Electric Motorcycles

Fucare Taurus Ebike – Night Trip + Range Test

Fucare Taurus Ebike – Night Trip + Range Test

All right guys so we are on the vukari electric bike it has the 750 W Hub motor in the back class 3 ebike this does have a 25 amp hour battery I already did a review on this bike and so far we have 18 miles on it I want to say when we

Left out of our video review I want to say it was somewhere around 16 or 17 cuz I do put a mile on these kind of going up and down the street to test them out this is not a review video but this is going to be a day and night video where

You guys get to check out the headlights we get to check out the brake light and we get to see how well our battery does on the trip cuz I have not charged it since we did our video review and if you haven’t seen the video review just go

Back and watch it and then come back to this video so you can see what we’re working with it’s kind of cool that when you go up in pedal assist and when you turn the bike on this has a vibration to it which is super cool it’s one of the

Unique bikes that has like a cool feature that most bikes don’t have and the vibration is coming from this actual throttle right here that’s on the left it has like a little vibrating motor in here so anyway that’s kind kind of cool and then one thing I never mentioned on

My video review is you can go with the pedal assist 5 and then you keep going like back and forth you don’t have to keep going up and down cuz most of these bikes you have to hit five once you hit five you got to go all the way back down

To where you want to go this one just kind of loops around but all right let’s get out there and go now I did notice that since this bike set for a little bit of time when we got done with that video review we were at three bars and

We are now at 4 and something else that I also noticed is that these uh brake levers or brake handles I should say they came super loose like really bad loose both sides so these little screws right here these need to be tightened and I should do that before

They uh come out cuz that’s going to suck if those come out so all right I got that really good on there and let me do this side we’re not going to be able to use a throttle cuz I need this hand but come in here basically just tighten

This little screw this one is loose as hell I’m pretty sure this screw was about to fall out all right well maybe a little tighter okay okay there we go now it feels better and uh more safe out here to use these brakes I didn’t really notice a difference until I took my

Gloves off and realize that they were just flapping back and forth these were just so loose so you need those little thumb screws to kind of tighten these brake levers up don’t have me let’s go and take a shortcut I forgot how laggy the throttle is woo suspension still it’s pretty good

It’s okay the seat isn’t as bad as I thought it was still not my favorite seat but it’s doing the job well these brakes feel like so much more different now holy crap and we’re going to run into another biker probably not a ebike though nope he was hard mugging mean

Mugging I should say he’s like what the hell is this guy on I want one of those I’m pedaling my ass off over here well I’m not moving my legs at all which I should cuz I need my cardio in but yeah all right we’re not going to be able to

Get over yet so I’m going to probably have to get over after this blue truck and nothing thing you guys are going to notice too is if you guys can see the display because we didn’t charge it we’re not going to be able to uh hit the

Top speed of about 28 20 mph and keep in mind this is also off I think 1 mph so if it says we’re doing 28 we’re actually doing 27 we’re doing 27 we’re actually doing 26 and things are getting a little uh little sketchy around here I’m going

To try to go across the street now normally I don’t wait this long but traffic was all jacked up so I’m going to go after this Car oh man lots of things going on people racing I’m just trying to get to and from the work without uh getting ran over let’s go let’s go all right cool I got to put my visor down cuz it is about I want to say 62° right now which is not

That cold but my face is getting kind of numb right now but at night when we get off it’s going to be 12:30 in the morning and and it’s going to be like 3 I think 3° now I know it’s not going to be cold for a lot of people that say oh

Man it’s like -10 or -2 here okay I get it but I’m in California and it’s normally sunny here and this is really going to take a toll so I brought my Beyond Riders fleas hoodie this is like a brand new hoodie that came out from

Beyond Riders I love it I’m going to use it for work the whole entire day I I think I could use it it does have a hood on the back you’re actually not supposed to have a hoodie uh at work you’re just supposed to have a regular jacket that

Doesn’t have a hoodie on the back but as long as I’m not wearing it like over my head I should be okay so I’m going to wear this at work all day hopefully it’s not going to be a problem cuz I have nothing else other than my work shirt

Underneath and a white undershirt and then I also have my Denise uh pants on which have kevlar in them and they have pads and they run kind of hot oh they’re going to race again that was weak that was hella weak I would have been gone bro my Tesla would have smoked

Him now that Camaro actually couldn’t go because there was a car that ran the red light if you saw when they were turning you might have to go back on the video and see that but it was green for us and that car was still in the middle of the

Street and you guys already know that the lights take a good 2 seconds or 3 seconds after they go red to show green on the other side so they definitely ran that but anyways we out here baby another today I’m going to take a uh scooter to uh in the next video I

