Plug-in Hybrids

My EV Left Me Stranded! I Need A 3-Row Plug In Hybrid Instead

My EV Left Me Stranded! I Need A 3-Row Plug In Hybrid Instead

Hello there today we’ll choose a plug-in EV for a family let down by their Mercedes-Benz eqs SUV an EV to fit a 180 mile commute and an affordable EV for a Portland person with good ground clearance welcome to battery bargain a series from the batteries included podcast where we answer your eeve buying

Questions this is episode number 12 I’m Dominic Yoni host of the YouTube channel Drive electric with Dominic and I am joined today by Martin Lee from The EV News Daily podcast and Tom mogy senior editor at inside EVs and host of the YouTube channel state of charge now

If you’re looking for your own battery Bargains email us a couple short paragraphs with find my EV in the subject line and tell us about your use case and budget and we’ll see about featuring your case on an upcoming episode all right so let’s kick this off

With our first case for today h and to be transparent we’ve paraphrased these uh emails a little bit to for length and Clarity so you guys ready to spend somebody else’s money here we go let’s go I currently drive an eqs 450 plus SUV that I bought after numerous reviews by

Kyle and other Auto journalists which replaced a 20 2013 GL450 I had for nine years and drove about 180,000 miles I live in Phoenix Metro and average about 30 miles a commute on a daily basis for work and other activities our family loves to travel and we road

Trip a lot to Las Vegas San Diego and Los Angeles in total we do about 20 trips a year our first ever EV trip to San Diego that’s about uh 355 miles uh first trip to San Diego was nothing short of devastating in terms of charging our vehicle was stranded in

Yuma Arizona Around Midnight where electrifier America dispensers would not charge my eqs after multiple calls to both EA and Mercedes me the vehicle had to be put on a flatbed and towed back to home and Mercedes-Benz service said it was a vehicle issue uh we have we have

Toddlers and this experience put us in a position where full eeve might not be our cup of tea so given our circumstance we would like to part ways with the eqs and would you be able to recomend a vehicle that has at least 30 miles of all electric range for local commute and

In gasoline for long distances where family of five plus a Labrador and a six-seater is minimum for us we have a budget of around $90,000 thanks and regards Krishna all right so this is a quite a situation here going on Tom I don’t know uh they’re not happy with their Mercedes

Eqs SUV I guess it broke down on them in the middle of like a a big trip and that’s kind of uh shook their shook their um their confidence I guess in the brand because they previously this I believe they said he had right he had

The 2013 GL450 for for nine years and 180,000 miles it didn’t break down right they just couldn’t charge well it couldn’t charge because because it was a vehicle issue okay right yeah it sounds like it was a vehicle issue which you know is kind of like the vehicle

Breaking down which can happen on any type of vehicle it’s I think it’s unfortunate that it was related to charging because that’s probably going to um you know hurt your confidence in TVs besides your confidence in Mercedes uh you know I I hate to see you leave

Full electric you could have bought a brand new gasoline uh Mercedes and had the same issue on the road trip uh like I said it sounded like it wasn’t really a a charging problem it was a physical problem with the with the vehicle in any event if you’ve made up your mind you’re

Gonna get rid of the the the eqs SUV you’re and you don’t want uh the electric vehicle anymore you just want a hybrid uh to me the only thing that really fits all your use Cas and also um it sounds like you’re a premium vehicle owner would be the Volvo XC90 recharge I

Think it’s a perfect fit for you it’s got more than 30 miles of electric range uh it’s within your budget I think it starts at like $72,000 it’s a seven seat three row vehicle not really like an SUV more of like a big station wagon like crossover type vehicle um uh and

Actually know somebody that has one and absolutely loved it uh so that would be my way for you to go if you’re really going to get out of the uh electric vehicle and uh the the funny thing is I steer people towards electric vehicles so they don’t have problems because EES

Are are so simple uh that they’re they’re apt to have less physical breakdown and problems than a gasoline version certainly less than plugin hybrids because with plugin hybrids now you have two complete propulsion systems that you need to ser service and that has extra parts that could even have a

