Electric Motorcycles

This is almost the Perfect 10/10 Ebike – Raev GTX Mark II

This is almost the Perfect 10/10 Ebike – Raev GTX Mark II

What’s going on guys welcome back to the channel we got the Rave GTX electric bike sitting in front of me this is one of 45 we did get the limited edition color which is like a polished chrome look but this isn’t different from any other GTX bike that you’re going to

Order that’s black yellow or green those are the three other options and colors that you can get this one is completely sold out I think it was an extra $500 so this one was closer to $3,000 when it came out this bike right now is about

$24 $2500 depending on when you go to their website and look at the sales they got going on and I also have a discount as well that takes an extra $100 off this bike so use it links down in the description do all that and if you

Really want to save some money on this bike you don’t have to get it in the two battery configuration what I have right now you can get it for about $2,100 and just get the 20 amp hour battery but talking about this 20 amp hour battery

Now they fixed it by the way but people know if you first pre-order this bike this battery has been recalled so I’m actually running on a fire hazard right now so I’m actually not supposed to be using this battery but I’m just going to use it anyway for this review video

They’re going to send every single person that bought a GTX bike a new battery so that’s great and then they just want you to dispose of that I don’t even think they want them back the other problem with this bike though and it might be for the new bikes coming out as

Well so if you’re to order one right now you might have a headlight issue which I did in my last video so what happened is the circuitry board for the LED that sits in here it burned out so it’s only performing at like 5 to 10% capacity

Like output so you might have an issue with the headlight the company knows about it so they’re working on replacing them on the other bikes but there might be some bikes that ship out with this headlight on here and if you do have an issue you just have to contact the

Company and it’s going to suck because you can’t ride it at night but those are the two biggest concerns of this bike right now so we got that information out of the way you guys needed to know that right off the bat I just think it was

Fair enough to say that now let’s kind of go over some stuff on this bike so you guys know what’s up with it and you guys probably already know this information too because I’m a little bit behind on reviewing this bike because my schedule sucks and trying to do the

These bike reviews is really hard so we got a 1000 watt Hub motor in the back we got vspec tires the Huntsman tires by the way these are some fantastic tires I love them um it comes with free pegs now I didn’t get the free pegs but it’s cool

That they give you the option for pegs now because this is a very wide very soft seat it’s great it’s good for two passengers as well you’re just going to have to scoot up a little bit I would say if you’re on the very heavier side and a really bigger person then you’re

Probably not going to be able to fit two people on here but if you’re two smaller people I think it should be fine nice big chain ring right here the only bad thing about that chain ring is it’s a single gear in the back and with pedaling this bike it’s garbage so don’t

Get this bike if you’re planning on pedaling a bike because it’s just not going to be very great to Pedal now right behind that chain ring you might think it’s a torque sensor but it’s a Cadence Sensor so it just acts with the pedals so if you put it in number three

And move the pedals it’s going to give you the most power possible without any effort and then you have your 8 Amp Hour battery right here and you have your 20 amp hour battery right here so you’re going to get 28 amp hours in in total you’re looking at probably I would say

Like 35 to 37 mil of range and if you only have one battery you’re probably looking at about like 25 to 28 mil a range and they give you two keys and they’re both different so keep in mind you don’t want to lose these Keys what

I’d probably suggest is take one set of each key and put them together and then keep the other two sets that are different in your house or lock box whatever so you don’t lose these keys because once you lose one whole set of this you’re not going to be able to take

One of those batteries off and that’s going to suck okay so the next thing I need to show you guys is how I look sitting on the bike I’m about 59 510 and I can put my feet down but it’s a little bit more harder to put my feet down on

This bike compared to traditional bikes because the seat is so wide that my feet are going out like this instead of going straight up and down so it does feel a little bit uncomfortable in here in my inner thighs but it’s not the end of the world especially when you actually start

Riding it and you put your feet up all that goes away but when you actually start pedaling again if you really want to Pedal this bike because you can it’s just not that great you’re going to start filling it in your thighs with this wide seat another thing to keep in

