Electric Cars



EV makers just went against their own EVS they want to stop the rushed EV push and demand gas cars get back on the roads EVS are having a huge reliability and charging infrastructure crisis and the political leaders don’t want you to know anything about it EVS once advertised as the future are collecting

Dust in dealer Lots because nobody wants to buy them and what’s even worse is that now even the companies who make these overpriced vehicles are going against Direct government orders we’re done listening to the political leaders it’s time to go back to making what the common man likes and wants but why are

EV makers revolting are EVS unreliable and should you even be thinking about buying one right now in this video I’m not only going to expose the horrible reality of EVS but we’ll also look at real cases where people got so frustrated and helpless due to their EVS

That they vowed to never buy one again so here’s what exactly happened all big automakers like Ford Volkswagen BMW and even General Motors are now stopping EV production they’re afraid that they might have to close their doors if they keep taking losses like this and the

Only way to sell cars is going back to combustion engines General Motors is selling every electric vehicle at a $8,000 loss and CEO Mary Bara said budget EVS are not going to be profitable anytime soon then we have VW the German giant they’re facing a huge sales slump with EVS all the Interiors

Of their EVS look dated and are ridd with software issues and glitches same is the case for GM people just aren’t buying and that only leaves us with Tesla which has been doing this the longest but any sane car maker will easily see through the poor build and

Huge panel gaps all around but first things first let’s talk about the EV Market everyone’s been saying that EVS are selling like crazy but right now if you actually step out to any of the dealer lots you’ll know all about this fake propaganda turns out the EV Market

Might be crashing hard Yes you heard that right all these big car makers the ones who were all in on EVS are now getting cold feet they’re sending out this massive warning we got to ditch EVS let’s go back to making gas cars now why this sudden U-turn well it looks like

EVS are not the golden ticket they were thought to be and here’s the kicker it’s not just about the environment or technology it’s also about the economy especially for the middle class yep those EV price tags are Skyhigh and it turns out a lot of folks just can’t

Afford them the Biden Administration has been pushing car makers to pump out more EVS take Ford and GM for example they were doing pretty good with high record sales for their gas cars and hybrids and then they started to face political intervention companies forgot to listen to the customers and started listening

More to the political leaders Joe Biden even helped Ford with a massive $9 billion loan to make more EVS so despite their personal reservations everyone started making them and now 4 years later we were sitting on a pile of nearly hundreds of thousands of EVS just Gathering dust in dealer lots and you

Might think the people who did already buy an EV must be pretty happy right well it turns out more than 40% of these people who purchased an EV never want to buy one again and get this they’re literally sick of these electric cars having reliability issues that’s right

You might think with all that Nifty technology EVS would run smoothly but boy oh boy are you wrong since EVS rely heavily on software and have newly developed systems in place they’re twice as likely to shut down on you compared to a trusty old gas car even our very

Own energy of secretary Jennifer granholm got sick and tired of the poor charging Network when testing EVS for long road trips and this is when she used a luxury Cadillac lyric EV I’m not even talking about the cheaper options with poor range here most of the charging stations were overcrowded some

With a broken charger and others occupied leading to tense situations where even a family unable to charge their vehicle called the police despite the billions of dollars being invested by the US government into building a nationwide network of electric Chargers the trip revealed significant gaps problems ranged from the lack of fast

Chargers in certain regions to issues with charger reliability and speed another case is of Rachel wolf who’s a writer for the Wall Street Journal she literally said and I quote I rented an electric car for a 4day trip I spent more time charging it than I did

Sleeping end quote the journey meant to test the feasibility of long-distance travel in an EV became a frustrating Saga of extended charging times a recent survey by JD Power is painting a picture that’s not so Rosy imagine this 20% of EV owners roll up to a charging station

Only to leave with the same battery level they came with yep no extra juice we all love scores right well in this game the scores are plummeting satisfaction with DC fast charging and level two charging stations is hitting rock bottom we’re talking about the the lowest satisfaction levels since JD

Power started keeping track in 2021 it’s not just about finding a working charger it’s about how fast it charges and how much it costs the faster DC Chargers are what EV drivers dream of but they’re as rare as finding a quiet spot in Time Square and the slower level two Chargers

They’re like watching paint dry plus charging your EV at these public stations can cost more than refilling a gas guzzler talk about irony all those unsold EVS I told you about earlier they’re not just collecting d they’re burning holes in car makers Pockets big names like GM Ford Hyundai and Toyota

They’re all in the same boat and that’s a boat that’s taking on water fast GM’s new Altium EVS they’re not selling as expected Ford’s F-150 Lightning and Mustang Maki piling up Volkswagen’s id4 SUVs more like idle e4s and Tesla the big boss of EVS is slashing prices left

And right trying to keep up in the price War so let’s start with Ford they have had this grand plan for a $3.5 billion EV plant in Marshall Michigan that sounds awesome right but suddenly they’re like hold up maybe not despite a hefty $ 1.7 billion in incentives Ford

Is now unsure about this whole idea they’re worried about whether they can run this plant in a cost-effective way the plant was supposed to be a big deal turning out loads of EVs and helping meet President Biden’s goal of having 50% electric vehicle sales by 2030 but

Now it’s all up in the air then there’s GM and Honda they had this plan to create EVS for around $30,000 you know electric cars that regular folks could actually afford but guess what that plan’s now been scrapped EVS are expensive like really expensive Kelly Blue Book says the average EV cost

In July 2023 was $ 53,486 that’s a lot of dough compared to gas powered cars which average at $ 48,3 34 so for for a lot of people getting into an EV is like trying to jump onto a moving train that’s just a bit too high and it’s not just about selling cars

These companies are also slowing down on building new factories and expanding production for example Tesla’s thinking twice about a new $1 billion plant in Mexico GM is delaying its electric pickup truck production and Ford they’re pushing back a big chunk of their $15 billion EV investment the Biden

Administration wants EVS to be the norm by 2030 but what do the people say they not exactly thrilled automakers are scrambling the government’s pushing its agenda and the buyers are caught in the middle scratching their heads but all this has got me thinking why would the government Force EVS upon us if people

Aren’t buying you see Joe Biden has a hidden agenda behind all this the presidential elections are coming and Joe Biden wants to have an image of someone who’s doing good for the government even if that comes at the cost of public suffering everyone is so outraged that 4,000 dealers even sent a

Brutal letter addressed to to the president warning about the crazy State our EV Market is currently in on the other side Trump who’s always been a pragmatic guy is more about having a balanced approach to electrification he literally called the eveve push stupid and promised to stop the EV Madness if

He gets elected unlike Biden Trump wants people to be able to choose what they drive and not ban gas cars entirely and the revolution of EV makers against their own cars is only the first step in this direction we should remember that the goal is not to ban gas cars but to

Lower emissions if the government cannot provide an adequate charging Network or lower cost EV batteries then they definitely shouldn’t be the ones telling us to abandon our gas vehicles so what do you think do most EV owners want to switch back to gas cars drop us a comment below and let’s get the

Conversation rolling I just uploaded a video about groundbreaking news that could hurt the entire EV industry do check it out if you want to be truly shocked by what’s about to happen with EVS

EV makers just went AGAINST their own EVs! They want to stop the rushed EV push, and DEMAND gas cars back on roads! EVs have a huge reliability and charging infrastructure crisis, and the political leaders don’t want you to know anything about it! EVs, once advertised as the future, are eating dust in dealer lots because NOBODY wants to buy them! And what’s even worse is that now, even the companies who make these overpriced vehicles are going AGAINST direct government orders.

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