Electric Motorcycles

Arvala E-Scooter M10-PRO Review – It’s Sensitive!

Arvala E-Scooter M10-PRO Review – It’s Sensitive!

All right ladies and gentlemen I am already out here ready to ride the RVA M10 Pro electric scooter this is a dual motor scooter 1,000 watts each motor this thing does up to 37 m per hour it’s made to compete with Varla scooter so it’s funny that the name is

Almost very similar and I’ve been getting them very confused but it is a smaller version of varess scooters but it actually packs a punch but I do have a lot of gripes about this scooter so far one of them is I can’t get into the custom settings to change kilm per hour

To miles per hour so I’m going to be recording with my phone to see what our top speed is I did unlock this though the app works flawlessly on Bluetooth so I got that working and you do have turn signals you do have a horn you do have a

Headlight button too so you got that let’s see how the turn signals look I think okay cool this is the first time I’ve actually seen a turn signal so it’s actually the whole side of the scooter they’re not in the very back of the scooter but you do have these little

Corner lights right here that flash that’s pretty cool and you can also change these animations as well if you go into the Bluetooth app and you can have your custom colors and all that kind of stuff keep in mind though when you do charge this thing most scooters

In this price range of about 1,600 bucks is kind of on the cheaper side of electric scooters Sometimes they come with two ports so you can get two Chargers all these scooters normally come with a one charger but you can also buy a second charger and charge these

Twice as fast this thing took hours to charge I’ll put it up on the screen how long it takes to charge this thing but without wasting any more of your time I’m already out here it’s about to rain in about an hour so we’re going to try

To get this review done I’m going to see how fast this thing goes right now all right we are moving ladies and gentlemen we’re on a full battery charge I’m probably around like 98% cuz I only went one mile on it so far being 100% 57 km

Per hour is what I’m seeing on here I don’t know what that equivalates to miles per hour but we’re moving pretty good good now it does feel a little sketchy on these little tires but so far so good I probably wouldn’t ride at the speed all the time because that bump

Right there that I just hit made me feel a little unstable but let me uh pull over here really quick and we’re going to see what our mile per hour is okay so it looks like we did 35 milph and this thing is rated for up to 37 mph so maybe

If you’re a little lighter than me maybe you’ll get a little bit more top speed out of her maybe when we’re going down a little incline we’ll go a little faster I’m 170 pounds so just keep that in mind as I’m riding if you are smaller than me

You’re definitely going to be hauling more ass and if you’re bigger than me you’re going to be going a little bit more slower so here are some of the gripes that I want to get into right off the B this is something I noticed when I

Took this to San Francisco the other day if you guys might have seen that video If you guys haven’t go back cuz I already have a video on this scooter already and we’re going to do another one going back and forth to work so there’s one video already out this one’s

Coming out you’re watching it right now and then the other one’s going to probably come out in 2 or 3 days but I don’t like this thumb throttle the thumb throttle is way too well it’s actually not even a thumb throttle it’s actually like an index finger throttle and it’s

Just too high I don’t like how high this is for my finger so every time I’m trying to get off of the throttle I’m literally pointing up in the air as high as I can go and I actually have to move my hand a little far back just to get my

Hand off this throttle it just raised way too high I don’t like it I don’t know maybe you guys might like it a little bit better if you guys got bigger hands but not a big fan we’re going to use the throttle only and we’re going to

Do dual motor right here and then we’ll do single motor over there I want to see how fast this thing will go and if it goes over 27 mph in this section we’ll see how good it is but I got to reset my phone really quick okay so I reset my

Phone to 0 mph I’m still recording going to put it in my pocket and let’s see how fast this thing goes until we hit the end of this thing so here we go one two three push start get the that little burnout going you do get used to riding this thing but

I will say the throttle is very jumpy in dual motor compared to other scooters I’ve ridden oh we are jamming I’m a little worried all right I’m going to to slow down because these brakes are too sensitive woo I couldn’t make it to those pillars and try to slam on those

Brakes but let’s see how fast we went oh wow 32.8 mph in that stretch of road which is pretty damn fast because normally on ebikes we only hit about 27 on average and if it’s over that we’re really going fast so holy moly we were jamming in that little section now let’s

Go over here and I’m not going to record the speed at all um but I want to see how well it picks up in single motor to put it in single motor there’s a d on the screen in red all you do is have to

Hold the M button and it will go to S and I thought s was for sport when I first got this in but it’s not it stands for single motor so now it shouldn’t be as Twitchy with the throttle I want to

See how it is so one 2 3 you still got a push start but you can change that setting and there we go that’s so much more nicer and gradual to like get up to start especially if you’re a newbie on a scooter do not start in dual motor you

Will probably fall off this thing and it will take off without you on it I actually kind of like riding single motor than dual motor the only reason why I like riding that dual motor setting is just because I like how it peels out and it sounds