Greater chance of breaking down so you know I think it just got a lemon with the eqs SUV and it’s it’s unfortunate that that has shaken your confidence in electric vehicles in general this XC90 recharge is pretty nice though I gotta say it is yeah um Martin you have any

Suggestions any uh like Tom was saying there’s not a whole lot in the way of three row plug-in hybrids in this sort of Realm right um three row why does it have to be three row did I miss that he he needs a six-seater they’ve got a family five

Plus a labrador Herer a dog okay y there’s not a huge amount you can get um the a plugin hybrid with the six seats if you don’t if you don’t need six seats if you can make do with a five you know a five seat luxury Executive Car there’s

Loads and loads of choice like the Mercedes S-Class the 580e that’s a plug-in hybrid that has the CCS connector on as well and the s580 E has uh something like 60 M of wltp range maybe that’s 40 on EPA it’s a big old battery in that but again it’s not a

Three row for you you get the Mercedes U sorry the BMW 7 Series plug-in hybrid smaller battery 20 something kilowatt hour pack in that but still yeah I I totally um the time I was thinking about it was Tom was speaking like what am I

Going to say next um I’d miss that you need the three rows and so Tom’s exactly right it’s the it’s the Volvo or it’s the Volvo there’s not too much not too much else anything that um BMW do the I5 isn’t going to be um sorry uh the X5

Plug-in hybrid is not going to be big enough for you really or pre maybe not premium enough for you yeah it’s only five seat too the XC the the the X5 I think it’s uh e Drive 45e I think it is that that’s the plug-in hybrid that has good range too I

Think it’s over 30 miles and um I think it’s a great vehicle but it’s only going to be a five-seater so that’s not going to Tech that box for does The X come in a plugin hybrid I don’t know no don’t know let’s have a look um not seeing one though I

Think there’s rumors of one it looks like mild mild hybrid in 2023 yeah so I don’t think so so I’ve kind of similar similar vein as Tom here uh looking around there’s not too many three row SUVs uh there’s the Mitsubishi Outlander plugin plugin uh hybrid electric vehicle

That gets 38 miles all electric range but the the the third row is is very small cramped from what I understand and also it’s a Mitsubishi it’s a little bit way out of actually the league that you generally are are usually use to playing

In so so I’m not sure if that’s a great match there’s also the Mazda cx90 plug-in hybrid I believe the Mazda cx90 is actually got some good reviews on it I’m not sure about the plug-in hybrid version of it but it only has 26 miles of allo electric range so you definitely

Be burning gas on your uh on your commute so yeah the Volvo XC90 hybrid 32 miles of vol electric range is the only you know is really the answer for this particular question unless you know personally I think you should maybe keep your eqs SUV I’m not sure what the exact

Problem is if Mercedes is not super confident they can fix it with you know 100% reliability maybe consider I don’t know BMW ex also great range and uh sixed though the isn’t a three Row D oh that’s true right thank you um rivan but that’s above 90 is that above 90 rivan

Yeah well the dual motor with the the large pack I think is below 90 I’m pretty sure it is with the yeah it’s below 90 but um again you know seems like he doesn’t want an EV anymore I know we could we could keep pushing him

But it sounds like he made up his mind and he’s GNA go back to the training wheels for a little bit I understand that because if you got a young family and you’ve been in in a situation at midnight where you’re frantically on the phone to all involv and your car won’t

Charge I it always comes back to me um and it was this time it was the car um but uh uh somebody I I met one of the CEOs of a big charging Network says you wouldn’t believe how many times it is the car and people blame the charging

Network and it often is the network but he said you’ve just spent $100,000 on a on a premium vehicle and this was he he was talking to me about a tyon that wouldn’t charge once and it just got a new firmware update wouldn’t work with

The brand of charges they did it was a simple fix it was all sorted but the owner was complaining say your charges don’t work or you know your network doesn’t work hang on no it’s the car but you try to explain someone who just spent a hundred grand on their shiny new

