Electric Motorcycles

We Rode These Electric Bikes Until They DIED!

We Rode These Electric Bikes Until They DIED!

What’s up Electro heads today myself and the eh team we’re going to be putting six of our favorite electric bikes to the test we’re going to be finding out just how far these bikes can really go let’s go meet the Riders this is the ampir Torah it’s got miles of range so I call it Torah the Explorer and I implore you to give up guys cuz I’m going to outscore [Applause] You I’m going to whale you with this whale bike the rest of you are just total losers H bike more like I’ve already won bike oh no oh no nobody defeats the E queen I’m going to defeat eat the E Queen the star E28 is going to eat you all for

Breakfast the rules of the ride they’re very simple all you need to do is stay in max assist let’s go first up we have the temple classic the classic has been one of my favorite ebikes its mid Drive motor provides a smooth balanced ride with a tasty range

Claim of 30 7 to 75 mil on one charge hello Tim and Bob here we have escaped the office what up this guy wasn’t in the Epic intro this is Tim he’s actually taking Meg’s place because she fractured her elbow poor megals we’re the self- beame cool kids of the electro heads

Team we’re running the show making sure everything happens whilst Alish Cole and Co are out filming before we start 100% on the temple full battery so we are good to go although it’s flashing a bit cuz it’s a funky LED screen but still ready to roll Tim and Bob went for a wholesome

Day trip around London riding on a mix of flat terrain and steeper inclines that the Greenwich area brings so I don’t know how well you can see the screen but it says we got 44 km of range left just about done a mile so long way

To go still so after that first ride with Bob I took the temple classic home for the weekend and managed to rack up another 25 km worth of riding so I brought the bike back into London to see if I could drain the battery with one

Final ride here we go then one final ride 21% range and it says that I’ve got left 9 km let’s see how we get on so there is still 6 km left 133% but I’m convinced it’s not giving me any more power having to do a bit more work

With my legs so I just did a little test I turned it off whilst I was rolling along lot and it’s felt exactly the same I think I’ve killed him congrats Tim you’ve drained the battery we’ll find out the total mileage at the end of this

Video now it’s on Bob hello I’m Bob I’m the designer electr heads with the trusty home bike I’ve tested it both in the Streets of London and the country lanes of Sussex for a bike with no suspension and that’s built for the city it does really well on the imperfect

Roads of rural England it’s very comfortable and lets me have a nice quaint cycle and spot loads of lovely Wildlife along the way that lamb is on a cheap back to you Alish we’re big fans of the onike here at electrad stylistically they’ve gone for Van Mo’s futuristic styling and performance but

At a fraction of the cost range claim for this baddy is up to 62 m on one charge both rich and I have done full reviews and comparison vids on the uni4 so make sure to click the link above if you want to find out more all right it’s

My turn next on the van Power City vure a gorgeous single speed road ebike that is super lightweight and is arguably the most eye-catching ebike we’ve ever ever had in the studio the range claim for this one is 50 to 80 M on one charge I’ve been fully commuting with the

Vampire and already racked up a fair few Journeys but I’ve finally gotten down to low charge we’re on one bar left death is imminent oh wow I’m really not really getting any assist to help me I think there’s maybe like a touch of assist going on but it’s not much of course it

Is not healthy for the battery run it all the way down to 0% so please don’t do this at home if any of you have an iPhone at home you’ll know that it will charge up to 80% I’m going to give you notification saying you’ve charged up to

80% that exactle telling you that’s a good place to stop oh that’s interesting the display is saying I’m going at 26 km an hour which I’m definitely not I’m going to slow down still at 26.1 interesting oh and it’s starting to rain didn’t wear my rain coat did I

Could bloom in full I know a lot of you have been asking to uh see us ride in the rain well here you go it’s not glamorous the lens is covered I’m covered I’ve got a stinking attitude uh I got absolutely drenched why are you so

Wet oh my god look how wet I am right this battery will not die it will not die it was on one battery like bar left I really thought it was going to die right let’s try again on a better day this time I did check the other forecast

All clear by now the screen is saying there’s one bar left but I’m really not getting any assist up next we have an electro heads classic it’s the estar E28 with it large 28in Wheels front suspension 8-speed and covert look it’s proved to be very popular range claim on

This is between 37 to 56 mil on one charge over to you call my sister gave birth last night 300 a.m. trying to stay awake haven’t been to bed since yesterday but um all good okay so a quick summary of my range test with the istal E28 Countryside terrain

Through Hills through a couple of declines loads of inclines having the gears on this bike was an absolute blessing especially in the Hills at the end of its range towards the very end when the battery was already blinking it would cut out and then cut back in and

Then cut out until it completely failed the weight of this bike was a massive bonus as well it’s not very heavy for a full-size bike and the battery being hidden in this down tube here that’s another massive bonus why I really love this particular bike out of all of them

Next up is the wow X Plus Tor this is a seriously rangy ride claiming up to 100 Mil on one charge there’s a serious amount of Kit and Tech on it as well from LED strip lights that indicate GPS tracking alarm systems and it’s very competitively priced for the spe so our

Coo James he thought that he could smash out the 100 miles on this beasty wow X Plus so he took it home with him and he kept in his shed because funnily enough running a business It’s tricky to go out during the weekends to uh go for for a

Nice long ride so anyway he wasn’t able to do that we took the bike back after a few months and we actually gave this to a guy called Ethan Overton now you might recognize that name you might have seen him in some recent videos so he pitched

Us this crazy idea that he wanted to travel all the way from the bottom to the top of the UK covering over a thousand miles and so uh he really got to grips with how well this bike performs and I’m going to reveal all at