Mind too is this bike does hold up to someone that’s 330 lb and if this bike is too tall for you look at the GT Model because this is made for taller Riders and I got my measuring thing right here so I can show you guys how high this

Seat is if I go right in the middle with the bike kind of sitting up and it’s about 33 in roughly from the ground so that’s decently high it’s not as high has like a cyber X bike the large one that’s like 35 in from the ground and

That’s made for people over like 6’2 but uh it’s not too bad but just keep in mind if you’re very short like under 55 this might not be a bike for you all right one last thing we do before we take it out for a spin is I like to walk

Around the bike and kind of show you guys some up close stuff you can see this uh battery right here a lot of people are going to be worried about that battery coming down but just make sure you lock it in place you also have this button to check the battery charge

If you do want to take take these off and go charge them in your house the other one is on top right here and that will show you it’s a little hard to see so you can definitely take both those batteries off if you want I just leave

Them in my garage and just charge them in here so if you have stairs that you got to go up to then yeah it’s definitely nice to take those off or you’re going to put it on your bike rack it definitely saves some weight because

This bike is 85 lbs with both of the batteries on there which is actually surprisingly pretty light I think and here is a look at this headlight up here it does come with a reflector on the handlebars you can take that off if you want you got compression adjustments

Right here and you got a preload adjustment right there you also have these two bolts right here you can uh put like a bag right here you can store something else on here I haven’t really seen many accessories for this but you can definitely put something there if

You want and then the only thing that I wish this bike came with was BMX style handlebars I’m not a big fan of these type of handlebars because now I can’t put anything extra around this bar like if I want to put my phone up here I

Could probably put it up here or put it right here but it’s also going to block this or it’s going to get in the way somewhere so I would have lik to seen a BMX style handlebar on here the cable management is great though the brakes

Are branded by Rave I love these brakes they feel really good you also got adjustments right here which is super nice I love these moving down here there’s a look at your dual chamber air shock right there it says 200 L on the side by fast Ace on the other side you

Do have your adjustment to put some air in there if you want to do that um I’m just riding it the way it came but if you really want to perfect it you definitely want to mess with this rear shock to get it right for you here is a

Look at the rear brake caliber right there says m4x on it and here is a look at that motor right back here it looks like your standard like 750 W Motor but it definitely puts out some good power you do have a 30 amp controller back

Down in here so that’s putting out a really good amount of power and it’s a 52 volt if I haven’t mentioned that already and then I also want to show you guys these tires because these tires are absolutely fantastic they are so thick my whole hand can like fit in here so

You’re not going to have to replace these as much as you would a standard tire but keep in mind if you do burnouts or you do stupid stuff with it you’re definitely going to wear them down a lot faster but they’re definitely going to

Take a while to do so this is how you turn the display on just this middle button right there it comes on pretty quick turn the headlight on you just hold that button and you can tell when the screen gets brighter and then you

Can turn it off by doing that but what I wanted to show you guys with this bike being on is how the brake light looked and what’s cool about this bike is even though the bike’s on and I haven’t turned the headlights or any of the lights on whatsoever the brake light

Always works with the brake levers even if you do not have the headlight on because it’s just daytime this is a nice safety thing and the brake light is actually pretty bright I will say the reflector is kind of useless I mean I know there’s going to be a lot of people

That kind of are going to say leave it on there but I also feel like it blocks a lot of that light I don’t know that’s just me I think it blocks a lot of the light from the top it does light up the reflector pretty nice though but I think

You can get a little bit more broader light if you remove that reflector but anyways other than that when you do turn the headlight on you can’t obviously see my headlight because it’s broken but going off the tail light the tail light does come on but it does get brighter

When you hit the brake lever so that’s a huge safety thing I’ll turn off the lights really quick so you can see what’s going on and how it looks I got one light in my garage above me I don’t know how that camera is going to focus right now because our headlight is

Obvious vious ly burned out this is not the quality that you’re supposed to get out of these headlights but we are waiting for a replacement so you can see that it might be flickering on camera so we just have to wait for that another thing I need to tell you guys real quick

