Electric Cars

Mac Attack! Responding to the Electric Classic Cars EV vs Diesel Debunk

Mac Attack! Responding to the Electric Classic Cars EV vs Diesel Debunk

Afternoon you know when you’re at school right then one of your mates gets in a fight and you’re like it’s not really my battle but he’s one of my mates so I’m going to go in and I’m going to get evolved anyway well it’s not quite as

Pathetic as that but um Lee the macm who I’ve done my EV versus diesel challenges with um electric classic cars company based in Wales have done a video debunk why doesn’t anybody ever debunk me it’s not fair everybody hates the way Lee does these challenges no one ever no one

Ever comes at me and says you stopped at the wrong petrol station you filled up for too long you put slightly too much fuel in because I have done that before put slightly too much fuel in I have stopped at the wrong petol stations um no no one ever debunks my diesel videos

They just want to have a go at Lee and his Porsche Tian um basically what’s being said here is we fake it Lee is deliberately manipulating the results uh to make sure that the EV loses he’s doing it for clickbait he does it for views and there’s a few different I

Don’t know where I’m going to go with this video so stick with it because it could go anywhere and if there’s a massive storm or the apocalypse you’ll see it out of this extremely muddy window cuz I’m not cleaning my X5 one video already went up this morning which

Was a road trip yesterday and there’s a video going out tonight which is mainly in the X5 doing a cool wall a Top Gear cool War it’s quite chilled out video and it it works quite well um and I’m happy to do a cool war with other people

As well you know Lee isn’t I’m not exclusive with Lee I do other collaborations Tony Goodman from EV Carnage and I we just came up with the best idea ever on WhatsApp um a minute ago so you know I’m not um not in a relationship with any YouTubers I’m

Quite happy to uh sling my o wherever it may land um told you I didn’t know where this video was going to go right basically there’s this video that’s come out from Electric class classic cars electric car YouTube and misinformation busted so a few people don’t like the

Way Lee does his challenges uh firstly like neither of us are professional racing drivers so I guess there’s that but some of these comments um well initially are really really mean so everybody stopped being mean to Le I know he makes very clickbait titles I know he makes very clickbait thumbnails

And I know he on his Porsche but some stuff’s gotten really personal and it’s gotten a bit out of hand today I’ve spoken to uh Rich at electric classic cars we’re actually whatsapping at the minute we had a long phone call this morning and I spoke to Lee he’s now on a

Plane and in fact do you want to hear do you want to hear my last message that was sent to Lee uh at what time was this that was at quarter past 2 so it was a little bit ago and it said this yeah good luck hope you plane doesn’t hope

The door doesn’t blow out like that other one that was flying the other day yeah so um that was my last message to Lee Le’s on a plane essentially people don’t like the way Lee is representing the electric car and they all have a problem with the way Lee has

Done the journeys as I’ve said bit of a long intro no one seems to have an issue with the diesel so if you think I at any point I’ve misrepresented petrol or diesel car ownership and if you think I did it wrong CH challenge challenge me why can’t you

Why can’t you debunk me come on let’s have you someone be like Jeff I reckon I could have done that trip faster and cheaper than you cuz you used the wrong car you went to the wrong petrol stations you drove at the wrong speed you were sat in the wrong lane doesn’t

Seem to happen on the diesel thing does it so no okay no one seems to be disputing that the diesel was the better car in each case but they are annoyed with the way it was done with the I can so rich from Electric classic cars who’s

Um he has a company in Wales that turns classic cars into electrical power now there’s a lot that I could say about that but let’s ignore all of that we had a chat about it this morning I’m going to go down and see him I’m excited to

See what’s going on there they’re toys for rich people they have a maximum range of about 150 mil so I’m not completely sure Rich should have got involved because he doesn’t actually work work in the real world of electric cars which is what Lee operates in

Because Lee owns one and runs one as a daily car as I said and I’ve said this to Rich this morning and I said it again on WhatsApp and he was happy to admit they’re toys for rich people they he’s not making real cars to replace actual real cars an electrically converted

