Electric Cars

EV explosion in China – Was it REAL or FAKE? | MGUY Australia

EV explosion in China – Was it REAL or FAKE? | MGUY Australia

So many many people have sent me this clip that’s doing the rounds at the moment on YouTube of a car apparently launching itself vertically in the air and I wanted to just uh analyze it a little bit in this video because I have my suspicions as to whether this is

Actually a genuine video or not there are a couple of things in the video which indicate to me that I think it might have been set up and I also there are a few reasons apart from that why I think this possibly is a bit of a fake

But let’s go through the video and see if we can come to a conclusion if you like EV and Net Zero sanity you’ve come to the right place welcome to mguy British engineer and lawyer turn Sydney YouTuber if you like my videos and content be sure to like share and

Subscribe turn on all notifications and drop a comment down below so let’s just take a look at this video which is causing so much excitement at the moment in the video a white color new energy vehicle that was charging suddenly exploded it generated a powerful shock wave that sent the car virtually soaring

It appears that the car was propelled to 3 to 5 m in slow motion footage it can be observed that Parts resembling car doors were propelled by the shock wave as a car shot upwards I just don’t know what to make of it there’s a couple of

Things in the video which I find a little bit odd the first is that there are a bunch of people here on the left hand side of the screen who are just kind of standing around and there’s one particular guy who I’ll indicate on the screen who looks like he’s holding a

Mobile phone and he knew this was going to happen so that’s very suspicious those guys standing at the side there they don’t even react in the video a white color new energy vehicle yeah they don’t they don’t even Flinch and I think that is really a bit suspicious the

Other thing that’s really odd is that they don’t really explode like that the whole the whole look of it seems a bit staged it gets launched almost too perfectly like straight up in the air reminds me of that scene in The Pink Panther where the old lady goes up

Vertically in the chair that Split Second timing when instinct tells you that the wave of assassination an opposition spokesman has cut batteries tend to just you know burn and vent gas um and it’s only when that gas gets contained that it that it can explode if the gas builds up in the

In the cabin of the car then its potential for explosion is is greater and you’d expect that to to to force out in all directions you know it Blow the windows out just on a on a serious note um whilst it’s funny to look at EVS

Going Up in Smoke and exploding I want to make sure that the the evidence we base this on is genuine and so when when something like this um comes up I’m really my first reaction is to be skeptical and it needs pretty extreme evidence to convince me

That that was a genuine um EV um if anyone knows or has any more information um let me know uh hit me up on Instagram or by email simonm guu.vn um if we do have any more information on this uh I’d be interested to see it I’ll

Put it out in another video I think my view is that this one is staged uh and so we’ll just move on so that’s it for this one thanks very much for watching I hope you enjoyed it uh drop a comment down below as I say if you got any

Information let me know uh if you’ve got any tips or stories you can hit me up at Instagram or by email and I look forward to seeing you in the next one bye for now

Send tips or stories to Instagram: https://instagram.com/mguy.tv or email: simon@mguy.tv – thanks!

Original video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwhnArkZTu8

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