Electric Cars



A hidden EV reliability report just got leaked leaving the entire industry in disbelief EVS are hiding five major flaws that no one told you about the entire EV Market is crashing hard despite the government push for EVS and the common man has finally had enough of

The hype I’m not only going to expose why buying an EV right now is probably the worst idea I’m also going to tell you how EVS are literally being used to scam the public we’re going to look at some crazy real life horror stories like one where a man had to pay

$60,000 just to fix a small scratch on his EV if you thought EVS were the future I bet this video is going to change your mind so listen carefully let’s start with that bombshell report by Consumer Reports the new report revealed this EVS have almost 80% more problems than those old school

Gas-powered cars yeah you heard that right 80% we’re talking about a whole array of issues that are giving EV owners some serious headaches and if you think that’s bad plug-in hybrid electric vehicle or phvs are even in rougher Waters with nearly 150% more problems but wait there’s a plot twist ordinary

Hybrid cars those that blend the old with the new are doing pretty well and even gas cars are doing well too having a reliability score of 85% compared to EVS 20% now this report is especially important because the government has been pushing EVS like crazy according to Jake fiser from Consumer Reports this

Whole situation is like growing pains these cars have issues with their battery and charging systems and even the way their body panels and interior parts fit together is causing trouble but before I tell you about the five major problems that you should definitely know about before buying an

EV let’s look at a few real life cases now imagine this a simple scratch turned into a financial nightmare that’s what happened to Kyle sue a guy from Vancouver and his almost new electric vehicle the 2022 ionic 5 Kyle was just minding his own business enjoying a

Vacation in Colon when his EV started acting up with the car not feeling quite right and the temperatures dipping Kyle decided to play it safe and tow his car back to the dealership in Richmond so the car gets to the dealership and Kyle thinks great a standard service should

Fix things up but boy oh boy was he wrong the mechanics find scratches on the battery pack you know the big expensive heart that powers the whole car but here’s the kicker because of the damage Kyle’s warranty was waved goodbye and the cost to replace the entire battery oh whopping

$30,000 thinking he could Salvage the situation Cal turns to his insurance provider ICBC but the twist in the story ICBC quotes him $60,000 to replace the battery that’s $10,000 more than what the car originally cost can you believe it now if that’s not enough get this EVS

Have been killing people picture this a shiny high-tech Tesla the kind of car that promises to whisk you into the future cruising along the iconic San Francisco Bay Bridge the driver feeling conf confident and relaxed has the car in full self-driving mode or FSD a feature that Elon Musk Tesla’s Larger

Than Life CEO has been heavily promoting as a $155,000 add-on but then in a dramatic turn of events something goes terribly wrong the Tesla supposedly in full control malfunctions causing an 8 vehicle pileup on Thanksgiving day and this is no minor fender bender two juveniles were sent to the hospital and

The bridge was choked with traffic for hours this heroine incident is just the tip of the iceberg the driver of the crashed Model S told authorities that the vehicle traveling at 55 mph abruptly shifted lanes and break slowing to about 20 mph leading to the catastrophic pileup but wait there’s more the US

Nhtsa has linked a staggering 392 crashes to self-driving and Driver assistance systems in just 10 months and about 70% of those involved Tesla vehicles we’re not talking small numbers here 273 Tesla vehicles using autopilot or FSD were part of these incidents Honda cars were tied to 90 incidents

While Subaru models were involved in 10 the others including Ford GM VW and Toyota had five incidents now let’s talk about the phevs these cars are like a hybrid’s awkward cousin they’ve got the internal combustion engine and the electric Drive which sounds cool but actually means that there’s a lot more

That can go wrong and as Consumer Reports pointed out phevs are experiencing a whole spectrum of issues moving on to the most reliable cars compact cars are taking the crown and guess which model is sitting pretty at top of the reliability thrown Toyota’s 4Runner as for the top automakers ranked

By reliability Lexus is leading the pack followed closely by Toyota and mini but here’s the kicker not all brands are enjoying this reliability parade at the bottom of the list we’ve got Brands like Jeep Volkswagen rivan Mercedes-Benz and Tesla now how can you justify paying over $80,000 for for these luxury EVS