Classic car is a novelty for someone who’s wealthy now that is not sitting in the same frame as as electric cars that are being oh I don’t know forced on people who are in let’s say the mobility scheme these two things are not the same they’re quite different and but I think

That as well makes it quite easy for me to have a good conversation with Rich because he kind of knows that he doesn’t operate in that same Zone um I think there’s some classic cars that I’m okay if you want to electrify electrify your classic car you’ve bought it you do what

You want with it but I think there there’s only a small amount of cars that actually suit electrification and I think a good example is let’s take the Ferrari 400 unedited video this so Google it very very pretty 1980s ferrari’ 70s Ferrari I think um came with a notoriously complex and expensive

To maintain V12 engine so you could say a V12 engine is a thing of Wonder but you could also say there was a moment in time some years ago where you could not give away a Ferrari 400 because nobody wanted to deal with the engine and it wasn’t your

Typical Valu Ferrari it was a kind of square one with four seats and that that suits me cuz I like Oddball cars as you know and you’ll learn more about my love of oddb cars on tonight’s cool War I always thought the Ferrari 400 was a good candidate for electrification and

Rich just sent me a picture of another one um which is a classic mercedesbenz SL but not the one you’re thinking of and not the one before that but the one before that it was known as the 190 SL they had a four-cylinder engine and if ever you’ve driven one they’re really

Like delicate to set up they’ve got to be correct and it drives a little bit like a tractor but absolutely gorgeous gorgeous looking car so if you’ve got a car that is gorgeous but flawed because of the engine that’s in it maybe that’s a good candidate for like

Electrification had a nice Sunset far too early in the day but we are in Britain as everybody keeps pointing out to me when I moan about the weather so seven minute introduction some of these comments basically everybody’s saying that Lee is doing the wrong thing when he does these challenges he’s charging

At the wrong places he’s not charging up to the correct amount of power and then he’s deliberately going slow well I don’t know about all that because a lot of people seem to have a problem with Lee’s video where he drove from St David’s back to leads now that wasn’t

The challenge that was the day after he was going home it was just before Christmas and he had to pick up some stuff from his house in Mansfield and then go to Leeds where he was spending Christmas so you can’t pick at him for choosing that route that’s what he had

To do on that day like you can’t say oh you you went to the wrong what should he have done spent Christmas with some other family members that were at a more convenient location you can’t really debunk that but a lot of the comments are quite amusing I wasn’t really going

To look at any of the comments but rich is basically saying I could do it better and from my point of view I was on the comments last night until quite late and there’s a part of me that thought right here you go um these Pioneer videos might have been

Relevant a couple of years ago but their day is over electric car drivers are no longer Intrepid adventurers I have a bul standard Long Range model wide Tesla of the 43,000 mi in 22 I don’t care I do not care it’s a company car it was a tax

Dodge and you don’t pay VAT on the electricity so you cannot compare them like for like because the government is incentivizing you to get into electric you can’t compare them like for like on cost until the vat is levied at the exact same rate on the electricity

That you put in relative to the diesel that we put in you cannot compare the two um the other thing is is this is like oh Jeff’s Jeff pedal conspiracy theories no Jeff could see where things are going now I had a conversation with Richard about him

Doing the trip and possibly me doing the trip it don’t involve me in many ways there nothing to do with me because as I said at the start of this long and quite you know ranty video hey we’re getting back to the ranty videos this is what

People like and I’ll get on to that in a minute um I said at the start it don’t evolve me no one has a problem with the way the Diesels have been presented in the challenge and I’ve changed cars three times and no one’s had an issue

With that uh I haven’t got any of the you know the real petrolhead sort of people being like Oh we we could do it faster they’re all they’ve all got problems with Lee but when I spoke to Rich earlier on I said to him uh what do

You want to do he wants to get a Tian and have me start at the start point in a diesel car and then him show the that the tyan can do it better than Lee did it you don’t need me for that just go and film it it’s fine wow the light’s

