Electric Cars

Revolutionizing the Commercial Vehicle Market with Light-Duty Electric Vehicles

Revolutionizing the Commercial Vehicle Market with Light-Duty Electric Vehicles

Everyone welcome we’re just G to give it a few seconds to let the room fill up before we Begin alrighty let’s do this everyone welcome to today’s webinar it’s called revolutionizing the commercial vehicle Market with light duty Vehicles it’s presented by Mullen I should say light duty electric vehicles I’m Chris Brown associate publisher for automotive Fleet I’ll be your moderator for today’s event

Uh you will have the ab ability to ask questions you see that um question box uh below there throw them in the queue after the presentation we will uh run through the questions and and have a a moderated discussion there that’s when I’m going to jump back in but for now I

Am pleased to introduce our speakers today from Mullen auto automotive we’ve got Paul lower director of product planning and marketing pran agrawal senior vehicle soft manager Matthew gostic director of parts and service and Caitlyn deliri assistant marketing manager super excited to have this uh uh room here with the I I don’t

Even want to say the years of experience that they have in the automotive industry that they’re bringing to uh Mullen Automotive uh maybe let them uh work through that through the presentation but Caitlyn I’m going to turn it over to you and um thank you so much

Okay hi uh Paul lower director of marketing here at Mullen um come to you guys with uh over 32 years of experience in the automotive industry um General Motors uh right before leaving General Motors I was working on their EV program um what we’re going to cover today are

Key ways that electric vehicles can revolutionize the commercial vehicle Market um um we’re going to give you a 360 degree tour of our EV Vehicles the Mullen One and Mullen 3 and we’re going to give you a deeper dive into how uh manufacturers deliver more value through our service warranty connectivity and

Telematics so the next generation of commercial vehicles is are is here um EV fleets get uh very quickly they find out out they have a reduced total cost of ownership uh greater Energy Efficiency and uh obviously reduced emissions um the Mullen vehicles are clean uh we have zero emissions to be environmentally

Responsible um they’re connected uh we have maintenance alerts realtime vehicle location driver safety battery metrics and more with our commercial pulse and we’ll talk about that in a little bit and um these applications can be customized uh with drivers and Fleet managers in mind so let’s start by talking about the

Mullen One this is our class one Urban delivery cargo van um we anticipate this to be the first commercial small van uh that’s an EV in the US market um and timing couldn’t be better with uh the major oems uh pulling out of the space here um this vehicle is designed to

Navigate narrow Urban streets and residential roads it’s ma maximized for payload and has plenty of cargo space and uh you’re able to park this in a residential garage due to its overall height I think now we’re going to go to a video kind of do a quick walk around of the Mullen One this vehicle is our small van the Mullen One an extremely Nimble and maneuverable van with great visibility by the end of 2023 we expect to be the only player in the small van segment and we will be an efficient EV let’s start with the business end of the

Van garage ability with a 75 in height will fit in most garages we have a standard backup camera we also have best-in-class cargo volume of 150 7 cubic feet we also have a best-in-class payload capacity of almost 1700 lb and inside the back we have a/4 in thick

Durable commercial grade floor liner and standard d-rings ease of loading entry ESS at only 24 in high and a highly configurable cargo area with protection on the interior lower body panels a standard LED cargo lamp and standard rear backup sensors well what you’ll notice on the side of the vehicle is not

Only do we have a sliding door on the passenger side there’s also one on the driver’s side our sliding door is 28 in wide that’s about 4 in wider than the transit connect outside here by the passenger door we have a standard j1772 charging port for level two charging now

Level two charging up to 6.6 KW an hour with our onboard charger takes about 3 .8 hours to charge to 80% and 5 hours for a full charge that gives you a range of about 110 M depending on driving conditions looking inside you’ll see that instead of a passenger seat there

Is a workstation There if you did drop down to look underneath the vehicle you’d see a 42 Kow battery supplied by catl which is the largest battery OEM in the world this battery is made up of lithium iron phosphate solid state cells with good structural integrity and the best balance of performance and cost you’d

Also see our single speeed liquid cooled 60 Kow motor all right on the front of the vehicle popping the hood there’s really not a lot under there couple fluid reservoirs your coolant your windshield washer fluid your brake fluid and a jack if you need it so on the

Driver’s side when you open the door you’ve got your hood latch here you have your battery door a little further down underneath the driver’s seat is the 12vt battery which runs a lot of accessories very easily accessed if you happen to leave your lights on on the center

Console we have our electronic gear shifter dial drive neutral reverse and eco mode eco mode gives you a little more regen on the vehicle and helps to charge your battery when you’re in stopandgo traffic so our heating element in this van is a lot different than in