When they can’t even take you from point A to point B now let’s look at those five deadly issues you should keep in mind when buying an EV first is range anxiety and poor range on budget EVS most EVS priced under 50,000 get real world mileage of 150 to 180 Mi their

Problems get Amplified in real world conditions EVS are tested under optimal conditions to determine their range but when you throw in factors like high speeds air conditioning and cold weather that number can drop significantly it’s like being promised a full bowl of candy only to find it half empty when you

Actually reach for it next up we have the build quality issues since most companies are now rushing to make EVS the result of this super fast production is showing in the lack of quality there have been countless cases of Teslas and GM pickups with huge panel gaps and

Rattling noises third we have the issue of software glitches VW is getting these problems the most out of anyone why because automakers for some reason reason have decided that buttons are a bad thing and replaced everything with screens and touch buttons owners have reported glitches unresponsive touch screens and even complete system

Failures these software issues aren’t just annoying they can be downright dangerous if they affect crucial aspects of the car’s performance the fourth issue is the massive range drop we’re seeing in cold weather EV batteries don’t like the cold in chilly weather the range of an EV can drop by up to 30%

This happens because lithium ion batteries the part of EVS are less efficient in cold temperatures plus using the heater to stay warm further drains the battery this issue turns into a real hassle for those living in colder regions and lastly let’s touch on a rather Hot Topic fire risks EVS with

Their high voltage batteries have been involved in some high-profile fire incidents this issue is compounded by the fact that a damaged EV battery can reignite hours or even days after an initial fire has been extinguished it’s like having a ticking time bomb in your garage but how can the public really

Take advantage of this situation if there’s one thing positive about this it’s the fact that EVS will now finally start to get cheaper so if you do want to buy one you’ll surely get good deals on EVS after the market crash now I’m not asking you to go ahead and buy one

Of them as we discussed already the charging infrastructure is not at a place it needs to be right now but for those of you who are looking to have an EV as a secondary car you can still take a chance if you’re ready to deal with issues like constant fire risk range

Anxiety and poor reliability what makes this worse is the fact that all this could have been avoided if only Brands listen to the users instead of doing what the government told them to do for their own personal benefit companies like Ford and GM were the first to ditch

Combustion cars and now they’re the ones struggling under a big pile of billion dooll losses the current government has even promised more tax benefits on newer EVS but behind our backs they’re now launching more and more emission policies favoring EVS this means that making a combustion engine is going to

Become even more difficult since the government wants companies to meet a set Target of selling 80% EVS by 2030 and the only way that’s going to happen is if everyone abandons gas cars but wait there’s more drama in the world of EV charging a report from JD Power found

That people aren’t happy with public charging for their EVS the satisfaction levels are dropping faster than a roller coaster at an amusement park it turns out that charging an EV in public is just about as enjoyable as waiting in line at the DM V so what’s the deal with

Public charging well the US has been trying to beef up its EV infrastructure but it’s like building a house with missing tools last year thousands of fast Chargers were installed but guess what a lot of them were Tesla superchargers which doesn’t help much if you don’t own a Tesla and here’s where

The plot thickens as more people buy EVS the more they’re realizing that charging them isn’t as easy as plugging in your smartphone it’s a whole ordeal with different payment methods broken Chargers and long waiting times it’s like going to to a fancy restaurant and finding out you have to cook your own

Meal but there’s a glimmer of hope on the horizon Tesla’s supercharger network is ranking high in satisfaction and they’re planning to open it up to non- Tesla cars but there’s a catch non- Tesla cars are going to need an adapter to use these Chargers and that’s not

Exactly a seamless solution so what does all this mean for the future of EVS well it’s a bit of a mixed bag on one hand we’ve got cars that represent The Cutting Edge of Technology but on the other hand they’re coming with a whole set of problems that can make you think

Twice will you ever buy an EV drop me a comment below and let’s get the conversation rolling I just uploaded a video about groundbreaking news that could hurt the entire EV industry do check it out if you want to be truly shocked by what’s about to happen with EVS

A hidden EV reliability report just got LEAKED, leaving the entire industry in disbelief! EVs are hiding 5 major flaws that no one told you about! The entire EV market is crashing hard, despite the government push for EVs, and the common man has finally had enough of the hype! I’m not only gonna expose why buying an EV right now is probably the worst idea, I’m also gonna tell you how EVs are literally being used to SCAM the public.

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