Electric Cars

10 Great Things About My Electric Car

10 Great Things About My Electric Car

Hey everyone welcome to another episode of jeder garage today we’re going to be talking about why I love owning my Tesla Model S my electric vehicle and I’ll go over 10 things that you might like about owning an electric vehicle now is it right for everyone I’m not going to say

It’s right for everyone you have to decide if you would like owning one or not and I’ll go over the things that I love though and you can check it out hopefully this is really informational check out my list one thing I abs absolutely love is being

Able to charge at home now the cool thing about being able to charge at home is that I don’t ever have to go to the gas station I can go at the end of the day to my house I can plug it in at night and then boom I wake up in the

Morning my car is fully charged and I did it all at home didn’t wait in line didn’t do anything now the other thing that you’ve got if you want to go on a long trip I did another video All About free supercharging for life and how to get a free supercharging vehicle so

Check that that video out if you you haven’t checked it out before um that’ll save you about $25 $30 every time you go to charge but it’s very convenient to charge at home if I’m on the go I’ve got a portable charger I can plug in at any

110 outlet or if I’m really really excited and there’s a 220 I can plug in there too so I can charge pretty much anywhere I want to go how convenient is that when I walk up to my car it greets me what well hello Tesla how are you

Doing if I run out of space in my vehicle because I’ve way overstuffed my car full of just all kinds of junk I have one final option it’s called the frunk look at that plenty of space you got to love it it’s super spacious so much so that

There’s actually two jump seats that go back here on some models now this one doesn’t have it but you can see all the space that it’s got in the trunk here you can even lay the seats down and it’s also got more space underneath I can pretty much fit

Anything I want in there both of my kids booster seats fit in here you can see one you can see two over there and they have room in between each other so when we’re on long trips they don’t continually smack each other this is a great feature to further the entertainment you’ve got

A plug for the iPad you can put it right back here plus a place to put both of their drinks seats that are heated or cooled how nice is that if I get bored I can play video games like chess which by the way I lose a lot to the

Computer I don’t ever have to use a key there’s not even a place for a key you just sit in the car and it’ll start right up for you for a higher level of security I’ve got this thing called Sentry mode where I can record everything going on around my car so if

Someone hits it I know about it it drives like an electric go-kart super super fast how about having a killer moonroof windshield wipers in case of rain okay so maybe the windshield wipers are a little bit of a stretch but I will say this if you’re in

The middle of a rainstorm it’s very nice to have working windshield wipers so I’m not going to overlook that feature um is it a reason to buy an electric vehicle probably not but if you like going fast the last thing that I’ll say about this is they are very very fast Vehicles you

Get going quick you get up next to somebody you gas it guarantee most of the time you’re beating them and here’s the other thing is that you don’t have to get rid of your gas vehicle to own an electric I think it’s a great second

Vehicle are we going to get rid of our gas vehicle heck no do we enjoy owning the electric vehicle heck yeah and it’s for all the reasons that I just stated at a later time I’ll go over maybe some of the challenges that you have at least

For now these are 10 tips as to the advantage of owning an electric vehicle okay I’m going to do a little bit of bonus material for people just so that you have a little bit more information if you’re really interested in learning more about specifically the Tesla Model

S and you know it’s also helpful just for electric cars in general so as a bonus the Tesla Model S is actually made out of aluminum which is a much tougher metal the model 3s and some of the other vehicles are made out of cold rolled

Steel it’s just not as durable as the aluminum of course you do have some plastic parts like the front bumper and uh in fact on this one I did a little bit of a bump on the front bumper so it’s got a little bit of an ouch but I

Won’t show you that okay fine I’ll show you this is what happens when you accidentally bump a little vehicle okay so one of the things that you’ll learn about the Tesla Model S at least is that they have these keys and they’re shaped just like the car so you’ve got the

Front uh frunk you got the center of the car and you got the back now if I push twice on the front it just opened my frun if I push twice on the top it unlocks the D car doors if I want to lock it back back I just hit it twice

And then it locks it back up if I want to open the back same thing hit it twice there it goes it’s already opening open all the way and I can hit it twice and then it goes shuts um I can’t shut the front frun by hitting that twice you have to