The end of this video last but by no means least is the Tor s hybrid built to accommodate longer more adventurous rides so good luck Rich you could be a while range claim on this big battery boy is up to 75 mil if you go for the 16

Amp hour option okay and guys so this is the Amper tour s it is one of the older models from ampere but one that I really enjoy using try and not kill a pigeon there it won the hill test that we did I think it’s got a very good chance of

Winning the range test as well it has a claimed range of about 70 MI on the 16 amp hour battery with a rider of my weight which is about 85 kilos at the moment and in the sort of temperature that we’re at right now it’s definitely

Not going to do a 70 M of range just not going to happen now we’re going up the rather famous and wonderful Tower Bridge so kiding so the problem with not having a digital display on this bike CU I don’t actually know exactly how much range is

Left I can just see I was down to two bars of battery at four I’m now down to one bar although it keeps breaking up from 1 to two Cobble I’m just in the city now I reckon I’ve Got 5 miles left at best this is a that is clapped

Battery is cell taped for the bike oh I think think I might have no power now I’ve timed this absolutely perfectly that’s how reliable this bike is first up we have Tim on the temple classic range claim 37 to 75 miles the results I don’t actually

Know oh okay so the classic in fact managed to conquer 50.5 miles 50 Mi of range is pretty pretty good now I have to say of course we’ve had different Riders minus a couple from the start plus a few new ones we all weigh different we’ve all

Been riding on different days we’ve all ridden on different terrain Ethan’s been going across the country quite literally and a few of us have stayed here in London whilst Bob went out into the countryside so there are variables here so before you lock hammer down on the keyboards just remember we know one

Thing I should say is we did all ride on max assist consistently so that’s there’s something for you so next up we have Bob who was on the on Mike uni 4 now he was riding on Countryside Lanes up hills and also through city streets through London as well which are quite

Flat so the result result for that one was 34.7 Miles that’s still really really decent range but I’m not surprised that the temple has beaten Bey on bike next up oh that should have an S I always say it without an S this is plural van Powers so the range claim on that one

Was 50 to 80 Mi and like I said previously this thing it just absolutely flies when it is full battery it really gives incredible assist it took forever to kill and in total 42.8 miles okay so already vampires is coming in hot before on bike Temple at

The top right now can it be knocked off let’s find out who’s next so a Starly range claim 37 to 56 miles Cole who rode on actually quite a lot of Country Roads Hills you took out the St didn’t you Cole yeah loads of Country Roads loads

Of country roads in total on max assist 37 miles so that is right at the bottom of what a Starly claims so that actually does make a lot of sense the St have been quite accurate here with their range claim because bearing in mind Cole was using level five assist the topest

Assist available going up those steeper inclines etc etc so that was going to fall down at the bottom but it does mean porest E28 oh it’s actually just above the on bike so onike is at the bottom let’s see who’s next this is a really interesting one so we all know the X+

Torah has a range claim of 100 miles we all know that Ethan managed to conquer over a th000 miles over the course of I think about a month just under on the wow bike the max range he was able to get bearing in mind he conquered some

Mad Hills and terrain 40 mil 40 miles now we thought it would be more but actually when you think about how the bike was used this does make sense he was carrying load loads of stuff on the bike he fitted a pan rack as well it is

Also just a very heavy bike so that whole 100 mile range claim thing we always knew it was going to be under it is interesting how it is 60 miles under but I do think with the circumstances that Ethan was in it was always going to

Be a bit lower so bear that in mind I would actually quite like to see how the wild bike performs on like flatter London terrain without any cargo that would be interesting so we have one bike left one bike left and currently top right now is the temple classic which by

The way is the most expensive bike out of all of these as well I guess you get what you pay for in terms of mileage and P let’s talk about it rich took this baddy around London he totted up the miles and in total he got what

34.7 miles no is that right no that’s the on bike I was going to say I read it wrong Let’s cross that out I’m just building the suspense let’s see what the real result is it is drum roll please editor 40 six miles that is decent the amp here has

Really surprised us and I know it doesn’t look like much but it’s in the name Torah 46 for the battery that it is that is D so let’s actually look at who is at the top and run down to the bottom so our winner today it is the temple classic are we

Surprised every everyone are we surprised it’s definitely an eye opener right I’m going to organize these in order so we can see who’s the winner and who’s the loser there you are everyone tops to Bops winners to losers let me know what you think down in the comments which one

Is one it for you today which one has surprised you the most I’ll see you for the next One

Brace yourselves for the ultimate battle of the ages πŸ”₯πŸ†

We put a variety of electric bikes to the ultimate test as we push their limits and explore just how far they can go on a single charge! ⚑️

πŸŽ₯ Don’t miss out on the action! Hit that subscribe button, turn on notifications, and join us on this electrifying journey!

πŸ”— https://electroheads.com/products/temple-electric-bike

πŸ”— https://electroheads.com/products/honbike-uni4

πŸ”— https://electroheads.com/products/vanpowers-city-vanture-electric-bike-ex-display-grade-2

ESTARLI E28 🚲 ⬇️
πŸ”— https://electroheads.com/products/estarli-e28-electric-bike-with-suspension

πŸ”— https://electroheads.com/products/wau-x-plus

πŸ”— https://electroheads.com/products/ampere-tourer-s

1:16 The Temple Classic
3:07 The Honbike U4
3:49 The Vanpowers City Vanture
5:24 The Estarli e28
6:28 The WAU X Plus
7:27 The Ampere Tourer S
8:49 The Results πŸ†

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