That I don’t like about this bike before we take it out first spin is this kickstand I hate it this is a standard traditional kickstand they put on all these bikes right and I love these kickstands they normally have a set screw right there like right behind

There’s a set screw not on this one though though they put two rivets right here that means you can’t adjust this you can’t do anything there’s no way I’m taking those out and putting the screw I don’t even know if they have the bracket back there for the screw to like lock it

In place but what happens is this bike leans too far over it’s almost falling on itself and any type of wind or driveway depending on where you set your bike up it’s just not great and I’ll show you that right now the bike just

Leans too far over I’m not a big fan of that and when I put it on my driveway especially if it’s on a slope it just wants to fall over like it’s really easy to like fall over so not a big fan of that but other than that I think it’s

Time to get on the road because I’ve been out in this garage forever and we got to go take it through our test and see just how it performs out in the real world so let’s go all right ladies and gentlemen we are on the

GoPro and I’m going to see how fast this thing goes right off the bat because we got a full battery charge on both of these batteries One battery goes down pretty damn fast because a voltage sag on the 8 power battery so don’t be concerned if all of a sudden you go down

To three battery bars and I want to say like 8 Miles that’s just because the voltage sag of the smaller battery is messing with the voltage on here the cool thing I like about this display and we’re right now we’re doing about 32 but

I have seen more out of this bike is you can hit the power button and it will say your max speed so 33 mph is a Max that we did our average speed has been almost 6 mph and then we’re back to normal another thing I like about this display

Is it shows our miles on the bottom and then if you hit the power button it will change on the bottom so our trip right now I’ve went 1 mile exactly and then 8 minutes the bike has been on and then here’s our max power it’s showing 1,600 wat that’s crazy when there

Supposed to be a th000 watt Hub motor now it is unlocked so we are able to go as fast as this bike will go but I was not expecting over 1,500 watts of power out of this rear motor that is good you guys see that 1,700 WT 1,800 WTS what

That’s why this bike has really really good power all right so I’m in the bike lane but the bike lane ain’t going to work for me so I got to come onto the sidewalk and actually hit the button to go across how stupid is that all right

Let’s do one last speed test on this bike before I pull out my phone because I am recording right now and I want to get the maximum top speed that I can show you guys on a full battery charge I’ve seen about 35 on average and then

Going downhill about 37 and I weigh about 170 lb but right now I’m only seeing about 32 maybe 33 let’s see what GPS is actually showing 33.1 milph okay so it’s kind of making a little liar out of me but that’s that shows accurate because we have never

Went over 33 mph and I can see look 33.1 and 33.1 that is 100% accurate got to love it I love when bike companies are now fixing the issues that we previously had like a year ago with all these being off like 10 to 5 milph which

Is crazy all right we got to get over to our designated speed test but I do see people so we’re going to be flying past a few people right now all right so we’re going to use throttle only from here and we’re going to go all the way

To the end and we’re going to see how fast this bike goes if it is over 27 mph that means it’s on the quicker side of ebikes if it’s under 27 mph that means it’s on the slower end of ebikes if it’s exactly at 27 it’s almost like 95% of

The ebikes that I review so let me get back into my mile per hour here we go 1 2 3 yeah and let’s see these people move out of the way where they going this bike is moving though 25 26 27 28 29 9 so it means we reach 29 mph in that

Stretch which is really good for this bike I’m telling you it it has a lot of power now we’re going to try out the pedals now we have no gears up here so let’s just try the pedals and see how it is to start and then I’ll see where

Ghost pedaling starts I don’t think it’s going to be the best bike to Pedal though so here we go oh God oh God oh that was a huge delay all right so I’m ghost pedaling at like 14 M an hour I do not feel connected to this

Bike whatsoever so all I got to do is barely move the pedals like look how slow I’m moving these pedals and the bike is just giving me all the power I need and it’s just going going gone but yeah so this is not a very good bike to

Pedal now the train ring up front is very big compared to the GT Model they upped it but since there’s no gears it doesn’t make any sense that means that starting from a takeoff from 0 mph it actually makes it harder to get the bike to start moving like right now look I’m