Cool and if you want to show some people like your friends and whatnot you know how it is the suspension is working like very good no complaints with I went over some bumps and I was in San Francisco and no issues with the suspension at all

It handles so good and comfort when it comes to hitting stuff so these scooters aren’t made to go offro because they do have street tires on here so we’re not going to do a lot of off-road action I’m not going to really review it off-road because it’s just really not made for

That but we also have to see if it makes up this hill perfectly fine and I’m pretty sure it will has a lot of power going to it so let me hit the throttle and uh hopefully I don’t don’t eat oh oh here we go that’s like

Quarter of a throttle and I kind of let off a little bit because I know it’s going to peel out watch oh now we just got a lot of crap all over our tire but what I want to do is I want to see if it’s going to do

That in single motor so let me switch to single motor and come out this hill one two three single motor power right here ooh this is 100% 100% okay it made it up it but wow it barely made it up and I’m pedal assist 5 well not really pedal

Assist but you know what I’m saying no pedals on this thing but we’re in mode number five and uh it’s actually handling Offroad pretty well like I said the suspension is so soft that it actually does this better than I thought but don’t take any Corners very sharp

These tires have no real grip to them and someone’s out here doing some burnouts nice I do highly suggest if you do ride this Offroad that single motor is probably going to be your best bet cuz dual motor is just going to be too sensitive and touchy on the throttle so

I think we’re just going to ride this cuz right now it actually feels decently good so I’m just going to ride this until we get to our next location where I can show you the Turning test and the brake test I don’t know if it was a good

Idea to go through the dirt and then do the Turning test but hey let’s just take our chances I’m not going to do anything stupid but uh it’s a scooter and it’s not as big as a fat tire ebike scooters are difficult to uh learn how to turn

Though because you kind of got to lean back and you got to kind of lean your body with the turn it’s not like a bike where you just turn the handlebars and kind of go into it it this takes a little bit of practice but something I

Notice on the scooter is by looking at these wires is check this out this wire uh gets stuck so this is as far as you could turn this wheel because you’re going to rip this wire out so that’s as far as you can go make sure you do not

Turn too sharp to the left on the right hand side though this Cable’s a lot longer so you can go a lot more farther well not as far I mean it’s not turning all the way around it does stop and lock right there but just be careful when

Turning it this way and since we’re out here and I’m showing you guys the front end let me show you guys how this thing folds down so you got to do this latch right here it’s still not going to come down you have this one little push pin

Right here makes it very easy you just pull this out and then it will fold and as it’s coming down you guys might have seen this when I was riding it has a little hook right here which you can also use for like your groceries and stuff this will hook into the bottom

Right here and then that makes it easier to like pick up and carry and that’s pretty cool because that’s how I used it to get into my Tesla without worrying about it falling or hitting my paint and messing up the back of my car so I kind

Of like how simple this is you don’t even have to mess with this pin when you fold this back up it’s only when you uh Fold It Down is where you had to pull this out all right so I want to do the braking test but I’m a little worried I

Also don’t know what speed I’m I’m going at so right now I think I’m doing like over 30 but I can’t really judge my speed so this is going to be a really hard test to do but I will say that the brakes are very very sensitive so I’m

Just going to keep it at the speed I’m going to let off and I’m going to try to hit them as good as I can so if you do hit them you can slide if you want I would highly suggest probably not sliding because this thing

Is so small and light but here is the line where we normally stop at our bikes but again I don’t know speed I was going I was trying to base it off of how 28 mph feels but I’m so used to 28 mph on an ebike not a scooter so that’s kind of

How it stops it’s really good I just feel like the brakes are sticking let me go down a little ways and I’ll tell you a little bit more of the specs on this scooter all right so if I haven’t said it yet this is a 52 volt scooter 1,000

Watts each motor dual motor of course I know I said that and this has a 1040w battery it’s roughly equivalent to a 20 hour battery on a ebike they say you get about 50 m of range out of this thing but I’m going to go on a limb and

Say that’s probably not realistic if you’re riding at top speed all the time I’m going to say probably around 30 m of range cuz it is lighter than an ebike what I couldn’t find out was how heavy the scooter was but it does feel pretty light I’m going to say it’s probably

Around the 60 to 70 lb range you can put someone that’s 256 lb on this thing which is a very odd number that they put on their website they should have just said 250 lb but maybe that’s what they tested this thing at but just keep in

Mind if you were 250 lb or more you don’t want to buy this thing and honestly my suggestion because this is a smaller scooter than most if you were over 200 lb I would suggest looking elsewhere for a scooter because if you’re over 200 lb you’re not going to

Get the power and the speed that this thing is supposed to provide for you all right so now we’re going to ride through here and we’re going to see how it comes uphill it should do pretty fantastic I’m going to say I really kind of want to