What you would see in a normal passenger car it’s called the positive temperature coefficient heater and that brings efficiency and safety to the EV heating systems when power is first applied to the PTC heating element it has a low resistance and draws a large amount of current as it heats up the resistance

Increases and the current draw decreases this makes a PTC heater inherently both safe and efficient and the PTC heater will stop drawing current if if it overheats or when it gets to the temperature desired so it Heats faster than a traditional element as it draws maximum current when it’s cold you’ll

Also notice a USB charging Point next to the gearshift dial where you can plug in your phone or other accessories to charge sitting in the vehicle you’ll notice great forward visibility due to the compact front end on the instrument cluster you’ll see state of charge charging or discharging condition range

Remaining and other important information the Mullin one a very efficient Nimble electric small van with a ton of features in cargo [Applause] space and the Mullen 3 is our class three Urban utility uh low cab forward uh turning diameter of about 38t excellent visibility and maneuver ability um for use in city um and the chassis um provides a clean top a rail for easy upfitting um you get bodies up

To 14 feet long and uh the vehicle has over 5,300 pounds of payload next slide um you look at the range on this vehicle it’s about 125 miles um I get a lot of questions about range it obviously varies based on what you’re hauling where you’re hauling it um what

Your environment is what the exterior temperature is ETC um this vehicle is an 1100 lb uh GVWR vehicle 138 130 inch wheelbase um that gives you a 14 foot box on this style of vehicle it’s the most popular configuration out there um right now with the ice vehicles in this

Same type of setup um go on the next slide uh the cab forward position and you’ll see this on the next slide um allows you to get more cargo space um behind the cab without changing the overall length of the vehicle so that’s really a key um to the low cab forward

The other big benefit here is it’s maneuverable and Nimble um a very tight turning diameter much better than the same uh wheel-based conventional style truck um turning diameter is about 38 feet now sounds like a lot but then when you say w it’s about the same as a Chevy

Equinox um it really puts the maneuverability of this vehicle in perspective now this slide here um shows you a couple things shows you the visibility um looking out the front of a low cab forward you’re able to see real close to the front of that cab um

Frankly if you lean forward a couple inches you can see um right up to the front bumper uh but what it also shows you is the amount of extra cargo you can put in your body or the longer body that you can put on this vehicle and still

Keep the same overall length um so a very uh huge benefit um for inner city delivery next slide now the cab tilts forward um it’s great for you know those few opport few uh opportunities that you have where you have to go climb underneath the cab for normal

Maintenance and repair um you’re not climbing over fender you’re not getting step ladders out um some cases you’re not removing the cab on a conventional vehicle um but unlike the gas or diesel uh powered units the similar units you don’t find a whole lot underneath the

Cab an inverter um a radiator to keep the motor cool air compressor your brake fluid reservoir power steering and a 12volt battery so you’re really not going underneath there a whole lot um in day-to-day operation next slide um so we talked about Ting tighter turning diameter better outstanding

Visibility um it’s very easy to get in and out of this vehicle um and we’ll talk about some of the other features here on the next slide so if we start at the front of the vehicle something as simple as the design of the bumper the front bumper

Extends a couple inches out in front of the cab um you know if your driver does run into anything a pole um you know a corner of a building or anything like that they’re not going to be damaging the more expensive parts of the vehicle um you know those composite headlights

Unfortunately are are relatively expensive as is the grill so it prevents you from doing uh significant damage with a light tap um you’ll also notice on the side of the cab there is a marker light that sits proud of the door um that’s designed not only so you can see

The marker light and the turn signal from the side of the vehicle uh you can also see it from the front of the vehicle um on the front of the vehicle I’ll show you two things here we’ve got wet arm wipers with this flat windshield um you really need that washer fluid to

Be spraying right onto the windshield um so we throw it right out in front of the wipers um and then on top of the cab um we have roof water channels now this doesn’t seem like a lot until you drive it in the rain uh if you hit the brakes

Um there’s actually a uh um a barrier there on the front of the roof that forces the water down the sides so you’re not constantly flooding the windshield with water um in stopp andle traffic or city traffic um the battery it’s a lithium iron phosphate battery um supplied by

Catl um they Supply about a third of the world’s battery um this lfp chemistry um you know that’s out there in the market right now has demonstrated reliability safety cost savings and importantly a longer life cycle um and if there are battery issues on a vehicle it’s typically serviced as a complete

Unit rather than uh repairing cells in an individual battery on the front of the vehicle there is a removable front service panel um you know for lack of a hood on the vehicle um you have some of the Mechanicals in there um there is a cabin air intake

Filter in there um that you would need to replace occasionally depending on the environment you’re in and then access to the PTC heater now the PTC heater um we’ll go through a lot of detail um same type of heater on the van um but this is an electric heater and it draws maximum

