
Toit panoramique opacifiant Solarbay : au bonheur des passagers | Renault Group

Toit panoramique opacifiant Solarbay : au bonheur des passagers | Renault Group

[Applause] solar of course brings some light inside the cars at Runo we constantly innovate on our life on board today we introduce this new technology on our highand products such as Rafal and siic and you will see how intelligent solar is to enjoy the Sun or to protect the cockpit

The glass can be fully transparent or fully opacified concretely there are four positions that you can command the first one is a fully transparent roof the second one a fully opacified roof and then you have two mix position on which you can dissociate the front and

The rear for example you can choose to have the front transparent while the rear is opacified transition from one position to another is done through a very mod and nice animation so you can control very easily solar B it can be done either through the voice command

With the system that is linked to the multimedia system open air link or it can be done through a standard button in the sailing the roof is uh activated by an electric tension that command independently nine segments that allow this very nice and modern transition effect from one position to another one

Example it’s time for the rest for the kids then you can command to have the rear fully opacified while you still enjoy the sun in the front of the car solar protects against the Sun but also protects against the variation of temperature so thanks to the different

Layers of the glass whatever you are in winter at minus5 or in summer at 30° the temperature inside the car Remains the Same solab has no physical curtain and this has two assets the first one is to keep the head room so you save about 3

Cm in the car and you also save some weight it’s about 6 to 8 kilog less so you are more efficient thanks to solar Bay including the voice command with the open aing system the ability to mix the front and the rear and this very modern transition effect Renault is

Democratizing this technology with performances at the best level of the market that are even better than luxury car this is one pro Pro more that Renault true to his DNA is willing to deliver V to our customers this is the next gen Renault Spirit

Se protéger du soleil en préservant un habitacle lumineux et qui reste à température idéale, une équation pas facile à résoudre avec un toit vitré traditionnel. C’est un problème qui n’existe pas à bord des récents Renault Rafale et Scénic E-Tech electric, dotés d’un toit panoramique innovant qui s’opacifie ou s’éclaircit complètement ou partiellement, à la demande et préserve le confort thermique à bord en été comme en hiver. Ce toit intelligent baptisé Solarbay, né d’un co-développement entre Renault et Saint Gobain Sekurit, est un composant essentiel des « voitures à vivre » chères à la marque. Anne-Chloé Kort, Product Leader Scénic E-Tech electric et Grégory Launay, Product Performance Leader Rafale, nous expliquent comment Solarbay est pensé pour faire le bonheur de tous les passagers.

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