Toy it’s not my problem it’s it’s your charges and so I understand that and you know when the supercharger Network opens up when The Knack standard is there when you can use use all the Tesla Chargers as well that aren’t in banks of four or six where two of them aren’t working

When there’s there’s 40 or 50 of them at supercharger stations or more sometimes then I would urge you to once the pain is gone um think about it again and and reconsider because you’ve given up a a beautiful vehicle but I understand it completely if you’re there and it let

You down which I’m s I’m sorry about as well you know I was just thinking about the uh because I was just thinking about the long distances that they they travel and I know plug-in hybrid is what they want and all all that but just like if

You wanted just take one more chance on on electric electric uh SUV the Lucid gravity would might be a good fit for the like 372 Mile Road Trips like the LA but that will be ready for more than a year yeah is that more than a year yeah

I mean they’re saying a year out which means more than a year it sounds like this guy needs a car now so um you know I don’t know if that’ll work all right it’s it’s the same as also premium because there’s Al the there’s also the VW multivan my brother just ordered the

New multivan for 2024 plug-in hybrid they do they like to drive across Europe and go skiing and stuff like that so full electric just wasn’t for him yet he loved an ID buzz but that’s not in his price range um and it’s a little too small till the long wheel base

Arrives but again it’s a shame we’re talking about real premium Vehicles here because something like a multi VW multivan if you get that I’m not sure you get it where you are but I don’t think that’d be available here Martin real shame because again plugin hybrid

And yet you got the backup of the engine so oh man difficult isn’t it yeah right but we should move along to our next uh next letter our next case comes to us from Bob he sent us this email and and says hello gentlemen I live in the fo

Hills of Northern California where it can be over 100° fah in the summer and in winter it’s usually between 30 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit with lots of uh rain and occasional snow my commute for the next two to three years is absurb absurd 180 miles round trip three days a week

And 110 miles round trip one other day but my mileage will drop off dramatically after the next few years with a possible change in employment all told I’m driving about around 35,000 mil per year so leasing won’t work I can charge at home we have solar and at work

But slowly and also have pretty good public charging along my route including a couple Tesla superchargers and charge Point sites I don’t need high performance but decent safety Tech and audio are important especially adaptive cruise control my wife and I will soon be empty nesters so I don’t need a huge

Vehicle but we are active people and enjoy occasional road trips with a few days luggage and a couple bikes a vehicle that could help as a backup battery would be fantastic would be a fantastic cherry on top but that’s not a deal breaker I’m okay with buying a new

CPO or used I do like the designs from Hyundai Kia and Volvo and except for the UI issues I like Volkswagen too uh thanks in advance for any advice and thanks for all the Fantastic content across all your channels I am a frequent listener and of you all of all of you

Sincerely Bob well thanks for that Bob we appreciate it uh so yeah so Martin let me hit you up first time give Tom a chance to come up with something well the first thing that came to mind was the K ev9 and then I thought well no you

Said you don’t need a massive vehicle and I thought actually it’s massive for me and it’s probably a Tonka toy for you because American vehicles are so much bigger so actually you’d look at the ev9 and go oh cute a compact car um but it

Has got all yes so you get it with captain seats in the back or you going be empty nesters um you can get it with a um a decent spec for not too much money it’s going to do 200 low 200s on the highway as Kyle found out recently

And then that comes with vehicle to home or vehicle to yeah not to grid to home so you got to buy a specific charger uh or wallbox not wallbox but you know what I mean and then you can properly do that so that sprung to mind as a if you like

Hyundai and Kier and the interface and things like that could be an interesting vehicle for you to look at I believe it’s either on sale now or coming very you could at least order one which one’s that ev9 ev9 right right yeah Kyle got almost 300 miles out of

That I think went down below zero on his range test his 70 M hour range test I think he had the uh he an a drive uh the top top trim right now GT line I think I don’t know why I thought it was sort of

230 235 maybe I need to go rewatch that video I didn’t think it was as high as I didn’t see it yet so I can’t I can’t be the deciding vote here it was almost EPA but he was doing 70 apart from the last two or three miles where he was like 30