Current when cold and once it heats up it draws minimal current so it’s really designed to save you energy on the batteries and uh and get the cabin temperature up very quickly on the side of the vehicle um the driver and the passenger side you’ll see these large Breakaway mirror heads

Um they have a 12 by7 flat glass mirror and then a convex mirror um for greater visibility it’s all on the same mirr arm and then if you looked out the pass window and looked up you would actually see a mirror that is facing downward and

That gets rid of that blind spot to the right of the vehicle um where you can’t see through the bottom of the door um in case you have any pedestrians or bicycles next to you um real quick look down to make sure there’s nothing there as you’re maneuvering through town next

Slide um you look around the vehicle and you’ll notice that we have a 16inch allseas and tires uh in all six locations um by matching the tread on the front and the rear it allows you to rotate from front to rear not just side to side and that’s going to give you a

Little bit of extra life on your batteries um now the tire size directly impacts the load floor height um you know you’ve got two schools of thought I either want the vehicle to be dock height or I want it to be easy to load um we’re kind of in the middle of that

Um with 40 to 42 inches uh load Flor height dependent on the body that goes on the back um little things on the vehicle that have been done to prevent you from having to tilt the cab every morning uh when your drivers do their inspection because we all know they they go through

That inspection sheet really carefully is to make sure that you have enough windshield washer solvent especially as we’re getting into winter here in the north um you don’t have to tilt the cab there’s a little sight glass right on the side of the dash you can see how

Much cooling in there and if you do need to fill it there’s a cover you pull off you can put your coolant right in there your washer fluid right in there uh the charge port charge ports located right behind the passenger side of the cab uh level two and level three capable charge

Port um level two charge takes just under five hours to go from 20 to 80% and level three takes about 45 minutes um from the same percentages now if you look at the frame um arguably one of the more important parts of this vehicle this is a ladder style uh

Channel section straight frame 29 inches wide from front to rear um they’re flat easy to upfit um and this is a heat treated carbon magnes low alloy steel um we’ve got a frame yield strength of over 51,000 PSI um that is a higher yield strength in the competition

Um in that same weight class and then if you look at another measurement because it’s not fair just to say we have a higher PSI because the competition could have a thicker frame um you look at a term called RBM a resisting bending moment um and this takes the

Cross-section of the frame as well as the yield strength multiplied by each other and we come up with 541000 um that’s higher than the compet ition in this space um on both electric and gas and diesel vehicles um in class three or four um rear suspension two-stage multi-leaf with rubber bump stops

Designed to give you a comfortable ride uh with stability for your load um some manufacturers to mitigate ride harshness uh put shock absorbers on there as an option we have them standard on the Mullen 3 just to give you a little bit better ride when that chassis or that truck is

Empty on the rear of the vehicle um you’ll find for your upfitters most of the common electrical connectors are already in place uh we don’t want the upfitters cutting into wiring um that’s where you usually end up with problems later on in life um so we have

Connectors for the tail lamps the rear camera and the backup sensors um as well as um you know when you’re looking on the back of the vehicle um you’ll see some of the The Brak uh cables Etc uh we have standard four-wheel analog brakes on the vehicle electronic brake pressure

Distribution system um that is standard on the Mullen 3 and that is uh basically a proportioning valve that will provide better stopping regardless of the weight on the on the truck and where the weight is and that’ll give you a little longer brake life um and at the back of the

Vehicle on a completed vehicle you’ll see a a spare tire and that is standard as well as a standard backup camera that’s displayed in the radio head unit uh walking around to the driver’s side of the cab right behind the driver’s side of the cab there is a fuse

Box in a weather sealed uh uh uh connector there um and then right underneath the cab is the 12volt battery um that’s under the cab it’s not able to be taken out unless you’re able to tilt the cab so it is a uh it’s there to prevent theft of the

Battery and then simple things like the steps in the door opening um you’ll notice first off that when you have the door closed you don’t see any steps you open the door it’s actually designed to sweep any snow ice or mud off those steps so you always have a safe surface

To step into the vehicle and then the door opens 85 Degrees again uh for easy entry and erress into the vehicle now inside the cab um this is a regular cab vehicle seating for three um stain resistance material the center seat is either a seat or a work area

Storage area um amenities on this vehicle that you typically find on uh on most commercial Vehicles keyless entry power windows and locks Cruise AC um and then I briefly mentioned the 7in touchscreen radio with Bluetooth and USB now the standard rearview camera uh the video for that is shown in that 7inch

Touchscreen radio right on the dash um and that camera is not installed at the factory obviously we need to wait till the body’s installed so the upfitter installs that based on the directions we give them um steering standard tilt and telescoping steering wheel makes it easy

