Electric Motorcycles

New Ebikes From Himiway and Others Companies

New Ebikes From Himiway and Others Companies

Hey it’s Russ yeah -4 degrees here in Chicago yeah we’re not riding anytime soon and of course um you know just prior to the weekend we had a lot of snow so yeah not safe I’m not I’m not going out it’s cold I’m telling you even I I

Went to fill up my gas uh in in my the gas in my car and uh just for that short time my ears are freezing yeah you have to cover up everything any Exposed Skin you’re going to you’re going to feel it if you don’t so

Anyway let’s talk about ebikes I got a I got an an email from himiway today this is a general email that’s sent to All himiway owners and they were talking about the offerings they were showing at the Consumer Electronic Show now I’m not going to even show it to you here I

Don’t think I can do it justice they got a lot of new mods coming so I’m going to put a link in the description of the video I want you to take a look at that link and then you can make some comments tell me what you think of what you saw

There um these ebikes don’t even look like ebikes I mean they’re they’re really different and they even have some some other offerings um that are not ebikes so you might want to look at this one yeah it’s not even worth it for me to even put it up there it’s just too

In-depth um what they’re talking about and then the photos and all that um yeah go go to their website take a look at it I’ll put the link in the description then let me know what you think about all that okay they’ve made some major changes yeah so looking at what himiway was

Offering at CES I had to wonder what is everybody else going to be offering I mean are they all going to take this major departure from what we consider standard ebikes I mean they don’t even look like things we’ve seen before it’s totally different looking design so um

It’s possible other companies may follow suit and do the same thing I mean the these guys are really pushing the the limit at this point with ebikes and uh will I be getting one I don’t know you know this this all depends on himy way whether they say yeah let’s let’s give

Him one to to try out and whatever so totally up to them you know uh I don’t push them I I just sit there and wait and if they offer me something then I’ll consider right that’s how it works so uh what about what about the other

Companies well um I have heard from a couple other companies saying that they have some new things coming so uh I think this whole push that we’ve been talking about for the last several um several ebike videos that you know maybe the companies are making some changes um

I I do tend to feel that there’s going to be some major changes in the upper ends of ebikes but there’s also going to be a lot more entrylevel style ebikes now I happened to hear uh one other channel um mention that he he uh he

Feels the same way that there’s going to be a lot more uh entry level type bikes I already said that beforehand all right um even just uh when you look at the the bike that was given to me by um by uh enu right the most recent bike that was

Um that was definitely an entrylevel bike that had a lot more stuff on it I I can’t even remember the name of the bike now this this is this is my problem with the short-term memory I just can’t remember things and then you wait to like 15 to 20 seconds

And it pops into your head right so anyway I don’t know I’ll put a I’ll put a link to to the uh not a link a photo up here so you can see what I’m talking about okay that’s an entry Lev bike right it’s that’s under what is it under

$1,200 $1,300 bike but you know it’s got a lot of good components it’s got uh powerful motor you know I I keep thinking about these bikes and I’m thinking you know if they can make entry-level bikes that can really perform against the bikes that we had that we called higher level bikes um

Just a year or two ago is there really a need for going further all right now of course if you are if you are one that wants uh you know faster speed you want higher grade components then of course there’s there’s always an uh opportunity

To make a bike like that but I tend to feel that the average person really doesn’t want that they want a decent price right you want decent price something that performs well at a decent price well you know the the nway does that so I’m thinking you know are we

Going to see more of those type of bikes come out I think we will this year I mean I think there’s a been a bit bit of a shakeup in the in the ebike industry you know uh this last year um was good but I think many of them probably felt it

Could have been better um you know there’s there’s changes I mean when when the time was where we couldn’t even get an ebike remember those days yeah about 3 years ago you have to wait forever to get an ebike yeah that’s not that’s not the case anymore bikes are readily

Available at this point some have reported that there’s an Overstock of ebikes with some companies so um they’re blowing things out like like I said I’ve been saying this for the last quite a few uh uh last couple quite a few um uh videos can’t talk today I don’t know why

And um yeah they’re they’re trying to get rid of product it seems because there’s such a discount going on in ebikes now here’s here’s what I’m going to tell you right if you want an ebike you’ve been waiting this is the time to buy last year’s ebike yeah I mean you

Could sell save a lot of money like today I well by the time you see this video it’ll be too late but uh I think today was the last of the $900 off on a rad bike okay I mean now if you don’t need the the greatest and the latest and

All that kind of stuff and but a very well performing bike yeah that Red Rover six uh six what it call it Red Rover 6 Plus yeah the Red Rover 6 Plus um that’s a very capable bike and I think they were selling that for what was it 11,100

