Electric Motorcycles

My Honest review of the new Harley Davidson Livewire . Are electric motorcycles good enough?

My Honest review of the new Harley Davidson Livewire . Are electric motorcycles good enough?

Right guys I’m at Harley-Davidson and Chester today I am going on an absolute beast but before I do coffee to warm up bacon Bal to fuel up let’s just cut to a walk Round I’m going to enjoy this first nice that’s check the bike out let me eat this in peace Go look what I’m on today now it’s a new year this is a new smile to go with the new UT listen all I can tell you about this bike is this bike has been like a unicorn for me since it came out a couple of years ago I have tried

Everything to get a ride on One Harley-Davidson just didn’t have any didn’t have any but as luck would have it they’ve got one now let’s just have a look around this beauty the usual way the harleydavidson Live Wire who’d have thought it come on let’s have a look around there is the Monstrous

Closeup if you look at that it is all I mean it just looks like all battery and motor doesn’t it looking at that at the front you can see it just all of this it looks like they’ve just attached two wheels to it now let’s take you through some of

The things I can tell you about this bike so it has got a belt drive it’s sporting some Brembo brakes at the front and at the rear the seat not particularly big but it is comfortable but but make sure you stay for the test ride so you can see

That proper mud guard on the back covers the entire back wheel so that’s always a good thing however at the front pretty pointless that front mud guard you’re going to get a lot of splatter coming up upside down folks proper Sinister looking from the front it’s got these massive indicators not a

Bad idea I know a lot of bikes they tend to have them like half the size don’t they or even smaller but it’s nice to be seen we have got rear pegs and they do match the front pegs again winner winner aesthetically very nice got a shower

Adjustable shock at the back as you would expect it’s an electric bike there are hell of a lot of buttons cruise control you’ve got your left indicator we’ve got on we’ve got your traction control we’ve got high low beam we’ve got flash that’s all on left hand side

Right hand side you’ve got your right indicator you’ve got like a little joystick there that moves around the options on screen you’ve got your power button turns the bike on and then that in effect it’s like starting the engine even though your power’s on you’ve still got a start

Button and that’s your cut off as well we’ve got Hazard warning lights we’ got mode buttons we there’s a lot going on now it is keyless as well so as long as the key is in your pocket happy days so if we switch it on using that the screen comes

Alive and you can see we’ve got a lovely TFT screen now it won’t let you start the motors until the side stands up there’s a couple of different modes we’ve got rain mode the sport mode there’s Road mode I’m keeping it in Road mode today I’m going to throw me leg

Over so you can see how I look where the peg placement is and everything what I will say is for a quite a big junky heavy bike the seat is quite low so I can flat foot it so I’m flat foot both feet still carrying me Christmas turkey here I

Think now one thing I will say is anyone who’s watched um youan McGregor and Charlie bourman do a little tour and they’ve took the Live Wire their bikes were they were adapted quite a lot they were turned into Adventure bikes this is not an adventure bike this is more of a

Naked sports bike and when I’m holding the bars you can see my bik is L forward a little bit and the pegs they feel like the set back just slightly only slightly to give it that little bit of a sporty feel but it’s certainly not uncomfortable they’re extortionately

Priced in fact this is the price what do you think of that now that’s expensive it is it is but you’re getting something that not a lot of people have in fact I don’t think I’ve ever seen one out on the road and you probably won’t at that

Price but you also let’s just address the elephant in the room these will do anywhere between 70 M on a full charge up to about 120 now 70 m is if you’re going to be doing Motorway or highway speeds that for me is it’s not good as

It really you’re talking an hour’s ride or less less than an hour’s ride on a bike before you need to charge it now this does come with rapid charging which which is good I’m told if you’re at about 20% and you take it up to 100%

It’s going to take less than an hour the only issue I’ve got with that is you’d have to do it every hour so if you’re riding all day that can be a bit of a pain but it gives you an excuse to have a coffee doesn’t it I’m just excited to get back

On this bike I want to give it another little ride we’ll talk about it as I’m going but make sure you stay for a test ride because this is it is something special this let’s go you’ve seen the walk Round let’s see what it’s like with a bit of

Motorway riding let’s see what it’s like on the twisties let’s see how this white handles the road so first of all it is a heavy bike cuz it’s got a very heavy battery but when you move it it feels nice and light there’s no issues with it for me at all

It feels comfortable first of all nice straight road let’s just give it a little bit and see how quick this thing is okay right there’s quite a bit of talk there I felt like my stomach went up into my mouth oh I want to do that