For the driver to get in and out also makes it a little bit more comfortable for him to or her to drive um storage on the vehicle um there there’s a plethora of storage behind the seats um there’s a cubby above the driver two glove boxes

On the right hand side um and then uh plenty of space for coffee drinks um in the vehicle with multiple cup holders either in the seats um or on the door and then um in the vehicle we have more of the uh fuses and uh circuit breakers um each of these vehicles is

Equipped with um remote keyless um you’ve get one remote keyless key and one standard key um and we have the vehicle set up up that uh if you happen to leave a door open and try to lock it it’ll let you know there’s a door open

Um if you do unlock the vehicle and then don’t go into the vehicle or open the door it’ll relock after 90 seconds just to make sure that nothing gets stolen out of the vehicle and with that I’m gonna that we’re going to turn it over to Matt gostic to talk about our fixed

Operations um and service piece of the business Matt thank you sir um I think we want to talk a little bit about to that service as it relates to Ms um my view is similar to any other project um that I would attempt to complete successfully and for those PMP

Professionals out there we look at scope time cost and quality um for us here at Mullen scope equals identifying the projects key deliverables in this case what are the commercial customers expectations and uh from a commercial Fleet perspective what we hear is pre resounding and that is uptime is king or

Simply put um money’s not made when the resources are down right um from a Time perspective we kind of reversed that from the PMP example um and it equals longevity not brevity from a mowing longevity in the industry perspective um in order to be success in order to be successful here

Um we have to deliver consistently over time continue to exceed our customers expectations um and anything less than that it only affects M and Automotive but in my opinion I think it actually um affects the entire EV industry as a whole um from a cost perspective um our

Cost equals TCO or total cost of ownership um this is a big hurdle I think that all EV manufacturers must face um because we’re heading into a new area of Transportation like it or not um so when we hear you know that a high voltage battery placement could cost as much as

As my first house just kidding I’m not that old um but seriously we take that concern very seriously and that’s why we partnered with the largest high voltage manufacturer in the industry and our offer in that 8year 100,000 mile warranty to our vehicle’s high voltage battery um in addition to that I believe

That it’s an enough evidence in the market that EV total cost of ownership is less um than a comparable ice vehicle just by the sheer number or reduction of moving Parts in the vehicle from a quality perspective um much like the PMP example um the perceived quality of M vehicles um rests

On those pillars of scope time and cost and essentially my team’s ability to exceed our customers expectations on a consistent basis so you know we talk about what’s the plan to support that theory um I was raised on the six PS and at the the heart of that is planning um

So from the customer support perspective the folks that will be answering the phones have been involved in our manufacturing process our Engineering Process they’ve written and reviewed all of our customer and dealer faing documents um as well as have numerous hours of seat time in all of our models

Um and that’s by Design from a Service Parts perspective we offer a full complement of standard Service Parts at very competitive prices and are leveraging technology and existing distribution channels to help maximize um the vehicle up time or M vehicle up time from from a field service perspective we’ve teamed up with aera

Fleet Solutions uh whose model ironically is relentlessly driven to improve uptime um an obvious choice to support our plan um this part uh partnership will support our onsite warranty repairs Services designed to expedite vehicle repairs at the vehicle’s location um if and when those uh failures do

Ur um and previously uh covered Mullen is offering a very competitive set of warranty parameters on all of our vehicles um and I think that lends itself to being competitive with most ice vehicles that are in that industry um additionally I guess I would be remissive I didn’t mention that we

Contracted with a company uh kpit um formally suit Solutions and we’re working to leverage the best technology available to build one of the most robust service portals that I’ve seen in my career and uh that I’ve been around or seen for a while and I’m looking forward to uh launching that

Probably in the first quarter of 2024 um from that perspective uh we’ll turn it over to Caitlyn who’s going to cover our telematics application that supports all of this stuff perfect so talking about telematics Mullen has an in-house H solution called commercial pulse um it’s an all-encompassing

Dashboard and an app to ensure optimized performance across the fleet so it works for Fleet managers it works for drivers and they can utilize that to not only improve their efficiencies but to save time and to save money as well as use it for predictive maintenance um it’s a

Telematic solution that has Integrations with thirdparty vendors and systems and uh we use an API integration for that we’re going to go ahead and watch a quick video on that and then um we’ll come back to the discussion At Mullen we’re defining a new era of Fleet Management introducing commercial pulse an all-encompassing app ensuring you get the highest performance out of every Mullen EV in your Fleet every ev’s key utilization rate and overall health including battery life CO2 emissions to cost per mile commercial pulse tracks the performance of every driver