Going to go really weird now isn’t it because I’ve chosen this crazy location um so you don’t need me for that same as the bloke that said that Lee had done it all wrong when he went up to Jon a gr who did the JN a gr trip all wrong and

Another YouTuber tried to prove that Lee had done it wrong and ended up proving the exact same thing and it cost him more and took him longer than me in a diesel B that I bought off a Facebook Marketplace so I’m not really that interested in doing the challenge again

Cuz I’ve done it you know my numbers you know how much it costs me and you also know that I did it in a broken and not very economical car so let’s say that rich from the classic electrical car company goes up to the top of Wales drives to the bottom

Of Wales in a Porsche Tian and beats my Mercedes on both time and cost well on that trip we put in a mandated half an hour stop and I used the wrong car because it wasn’t very economical so what will that prove if that is the case I don’t think it will prove

Anything because I could go and do it in a Rena clear 1.5 DCI and not stop get 78 miles to the gallon and do the whole thing on like 30 quid so we can go back and forth on this all day long like I said from the classic electrical car

Place in Wales doesn’t make real cars for real people he makes toy cars for rich people and when I spoke to him about this I said look if if you’re going to do this challenge you have to start talking about 20 mph speed limits you have to start talking about the fact

That you can’t top up your electrical car with cash you can’t top up your electrical car unless you have a smartphone that’s connected to the grid and I was speaking to someone yesterday who works at an electric company who says when we sign people up for electric

Car tariff the car does an initial connection with the company that then stays constantly live so your electric company always knows where you are and how much charge you have so if you’re going to do it rich you’ve got to talk about the 21 hour speed limit thing and

You need to talk about the the sort of ongoing creep of of cameras and technology and all of this stuff that I believe is very very bad and is leading us down the road of 15-minute neighborhoods and climate lockdown and climb carbon credits and all that sort of stuff but and this was

Interesting Rich isn’t really aware of any of that stuff said to me that the 20 mph speed limits have been pretty good in the village that he lives in and the cameras are ampr cameras to catch baddies so I think I need to do a little bit of um education on my so-called

Conspiracy theories that I’ve been pedling but again I don’t like how are people missing this low emission zones in London Le Mission zones everywhere science doesn’t make sense none of it makes any sense all seems to be about money all seems to be about fraud um and

Yet somehow people are weird light um somehow people are going about their lives and not noticing any of it is happening um and all these cameras that are going up everywhere are absolutely for pay by the mile these cameras that are going up everywhere right they’re not they’re not ampr cameras to stop

Stolen cars and and baddies and all that stuff no chance because the crime is going up look at the Land Rover Range Rover problem that we’ve got right you got this massive issue with all these Range Rovers being stolen and at no point as anyone thought why don’t we ask

The government if we can use all these new cameras to track the baddies that are stealing the Range Rovers it doesn’t happen that’s not what the cameras are for the cameras are to track you and me so they can charge us by the mile and keep us within our 15minute city and

Ensure that we’re not going going over and above our allocated amount of carbon that we’re allowed to use for that year because of the onset of everything that’s happening and if Rich was interested in looking at the 20 mph speed limits in Wales and where they’ve

Come from and where like the route of pushing all of these 20 M hour things have come from then he’d go down a whole new rabbit hole of whoa hold on a minute not really sure I should be converting these electric things to these classic cars to Electric but fair play to Rich

He sort of lives in a little bubble in Wales and and that’s okay there’s nothing wrong with living in a little bubble and not being aware of what’s going on in the world but don’t be surprised when it comes and smacks you in that face CU that’s what I’m not I’m

Not going to smack him in the face I’m not the bully that’s going to jump in and try and defend Lee because he’s made a bed for himself with all his clickbait titles and stuff so that’s okay that’s just Lee that’s the way he does it um he

