Plug-in Hybrids

Go all-electric in the 2024 @Dodge #hornet PHEV

Go all-electric in the 2024 @Dodge #hornet PHEV

I am driving the 2024 Dodge Hornet SRT it is a pluged hybrid which means it has a 4-cylinder turbo engine that’s quite powerful and and good mileage and then it’s also got the electric motor so you could plug it in at home and overnight on a regular home current it’ll take

About 8 hours you get up to 31 miles range so when I’ve been driving around my going to the store going to appointments going to the gym 31 miles of electric only ranges more than I need so I’m driving electric only so that’s the key here when you have a plug-in

Hybrid you can drive in electric only mode when you need that extra miles you it kicks into hybrid mode and now you’ve got electric and gas combined electric only mode is what plug-in hybrids are all about it’s a great bridge to the future of all electric vehicles so check

Out the 2024 Dodge Hornet phev plug in hybrid

Driving the 2024 @Dodge Hornet SRT plug-in hybrid gives you up to 31 miles of EV-only range before the hybrid gas-electric system kicks in for longer trips.

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