Miles an hour with the light stand off it was sfe um uh and just you in neutral rolling downhill just trying to get to the charger it was otherwise highway speeds and it was almost EPA so again I think he low balling their their official EPA a little bit because to do

That at 70 M hour he had a real headwind at one Point as well um is is exceptional it’s very good it’s it’s a very good vehicle and you can get energy from it and um yeah you can load that with plenty of suitcases and put the I

Don’t if you can probably get it with a toe bar surely or you can at least stick the bikes on the back and you’re off and away I was going to also say that the you know the Volvo is probably not enough range so the xc40 recharge is a

Great vehicle and it sister car the postar too efficiency kind of sucks on both of those performance is great much smaller vehicles of course and um yeah but you do 200 you 180 180 m round trip although you can charge either end and that’s important um that makes it really

B if youve got destination charging in an EV it does kind of change everything because you just got to get to where you’re going but again in low temperatures as much as you might like the all-wheel drive of those two vehicles you might be a little bit

Squeaky bum time making it to your destination sometime s but it’s still worth considering squeaky what what was that you don’t have that phrase I don’t think so okay squeaky bum time you know a little bit nervous okay like White Knuckle DM yeah he just go they go for the other

End of the anatomy their analogies yeah fine so so I think I think Mark was going along the right uh lines when he said ev9 but I’m going to stay in the Kia group and say maybe um because you don’t need a vehicle that big maybe like um the Kia

Ev6 or the Hyundai ionic they both do uh you know vehicle to home also so uh you’d have that there um uh you also mentioned that you kind of like Volkswagen but you’re you don’t have confidence in the software the new id4 is going to be coming out with the the

Software uh 4.0 which I’ve had the opportunity to use and uh at least in the limited time that I’ve had an opportunity to use it if performed fantastically now Kyle’s also used it extensively on a number of vehicles and he feels the same way it’s a huge improvement over their existing software

You know as far as how solid it is how responsive it is so um you know you might be able to get an id4 with the new 4.0 software uh and that’s going to you know be relatively affordable vehicle compared to some of the other vehicles you look at and you already mentioned

You’re in the you do like the Volkswagen brand so now we’ve got you know ev6 iic 5 id4 and I’ll throw in another one just for the heck of it Tesla Model y sounds like that would fit everything you need except for the vehicle to home uh and

The Volkswagen won’t thr the vehicle to home either so um but it sounds like you also you know are hoping to get all these features and that everyone isn’t exactly you know a deal breaker for you if you’re willing to to not do the uh

Vehicle to to home you you know the id4 and maybe a model y could could work for you but um I think the th th those are going to be the vehicles that I would tell you to kind of look into um the the Kia Hyundai Brands and id4 and and model

Y and maybe even ionic 6 actually um because if he doing like that long commute ionic six has great range as well I’m just not sure about putting bikes on it you have to figure out you know a bike rack situation and I not sure how much again with with those

Bikes in the back how much that will cut in range but maybe you don’t need to go like the full 180 whatever 200 mile round trips with the bikes on it anyway so but that’s just another suggestion I thought thought I threw out there but my personal choice looking over all the

Different things I thought I’d go with this um I don’t know if you’re a truck person but maybe you could be because 320 miles of range with a big battery uh 2023 F-150 Lightning XLT I believe Tom doesn’t this still get the uh this still eligible for some some

Of the federal incentive right yeah it’s one one of the only Vehicles there’s only 14 oil electric vehicles that are currently um uh qualifying for the the federal tax credit in 2024 um way down less than 50% of the vehicles uh that were qualified last year qualify now um

That could change uh because all the manufacturers haven’t submitted all their documents to the EPA which I can’t understand they had a December 18th deadline how could they not have everything submitted but that’s a discussion for another day um so yes the lightning does and if you get uh you can

Even get it with the extended range battery pack but you’re basically can’t get any other options uh and it’ll still be under the $80,000 cap if you get um the standard range battery pack now you’ve got some wiggle room you can you can get a bunch of options but you’re