Has call people B trouser wearing triang Triangle sandwich wearing Doggers and I I said to him maybe calm down on all that uh but then he doubled down on it with a message earlier on so that that’s just late it’s just the way he is

But what I mean is like the slow creeper tyranny will start to smack people in the face but maybe it won’t smack Richard in the face because all his clients are wealthy and maybe wealthy people can’t see that all of this stuff is happening and maybe wealthy people

Don’t realize that pay by the mile and creeping Insurance costs and creeping car tax and creeping costs of fuel are all contributing to stop us from going places maybe wealthy people don’t realize that and in my experience working with previous clients and working with wealthy people generally

That is the case they just pay for the stuff as it comes in and don’t realize that things are getting worse so 15 minutes in have I actually said anything yet uh challenges with the mcmas does the mcmas cheat no I think he’s just quite naturally a bit of a

Bimbler um whereas with these challenges I just get my head down and do what I’ve always done when I’m trying to get somewhere which is just get there um and I think Lee takes things at more of a sort of leisurely Pace really um what is

Going on here there’s a man with a hiis vest walking up to me and I’m curious as to what is about to go on here could be anything I’m going to leave the camera rolling just to see what happens I’m bus being approached by a man in a hi’s

Vest oh yeah yeah you right yeah yeah you do oh just making a little video Whoa video yeah I you mind me if videoos in my car uh how do you came here I just drove from here no from down the bottom from the B from the front gate yeah

Haven’t seen you course it’s not allowed to come here all right yeah yeah okay because this place is closed yeah I know I’m only sitting here in my car yeah still oh it’s just a car park isn’t it oh all right okay is is the hotel closed oh okay cool

Right yeah is there no one in the hotel then yeah right all right yeah that’s fine thank you I bet I know who’s in that hotel and I bet it’s connected to everything that I was uh yeah that’s quite interesting isn’t it so apparently

I’m in a hotel car park and the hotel is closed they’re not going anywhere either oh I’ve lost my flow now um but but basically there’s some strange things going on in the world and um does Lee cheat on the challenges no not really um he’s just a bit of a bimbler

And I like to get my head down well get my toe down and just keep going and get it done that’s bizarre uh yeah I’m going to as I drive out I’m going to see if this actually is an empty Hotel cuz I suspect it’s not I

Might be wrong this might be perfectly innocent and I might be trespassing but all I’m doing is sitting in my car in a car park um yeah so Le a bit of bimler I like to drive fast uh I think we’ve proven everything that needs to be

Proven I think to some degree there’s no way that an EV can actually beat a diesel on sort of cost and time on any of these things so what’s next uh I enjoy collaborating with Lee so I’m going to keep doing keep doing stuff with him like I said um you know we’re

Not exclusive um I’m going to do collaborations with other people as well I’ll hope to go down and see rich and he can explain to me why converting classic cars to electrification is a good idea and perhaps I can explain to him why it’s not but then again he’s got a

Business to keep going as well so maybe there’s that but I’m not really looking to get involved in anyone’s battles I quite enjoy making YouTube videos hopefully you enjoy watching them um it’s as simple as that really is’t it it is as simple as that now should we go

Find out if this is a migrant Hotel um don’t go down that rabbit hole cuz that one gets pretty interesting um I’m going to go do a video with funky prep soon as well but he keeps canceling on me right thank you very much for watching this

Video and if I don’t make any more videos after this then they got me

I found a nice quiet car park with a good view, so i’ve filmed a response to Electric Classic Cars and their little dig at The MacMaster.

It’s just uploading now.

I react to the ‘go on geoff do another challenge with them’ thing and talk a little bit about my chat with Rich from ECC. (we are now whatsapp friends).

In the video I try to explain about all these things being connected, and that the slow creep of bad stuff actually is just a few steps away from the electric car thing.

Then I got kicked out of my filming spot by some strange people because it turns out I was filming in the private car park of what appears to be a hotel that’s being used for… something.

The owner claimed that the hotel is not being used for that purpose.
It definitely is.

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