Again tell you what I’m going to do let me just pull over okay so it’s nice and clear let’s Go oh that is phenomenal very very very addictive just to keep twisting that and as soon as you do your stomach turns it is just very very very very quick to respond to the slightest twist okay let’s give it a little go on a Country Lane see what it’s like around

The BS I’ve been on electric bikes before and the issue I’ve always had certainly with the Z Heroes is they feel very topheavy and when I’ve gone around any Bend of any description it always just makes me feel a bit uneasy it feels like you

Can’t you can’t lean it too much but I’m not getting that impression with this at all it actually feels like just a normal motorcycle we’ll see how easy it is to maneuver around turn in circle or put us on full luck look at that that is actually a really good turning

Circle didn’t even need the ho of the road to do that so I like that it’s not the quietest electric bike I’ve ever been on this is giving me some proper proper tingles in my happy places nice and easy to maneuver at slow speeds an absolute blast to ride at fast

Speeds yes it’s getting me all tingly as this bike I like it I like it a lot what I do have a problem with is this every single time you try and move your hand and these gloves they’re not particularly big but the slightest movement there I can’t get my fingers

Under because where my gloves are the cat in so it’s pretty much touching the mirror constantly and that’s a bit of an annoyance I would love something like this but can you justify that huge price tag and I love the bike the bike is absolutely gorgeous it is it’s a work of

Art to look at I think let me know in the comments if you disagree of course but these bikes are nice to look at they’re absolutely Ely breathtaking to ride really comfortable handles the bumps really well and the performance I keep going on about let’s give it another go shall

We oh it goes like stink with something like this you have the exclusivity you have a bike that nobody’s going to have you’re going to turn up at a cafe with 200 bikes there there won’t be another one of these and probably because everyone will be telling you how

Stupid you are for paying such money for a bike that you can’t really go that far on without charging I’ve never been so upside down spun around and confused by a bike I haven’t when when you’ve got an electric bike I always say the range is

Always an issue if you’re a rider that rides locally and you can justify owning a bike like this because you are charging it every couple of days and it’s quite cheap to charge and they’re quite smooth power delivery yada yada yada I’ve said it before about lots of

Different electric bikes now this is different because the performance on this gives me the thrill that I really love when riding a bike it is just phenomenal how good it is performance- wise and it really does make me want one and I’ve never really wanted an electric

Bike before but then it’s a heart and head thing head says no don’t be stupid it’s a lot of money for a bike you’ve got to charge every hour of riding but then Hart says screw that I don’t give a rat’s ass this thing goes like

Stink I really don’t want to take it back I’ve waited that long to get my hands on one of these that I really want to keep hold of it but you know being a small YouTube channel companies like harleydavidson and such like they they’ll let me borrow a bike for an hour

Or two but that’s at best please please please please please please like subscribe and share the hell out of it because the more subscribers I get the you know the more chance of me getting stuff like this longterm Yeah the more chance it’ll happen so I would really appreciate it

Guys if you could do that for me I would love you forever oh I really don’t want to take it back but I have to yeah I really don’t want to take it back tear I know technically speaking with this bike having it an hour is probably

Enough to actually drain the battery so an hour is probably all right but that being said I want to give a proper test of one of these one day where I can actually go out and live with it and see what it’s like over a longer period of

Time so going out charging it everything else would be Nice but what a bike this is oh right so I’m back at Chester Harley-Davidson if you’re interested this bike is currently on test at Chester Harley-Davidson so yeah I would encourage you to get down and try one out even if you’re just on the fence about electric bikes if you’re on the

Fence you don’t know if they’re any good if you think they’re rubbish come down and try this because my God you will see that this bike oh it’s amazing and I challenge anyone to ride this bike and not get off with a ear to ear smile so that’s going

To do me for today guys oh my God awesome catch you on the next one [Applause] laters

My Honest review of the new Harley Davidson Livewire . Are electric motorcycles good enough? I waited a long time to have a go on this bike. Was it worth the wait? Let me know what you think of this bike in the comments. #bikereview #motorbike #bike #bikelife #england #motorcycle #newbike #motorcyclereview #english #electric #electricmotors #electricbike #electricmotorcycle #harleydavidson #enigica #supersoco #electronic #road #roadride #roadrider #review #reviews #tmf #themissendenflyer #usernamekate #harleydavidsonuk @harleydavidson @HarleyDavidsonJPN @HarleyDavidsonOfSaigon @HarleyDavidsonMexicoOficial @HarleyDavidsonUKI #livewire

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