Electric Cars

SsangYong Korando e-Motion – Way Better Than It Should Be!

SsangYong Korando e-Motion – Way Better Than It Should Be!

This is let’s face it an unfamiliar brand for most people sanong and this is their full electric version of the cando joking aside though it’s a value option let’s look at it like that like you would the mg range sangong electric by batteries you know what it

Might not be bad because you’re getting a lot of car for your money but what’s the catch growing up my mom always told me that looks don’t matter they’re not important it’s what’s inside that counts look we are being harsh at this but it’s not the best looking car in the

World but I don’t think anyone buying it is really going to go after Aesthetics it is again about that value option look at the size of it it’s huge so again you’re getting a lot of metal for your money you got the charging p on this

Side give me a second ccs of course and with it been placed here different the size of the doors clearly this is a family car huge entry level you got quite High gr ground clearance and there’s a big rear as well you’ll easily get a car seat in

That so it’s one of these you get what you expect really there’s no surprises let’s hope there’s no disappointment so far I’m just well it’s a car it’s a basic car it’s a value car this is what it is the rear is again not its greatest angle I don’t think that it

Has got a very good angle again I’m not really bothered you got a bit of metal breaking it up you got lots of plastic and it could be any SUV quite frankly you do get a decent Boot and it’s electric too at least in this version version flat Lord Bay so a

Good size but underneath it goes much further down you got quite a bit of space under there not just for charging cables you could Tech this all out and just have a much bigger boot put the seats down and it’s pretty cavernous really so again family car and seems to be well

Speced so maybe looks don’t matter maybe M was right right inside this the steering wheel is you know it it it feels okay but it is relatively cheap hardwearing sort of materials more hardwearing we got some black gloss hard wearing again more fingerprint catches but the switch gear feels okay decent doorbin it’s

Quite big in fact and it’s separated that feels yeah fine got more again black gloss which doesn’t help that’s soft not too bad at all shiny shiny a GL isn’t it well you can all tell it’s it’s already there so you you you’re going to

Need to keep a cloth in here now before we go to all this I think we might as well do that oh what oh I is is that one of the biggest ones we’ve ever seen let me turn the carat on and you get a very

Nice display I have to say I mean don’t get me wrong it’s no virtual cockpit in like an Audi but I can’t really complain about what it gives you and then you got this large screen with your saav built in and the heater controls with actual

Buttons C on home you got the satnavs phone it’s relatively quick yeah apple carplay what more do you need this wait a minute cool seat cool seats I mean it’s it’s obviously the premium version of this car o that’s a bit odd is it right I feel like I’ve

Peed myself so let’s carry on wireless charging there for your phone and USB 12vt the usual stuff back and forward so it’s got It’s got a nice lever I quite actually like this it it feels decent in the hand cup holders there and uh storage of some things uh and and more

Storage which relatively deep you fit quite a bit in there armrest which moves forwards and backwards so you know what I’m in a decent position here in terms of it’s not a bad place to be is it this what the seats like I’m pleasantly surprised they’re supportive and well

Most modern cars are pretty comfortable these days do you know what it’s actually really nice I’ve got he seats what yeah I’ve got tons of space I mean that chair is in a position for a proper adult it’s not like a you know push it forward so I’ve got quite a bit of

Headroom I bet if I sit here there’s a little bit of a transmission tunnel there I bet even if I sit here I can is this a three adult rear then I think it is just about yeah I think you get three adults on this on a on a shter journey

Certainly two adults easily easily yeah I I honestly can’t fault this for the price why haven’t we heard of this a lot more in the car industry if you will I mean it’s it it is what it is in it you it’s a relatively cheap car for its size

It’s a sangyong you know it’s not it’s not a premium brand you’d probably put it under mg maybe or at least on par but the interior on this isn’t it’s like going back 10 15 years in design terms but at the end of the day it’s not bad

No it’s just not modern the space behind us though it’s ridiculous it’s a big car effectively anybody who got an mg yeah in the early yeah a few years ago who gambled on mg in electric car world I’m looking at his thinking uh is this another one of those where you’re like

What’s wrong with it yeah right so 34 grand to 40 y 56 K usable battery capacity 61 in total I can’t even think of what this sort of price is this size even the Zs doesn’t come close does it oh no no it’s bigger than that bit of road

Noise again it’s a quiet car because it’s electric it’s not the quietest EV but quite frankly not you know what it’s one of those like MGS you can’t really argue with what you’re paying and what you’re getting it’s a bad snobbery thing it’s a bad snobbery thing and I think they’re

Going to depreciate probably quite heavily yes yes definitely cuz who would want one five star rup yeah which you’d expect that’s you know you that what it should be there’s no carers cut there if yeah if you need something of a certain size in electric car world you’re probably

Looking at yeah scored at enyak maybe id4 id4 basically something relatively expensive look at what the Koreans are doing Kia hyundi Genesis in electric car World Leaps and Bounds out they’re probably pound-for-pound the best electric vehicles around Tesla aside maybe and now this yeah so you wonder think are sangong

Going to become the next Kia cuz they’ve been around a long time it’s not like the new you know the new BR just been one of those ones where you know you see it go you see one go past and it’s like you don’t give it a second glance I I

Would never have put my mind in the sangong and thought you know what it’s not a bad car in the right circumstances I would who test it tur CLE that’s good that’s that’s that’s incredible for a c size taxi yeah taxi yeah why not although this is more expensive clearly mg5 or

This mg5 is cheaper though it is yeah I don’t know if it’s my own money I’ll probably go mg5 but I I I can’t really fa this you it’s a cheap Android phone that has a really good camera and it’s quite quick yeah you’re like I didn’t

Expect this a brand you’ve never heard of before yeah yeah do you know what I’m bit bit lost for words really with it yeah the Lan keeping works it’s got It’s got te look I press this button and it goes off I always rate a car that has a button to turn

