Electric Cars

HUGE NEWS! EV Owners Had Enough & DEMAND Gas Cars Back!

HUGE NEWS! EV Owners Had Enough & DEMAND Gas Cars Back!

Stop do not buy an EV right now EVS just got exposed EV owners are sounding the alarm against EVs and the reason is definitely not what you think Eevee owners are switching back to combustion engines absolutely dreading the thought of even buying an EV ever again what’s even crazier is that the political

Leaders do not want you to know this I’m going to uncover four major lethal issues with EVS that won’t just cost you thousands of dollars in repairs but could cost you your life so listen very carefully when Eves first started showing up on the scene people jumped to

Buy them literally everyone wanted to own one taking advantage of this situation political leaders forced car makers to build more EVS but here we are 3 years later when the batteries have started to get older and people have finally gotten some miles on their so-called futuristic cars and boy are

They shocked pun intended the situation is so bad that people are literally exchanging their weak old EVS for hybrid vehicles but before I tell you more about what exactly happened let us look at a few real cases just last month The Wall Street Journal reported the case of

A man named Scott mcfan who had to pay $22,000 just to fix a dent yes folks $22,000 this person had a minor accident with their rivan resulting in a dent that would typically be a simple fix however for their electric vehicle the repair was neither quick nor cheap the

Owner had a part with their car for over 2 months and faced a staggering repair bill of $22,000 this incident highlights a common issue with EVS many repair shops aren’t equipped to handle their advanced technology leading to higher repair costs and insurance premiums in the US the average repair cost for electric

Vehicles was reported at $658 a year more than $500 every month another case is of a California man who shared how anxious he got when the range of his EV dropped severely by more than 30% in just 5 minutes due to driving in cold weather this guy had an infant in

The back seat and was trying to get to the hospital due to an emergency and this is just one of thousands of incidents that occur daily whether you live in a colder region or a cyclone prone area what would you do when the power grid is overloaded or when you

Can’t charge your car due to an emergency we aren’t ready to ban gas cars just yet folks it’s clear and it’s high time that the government understands that and get this a recent study by S&P Global revealed that over 50% of the people who already own an

Electric car are thinking of going back to petrol or diesel for their next vehicle yeah you heard that right half of them it’s like everyone else is having second thoughts about this whole electric car thing now when you look at the numbers it gets even more interesting households with an electric

Vehicle are only about 52.1% likely to buy another one for their next car three in every five people who own an EV other than a Tesla never want to go back to an EV again now here’s here’s where it gets even crazier car companies are pouring tons of money into developing EVS but

The last thing they want is for someone who already bought an EV to switch back to a petrol or diesel car it’s like investing in a fancy new smartphone only to have people go back to using old flip phones in the luxury sector the situation is even scarier at Porsche

Less than 37% of owners are thinking of getting another electric car and at BMW they actually went backwards only 45.9% of their owners are cons considering another EV down from 46.6% 3 years ago according to Consumer Reports EVS are having a lot more issues than traditional gas-powered cars we’re

Talking about 80% more problems the biggest complaints are about the batteries and charging systems and how the car’s body panels and interior parts fit together it’s like buying a new toy and finding out it’s already broken this whole situation is like a bunch of growing pains for the electric car

Industry they’re still figuring out how to build these new kinds of cars without all these problems but in the meantime people are getting the short end of the stick they’re worried about the reliability of these EVS not to mention the higher costs the lack of charging

Stations and how long it takes to charge these freaking cars and guess what plug-in hybrids which are like a mix of electric and gas power are having even more issues than fully electric cars it’s because they’ve got two different Power Systems and both can have problems

It’s like trying to juggle with one hand tied behind your back but here’s a bit of good news everyone traditional gas electric hybrids the kind that have been around for a while are actually more reliable the average Joe is way happier buying a 25k hybrid than paying $60,000