Believe well actually it’s going to be a scooter review after this so the way things are going right now is I did the review on this and then I did the video review on the scooter and now I have time to take this to work and then we’re

Going to take the scooter to work uh probably tomorrow the next day but you’re not going to see that until you see the scooter review first after this video and then you’ll see the video of the scooter going to work it back uh it’s uh food care pretty good it’s

It’s okay yeah it’s not too bad it’s about 1,500 bucks it does about like 29 M hour yeah it’s all right yeah no problem man we’re going to get away from this traffic get the heck out of here I think I told that guy the wrong name of the

Bike oh man fukari not fukare but uh all right here it is coming uphill now it kind of looks super I told him it does like 29 mph which say the max speed I think I hit was 29.1 but uphill man it’s not great like it was going up this

At what 17 18 mph and now it’s kind of leveling out but I’m curious to see how fast it’s going to go downhill is it going to cut our power this is where I’m really interested if we can get over like 30 m an hour we’re almost already

There oh it is I think if is cutting power is it cutting power it felt like it was for a second but oh man oh it is cutting power wow man you can’t go over 28.5 milph man what kind of crap is that I literally felt it cut the power but that

Is right um I’ve been going through all these skateboards and ebike reviews and I forgot this bike something I didn’t like about it is that when you do hit your top speed on this bike it literally Cuts your power most bikes will give you continuous power the whole time this one

Will literally limit you you can feel it like as you hit the top speed you can kind of feel the the bike just have no power anymore just kind of you feel your body weight go forward a little bit and then when the power kicks back on a

Little bit you kind of lean back a little bit and it kind of constantly does that at top speed so I’m not a big fan of that on this bike but I am going to say I am a big fan of the battery on here which is 20 amp hour and that’s why

I didn’t charge it because I feel like I can put my words where my mouth are that makes sense and I told you guys that you could probably get a good like 30 to 35 mes of range out of this bike and since I already already have what do I have

Like 17 or 18 mil on the bike already without charging it I’m at 20 mi right now I have 9 M to go on this trip I’ve already done two uh it’s going to be 4 and 1/2 that way 4 and 1/2 back so we’re

Going to see where we end up when we get back to the house if I have to Pedal it I’ll pedal it but I don’t think I’m going to have to I’m just saying I think uh we’re going to be okay we might be down to our last battery bar cuz we’re

On our third one right now but we’re just going to see how long this lasts and this this is going to give us a better range test than most of the reviews that we do on this channel because I don’t really run these bikes down until they fully like cut out and

Die cuz I’m really not trying to Pedal it like a mile or two away from my house I really should though because I got to work on this stomach that I got going on because now that I make money on YouTube and I’m a manager at a store and you

Know we make commission selling these bikes which you can use a link down in the description and it helps my channel out it also tells the company that hey like they didn’t waste their time sending this bike to me but I’ve been eating a lot I really have a problem with just

Wanting to eat a lot of food because I don’t know I just door Dash stuff all the time and then when you have a double door Dash I mean you might as well do it so we get Taco Bell we get Panda Express got a lot of uh other fast food in there

But yeah for the most part um I eat a lot now I guess I should have went through this red light nothing changed I should have just went through it dang it I could have got away from all this traffic I could have been way up there I could have been with

That white car already dang it man um later on tonight I’m going to try to get one of my buddies to ride this thing and of course we’re going to check out the headlight like I said and the brake light which if you guys didn’t see

My video review the brake light on this is on the right hand side of the bike on the frame on the other side of the wheel which to me doesn’t make any sense now maybe they’re selling this this bike somewhere else where people drive on the

Left hand side of the road but since people drive no wait that wouldn’t make sense they would have to drive on the right hand side of the road and you would be on the leftand side well either way the way they have the brake light on here is just confusing because in the

United States everyone drives on the left hand side of you and there’s only a light on the right hand side of the bike so people aren’t going to see that brake light as well as they would if they had one say underneath the seat which is

Like right center in the middle of the bike or had a brake light on the left hand side I don’t understand why I just didn’t have like two one on each side cuz that’s symmetrical and it looks good and uh people are going to see you from

Both sides people that are walking over here and then people are driving over here which is the most important I don’t know I didn’t bring an extra light though unfortunately I should have but uh I was kind of in a rush and I almost forgot to bring this extra light as well

Which we’ll check out this light and compare it to the stock light and we’re just going to see how well this works now I told you guys in my video view that that light looked like it was a direct beam straight across it didn’t look like it went too far out to the