Acceleration and braking aggressive driving even seat belt use virtually anything and everything to keep your Fleet running smoothly efficiently and safely commercial pulse takes Fleet Management to a whole new level and Mullen is in the driver’s seat all right perfect so you heard a little bit about the telematic system um

It is an app both on the Google Play store and on the Apple App Store there’s both a fleet manager app and a driver app they are a little bit different we’ll go through that as well as a desktop application that can be accessed at Mullen pulse.com that QR code that

You see on the screen will take you to our our website that uh kind of explains more about commercial post if you have uh any information and that video is there as well so starting with the dashboard we um we have a variety of features that show on the telematics dashboard on the

Desktop application that includes the number of Vehicles energy consumption of the fleet reduction of CO2 emissions alerts including battery alerts driver performance alerts and Safety and Security alerts the average driver ratings as well as vehicle snapshots that uh for each vehicle include range battery percentage and the status whether it’s active inactive or

Charging in regards to the total number of vehicles it’s broken down by the Mullen 3s and Mullen 1es so here you can see there’s 82 m in threes in this example and 41 Mullin one vehicles as a fleet it’s important to save money and to reduce the uh the emissions and

Improve your sustainability so this showcases the amount of energy consumption that your fleet has used within the last month as well as the kilograms of CO2 that’s been emitted in this case or I’m sorry not emitted but saved so in this case the uh fleet has saved 3,70 kilograms of CO2 which uh

Drastically improves sustainability measures this is the driver performance scoring what this does is show your average Fleet performance as well as the percentages of your Fleet that are in uh good performance or could use some uh coaching and uh Improvement and this is what it looks

Like in order to see where your vehicles are located so in this example um you can see Michigan there has 30 uh roughly 30 vehicles uh if you look at the the numbers on the right what you see is each individual vehicle’s name whether it’s identified by VIN or some other uh

Nom niker and it uses the range and the battery percentage that you can see whether or not these vehicles need to be charged and whether or not they are charging this is a closeup of a singular vehicle so in this case that uh 67 number up top is the identifier for that

Vehicle there’s no driver assigned but if there was it would say a driver name the battery state of charge which in this case the battery not charged as well as the location so it’ll give you an exact location including the address so that if uh the vehicle needed to be

Tracked it could be it gives you that range and then you can select details to learn more about the vehicle including alerts and uh overall different trips that it has taken here’s an example of those trips you can see the date of travel the vehicle that was used the driver that

Drove said vehicle um their license can be included and uploaded it includes the total drive time as well as total stop time it does include the various alerts so on the right side there uh that vehicle did experience six alerts in its first drive and four alerts in its

Second um it does include also idle time which uh as we know idling uh reduces um or it increases expenses so idling is not good so this can help you to improve that as well and the one number that’s uh really interesting here is it includes the utility cost so similar to

Um how we look at gas cost and the consumption that we’re using um in this case the drive took 22 cents of utility cost um which can help fleets understand how much that they are spending on utilities then we go into EV performance rep reporting here you’re seeing the

Utilization rate of vehicles this isn’t a perfect example but it does explain how often vehicles are being used whether it is um you know zero 14% of the time 15 to 29% 30 to 44% 45 to 59 or whether or not they’re being used 60% or

More it does allow you to kind of capture whether or not your vehicles are being used in the the most optimized way and then that report on the right is vehicle vehicle idling rate so that allows you to know the percentage of time that each vehicle is idling in this

Case one vehicle Idol for 10 to 20% of its uh time being turned on these are also EV performance reports here you’re seeing the fleet cost per mile so in this case uh in the month of April you know we spent uh roughly $225 to

$250 um in our cost per hour and then the cost per mile basis it looks to be about 7 cents and the utility cost on the right showcases in the uh in by month how much uh utilities were used so again and comparing it to you know your gas

Consumption or your diesel consumption you can see that average cost of your entire fleet versus just a vehicle and um it’s it can be really helpful to understand the costs here’s the last EV perform performance um uh metric this is CO2 emissions this is again broken down

Monthly and it can allow you to know how many kilograms you’ve utiliz or I’m sorry that you’ve saved per month so in the month of April here the example is that we’ve saved 15,000 kilograms um and the average if you can see that by month is roughly 1,400 uh, kilograms per uh per

Month then we go into Geo fencing geofencing is an opportunity for fleets to track where their vehicles are it allows no entry or entry points no exit or exit points and different timed op options so if you don’t want your vehicle to be used off hours or you

Don’t want it to leave a specific geographical area or even enter a specific geographical area that’s what this is used for and it’s broken up into different groups so if you have specific uh drivers that um shouldn’t enter certain areas you can attach those geofences to that specific driver or to