Going to Pedal no throttle look oh my God it takes like 2 seconds for it to activate and I’m on it like it’s really resistant so not a big fan of pedaling this bike all right now I got to see how it goes uphill we’ll use a throttle only

And we’ll see how well it does and then we’ll do it with the pedals only so here we go one two 3 Let’s see yeah so it makes it up that perfectly fine with the throttle it has enough power to 52 bike not going to have any complaints at all now let’s try

The pedal since they have a huge delay in them let me move the pedal in the correct position because it’s going to be hard to do all right here we go let’s see if it does it before it doesn’t kick in oh yeah see that’s what I’m saying so

Trying to pedal is not going to be the best thing on this bike because the power is not going to kick in so I got to go a little bit further back and see if we can get the pedal to actually activate to give me the power to go up

And it won’t so you’re going to have to use throttle to go up these Hills because it’s just not going to do it with the pedals so that’s kind of disappointing I would say on this bike they definitely needed to uh put gears on this thing now

I’m not someone to Pedal but definitely for situations like that they should have changed the chain ring size if they knew people weren’t going to be able to Pedal this bike at high speed they should have just put a smaller chain ring on there like they did the GT Model what the

Heck dang remember that Honda Civic that I told you that was stolen well it is definitely messed up now and why is it here and why is there burnout marks all over the place and why is it like do zigzags what the heck I knew this car was going to get messed up

And I’m surprised it is still here and not like in a junkyard or tow yard or something but man someone really jacked this car up and had fun let’s follow the tire Marks let’s do a little bit of off-road action because we got these nice tires on here woo it’s a little muddy out here it just rained last night like all night um I was going to shoot this video review yesterday and what happened is well the rain it’s been raining on me

Constantly and trying to get these videos done is not fun so I’m trying to get this done because it’s actually going to rain in about 2 hours so we got to hurry up but so far it feels great Offroad I’m not going to say it’s the

Best bike Offroad and I’m getting hit by gats all over the place so I need to close my helmet the rear suspension is working flawlessly I love it the front is not the best though I got to say that the front could be better and keep in

Mind on the front I do have it all the way down so the preload is as much as it will go the compression is as soft as it will go and it’s soft don’t get me wrong but it’s a little bit more firm than the

Back the bag is just nice and plush I’m not having any issues but do I think the aage average person that gets this bike and goes off-roading is going to complain about it no not really it’s just not the highest of the high end but it’s definitely okay now I’ve been

Riding this bike with gloves all the time and not having gloves this time I will say I do not like the grips they don’t feel very good especially the throttle placement as well um It’s really hurting my thumb the thing is is if you move the throttle down you also

Move the horn underneath the Hanah bars and I just don’t like that I don’t like that the horn is underneath the throttle that makes like no sense to me like whatsoever like so if I’m riding and I need to get someone’s attention I can’t hold the throttle down and hit the horn

At the same time you would have to go like this use a throttle with this hand and go like that why is the horn underneath the throttle the horn should have been separate like on this side I think but anyways let’s get into the Turning Test Now what’s weird about this bike turning

It feels good I love how this bike tracks straight though because the tires are like really wide and they’re flat and then they just have a huge taper to the side like this goes straight off to the side it doesn’t round off at all it is really square right here so it turns

Great because a tire is very wide by 4 in but man you you get to a point where you just can’t turn anymore but for the average person just riding around you’re not going to have a problem and it actually turns very smooth better than I

Thought it was so I don’t think you’re going to have any issues turning and you can also make u-turns with this bike super quick so that’s what’s nice there’s no uh shortcomings on turning like this is the turning radius it’s not like crazy good where it can turn all

The way around but the fact that I can make easy u-turns is nice so the next thing we got to do is a braking test and I know this speed is accurate so let me get up to about 28 mph not try to go any faster than that and let’s see is going

To be hard to try to get this like right here we go here we go we’re at like 29 28 here we go 1 2 3 woo oh breaking test is the funnest test I think all right so there we go so we stopped behind the line that I normally