Going to lose 70 to 80 miles of range if you go with standard range you can save $10,000 also um and uh I’ve you know from what I’ve come to find with my lightning basically the worst range I could get out of it is a little over 200

Miles with the extended range and that’s driving at you know 75 80 miles an hour in 5 degree fahrenheit temperatures you know driving to New from New Jersey to Vermont the dead of winter it still will go 200 miles so um you know that’s that

That that’s about as bad as I could get it of course I could do I could get it worse I could drive 90 miles an hour into a headwind and and it won’t go quite as far but um if you’re reasonable and you’re trying to stretch your range

You could even slow down to say 65 70 M an hour and I bet you in in those conditions that I just mentioned I could even go further maybe 230 235 miles of range and in the warm weather I get you know Highway 260 270 all around uh daily

Driving 300 miles so it’s got a lot of range but not everybody wants a big pickup truck Dom um but if they do if they’re interested in that um I’ll give you the vote of confidence for the lightning I I love my lightning um I’m

You know it’s my daily driver and uh I’m very very happy with it see that’s what I had I had you in mind when I made this suggestion because you said how much you like just driving like long distances in it and he’s going to be driving like

Long distances so this has all the range he needs he can leave at home if even if he doesn’t fill up at work he has got plenty of range to get back again and uh at home if he has a 40 40 amp uh evsc a wall charger like in the back of

That’s an 0 80 0 amp right but if if he just had the the 40 amp a 40 amp one he he could recharge 180 miles worth of distance in nine hours so basically you know plug in at uh 8 o’clock at night and then by you know 7 in the morning I

Guess whatever that is you you you’d have enough all all these power you need to get back to to work um yeah and then also of course the the lightning also has the vehicle to load you could do it just with the uh with a plug you know

From the thing if you just wanted to plug into an extension cord the cheap quick cheap way or if you want to go through the expense of doing up the home intelligent power like Tom has set up behind him there that’s an option but uh

Yeah yeah and Ford one of the first to go with Tesla and the North American charging standard as well so that connector should be it’s a weeks away now um February removes a lot of worries for charging MH yeah yeah that’s I think I think that’d be a great vehicle but

Yeah and you get deals on the lightning now because they’re you know they’re starting to have some inventory at the dealerships so drive yeah you can throw your bikes in the back no worries canoe kayaks canoes whatever you know you can do all kinds of stuff with

It anyway uh let’s move on to our final email of the day and our that comes to us from Emily she writes hi there I’m currently carless in Portland OR oron details my timeline is sooner the better for safety reasons I could wait until early 2024 if there are significant

Financial incentives to do so my budget is around 25,000 primary uses are day-to-day City driving and frequent road trips to the mountains for backpacking slh kingrail running would like all-wheel drive and reasonable ground clearance for getting to Trail heads my apartment complex has garbage EV charging but I will probably

Move or has sorry sorry has garage EV charging but will probably move the next year so car may not may be subject to street parking uh Apple carplay would be nice to have finan Financial considerations should I look at leasing $7500 tax credit loophole is enticing but base price for qualifying models

Seems too high uh Oregon has a EV tax credit of an additional 2500 for 2023 but that was quickly suspended in May when demand exceeded budget allocations it remains to be seen whether the uh program will reopen in 2024 would love any advice you have thanks Emily all

Right so Tom uh she wants the impossible basically um and and also she wrote Us in probably I would I’m guessing October of 2023 it takes us we have a bit ofit of a backlog of emails we’re working through and so it’s already 2024 so that $7,500 tax incentive is not available on

A bunch of stuff but I’m not sure even if it was what there would be that would fit these requirements so I guess I don’t know we have to look at what’s the next best thing yeah so this is a tough one Emily we love you but um you’re not going to

Get a new new EV particularly one with all-wheel drive for $25,000 it just doesn’t exist even least yeah even least I mean if you you know if if you you’re on a very tight budget if you really want a new EV see if there’s any Chevy bolt EVS or

