Electric Motorcycles

Exploring the Coolest E-Bikes at CES 2024! Wear your COOL on with Horwin e-Bikes

Exploring the Coolest E-Bikes at CES 2024! Wear your COOL on with Horwin e-Bikes

A lot of cool stuff here uh you’ve got some uh little ebikes going walk out of his shot showing respect to one another because that’s what we do but there’s uh some cool ebikes let’s talk about hwind uh they’ve got uh a really neat one got a little uh Power solution explained here

Integrated intelligent chassis high level of integration so this is just a big old module that’s got kind of everything already in it it’s a cute bike kind of hard to go wrong with that right um kind of it is so this is a cool little bike the question is is it real

Is it out is it ever going to be and one of the things about it is 168 is not an unreasonable price and by unreasonable I mean I would never pay that for it but it’s not unreasonably low a lot of these companies you see will say hey look

We’re going to make this miracle widget and it’s going to be5 ,000 $88,000 168 is actually a believable price but what’s less interesting and believable is that with your deposit you get to be one of the first 500 bookings which means they haven’t sold any yet they haven’t even pre-old

500 so why am I even covering this booth well because they’ve got some things that are a little more interesting and or believable they’ve got this bike over here it’s a very fancy looking little bike but beyond that we’ve got some cool concept it’s beautiful it’s absolutely a

Bad ass it is it is that’s the sort of thing you want to see more of right yeah yeah it’s coming out straight from the sci-fi movie that’s what it looks like for sure uhhuh yeah and uh yeah if you can get that on the road that’ll be it

Will be on the road it’s just a matter of time it’s under developing but we need two more years to have it on ground two more years huh two more years real right okay we love it customer love it we are developing it will the wheels

Make it yeah sure that’s what that’s the thing keep that motorcycle balanced it will not go down right that split two wheels this is a very unique feature of this yeah and those look oh you’re fine they they look they look very cool but they look like the sort of thing that

Don’t make it into production this is his respons he engineer I leave it to him it’s going to deliver the result to me and it’s beautiful I love the look of it and does matter it is it’s never been done and then You’ got this guy over here which is beyond

Radical that is just the craziest this they call it a Tron bike yeah for sure yeah it looks like a Tron bike you’ve got your smart controls you’ve got yeah Adas systems Adas oh really you got your heat sinks off yeah and you know a lot of safety features like the balancing self

Balancing yeah self balancing oh interesting we’ve seen quite a few different uh designs for that the headlights look great the headlights are just like very aggressive aggressive uh unique never seen that before that unlike anything unlike anything you need normally it’s either square or round this one just like rated

If it’s if you see this on the road you won’t mistake it for anything else because of the headlights you know Riv recogniz it one mile away yeah rivan’s got their trademark headlights and yeah a lot of people do now uh would this ever come out well still think two more

Years because it’s we complicated than with this has got a lot more in it for sure for sure it’s really complicated well there but it’s not just for you we have this idea it’s on our agenda yeah but maybe it’s another one year or two years maybe 3 years now are you

Already selling products of some kind somewhere we are taking pre-orders but that one and that one basically their same model and the mass production of that model will be August this year August of this year so we are already selling in Europe I mean but different products not this right but that’s what

I mean is you do have products yeah we have different products uh 16 so that’s 7 years and that’s what funds your development of all the got it you got it because otherwise the money just disappears you got it you got it yeah so this isn’t uh this isn’t a gamble this is

Just the next product we see it’s kind of um upgrade y yeah from the lower segment to a premium segment yeah that’s going to be great that’s more for the first generation is more for productivity right yeah this is more for fun for this yeah this is just this for

A very special buyer yeah somebody who wants to make a statement all right well thank you thank you sir appreciate it so you heard it here first these are definitely real products that are definitely coming out in 2 years I find that claim uh dubious to be polite uh but they’re

Very cool and you know they’re already selling something that orange bike is something that they can that they can actually get into production uh because they’ve already got products they’re selling that are not too different from that I wouldn’t put a deposit on anything yeah I guess that’s true I

Didn’t put a deposit on a cyber truck but then again uh you know I’m not I’m not I don’t know how typical I am but it’s not up to me to say so how much of these are we going to see well the two radical designs I’m

Going to say zero ever because they’re too radical there’s a reason companies don’t make those prototypes and it’s because what looks great in an Art Exhibit is not always what works great in engineering or practicality some of the most beautiful cars ever made are insanely uncomfortable and impractical

Doesn’t make them bad just makes it it is what it is and I hate that saying but it’s true this is a show of not just what’s going to happen but what could happen what’s possible not what is what did I miss what did I misunderstand what

Should I have asked him it’s a normal kind of uh concept development it’s very cool and I love getting neat pictures of really Snappy stuff that you might not see anywhere else in the world ever let alone eventually so stay tuned stay juicy all that good stuff like subscribe hit the

Thumbs you know what you’re doing we can’t wait to hear from you clever robots on the next one

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Edited by: Roshan Khatiwada

#Tesla #TSLA #EVs

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