Stop like over or right at so it actually is one of the better stopping ebikes and I have to think it has to do with these four piston caliber brakes but also the tires too so that’s not very far I slid in this little section

If you can see so just right here to right here because I stopped kind of like in the middle of this that’s not far at all that is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 about 11 or 12 steps like just walking normal from uh where we stopped

At this is great and again if these handles feel loose at all just come in here and just tighten this little thing it pulls a little bit away from the grip so just keep that in mind but it will make it nice and firm so if you want it

Really soft and Squishy or if you want it nice and firm you can adjust that I love that I think all bikes should have that most of them do you just have to get an allen wrench to go in there but I like the ones that have the actual

Handles because it makes on the- adjustments great without tools ah we’re on the nice new trail out here I figured I would just give this bike a little bit more testing out here and just have a good time because there’s just some bikes that you get on that you enjoy

Like you really do enjoy and I ride like I don’t know like four new bikes a month and this one It Takes the Cake on how nice it is now it is not as comfortable as a C3 strong I will say this seat is pretty comparable but the suspension is

Not near as close to the C3 strong Deluxe the one that has the front suspension and the rear suspension this bike is similar maybe a little bit more jittery I want to say over bumps than the Rev one but it’s very close to the Rev one in stock form look at this we’re

Coming uphill now it isn’t like directly uphill we’re going around a circle so we’re kind of taking it a little bit easier but it’s coming up it no problem 25 26 mph and it is just blasting through this now the reason why I came up this way is

Because I wanted to go downhill and I want to see how fast this thing will go cuz some bikes have a cutout and I don’t know if this bike has a cutout or not so we’re going to see if uh it just keeps going and going or if it’s going to

Limit our speed to like 36 37 or something so we’re going to see right now thanks appreciate it really appreciate it I’d use my horn but I got to come over here to hit my horn All right so here’s the test 34 35 36 I close my visor 37 roughly so 36.9

Is what it’s saying all right I I felt no cutout or anything like that but I did expect this to go a little faster but not too bad though not too bad at all now I should should have put on my wattage and seen if it lowered our wattage or not but we

Are still getting about 16,700 Watts so the next thing we got to do ladies and gentlemen as we lost one other battery bar so we’re down the three and I’ve only went like how many miles have I went on this trip 6.3 miles and I like to show you guys how responsive the

Throttle is and the pedals are so let’s try this test out at a good like 10 miles an hour or so so here we go that felt great already all right one two 3 okay all right it’s about like I almost felt like a half second delay so one 2

3 yeah it’s about a half a second delay it’s not the fastest throttle response I’ve ever felt but it’s decent I’ll take it though it could be worse there’s some other bikes that take a full second delay so anyway what I’m really curious to see is how fast the pedals react so

Here we go 1 2 3 oh my oh my oh that’s garbage that is garbage one two three oh that’s like a good two second delay I don’t know if you guys have your stopwatch at your house but that is not okay and what’s going to be funny enough

Is that the faster you go and when you pedal the the faster the pedals are going to react if you’re doing like 25 30 but when you’re going slow like this and you got to activate the pedals the chain ring is so big that it takes a

While to make rotations on the crank so it’s actually going to be slower reaction when you’re going slower here we go one 2 3 oh my leg popped trying to get that to move yeah that’s like a two second delay but watch let’s try this at

Like 25 miles per hours here we go one 2 3 okay barely any faster and that’s because I can make faster rotations but still not the best to pedal do not buy this bike to Pedal I’m sorry just don’t do it now does this bike feel stable

Onehanded off in the dirt uh no not not really I’m I’m going to be honest with you guys not really on Flat Road it’s okay but like I said the suspension is kind of like jumpy so it’s kind of like you just kind of feel it like hopping

Around it’s not nice and plush in the front so I don’t trust one-handed riding on this bike a little bit more so on road but still I would not do it hello Honda Civic I’m just going to pass you real quick let me give you one little