For an EV now let me tell you about Michael corm from New York he bought a 2023 Chevy bolt electric SUV because he thought it’d be cool and save him money on gas but guess what one chilly day his car wouldn’t shift into drive he had to

Turn it on and off like 10 or 12 times before it finally worked and it’s not just Chevy Hyundai’s ionic 5 EV had issues with its battery and charging because of a computer glitch rivan this new company making electric trucks and SUVs had problems getting their body

Panels to line up right with broken parts inside the car now that you know where the problems really lie let me go over four major reasons why buying EV could be a big mistake for you the first issue home charging Blues imagine this you get an EV dreaming of never visiting

A gas station again that’s sounds awesome right but there’s a catch charging at home isn’t as easy as they make it sound most homes especially in California aren’t set up for this they lack level two charging which is like the golden ticket for EVS you need this

For the fill your tank overnight magic to happen but nope most folks just don’t have it and what about apartments forget about it finding a spot with a charger is like finding a needle in a hay stack so you’re stuck with public charging stations and let me tell you it’s not

Always a walk in the park they’re either super rare or always busted and on top of it around 40% of public charging stations don’t even work the second problem is the energy crisis issue here’s something that blew my mind we all think EVS are about saving energy

Right but get this the amount of electricity these cars gobble up at home is way more than you’d expect people thought they’d be using around 2.9 KW daily but the reality it’s more like 7.2 to 8 KW that’s over double your electricity bill might just give you a

Mini heart attack and oh if you thought hey that’s cheaper than my gas car anyway let me tell you in order to offset that 20 to $30,000 premium you pay for EVS over a hybrid you’ll need to drive it for 60,000 M first only then will you start actually saving then the

Third issue is obviously range anxiety which we’ve already talked about earlier and the last one might make you never want to buy an EV again that fourth issue is perhaps the most shocking picture this the GMC EV Hummer a behemoth on Wheels tipping the scales at a whopping 9,000 lb whoa mama that’s

Like three Honda Civics huddled together on a scale why so heavy duh it’s the batteries to power these EVS for longer ranges and more oomph you need a lot of battery power and batteries my friends they are heavy take the Ford F-150 Lightning Mustang Mach e Volvo XC 40 EV

And Toyota Rav 4 EV all of these electric versions are packing extra pounds compared to their gas powerered siblings sure they’ve ditched the need for gasoline but they’ve bulked up with battery weight Jennifer Hy from the national Transportation safety board highlighted a chilling Point while we’re tackling greenhouse gas emissions with

EVS we might be overlooking a critical side effect increasing Danger on our roads Michael Anderson an economics professor found that getting hit by a car 1,000 lb heavier than your own spikes your chances of not surviving by 47% that’s huge and now with these heavyweight EVS cruising around the risk

Is even more pronounced imagine you’re in a small gas- powerered car or even a lighter EV and you find yourself sharing the road with these EV goliaths that’s a scary thought the difference in vehicle weight isn’t just a number it’s a matter of life and death in accidents and the

Driving Dynamics and probability of toppling over also increases a lot all in all EV are not looking good right now but at the end of the day the electric car market is still trying to find its feet there are a lot of problems to solve from how reliable these cars are

To how easy they are to charge it’s like we’re all part of this big experiment to see if electric cars can really be the future of driving and right now it’s a bumpy road with a lot of twists and turns so what do you think are EVS more

Expensive to maintain let me know down in the comments below I just uploaded a video about groundbreaking news that could hurt the entire EV industry do check it out if you want to be truly shocked by what’s about to happen with EVS

STOP! Do not buy an EV right now! EVs just got EXPOSED! EV owners are raising the alarm AGAINST EVs, and the reason is definitely not what you think. EV owners are switching back to combustion engines, absolutely dreading the thought of even buying an EV again! What’s even crazier is that the political leaders do not want you to know this! But today, I’m going to uncover 4 major lethal issues with EVs that won’t just cost you thousands of dollars in repairs, but could also cost you your life! So listen very carefully!

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