Hit this stuff but no I shouldn’t nope uh-uh today is not a day to crash but I like kind of taking this Trail now kind of making my reviews a little longer by coming out this way because we can also uh go down the overpass and then we’re also kind of

Coming up the overpass as well and that’s probably P right there it looks like this thing is very nice and smooth coming up this thing I don’t even have to use like full power nice and gradual get up here no issues at all now here comes the scary test is going down the

Overpass I’m holding on for deer life 55 56 57 uh supposed to do 58 there’s there we go there we go it’s supposed to hit 60 km per hour that’s the max that it will go and that’s roughly about 37 mph so we are probably still doing about 35 maybe

Close to 36 6 mph you got to keep in mind I have been on this thing for a while and our battery is going down all right let’s see how fast we went what 34.8 mph so we actually went slower than being on Flat Road yeah I think it’s

Just a fact that our battery is draining I have went 5.3 miles so far on this trip at a full charge now we do have the menu button right here if you guys can see that so the time we’ve been on it has been 28 27 28 minutes our dominer is

10 mies and our trip so far oh since I turned it off and on has been 4 miles and then oh here’s a battery perc so you have a battery indicator that’s say 72 for our battery so we’re at 72% that’s cool to know oh voltage there we go that

Is sweet we have a voltage reading on here so 53.4 volts that’s something I love now I am going to leave it on my battery percentage I might as well cuz I can see my mile per hour on here I don’t know how well you guys are going to be

Able to see that because doing this doesn’t change the screen brightness at all this just has a real this just turns on the headlight and gives you this little red light right here which I I still don’t understand why there red lights on here and the horn where’s the horn coming from I

Guess the Horn’s coming from here but it just sounds weird I don’t know now I got to show you guys the throttle response which is insane 1 2 3 it’s instant it is absolutely like a tenth of a second it is so quick 1 2 3 yeah it’s on it as

Soon as you hit it it is so sensitive that I am afraid to always put my hand fully down on it when I’m like leaving a start like if I am at a dead stop like this you have to push off with this scooter or you could turn off in the app

Like I said but when you push off I try to gradually get into the power and I am barely touching this throttle maybe 10% down and that is nice and gradual then you can get into it if you are at a standpoint like I am you do a push off

And you hit it with the dual motor this thing will take off like crazy and you got to get used to it it is definitely instant on that throttle I’m just very unsure on why they went with a throttle like this maybe you guys have more experience on scooters and I do but

Here’s the thing so you’re using your finger right here to push the throttle right so that’s how I move so then do you use your middle finger to use this brake is that how you do it so you do this motion but then you also like do

That I don’t know it just feels too weird it feels like I don’t have enough fingers on the grip to like fully feel connected I like to have a thumb throttle because I can grip my hand all the way around here and I can just use this this makes me feel a little

Disconnected that’s just how I feel or it should have been on this side or something but I don’t know and it’s also just too far from my finger my hands are small ladies and gentlemen but I want to be able to ride with my thumb and have

My hands on the brakes like this this is how I normally ride or I ride with one finger right here and then I use my thumb like this I can’t do this on this scooter holy crap everyone looks at you when you’re on a scooter man especially with a light

Up helmet I feel like everyone’s just like what is that guy on and the scooter lights up as well too I forgot about that so I am lit up all over the place so at night time this would be oh God big dip this would be a nice scooter to

Uh ride at night with all the flashy lights I don’t think it has underglow though I think it’s just on the stem and it’s on the side of the deck I’m doing something I told you guys to do is be in dual motor while being off-road and I

Can definitely feel it when the throttle is really sensitive and touchy when I barely give it a little bit of juice or a little bit of beans yeah it kind of feels like it washes out a little bit and I’m trying to hold on to it to keep

It straight I’m not trying to slide and go down all right ladies and gentlemen so that is pretty much my quick review of the RVA Pro not to be confused with Vara scooters and it’s cool it’s not something that’s crazy out there where you’re going to see it and be like oh my

God there’s some unique features to this thing that I have to buy it it doesn’t really stand out to me too much in what it does it’s a scooter at the end of the day I do think the turn signals are pretty cool but they aren’t on the front

Or the back they’re just kind of on the side of the scooter so they’re going to be really hard for people to see at night time it’s probably going to light up pretty well but people are also going to probably think that’s how your uh scooter looks just at night time you

Know what I mean like the animations um you do have a headlight on here which looks really good I’m doing a second video on this going to take it back and forth to work and we’ll see how that looks also the brake light as well at night again I’m doing three videos on

This so that’s kind of why this video was a little bit shorter than it normally is but I do want to show you guys the miles that I went to the battery percent because we can actually see that and then I’ll show you the voltage as well so I have went 7.1 miles

Since I started this trip and we are down to 64% so realistically that’s telling me that I’m probably only going to get roughly 20 M out of this scooter or maybe even 19 Mi out of this scooter and that’s what a full battery charge in dual motor