An entire department or group the next feature is alerts and there’s a variety of alerts um but these are just some of them uh there’s anti- theft and potential vehicle toe there’s idling excessive speeding after hours usage all of these can not only help to improve driver performance it can also

Help to improve vehicle optimization and uh to help with predictive maintenance so it can help to uh determine what’s going on with a vehicle before it becomes an issue and allow a fleet to maintenance the vehicle U before a problem occurs driver performance is a dashboard

That goes more into that driver score so at the top you’re seeing that same report from the uh front dashboard it is a general score for your entire fleet not a specific driver but then it breaks down your top drivers for coaching including breaking down what they’ve

Done so in the bottom left you’ll see top aggressive drivers that’s hard breaking hard acceleration and hard cornering and then in the middle it’s top speeding violations so whether they’ve sped or they’ve excessively sped and it gives you a name so that you can address that with your drivers uh make

Sure your vehicles are safe make sure your drivers are safe and improve your optimization here’s an example of one driver so in this case it’s called molel that’s melax right that’s the group or Department that the vehicle um operates within and then the distance traveled so

In that 126 miles that this vehicle has or this driver has driven they’ve had 13 different hard accelerations they’ve breaked hard twice and they’ve had 15 seat belt violations which means that the system alerted us that they’re not wearing their seat belts so this can help to really improve driver

Performance improve the safety of your Fleet and make sure that everybody comes back in terms of fleet manager application this is again available via the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store it’s very similar to the desktop it shows the number of vehicles and their status whether it’s inactive

Charging or uh in active uh the energy consumption of kilowatt hours the reduction of CO2 emissions in kilograms the alerts including battery driver performance and Safety and Security alerts the vehicle snapshots including the range battery percentage vehicle status and the average driver ratings there’s also a variety of other

Functions including reporting and being able to message back and forth between the driver and the fleet manager and then there’s the driver application and so the driver application is um a little bit different than the fleet manager this allows them to uh locate charging stations to utilize their uh preferred GPS to

Contact roadside assistants to locate their vehicle to message back and forth with their fleet manager and or other drivers to see their own driver performance score to evaluate the vehicle and then coming soon expected in the 2024 calendar year we’re adding the lock unlock feature to the

Vehicles so what does all of that mean well with telematics and improved um Technologies using our electric vehicles you can reduce the cost of your Fleet you can reduce up to 50% of your maintenance cost you can reduce up to 65% of your energy expenses you can

Reduce up to 75% of your CO2 emissions these vehicles are eligible for the uh commercial clean vehicle credit from the IRS which on these vehicles it’s uh up to $7,500 and overall it reduces up to 54% cost per mile in terms of savings and that really just means that your Fleet

Can operate not only clean vehicles but it can actually save you money and save energy and be a sustainable option and help the environment and with that I think we’ll turn it back over to Chris all right well thank you for the robust presentation guys um and now we’ve got

Quite a few questions we’ve got uh I think 56 um so we’ve got our work cut out for us here um let me uh let me start with some uh hard ones how about that I know you guys are ready for that huh not like you don’t get these all the time

But this is kind of a general question about the electric vehicle Market because it there’s there’s OES that are entering the market and and in some sense it’s it feels a little saturated uh how do you are you concerned about this amount of saturation in the electric vehicle

Market who wants to take that one it’s fall a marke um yeah I mean there there’s always a concern about you know your competition out there in the marketplace um if I didn’t make it clear early on the you know the Mullen One van not only

Are we the only class one van in the market um after the first of the year um we’re going to be n so um we’re not going to have any True commercial competition out there to this van um for those fleets wanting more of a traditional style van and then the m

3 um if you want an EV low cab forward um right now your choices are converting a gas or diesel variant um or waiting a few more years for the competition to come out with uh with their Solutions um which are from what I’m understanding going to be a lot more

Expensive than we are from a price point so are we concerned with competition yes um but I believe we’ve got a couple year lead on the competitors out there in these segments cool um we always get a lot of questions about uh range and and mileage and there’s so many different factors

That get into there first of all um the there is a standard test now for pay Lo uh can you explain that um yeah so essentially you make an assumption that your payload is 50% of what your max is and that makes an assumption that you’re leaving with a

Full vehicle and you’re coming back with an empty vehicle um so most of your numbers are based on that type of analysis um if you’re not running a full GVW you know if you cube out before you you hit your max payload um you’re going to probably get more rain

Um I I saw another question that was out there I’ll kind of lump it into this one both vehicles have regenerative braking um so that comes into play with range as well so if I’m driving in the city in an urban environment um I’m G to see better

Range than I would if I just put myself out on I75 here and uh you know was going as fast as I can possibly go with everybody else on the highway I’ll see a much lower range so speed plays into that as well uh yeah I’ve heard uh you know

