in

Illinois Taylor Shepard whose car was stolen with her baby inside she calls vw’s Carnet service for help and they’re like sure but it’s going to cost you $150 for the GPS coordinates can you believe that the company so hard up for cash they’re charging for emergency

Services now let me tell you why buying an EV is probably the worst thing you could think of first things first let’s talk about what’s going on with VW and their EVS it’s a mess they’ve been facing a ton of backlash over the build quality and reliability of their

Electric models dealers are throwing their hands up in the air not wanting to sell these EVs and the Public’s trust in vw’s EVS straight down the drain now you might be thinking aren’t EVS supposed to be less problematic than regular cars that’s what we all thought right there’s

Fewer moving parts so it should mean less wear and tear but here’s that kicker EVS particularly vws are turning out to be way more troubl than we bargain for let’s break those four issues down number one is the battery the battery is like the heart of an EV but it’s got

Some serious issues they don’t play nice in extreme weather too hot or too cold and they start throwing Tantrums The Range will drop by 30% your vehicle will have problems starting and the battery will also start to degrade much faster this puts extra stress on the car’s battery slashing its life expectancy

It’s like owning a phone that dies on you when it’s a little chilly outside then the second major problem is maintenance did you know some people are having to pay up to $6,000 a year just to ensure their EVs and here’s a stat that’ll blow your mind according to

Consumer Reports EVS are about 97% more prone to maintenance issues than petrol and diesel vehicles that’s a huge percentage and it’s certainly not pocket friendly vw’s entry into the EV Market has been anything but smooth take their ID for example it’s supposed to be this cool Sleek EV but owners are complaining

About everything from a squeaky interior to problems with battery capacity and the infotainment system then another problem is the production overload thanks to political pressure for making more and more EVS vw’s been pumping out these EVS like there’s no tomorrow but here’s the catch their production isn’t exactly topnotch it’s like they’re in

Such a rush to meet their goals that they’re cutting Corners leading to all these quality problems and their dealers they’re not happy imagine trying to sell something you don’t believe in tough right and then there’s the last and possibly the biggest problem with EVS charging them charging an EV should be

Easy peasy but it’s far from it the infrastructure isn’t there yet despite the government throwing incentives left and right to get people to buy EVS folks are starting to see through the hype these cars are expensive and their practicality for the average Joe is questionable why would someone looking

For a reliable car under $30,000 want to settle for a $60,000 EV with costly maintenance and a $500 monthly payment and the variety forget about it the choices are limited and most EVS are just another fish in a crowded Pond you’ve got zero good EVS in the price

Segment where 70% of the people are $30 to $40,000 Tesla might have some variety but even they’re struggling to keep up sales unless they lower the price now let’s talk about competition vw’s got Tesla and byd breathing down their neck with affordable EVs and then there’s the

Whole covid-19 mess and the Russia UK train conflict throwing a wrench in their supply chain it’s like they’re getting hit from all sides in June VW talked about cutting costs by$ 11 billion Killian a big shot on vw’s board says they’re ditching EVS for now schaer’s telling everyone the things are

Going to get very tough and they need to start focusing on small winds it’s like the captain is telling the crew to start bailing water out of a sinking ship in vw’s biggest Market China sales are tanking they’re slashing prices on their best models just to keep up with Chinese

Brands and they’re laying off people left and right over a thousand workers at the zow plant got the boot but wait there’s a Twist here VW is not lowering their EV prices everyone else is cutting prices but VW is like n we’re good they’re trying to focus on cutting costs

Elsewhere but it feels like they’re missing the point so what’s vw’s game plan here they’re teaming up with renalt to make a $20,000 car but they’ve got another secret partner in China to make cheaper batteries and new EV models it’s like they’re trying to find a life raft

In the middle of this storm but here’s the real kicker the demand for EVS is dropping people are realizing that these cars are expensive the range isn’t great and charging them is a hassle it’s like everyone was on this EV hype train and now they’re jumping off people are

Starting to realize that maybe just maybe EVS aren’t the answer to all our car dreams it’s a reality check and VW is right in the middle of it the EV world is going through some serious growing pains from Battery blunders to reliability rumbles it’s a rough road ahead vw’s situation is like a

Cautionary tale a reminder that driving head first into the Eevee Pool isn’t always as splashy as it seems are Eevees unreliable what do you think let me know down in the comments below I just uploaded a video about groundbreaking news that could hurt the entire EV

Industry do check it out if you want to be truly shocked by what’s about to happen with EVS

Volkswagen CEO is in BIG TROUBLE! An EV reliability report just got leaked, leaving All EV Car Makers in disbelief! EVs are not safe, nor practical, and I’m not just saying this..I have proof that I’m gonna be uncovering in this video.
So if you were planning on buying an EV in 2024, chances are, this video might change your mind..for GOOD!

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