Sides but it had a lot of scattered light and I didn’t like that it was you’re looking straight like this and the light was on the side of my garage it didn’t make any sense to me like it was so scattered so it makes me think

Like it’s a cheaper light it’s not like those projector style headlights that have on like the Rev one ride one up electric bike or the Rave GTX bike or some of the other bike I think the hay bike maybe had it too but I really kind

Of like it it’s kind of like a plain light now because every single bike has that big old fat projector style light but it works really good and it has the horn built in so it’s like a cheaper thing to add a horn cuz this one doesn’t

Have a horn we got a bell which the Bell sucks ass and I’m not going to be using that but uh it’s there you can take it off if you want honestly I probably would just take it off it’s not something that I would be using all

Right hopefully no one hits me because there’s a lot of people turn right here and I’m not trying to die but it should be our turn to go straight I think I don’t want want to go through it though cuz I’m not 100% sure oh okay cool if

You’re unsure don’t do it and don’t be inching up man I saw you in the Jeep trying to get close oh I got to beat this person in the the wheelchair beat you yeah all right didn’t want to crash into him but yeah uh we are here and I’m feeling good guys feeling

Good oh my my buddy’s already here so maybe he’s not working late with me oh crap I’m not probably going to have someone to uh ride bikes with me tonight but I want to bring my car because uh I got like a little eating tray for it I

Know it sounds stupid but I eat in the car all the time and I would like for you to go sir all right just sitting there not doing a damn thing people just don’t know how to drive he’s still sitting there so dumb all right let me turn this off while it

Vibrates the whole time to turn it off which is so weird like you got to get used to it it’s like you start pushing the button and it vibrates your hand and it stays vibrating until you let off the button so when you’re powering it off

You got to hold it for like 2 or 3 seconds just feels weird especially with gloves too so if you don’t have gloves it would actually be uh it’ feel a lot different all right I’ll see you guys in 9 hours and definitely got to clean this

Bike but I do have someone that wants to buy it after making this video review so this one’s going to be gone also uh the C3 strong Deluxe is also gone as well I don’t know how many of you guys are going to be watching this video at this

Point to see that I just mentioned the C3 stm’s gone I’m pretty sure I’m still going to get a lot of messages about it but that bike’s gone this bike is already going to be gone to another guy that wants it so after this is going to

Be the last time you see it when we ride it in about 5 seconds from now at night I love this little uh cubby right here it works perfect for my gloves or a towel all right ladies and gentlemen we’re out wo already hitting bumps but all

Right what a cold night it is so I think I told you guys that it was going to be around 30 something degrees well I just saw one of my buddies post up I don’t know how true it is please hopefully they stop okay um he said that it was

Going to be I think it said 20 like upper 20s yeah upper 20s is what he said it was going to be like tonight so I don’t know what that means it’s going to be like right now cuz it’s like 1230 1:00 in the morning or if he meant

That’s going to be like 1 or 2 or 4 or 5 in the morning I don’t know but I will say it is super cold and I have a full face helmet on right now but I cannot close the visor I was just telling my coworkers before I left is that this is

70% tent and it looks great during the day I love it cuz people can’t see my face especially like when you Lane split which I haven’t done recently or lately anyway cuz I’m not really on my fast bikes like my siron but uh it’s getting

To the point where I think I need to put the clear visor down because this is absolutely cold I’m going to have my nose running at the end of the day and I’m pretty much going to be eating my own boogers by the time I get home that’s literally what happens it it

Leaks so bad that it just gets to my lips and I’m like oh man just licking my mouth and trying to get my glove in there and just wipe it off it’s it’s nasty guys that’s kind of uh some back stuff that you guys can uh know about

This YouTube channel what we go through when I uh ride at night which is is crazy and you know what’s stupid right now is like I know some some people are going to say 27 mph is pretty fast technically it’s 26 it’s 1 mile off but

This feel is slow as hell I told my coworker yeah it goes up to 29 I think 29.1 is what I hit before and he’s like that’s it for this type of bike I was like yeah it really just depends on the power management system but I mean it is

Legal but I just don’t feel like I’m moving man I wish I was going a lot faster but it’s a cool bike though other than that now I do have the light on right now and we’re using it and it’s exactly what I told you guys it was

Going to be it’s so bright in the middle it does have a little bit of scattered light I can see a little bit on the sidewalk I mean these lights above me are really kind of helping me as well but um the scatter light just doesn’t

Look good going off to this side it just doesn’t look good overall but it is definitely a bright right in the middle I think it can actually go a little lower see see if I move it that’s actually all the way down it won’t go