Fleets talk about well I’m I’m in a hilly environment and as as long as you are not always consistently going up hills you’re going to get some regen there um right right and in fact regen works so well that when we get to um 90 I think it’s

95% we have to shut it off because we don’t have anywhere to store all the extra electric electricity that the regen system is generating um so it it’s very very efficient at reclaiming some of that energy um so with electric vehicles this new world particularly with frankly new OEM

Servicing is going to be a big factor here can you just get into how your guys are going to addressing service and how quickly a customer should expect their vehicles to be serviced so that’s probably a um service question from SWS fans um you know a lot of that discussion comes around what

What the failure was but from a Mullen perspective you know um like I said uptime is key and uh for most repairs we’ve got the vehicle um components in stock that we need to fix them we’ve got um hooked up with a Mara Fleet right so

A Mara fleet has the ability to go right to the vehicle location and fix it um onsite so there’s no uh aggravation or time consumed by the customer to to get that vehicle into a rooftop facility to get it fixed let’s say but you know our

Goal is 24 to 48 hours on I would say most repairs um I think that’s pretty aggressive from an industry standard um and we’ll see you know over time how well we produce uh results to that because that ultimately uh affects Mull’s l longevity in this

Industry sure uh I’m going to uh lump in some questions on telematics um because telematics is is really really important for for metrics in the EV world I mean it’s frankly essential right uh you have your own telematics product first of all just take off some of the the just the

The high points and differences uh between Solutions offered by other oems let’s just start with that one whoever wants to take it yeah hi this is prand so uh ttic solution is more commercial customer Centric uh with a simple uh user experience design and easy to understand

Interface uh uh in the future we are seeing uh digital solution having more capabilities and focus solving customer paino specific to the unique Fleet and customer leads so um it’s uh AR telematic solution is uh very competitive in terms of features um it it is basically uh we want to do what uh

What our Fleet customers are basically telling us so that’s how we are trying to make our uh this rather than an engineering dashboard okay uh I’m sorry someone over there update dates is that available through your system yeah we we we are over to we already have over the air update

Capabilities to some of our uh important uh ecus like uh uh BMS body module system and our tbox the telematics system uh we are also expanding to other ecus in future but we are already OTA capable okay uh you know one important part of the telematics equation is that there’s

You know a charge there’s a fee per unit right I mean and that’s um inherent in the Mullen offering correct oh yeah you’re talking about the charges for using the actual fee the monthly fee per unit I mean whether you’re in any o That’s G to

Happen yeah so so either you can uh the way we have set it up is you can do uh monthly if you want or you can pay as a part of the purchase of the vehicle and you can do uh over the life uh three years five years however you like so we

Are flexible okay um and of course you can use a third party telematic service provider as well should you choose yeah so we we would like we are open to integration with any third party solution uh that you you may be using uh and we have kept our platform more open

Platform so we are working with we are already working with few uh big aftermarket Solutions but we are open to integrating uh with any third party solution okay at the risk of uh uh geeky de Deep dive here can you just um tick off some high points for the engineering

Of the battery pack thermal management um maybe address safety the comment of cell balancing as well pan is that can you take that or yeah absolutely I’ll take I’ll take that Chris um you know the battery is um tested um as part of the crashworthiness of the vehicle so any of the crash

Testing we do that involves the whole vehicle the battery is part of that and that’s we make sure that uh the battery um is safe it it’s it it it doesn’t have any major failures in these crashes Etc um there are new technologies it seems coming out every other week on

Batteries um you know we’re not jumping from one technology to another and another over the course of a year um we are going um down the road of uh looking at some alternative technologies that may give us better range in the future um uh thermal management um if you look

At our Mullen 3 um one of the uh main concerns about battery and and and charge and range is exterior temperature and and EVS tend not to have um good range when it’s cold out so we actually have a heater for the Mullen 3 batteries to warm them up so you actually could

Squeak some more range out of those batteries versus just leaving them an ambient temperature okay uh going to lump some questions on uh sort of customer base um one was you know I think there are some publicly announced customers um uh have there been yet um they want to know like who your

Customers are right now yeah I’m I’m not prepared to share that information I’m not sure I have the uh okay the approval of those customers to share their names here at this point sorry yeah that’s okay asked and answered um uh can the Mullen One say so non-emergency medical

Transport have you guys just thought about that for the Mullen One physically is it capable yes um to be honest with you I’m not sure um if there’s any specific whe vehicle requirement that that vehicle would need to meet um to be non-emergency passenger transport um it I suspect that’s a very

Small piece of business there but um it is definitely something we can look at but I’m just not sure the regulations yeah sure how about supply chain issues I mean hedging against future supply chain issues it’s kind of tough to understand what black SW events May Come