Love tap I had to give it one little tap you know what I’m saying all right here we go now I know I told you guys don’t jump this off of like any big stairs now little curbs like that are perfectly fine nice and smooth but you definitely

Don’t want to damage anything on this bike cuz it is not a jumping ebike but doing little stuff like that is totally fine go ahead just don’t be looking for no five stairs or big loading docks or anything like that because you could definitely break something on this bike

Now something else you guys should know or you’re probably going to notice when you do get on this bike cuz I have a full face helmet on right now oh do not let go of the hands oh my God this bike was about to crash is I can definitely

Hear the motor in the back the motor in the back’s making a lot of noise it’s just similar to The Rev one and the C3 Str I think the C3 Str was a little bit more quieter but the Rev one and this bike are pretty similar and how they

Sound not a big deal this is exactly like the GT as well it might sound a little louder at like top speed cuz it has a little bit more power but I’m not hearing these tires that’s what’s kind of crazy is I thought I was going to

Hear these tires a lot more but I’m definitely just hearing that much motor and with my full face helmet on it’s kind of noisy so if you guys don’t have a helmet like I do you’re definitely going to probably hear that over anything so another test that I think we

Should do is it does have a zero mode so a zero mode does that mean the throttle doesn’t work either oh okay the throttle doesn’t work either so this is where the bike might shine a little bit oh this is no this ain’t comfortable I’m sorry this

Bike this ain’t comfortable so with the Big Chain ring if you don’t have any power the bike dies whatever or you just want to get a workout in you can safely pedal at about 9 to 10 milph but it’s also going to burn up your thighs definitely my legs are just

Rubbing up against this seat so bad that it just not feel comfortable and if you want to be a little bit more comfortable you got to move it to the front but it also feels weird sitting that low and then you can pedal but the farther you

Sit back the seat gets wider and it just doesn’t feel that good so I’ll try it again like right now this is decently okay again the bike is about 85 lbs so it’s not super crazy heavy but it’s just I don’t know it’s not that great to

Pedal though it’s not something that I would uh want to pedal for more than like a mile and that’s being gracious we are just going to stick to the throttle and I want to see how far I’ve went and I want to see if my range matched up

With my phone so on here it says we did 8.3 Mi we’re down three battery bars the three battery bars are going to stay there for a decent amount of time I’ve noticed after doing 20 M on this bike before doing the review and right here

8.2 Mi you can’t get any better than that that is actually pretty crazy on how accurate that is our top speed was 36 mph that’s when to be coming down the overpass and let’s see if that matched up as well yeah so 36.9 and 36.1 on here that’s pretty good

Can’t complain about that so I know I have rode this bike enough to give you guys a good conclusion if this bike is worth it or not but I’m going to go to the house and give you guys my final conclusion and if you guys skip to the

End of the video in the section that’s fine I don’t mind um cuz I know a lot of this riding stuff gets kind of boring here and there you just want to know the actual facts and whatnot so let’s go back to the house and I’ll uh tell you

How I really feel about everything on this bike all right guys final conclusion on this bike I actually did exactly 10 miles on here uh by the time I came home and I’m actually going to check my phone and see if that’s accurate 9.8 miles on my phone and and

10 Mi on here so you can’t go wrong with what this display says unless you mess with the wheel diameter speed just don’t it comes perfectly out of the box I love that the grips not a huge fan of the grips they have these little rivet lines

In them they’re supposed to kind of conform to your hands I don’t really like them too much ID probably replace the grips I just feel like they’re too bulky as well they have like Palm rest so maybe you like that but I didn’t like them Cable Management great the

Headlight going out the first week I had the bike unfortunate but the company does have a 2-year warranty on this bike so you guys can hit them up and say hey this went out and they’ll send you a new one the only bad thing is you got to sit

There and wait for it to come in the front suspension it’s okay it’s like every other bike I pretty much have in my garage it’s not the smoothest compared to the rear suspension the fast a shock in the back is phenomenal I love it it’s really nice and comfortable

Matched up with this extra long saddle seat right here that’s made for two people this seat is great just not good for pedaling do not buy this this bike to Pedal it’s a single gear I like the rear brake light as well it’s very bright and it works and the bike just