Any farther down but if I move it up just oh wa I can see that if I move it up just a little bit it looks pretty good and I will pull in here which I always do on these bike reviews now it’s kind of weird because I’m always in like

Another neighborhood that I don’t know but it’s always like pitch black over here so I like to kind of come out here and uh I’ll make a U-turn real quick and show you guys I just need to find another spot to do this at oh those Brakes in the front

So ever since I adjusted that little screw I I was telling you cuz it was coming loose it’s actually coming loose again um I need to get an allen set and loosen the brake caliber and line it up to the rotor because it’s not aligned

And it is making a lot of noise but um this is how the light looks and if I turn it off after that thing vibrates every time you hit it it’s weird um so it looks pretty good it’s not bad there is no high beam it’s just one solid

Light beam so that’s how it’s going to be the brake light is cool though um it just it’s on the right side I said this probably 10 times I hate it um it does get brighter when you do hit the brake lights though or the levers I should say

It does get brighter I don’t know what I was just saying I was just rambling on but it gets brighter when you hit the brakes um doesn’t look that bright though when you’re not hitting excuse me when you’re not hitting the brakes I feel like my food is catching up to my

Stomach so anyways um now that you guys have seen this headlight and the cool thing is is so when I started this thing up at work after it set for a while it was at four battery bars it went back to four battery bars I think we went down

To three battery bars in the video review then it went up to four before I rode it going to work then it was at 3:00 Oh I thought that was smoke when I uh got to work and then when leaving work it was at 4: now it’s at two so we

At two battery bars right now and I’m going to turn on this electric XP headlight there we go this thing is always very very bright and I know this isn’t going to pick me up so I’m going to go across oh it’s green anyway all right we’re

Good so this is how an aftermarket headlight looks I highly recommend it these cables are not the cleanest they need like two more zip ties That kind of scrunch down a little bit they’re getting in the way of this Beacon headlight right here which you can order

On electric xp’s website I love it it’s something I like to bring on a lot of my bikes and something I forgot that I wanted to put on this bike was a shred light R1 for the left left hand side so people can see me because right now oh

Wait I just realized I can’t turn around and use a throttle on this bike because normally I would let my hand off so when I do this and turn around to see traffic I lose all my speed so I guess I would have to uh where’s the gears at let me

Get in a higher gear there we go there’s one actual good thing about this bike well let me try something really quick I don’t like this seat cuz I feel like I’m going to slide off of it but look this is a very solid bike to let off with

Both hands even doing about 25 26 mph perfectly fine but the the seat makes me feel like I am literally going to slip off of it because it’s so slippery but hey at least now I can pedal and then I can turn behind me and I can see traffic

So I guess that’s the way you can do it but what I want to say about this is one of the best things about the bike is pedaling I actually think this is one of the better actually probably one of the best bikes if you want to get out there

And pedal and also have you know a bike to go like off-roading cost crunchy whatever whatever the heck you want to do like off-roading is probably where this bike’s going to shine but it also shines in pedaling I am definitely connected to the bike I am actually pedaling with

Resistance I feel like I’m easily getting out of breath as I pedal because I really do have resistance I’m not just moving the pedals to uh get the power to come on so this feels great and my taco place isn’t there so I normally go to

This taco place over here and I was like are they working cuz it is cold as out here and then aren’t pitch black over there man that’s the first night I haven’t seen him and do you even see any traffic out okay okay now I’m a liar because there’s a

Car coming right now but there is barely anybody out here and I think that’s really because it is so cold no one wants to come out probably no electric cars out here either especially electric bikes too because batteries like lithium batteries they drain a lot faster in the

Colder Weather they’re not not at their operating temperature and they’re not even in the range of operating temperature they’re below they still work but they don’t perform very well woo I’m going stop pedaling damn I’m tired all right I’m going I’m going for it we getting the hell out of here I

Ain’t sitting and waiting and is that a is that a zebra on that taco truck what the heck so I think that taco truck’s the one that’s up here maybe they were selling tacos and they just cut it short at 12:00 but manoo what why am I still pedaling I’m

Going to stop it is not helping me whatsoever but uh it that’s definitely going to help you get better range if you do pedal this bike kind of helping along a little bit um they say if I’m not mistaken 50 Mi on this bike I don’t

Say that at all I think I said 30 to 35 and we’re going to see how well it does I’m at 25.1 miles and I’m down two battery bars and I think that’s pretty good because I only have like two more miles to go so I really think it’s going

To make it there no problem but I’m really curious to know if we’re going to be down one battery bar or not now uh some things that you can do let me pedal again damn it something I they want to do all right so let me hit the I button