Euvs out there available I have a bolt EV I love it there’s the bolt EVS have a little bit more room it’s going to qualify it qualifies for the full $7,500 federal tax credit you could buy a new one off the lot for under $20,000 that’s crazy you know uh you

Have a brand new car you might have to make some sacrifices they’re not the best at road tripping because they’re limited to uh around 50 kilowatts of DC fast charging so you’re gonna you know instead of a 20 30 minute stop it’s going to be a 45 minute stop to recharge

Um but it’ll get you there and just be a little patient other than that you’re looking at a used evb you know you have to go out there and see what what is out there even at that price to around 25,000 is a struggle to get an all-wheel drive

Vehicle so you know I I I know I’m I’m veering from kind of what you said you wanted I would search National inventory for a bolt euv and buy one of those um I I’m telling you I don’t think you’ll be you’ll regret it other than that you know just search electric vehicles

Online by price and see what’s going to come in at close to if you can get it at 25,000 then it qualifies for the used federal tax uh credit so now you’ll get a little bit of money off of that but um you’re not going to get anything new for

Anything close to $25,000 and now with the new now that we’re in 2024 almost no only there’s only 14 bevs that qualify for the federal tax credit and the bolt EV and the E are the only thing even close to your price range you know so um

Uh it’s a tough one Emily I good luck with that um get a bolt or a bolt euv and you’ll be happy so Martin do you have any any this is a tough one yeah I’m just trying to think about what you’ll be doing going up going up into the trails and

Backpacking and hiking and trail running and stuff like that you want some ground clearance but you want all-wheel drive sounds important as well just having a look and and Subaru sutera stter used $331,000 that’s six grand over your budget I know but again it’s not a particularly off-road vehicle um by the

Way doesn’t charge particularly wonderfully but I think driving a Subaru you probably fit in with a few people that you might come you know come across going the other other direction in uh in that part of the world so there probably a few Subarus around a few Foresters and

Things like that but um that vehicle is you know I know five6 Grand over used 7,000 Mi on the clock on the one that I found and yeah again it wouldn’t qualify for the used credits but it’s a tough list that you’ve given us with that low

That that low bar there lots of all-wheel drive you know long range Tesla Model 3s that will be depreciating now not really with any kind of ground clearance and stuff like that although plenty of people have got YouTube videos of driving up mountains and doing all

Sorts of crazy stuff in uh in Teslas so they’re very capable Vehicles model y even used will be out of your price range at the moment have a look at have a look at the Subaru if you can stretch to that you might you might not like the

Interior uh pretty conventional sort of traditional style of those um in that it might not be to your taste but I’d have a look I like the idea of the of assault Terror I think the actually the off-road system is supposed to be pretty good

According to Kyle he’s had it off he had a pretty decent looking like the kind of road that you expect to go to a trail head is but his rough as you know yeah um so looking over first thing that popped in my mind was like a a

Volkswagen id4 like but nothing you can’t really get one that’s in all-wheel drive for even used under 25,000 it’s it would be pretty remarkable to find one of those I will drive under 25,000 so then you’d be stuck with the not stuck with but you’d have to go with the rear

Drive version of the of the Volkswagen id4 and there’s not many of those out there either really so my my next choice if you want to so the I went do with Volkswagen because it has 6.8 inches of ground clearance which is pretty decent uh I think the Chevy bolt which uh Tom

Was mentioning is around five and a half inches of ground clearance so this is a bit better than that but I would think maybe suggest going with a uh used Hyundai Hyundai Kona electric it’s got Wireless carplay it’s got 6.7 inches of ground clearance and uh you can find

There’s probably some used ones up in your area under $25,000 from a dealer which means that you can take advantage of the $4,000 tax credit so end up down in the you know 20 to 21,000 uh range you know which is not a bad place to be I guess um if your

Budget is 25 overall yeah so yeah I think that would be my choice I’m looking at a few Hyundai actually from your area you’re in Portland Oregon So within a couple 150 miles of VI there’s a you know one in Beaverton for 20,000 actually with 35,000 miles on it but