That thing off it is annoying yeah you know it’s from the outside it doesn’t look very very special at all does it I’m I’m going to say though it’ll do 160 to 200 mile range I bet it would yeah you know we didn’t that’s the hard bit

But even if you said 150 to 190 yeah to be safe from a car this that’s not bad at all I think uh Second Hand wise this is going to be an absolute bargain that’s but that’s my worry of buying one new yeah what’s it going to

Lose I I I don’t know what the PCP deals like on this if there’s any it might be real terms quite expensive to purchase if there isn’t the deals there yeah comfier than most and some of the other cars i’ been these seats are nice it’s like it’s just oh they especially as

They’re nice and cool yeah I mean I I honestly from the inside I am struggling to fault it at the price because we saw this didn’t we on the on the list didn’t we we even thought should we bothered testing it and we have and I’m

Approaching it I was like oh well it’s a big car but then getting inside I’m going actually it kind of sort of makes sense a lot money is a budget car budget brand with a budget brand at a budget price and what are you getting a lot all

Of that yeah and that makes me think right so I’m getting exactly what I expected there’s no real disappointment here so yeah where’s the catch what’s it like when you put your foot down well do a I’m I’m not sure I can handle the power you’re going to have to take over

Regen paddles just like on the uh K regen paddles I mean other manufacturers could learn from this yeah definitely you know what if this had a a different badge on it it’d be well received by the mot press it’d be well received by the public and I think a lot of people would

Be like oh I’ll give that a test it because I do need a large car or something to that expect you ready for the power 20 30 what pick 40 who’s getting quicker 50 60 it feels very much like say an have we got in the wrong car I think

We may have done so you’re looking at 3 and 1 half to four I reckon in miles per Kow hour terms oh yeah does have a bit of lean I didn’t feel like it I was in danger there me clearly on the edge of its grip then but it predictable predictable yeah

No very surprised comfortable predictable driving very comfortable in fact lots of space lots of Technology relatively cheap price you want if you’re after a big car this has to be on your list yeah yeah put it on your list absolutely I mean the space behind you is obene I would

Just think that the only thing that might put people off is just how much money you will lose on this but if that’s not a thing for you if you’re going to keep it until it breaks lease or lease it yeah are used yeah there are clear reasons where they save money outside

Yeah you’re never going to look back at it and go yeah yeah but I I suspect most people who buy this will be buying it as a practical proposition above everything else I I I I I feel like I need to apologize to sangyong all these years I’ve looked at

Them going won’t even touch one with the barge pole they look awful the engines are probably terrible which in EV world is irrelevant because electric motors are very easy to make or just buing um byd are clearly helping them out that’s a good start I just thought I’d have a

Quick look online brand new Yep this is the well the same car but the elx version it’s obviously trim level lower trim level to this so again brand new not pre-registered or anything like that with a a free threeyear service plan as well although you do have to go R room

To pick it up 31 Grand wow for a car this size for 31 Grand how come no one’s buying loads of these the cheapest ultimate is 36 and a half W that’s a good save enough of list I mean it’s got everything off it on it rather doesn’t it so Parkers are saying

7e 990,000 Mi warranty electrif fine.com saying 150,000 M warranty well it’s seven years whatever it’s a long you know what compared to cars yeah I mean when you get a 3E 60,000 miile warranty on a Vox Hall Astro electric that’s £40,000 St yeah well that’s it let’s just I don’t

Know what to do now it’s Aldi it isn’t it little yeah mg’s Aldi this is little you get fresh bread and you know what else you get and no other car has ever provided me with this in seven or eight years I’ve been doing this All in One max strength Cod and flu

Capsules in the back seat in the back seat yeah that comes as standard neither of us would buy one of these would we no because we’re interested in cars too much this is not a car person’s car but it’s a practical proposition it is completely and I’ve always looked again

I feel like I need to apologize CU I’ve always looked at someone who drives past in the S going why have you chosen that out of all the cars you could choose why have you chosen that sort of understand it I’m just going to end it there because we’re just giving superlatives

After superlatives here it’s cheap some of it feels cheap it rides fine fine no problems at all comfy it’s comfy it’s quick enough yeah the touch Point materials feel nice for car of this size it’s even fairly efficient it’s got a good warranty so again apart from that

There’s got to be something we just haven’t seen it’s got to be the Dee yeah and that that is the brand snobbery is it old school SC where people went I’m not going a scor though you stuck a I don’t know Hyundai or kia badge sell yeah I mean you’d have to

Tweak the interior B don’t get me wrong but it’s that that will put people off including us let’s let’s be honest that’s what puts it us off for anybody just needs you know like oh yeah just throw stuff in the back this is like a Workhorse uh where you you know like

Paint a decorate sort thing where you don’t mind oh bikes in the back yeah no problem that’s going to be amazing for that it’s huge yeah easily get them in well you’re not bothered about scuffing stuff yeah yeah yeah yeah unless they’re just concentrating on Chinese and American

Markets I guess so that’s that’s what I I do feel like I’m in a an American Rental Car yeah essentially yeah yeah yeah very much so um so right right thanks for watching uh the only thing that beats this on value is the uh drive your nor Channel which is free and the

Members only uh videos you get on Sunday instead of Friday for 99p lucky you so there’s only one so no cando that comes after the membership uh podcast all the usual stuff like subscribe um if you ever want to help any YouTube channel you like just interact comment it that’s

Why everybody asked you to do this because it does help it push the video algor tell us what do you think of this brand yeah before you watch this video and then after yeah because I’ve changed mine completely because we def to tell the start bye

Sometimes expectations are off from reality, it can be worse than expected or in this casem, , a lot better! Which is nice.

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