Setup so I think to get like 30 to 50 m of range you’re going to have to be in single motor in I want to say mode number three instead of five so that’s not really good range for a scooter especially normally they’re lighter they’re smaller than ebikes so they

Normally get better range kind of like eu’s Get Better range just because of that fat cuz they’re smaller but this doesn’t look like it’s doing too well right now some other things I want to point out that you guys probably haven’t noticed is that on here these grips lock

I like that the grips lock um I’m not a big fan of these but on scooters it actually feels better to kind of have some type of palm rest because when you break you’re going to be kind of flying into the handlebars a little bit and

Compared to a bike you just sit down but I’m not like a big fan of these I don’t understand why these are on here I don’t know they don’t really work too well cuz your hand sits like this it doesn’t sit on it like this where it’s going to

Actually like cushion it it just kind of sits on top so I don’t understand kind of what these are for maybe you you guys know I don’t know another thing too I thought this was going to make some noise but it doesn’t because there is no padding behind here but if this does

Start making noise over time put some like uh tape or something like that or foam pad because it could make some noise if this does come loose but there are two screws that you can tighten to make this not move I haven’t had any issues with it the way it’s been out of

The box cable management is great as well on here it all kind of tucks in here I did notice that when I got this thing of course when you turn this way that cable gets kind of tied up down there but that’s like the only thing I

Noticed and then I also noticed that this was coming off when I got it as well and I haven’t been pulling this back it’s actually the first time I kind of touch this but I can just kind of push it back but it’s not sticking so I

Think what happened is uh when it was uh stored or box or something like that something got underneath it or it just wasn’t clean at all but overall it’s not bad especially for 1,600 bucks I also have a discount code for it too should push it closer to

$1,500 this is definitely going to be a way better scooter than the ones that you would rent in San Francisco or other places this is definitely more higher class than that um it just is it a scooter that you guys want the reason why I like this one over the Varla

Scooter that I just got the eagle one is this fit in my car without having to move my back seats down in a Tesla Model Y and that’s what made the big deal for me being like Oh my God the Vara scooter is way too big so if you don’t need a

Big scooter this one might actually come in handy for you guys especially if you have a smaller car so just keep that in mind when looking at scooters is actually a pretty good performing scooter it just has some nitpicking stuff man the brakes you’re going to

Notice when you buy this thing and ride it the brakes are really sensitive you barely tap it and it just feels like it grips onto that rotor and it won’t like unlatch and then this is just really tall I don’t understand why that’s so tall all right brother trying to do my

Video review here but yeah I’m just not a fan of this so if you can replace this with a thumb throttle that’d be great but it’s also integrated into the button layout so I don’t know how that would work work I don’t think you can but

Anyways I’ll see you guys in the next one uh hopefully you guys are safe out there riding I have Beyond Riders clothing on right now I’ll drop a link for this jacket that I have on right now I love it I’m normally wearing these for

Work now and I also have some uh jeans that have protection in them from Beyond Riders as well so ah excuse me had a burp but I’ll see you guys in the next one you guys are the true MVPs I’m going to get out of here because I know it’s

Going to rain and my nose is running so bad that it’s coming down to my lips and I’m almost tasting my own booger now I know that’s probably something that I shouldn’t be saying but hey that’s just the truth ladies and gentlemen we say it how it is here on

This channel and I like to have fun and again I just appreciate all you guys for just sticking around and watching someone real that reviews these things I might not know everything there is out there I’m pretty sure there’s better people out there that can review something like this but they’re also

Probably not doing it and they got other stuff going on I have definitely felt felt a uh drop in our top speed I am only going 46 to 47 kmph which I don’t know what that is but I know that’s not 35 mph cuz we were hitting about 56 or

57 to hit 35 mph so I’m definitely going under 30 this thing is definitely drop speed this is probably around 28 29 mph so just something to keep in mind when your battery starts dropping which we’re at 60% right now but overall it’s a fun scooter I don’t think you’re going to be

Mad buying it just keep in mind of what I said if you don’t like what I mentioned on the throttle and the brakes then you’re not going to like it just as much as I don’t like it oh and one more thing before we end the video I forgot

Is that it does use NFC real quick so if uh you tap this on it turns it off and then when you tap this and it lights up like that you can uh turn it on that way and if you don’t want to use the NFC

Chip which oh God it takes a second you got to give it like maybe 2 or 3 seconds before you try to hit the power button on but for example if you don’t want to keep using the NFC chip over and over and over you can actually just turn it off like

This and then if this light is still activated and on it took me a while to find figure this out um you don’t have to carry these on you so you can just come back and turn it on without the NFC chip which is pretty cool I think and

Then again if you want to make sure someone has to use the NFC chip then you just tap it to turn it off and then it will never come back on pretty cool

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