Electric Cars



Trump just killed Joe Biden’s EV dream he’s promised to stop the forced EV push on the common man and he thinks EVS are a big scam Biden just launched a new emissions policy that will destroy all gas car makers he wants everyone to buy EVS but he’s not ready to bring those

Prices down and the public has finally seen through the hype and have turned their backs on EVS hard the EV Market is crashing and Trump’s latest statement is the last Ray of Hope left for gas car lovers and if you’re someone who is considering buying an EV watch this

Video very carefully cuz I’m about to blow your mind here’s what exactly happened if you thought EVS were the future well Trump’s got different ideas Trump’s rallying motto vote for me and I’ll stop this eeve madness immediately he’s positioning himself as the hero who will save the American Auto industry

From Biden’s policies so picture this Trump is back in the spotlight and this time he’s gunning for EVS he’s made it crystal clear that if he gets back into office he’s going to slam the brakes on EV production we’re not just talking about a gentle nudge here we’re talking

A full-on screeching halt his message EVS are a disaster for the middle class and it’s time to bring back the Glory Days of gas cars now why is he so fired up about this well Trump’s convinced that EVS are way too expensive and that we’re all jumping the gun by ditching

Traditional internal combustion engines or Icees he’s even gone as far as calling Eevee makers either stupid or gutless for selling cars at crazy high prices and relying too much on China yep you heard that right China here’s the thing Trump’s not just throwing words around he’s tapping into some big

Concerns here he’s convinced that Eves are going to wipe out a huge chunk of Auto jobs in the US think about it more than half of US Auto jobs could vanish according to him that’s a big deal especially in places like Michigan where cars are pretty much the lifeblood of

The state so Trump rolls into Michigan right into the heart of America’s car industry and drops this bombshell he’s saying that Biden’s push for EVS is doing more harm than good and the kicker he’s worried that all of this is just playing into China’s hands China’s got a

Big piece of the pie when it comes to the minerals used in EV batteries and Trump’s not happy about it he’s painting a picture where America loses its Edge in the car world and China takes the lead but let’s dive a little deeper into this because there’s more to the story

EV production is ramping up in Michigan with big names like GM and Ford pouring billions into it but here’s the catch making EVS isn’t as labor intensive as making gas cars there’s fewer Parts simpler assembly but also fewer jobs and lower wages it’s a double-edged sword

Efficient sure but at what cost let me tell you about a few cases that’ll make your jaw drop there was this dude Scott mcfan who got a small dent on his rivan a simple fix right well guess what fixing that dent cost him a whopping $22,000 can you believe that and it’s

Took over 2 months to get his car back this incident shines a glaring Spotlight on a huge problem with EVS most repair shops are clueless about their Advanced Tech leading to insane repair costs and Skyhigh insurance premiums we’re talking about an average repair cost of

$658 a year for EVS in the US and that’s not chump change but wait there’s more a guy in California shared how his ev’s range dropped by over 30% in just 5 minutes because of cold weather imagine being in an emergency and your car just bailes on you scary right and here’s

Another kicker a study by S&P Global shows that over half of the people who own an EV are thinking of switching back to petrol or diesel for their next vehicle now on to Biden the guy’s been pushing hard for EVS setting ambitious targets and all but now the automakers

Are practically begging him to slow down they’re saying whoa Jack this is too much too fast companies like Honda GM and BMW are all pushing back against the EV regulation but why the sudden change of heart well these companies are realizing that the EV hype isn’t matching up with reality sales are not

As great as expected and the financial strain is real even Ford is under a $4 billion loss and GM nearly lost 700 million Biden’s administration had set targets for a huge shift to EVS but now they’re facing a backlash automakers are saying the epa’s new tailpipe emission standards are unre realistic they’re

Panicking about the financial implications and the feasibility of meeting these ambitious goals and to make things worse the US Environmental Protection Agency or EPA just dropped a bombshell they’re proposing a new tailpipe emissions limit that is nothing short of revolutionary we’re talking about a future where by 2032 as much as

67% of all new vehicles sold in the US could be all electric Yes you heard that right 2/3 of all new cars might be running on batteries by 2032 and not gasoline this move is the most aggressive climate regulation the US has ever seen Biden’s not playing around

He’s pushing the pedal to the metal on America’s clean energy transition the goal here is to massively cut down on climate changing emissions from the Transportation sector which by the way is the biggest source of us greenhouse gases so what’s the deal with EVS in the

US right now well despite a rise in sales they only accounted for about 5.8% of all new vehicles sold last year where way behind China and Europe but with these new Limits The Game’s about to change big time now these limits aren’t about forcing a specific number of EV

Sales instead they’re setting pollution standards for cars and trucks it’s like the EPA saying you want to keep selling cars better make them cleaner or else they estimate these standards could avoid nearly 10 billion tons of carbon emissions through 2055 that’s more than double the total us carbon emissions in

2022 John Bella the CEO of the alliance for Auto Automotive Innovation is calling this regulation aggressive by any measure he’s talking about setting up charging stations everywhere making EVS affordable and sorting out the supply chains for critical minerals and then there’s the question of whether people are actually ready and willing to

Buy EVS the average cost of a new electric vehicle is over $58,000 that’s a pretty penny well sure the inflation reduction act gives tax credits to make EVS more affordable but there’s still a long way to go so what’s next for e EVS well the future’s looking uncertain experts are doubting if we’ll

Hit the 67% EV Market Target by 2032 automakers are rethinking their strategies and more EV model launches might get delayed the enthusiasm for EVS is waning and the market is in a flux Trump’s plan is bold and straightforward focus on hybrids and gas cars and bring

Down the cost of EVS he’s admitting that the charging infrastructure just isn’t there yet and he’s not afraid to say it and let’s talk about those lithium ion batteries that power most EVS they’re a global Affair materials from all over assembled in China then shipped to the

US add tariffs into the mix and EV prices could go through the roof but wait here comes a plot twist Elon Musk the big boss at Tesla and former Trump supporter has switched sides he’s now backing Florida Governor Ron de santis and has even told Trump to hang up his

Hat this isn’t just a political spat it’s a Clash of Titans Trump versus musk with the future of Eves hanging in the balance and the EV Market it’s in turmoil Ford once a Pioneer in the EV Revolution is reportedly losing a staggering $36,000 on each EV sold GM’s not fairing

Much better with projected losses of over a billion dollar and it’s not just them Toyota Tesla everyone’s feeling the heat high prices lackluster charging infrastructure and consumer skepticism are putting a damper on the EV dream so what does this all mean well it’s a classic Showdown on one side you’ve got

Got Trump and his Camp warning that EVS are a bad deal for America they’re worried about jobs the economy and losing ground to China on the other side there’s the Biden Administration and EV supporters who see electric cars as the future cleaner more efficient and full

Of Promise it’s a debate that’s got it all politics economics technology and a whole lot of opinions and with the 2024 presidential race heating up this debate is only going to get more intense so what do you think are EVS good for the middle class should we be relying so

Much on China drop a comment down below and let’s get this conversation rolling I just uploaded a video about groundbreaking news that could hurt the entire EV industry do check it out if you want to be truly shocked by what’s about to happen with EVS

Trump just KILLED Joe Biden’s EV dream! He’s promised to stop the forced EV push on the common man, and thinks EVs are a big scam! Biden just launched a new emissions policy that will destroy all gas car makers. He wants everyone to buy EVs, but he is not ready to bring the prices down! But the public has finally seen through the hype, and is denying EVs hard!

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