Right here and you can go from trip odometer Max average speed the next one that’s not listed on here it’s a secret menu guys is I can see the amps of the bike so right now with me pedaling not even using the throttle we’re at like 12

To 13 amps now if I use a throttle and stop pedaling where does it go up to okay it’s staying about the same we’re getting about 14 15 amps it really depends if we’re like barely like climbing or barely going down so that is cool that you can see the amps but

That’s all you get I wish you had a voltage reading on here that’s something that bike companies really need to start putting on these bikes because it makes it easier for reviewers it makes it easier for you especially if you buy one bike cuz you’re not going to be like me

And have like 50 bikes in your garage you’re just going to buy that one one bike and you’re always going to ride it voltage will tell you once you learn the bottom of the voltage where 0% and then where the top of the voltage is at 100%

Once you know those numbers you’re going to know exactly where your battery is at there is no percentage on here as well so battery bars are tricky man once you get down to that last battery bar you better make sure you’re close to the house because that can go like instantly

You got to be careful hey now traffic is showing up all right I wanted to turn so I’m going to go this way let me get next to this car out of all the traffic and then once we get somewhere hella of traffic all right we going how funny is

That though in the worst section too when I was trying to get over woo that’s just how it happens though it is what it is why am I pedaling again God damn it you know what I’m going to do it I need my cardio in I realized if you guys

Watch the video of me at the Bay Bridge when I took the electric scooter out uh we had a walk all the way back and I was so tired so I really think I should start trying to get a workout with these bikes and a lot of you guys keep saying

Ride the bike like normal but first off I’m going to go as fast as possible especially being so cold right now I’m trying to get my ass home my nose is barely starting to run which is good so no boogers in my mouth today and uh

Yeah that’s too much that’s TMI yeah too much information but hey it is what it is woo oh that was a little jarring it wasn’t like bad bad but look at that since we left where’s that car at oh the car must have turn somewhere I

Was like man look how fast like we were gone from that car but I guess they turned off somewhere dang you can see all the fog with these lights well I don’t know if you guys can see that fog over there but definitely going to be foggy tonight there was a freeze warning

Um it said so we’ll see how that is oh yeah this is a cool bike not a bike I would buy I really like moped style ebikes I’m not a big fan of these big bikes but I know there’s people out there that would like something like

This and it’s it’s not bad for what it is it’s just if you’re really going to ride this bike at night and only on the street don’t buy this bike only buy it if you plan on going off-roading and you’re not going to be going up big

Because it’s is only a 750 W Motor and a 48 volt ebike at that I think it’s a 25 amp controller if I’m not mistaken but get this bike if you’re going to go Offroad it’s going to be flat and you’re going to like you know Road like ride

Over some stuff you know but nothing crazy like slope heels or anything like that um a bike that you can pedal and then also a bike that get to really good range uh 25 a hour battery is pretty decent especially for being one single battery and you can always go on Amazon

And buy a second one of these batteries doesn’t need to be from the company keep it in your backpack replace the sandwiches that I have in my backpack with another battery and there you go you’re going to double whatever range you’re going to get with throttle only

Or whatever you weigh or whatever you’re going to be doing with the bike the range really just depends on what you do I ride Flat Road always hey look right before I’m getting home One battery bar I want you notice that right when I’m pulling up to the house holy crap dude

My car looks Frozen in the front I’m not going to lie it really looked like it was iced over in the front let me see let me see oh yeah it is it’s all iced over it’s all crystallized I hate seeing this car out here I need to figure out a storage

Option man even on the door handles I see Frost and I need to fix these windows too but I’ll do that another day but there you guys go one battery bar left and let’s take off the 0.9 m mil because I did one mile on this bike

Roughly when I was taking it up and on the street just to test it when you unbox it you know so let’s say 26 mil flat and I am down to my last battery bar and it just went down to the last battery bar so I’m going to say roughly

32 miles roughly 31 32 miles for me being 170 lb and let’s see if I turn it off if it’s going to go up any battery bars it’s so weird that thing vibrates I can turn this off too I guess I’m sure it’s going to go up oh it went

Back up to three battery bars so yeah in in between 30 and 35 mil of range just depends on what you’re going to do and how heavy you are and how you ride it so and if you pedal and put in a lower pedal assist you’re definitely going to

Get more range than that but right guys true MVPs links down in the description discount code is Mr Central driver at vukari website and this is the Taurus model just to make sure you guys know which one I’ve been riding this whole time in this video see you guys in the

Next one peace out okay now my nose is really running oh God I got to get this helmet off before the boogers reach my mouth

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