On us but uh any thoughts in General on that yeah I mean you know we’re not immune from supply chain issues we’ve been pretty good working through the issues or finding alternative suppliers for some of these components um but we have a a team of several people that

Really that’s all they do all day long is Chase down supply chain and parts and you know any look at any potential issues that may be coming on the horizon okay very very quick question on um um you know data transfer of data that’s uh I imagine through the telematic system

But is there wi-fi involved in that uh is there wi-fi no that’s a cellular card on board so we’re not dependent on a consumer or fleet’s uh Wi-Fi signal it’s all done via cellular just like your cell phone transmits okay any thoughts on on charging Technologies in the standards

And how that’s going one way or the other I’m talking about Tesla standard and you know NCS yeah uh it’s it’s something we’re evaluating right now um there’s obviously benefits to both systems um so we’re kind of weighing the pros and cons of of changing over to the uh Tesla

Standard um but no announcements to make at this time if any sure um a couple of easy ones how about that video is it available on the website can they go to the Mullen website for the the video it’s not currently available on the website but

We will be adding it to our social profiles like YouTube shortly so when it’s available there uh people can access it on our YouTube to the Mullen team um that is all the time that we have for today for anybody’s question question that was not answered we will

Be following up via email and we want to thank you for your time today um you will be contacted via email with the recording of the webinar and you can also find it on the automotive Fleet website at automotif fleet.com webinars thank you all so much for your

Time today to the Mullen team and we’ll see you shortly on another webinar cheers This vehicle is our small van the Mullin one an extremely Nimble and maneuverable van with great visibility by the end of 2023 we expect to be the only player in the small van segment and we will be an efficient EV let’s start with the business end of the

Van garage ability with a 75 in height will fit in most garages we have a standard backup camera we also have best-in-class cargo volume of 157 cubic feet we also have a best-in-class payload capacity of almost 1700 lb and inside the back we have a/4 in thick durable commercial grade floor liner and

Standard d-rings ease of loading entry erass at only 24 in high and a highly configurable cargo area with protection on the interior lower body panels a standard LED cargo lamp and standard rear backup sensors so what you’ll notice on the side of the vehicle is not

Only do we have a sliding door on the passenger side there’s also one on the driver’s side our sliding door is 28 in wide that’s about 4 in wider than the transit connect outside here by the passenger door we have a standard j1772 charging port for level two charging now

Level two charging up to 6.6 KW an hour with our onboard charger takes about 3.8 hours to charge to 80% and 5 hours for a full charge that gives you a range of about 110 Mi depending on driving conditions looking inside you’ll see that instead of a passenger seat there is a workstation There if you did Drive down to look underneath the vehicle you’d see a 42 KW battery supplied by catl which is the largest battery OEM in the world this battery is made up of lithium iron phosphate solid state cells with good structural integrity and the best balance of performance and cost you’d

Also see our single speeed liquid cooled 60 KW motor all right on the front of the vehicle popping the hood there’s really not a lot under there couple fluid reservoirs your coolant your windshield washer fluid your brake fluid and a jack if you need it so on the

Driver’s side when you open the door you’ve got your hood latch here you have your battery door a little further down underneath the driver’s seat is 12vt battery which runs a lot of accessories very easily accessed if you happen to leave your lights on on the center console we have our electronic gear

Shifter dial drive neutral reverse and eco mode eco mode gives you a little more regen on the vehicle and helps to charge your battery when you’re in stop Ando traffic so our heating element in this van is a lot different than in what you would see in a normal passenger car

It’s called a positive temperature coefficient heater and that brings efficiency and safety to the EV heating systems when power is first applied to the PTC heating element it has a low resistance and draws a large amount of current as it heats up the resistance increases and the current current draw

Decreases this makes a PTC heater inherently both safe and efficient and the PTC heater will stop drawing current if it overheats or when it gets to the temperature desired so it Heats faster than a traditional element as it draws maximum current when it’s cold you’ll also notice a USB charging Point next to

The gear shift dial where you can plug in your phone or other accessories to charge sitting in the vehicle you you’ll notice great forward visibility due to the compact front end on the instrument cluster you’ll see state of charge charging or discharging condition range remaining and other important

Information the Mullin one a very efficient Nimble electric small van with a ton of features in cargo [Applause] Space

Take a tour of two light-duty electric vehicles, the Mullen ONE & Mullen THREE, poised to transform the commercial fleet market. Designed with drivers and efficiency in mind, these vehicles feature more cargo space, maximized payload, the ability to navigate narrow urban streets, and much more. Plus, learn how advanced telematics and enhanced connectivity can help you make more informed decisions and optimize operations.

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