Turned off right when I was going to show it to you guys so there that the only thing I’m not a big fan of this bike is the of course the kickstand the kickstand is garbage I don’t know why mine’s Riv it in maybe just mine I don’t

Know I got to watch some video reviews and see if people have the same issue as me but moving on to the fenders now they look stylish I love how these fenders look cuz they’re like a little half Fender and it’s real low to the tire I

Love that but but it doesn’t cover the back so this whole battery right here is blasted with dirt like this whole under thing is just dirty as hell the rear on the other hand just comes out right here it looks sporty but I would have liked

To seen one that bolted right here and went all the way back to like right here and that means that this is not going to get all dirty cuz everything inside here is completely blasted as well and I can even see dirt and water right on the

Back of the seat and I didn’t even touch the seat so that means means it’s flying off of the tires somehow and getting on the back so it’s going to get your back blasted especially if you go through mud and all that kind of stuff so just

Something to keep in mind I would have liked to seen BMX style handlebars on this bike just so you can put extra accessories up here so maybe on the next one they do maybe they’ll add some BMX handlebars on there but handlebars are cheap I mean I don’t know how much you

Guys are going to want to spend on top of after you know buying the bike but you can get some BMX handlebars for about like 60 to 80 bucks and they’ll really change the style of it especially if you want some lower ones so you’re kind of more lower to the ground more

Cafe Racer style I kind of like that but I will say the posture of this bike sit on it feels really good it’s just the seat sits very tall so you need to be over 55 to ride this bike and you can definitely feel it when you sit on it

You definitely feel like you’re tall the handlebars are a little shorter they’re not like really up but uh it’s great overall I love the styling of the bike a lot of people were complaining about the 8 Amp Hour battery saying like oh that’s really nothing but for them to get an

Extra 8 Amp hours in here and it look clean I’m not complaining about it like you can easily get like 35 Mi of range on this thing with throttle only in Offroad mode I don’t think you’re really going to complain too much the only bad thing I guess about these they’re not

The same so you can’t swap them so you can’t move this one up here you can’t move this one down there so once one’s dead it’s dead but what you definitely could do if you want to lighten this bike up if you’re not going to go for a

Very long trip maybe just go into the store really quick just take this uh other battery off I think you need this top one on and then can hook up this one but I don’t think you can run off of this bottom battery so just take this

Bottom one off and you’ll save a couple pounds that’s something I would suggest doing and overall honestly this bike is $2100 right now making this video with the single battery the 20 amp hour battery and that’s good enough for about 25 miles of range with throttle only I

Would highly recommend this bike I would get it with a secondary battery just because range anxiety is a huge thing so when you go on group rides or you got to make it to the group ride first if you don’t have somewhere to transport this thing then you can ride with your

Buddies then you need a battery life to come back home so 28 amp hour battery is not too bad in my opinion it’s going to give you some good range around town unless the meat is like in the other City then you might be screwed if you

Have no way of transporting this bike I like it though I really do I would definitely get it with the Dual batteries and spend about 2500 bucks on this bike and I would probably get in green cuz green looks great I’ve had the green one in the GT model and if you’re

Not looking at something like this cuz you’re a shorter person they did just come out with a brand new GT mod the version two so you might want to look into that if speed and power is really not your thing and you need something a little bit more Compact and slightly

Slower so I really recommend it I highly do there’s discounts links down all in the description I love it it’s one of the Fantastic bikes that I’ve been riding this year or at the end of 2023 and I actually think I’m going to go take it out for another spin so watch

The channel I got more videos on this I did three videos on this bike before I did this review and then I’m probably going to do a little bit more after so see you guys in the next one subscribe and you guys are the true MVPs for

Sticking around to the end of the video hopefully I helped you guys decide if this is a bike for you or not and uh be safe out there wear your gear over curbs in the grass oh yeah power through no problem

https://raevbikes.com/products/bullet-gtx?ref=mmnizgy Use Code: MrCentralDriver at Checkout

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