Actually physically go to the front and do that so if you have a Tesla Model 3 though one of the things that you’ll find is that you get like a little credit card as the card or you just use your phone uh which a lot of people are

Using the phone but in case you need a card now I happened upon a couple of ladies that were renting a Tesla Model 3 and they didn’t know how to unlock the car or lock the car you go to the center pillar between the front rear door and

You tap the card right on that piece and then it unlocks it or will lock it back up so anyway hopefully a couple of helpful hints with the key situation going on also as you saw in this video when you have this in your pocket it will automatically just open the doors

For you they’ll present so it opens it up at least on the model and then on the model 3es you got a little push button thing that you can kind of open the doors with so one thing you should probably know if you’re looking at the

Tesla Model S is that they have two different size of tires that you can get or wheels so they have the 19s which is what this is or they have the 21s now why would you go with the 19s over the 21s well the 19s are a smaller tire and

They actually have some better life in them they don’t wear as quickly the rubber isn’t as soft so if you’re looking to save a little bit of money on replacing the tires then you probably want the 19s uh the 21s though do look really really good they have some better

Looking rims they have like the black ones and uh they have like this gray that looks really really good it’s kind of got that fan design looks really really good uh but you’ll go through the tires a little bit quicker um you know depends on what you want durability or

If you want to actually you know have your tires last a little longer I personally want my tires to last longer so I’m going with the 19s another helpful hint of something you should know about the Tesla is the fact that if you do get in any kind of

Wreck if you do have any kind of blemishes on the paint or anything like that then you know you’re recommended to go to a Tesla dealer or shop that se C ified to replace pieces or uh you know do the paint on the Tesla and it is

Pretty darn expensive so it’s going to be a lot more expensive than say like you know your Ford or something just a standard vehicle that you would get so that is an extra expense it’s something to take take in consideration when you own one of these uh Teslas and also it’s

Harder for them to get the actual Parts at least directly from Tesla without being a Tesla certified repair center what’s my goal here my goal here is to make sure that you know you can make a good decision if you’re thinking about buying this vehicle I think overall I

Probably would not buy an electric vehicle if it was my only vehicle I want to have the gas for any kind of range and uh you know if I’m doing any real traveling or anything like that um but if I’m using it specifically for around

Town and I have my own house to be able to charge it in then an electric vehicle makes a lot of sense and especially because and I’ve talked about this in some of the other videos where I have a solar system so I’m producing my own

Power it really can be an advantage for a second vehicle I don’t think that having just um all electric really makes a lot of sense for us at this point maybe after the the batteries go to like 1,000 miles this particular vehicle can go 260 miles and it’s got a larger

Battery it’s a 90d um 260 Mi on one full charge which is not too bad but you know if it’s cold outside then that’ll go down if it’s uh if I’m speeding above 55 or 65 then you know the range goes down you know if I’m going 75 something like

That so there’s some different things you got to take in consideration that being said too the Tesla charging network is good in the sense that there’s a lot of chargers around so you can typically find something for the Tesla if you’ve read or watched any of

My other videos on the uh Ford Lightning that I owned that one was a little bit rough but uh but I think you’ll find that Tesla is the best game in town and I think that’s why they’re going to dominate probably in the long run and

We’ll see how some of the other uh auto dealers do with trying to go electric I think it’s going to be a big struggle for a lot of them and I don’t know that there’s like this huge push for everyone to go electric I think it’s more of a

Luxury at this point and not necessarily a necessity even though I know that a lot of the governing bodies would love to see everybody go electric I don’t know that it’s practical at this point anyway I hope you’ve really enjoyed this video hope you got some really good

Insight uh feel free to comment happy to give you the honest feedback back so that way you can make some great decisions and I hope if you do get an electric vehicle I don’t think they’re all that bad I think it’s been great so hopefully this has been valuable

In this video, Jed will tell you 10 things he loves about his electric car. As usual, Jed will give honest feedback, so watch the bonus content in the second half of the video. You will find all the extra info useful when considering an all-electric vehicle.

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