Then I kind of like the idea of like a super low mileage or recent model year so there’s a a 21 a 2021 Hyundai Kona eval that’s a pretty good spec 23776 so close to the top of your your budget with 22,600 Miles um but then again that’s the got gets the 4,000

$4,000 off tax credit used vehicles which is great and help you fit your budget and that’s pretty much what all we can do for you I think that don’t think there’s any really four-wheel drive even used EVS I have one more mention okay this is a wild card and I

Don’t even know if I recommend it but I’m going to throw it out there there are used Jaguar ey Paces in the low 20s yes I just did a search the other day just you know for the heck of it and in my area there’s like six Jaguar ey Paces

Used for under 25,000 one was like 199 and I almost I looked at I was like I might just go buy this damn thing like for $220,000 and get the used EV tax credit like I’m driving like a $90,000 car $80,000 car so the only thing that I

Will say about that is you’ll be getting it out of warranty and uh Jaguars can be expensive to fix so I know you don’t have a big budget so that could be an issue but they are incredibly capable all-wheel drive vehicles the ipace is underrated for its off-road capability it actually

Is like a freaking truck off-road it can go through stuff that you would never believe it could so um that’s my last just you know Hail Mary pass into the end zone uh you might want to consider that you can get one for a good price

And it’s a hell of an EV for 20 grand I’m just looking here and I found uh rron are now starting under 25 as well 19 plate 2019 car um you know not overly mild on that actually so mileag it’s it’s you know pretty average stuff couple hundred miles range on that and

Um yeah they’re starting under 25 as well now there’s one here sitting in Miami for 24 and look it’s a premium plus it’s a decent spec it’s not crazy miles if it’s been driven around Miami it’s not had any weather on it at all it’s going to get some different weather

Up where you are and um that’s I had no idea Auto Trader uh have an interesting value tracker where they put S I don’t know the last few um valuations on it or something I don’t know how it works I’m not familiar with AutoTrader Us website

And um but a pricing history and you know all of five minutes ago well 6 months ago that was a £335,000 dollar vehicle and uh now it’s a $25,000 vehicle so depreciations hit that in six months so wow jagu ipace and Audi rron had no idea that would’ end up we

Started with like oh what can we possibly suggest two amazing used vehicles wow yeah I’m looking at I’m looking at Jaguars and uh so I was looking at Jaguars actually recently because I I was seeing on social media Med that maybe I should take like a a

Long cross country trip in a Jaguar eye Pace but they’re known they’re not known for the reliability um so looking at some looking at the fors I think or said something about on on the social media media Network and uh someone mentioned they had owned one and they would not

Wish it on their worst enemy oh that’s a shame even in under warranty but then again I was on the Forum and and there was you know there was a thread there would you recommend a jaguar ipace and there were plenty of owners that had great experiences and so sure you know

But there was also a fair amount who was like H maybe maybe maybe sure it’s under warranty or get you know an extended warranty I think warranty is kind of key when it comes to jar Pace basically is what I’m saying and I couldn’t find any

Under 25,000 like Tom could I think the lowest I see them is around there’s some in the high 26s I guess uh a couple but then 27 and 28 is kind of where they really start picking up uh getting some choices and also of course if you buy a

Used vehicle make sure you check the uh if you’re looking them up go down the check to make sure the uh the title is good you can get you can usually set up the like at T you can put you know don’t accept don’t show any uh bad

Titles or whatever you know or or have have it been in a crash one time no no accidents you want a no accident car but yeah uh but if you get that Audi H Audi whatam call rron yeah for 2500 that’d be that’d be pretty fantastic actually I gotta say

Yeah uh all right so anything else before we sign off that’s good got it all right so I guess that brings us to the end of our show if you have any questions or comments please leave them below or get in touch with us on the social media platform of your choice uh

Don’t forget if you like the show click subscribe tap that Bell icon from notification please give us some thumbs up we love those thumbs up thumbs up thank you very much um let’s see thank you all very much for joining us and we’ll see you all again very soon ciao

This is a pre-recorded episode of Battery Bargains, but you can join us live in chat as we stream at 9:30 AM Eastern.

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