1,200 something like that whatever $900 off their normal price was so if if you don’t need like the latest 2024 model hard to beat something like that right and will it do everything you want well most of the stuff that you want I

Mean it it is a 20 MH bike it’s Class 2 but you can unlock those bikes to 25 I mean I was able to do it on my rad Rover 5 U when you do the unlock you hit 25 mil an hour okay so the whole point is

This is that does everyone need the latest and greatest and and let me ask you this if you already have a bike are you’re still looking for the latest and greatest or are you satisfied with what you have I mean even for myself I look at the

Various bikes that were given to me and I’ve kept the number of bikes obviously I’ve solded some off uh but the ones that I’ve kept are pretty capable most of them you know will go to 28 mph they they do basically all the things I need at least here in

The Chicago area uh we don’t have a whole lot of hills and and things like that but um I don’t know whether I really need more than what I have currently is what I’m saying all right so if you’re the same way that you know

You’re not going to trade up or move up to a better bike that that’ll stagnate the industry right there too you know because the existing uh owners of bikes not moving up means less sales and of course uh who knows what this year will be for uh brand new people buying ebikes

Right whether we’ll have enough to be able to sustain the industry now uh that other video also mentioned that you know there’s there’s at least 100 or more uh ebike manufacturers I know there’s more than that because I’ve been I’ve been offered like like I said like 110 or something

That I’ve turned down so there’s got to be more companies than that I know there’s a lot of companies that are name brand companies who I’ve never heard from so I know that there’s more than that so one one person estimated over 300 something ebik companies and that was estimated like two years

Ago and we and we’ve lost some too you know they were saying that some of the ebbi companies have gone belly up so that can happen so that that kind of makes you think should we buy Brands we’ve never heard of before or should just should we just stick with brands

That have have made it up to this point and stay with them now if we do that of course that that will eliminate a lot of the competition simply because no one’s buying their bikes they’re going to go out of business or should we support those companies and just buy their

Product hoping that they don’t go out of business this is the problem with consumers right I mean you want a good deal you want something that’s going to last you want something that the company will last because if the company goes under then you need a new battery or

Something like that becomes an issue now others have said that you know there are companies who will rebuild a battery they’ll take the case from that take out the cells put new cells in there yeah there might be com do that do that but be very careful who you have messing

With your battery because that’s where the battery fires can possibly happen right because if they miswire it somehow or they have a bad CER joint somewhere and it finally goes loose and and moves around it could cause that battery fire so you really got to be very careful if

You have someone messing with your battery that you’re sending it to somebody who knows what they’re doing they have good construction technique they just go to the average guys and say I can fix your battery all right I wouldn’t trust that not with all the potential battery fires these fires

Happen of course with bad cells but they also happen with bad construction techniques I don’t think a lot of people mention that but yeah if you short something out what do you think is going to end up happening it’s going to cause a fire all right so be careful with that

Don’t don’t go forward oh let me say something else too somebody somebody came on to the channel and uh we were talking about my health remember that and he he said you know you you laugh so much that um I don’t think you’re really going to be taking this medication you

Know this is something that you should take seriously you know and you’re laughing at it I laugh at everything I finally said to him says are you new to this channel I laugh at everything no if you were serious about everything uh life wouldn’t be interesting right I I could

Be Doom and Gloom and tell you oh I’ve I’ve got diabetes I got high blood pressure oh whato was me you know what an interesting video that would make no I laugh at everything you know even in in the face of uh potential health issues uh but I’m dealing with it

Yeah so I told him yeah I says I’m already taking the blood pressure medication we’re still waiting for the U the um diabetes medication that that’s that’s been denied by insurance which we already expected would would happen because it’s very expensive expensive uh medication and um and so um there there

Is an alternative medication called metformin I think something like that which is cheaper it’s been around a long time but uh they’re trying to put me on a higher type of medication and that’s what did I say it was 1,100 something dollars for 30 pills I I could only imagine what my

Co-pay will be for something like that but uh that’s what they prefer to put me on because I’m so elevated at this point but um no I I’m I’m waiting for that and then I’ll take it when when the time comes when they finally give it to me I

I’ll take the medication that’s recommended but uh no I I laugh at everything okay I don’t take anything seriously he was concerned that I wasn’t even going to take my medications no I appreciate your concern but no I laugh at everything yeah and I’ve had other

People say that too you laugh so much I can’t stand it what would you rather hear you would rather hear some guy laughing or would you rather hear some guy that’s just dooming Gloom all the time yeah that’s not fun so anyway I digress that’s all I have for you for

Ebikes today take a look at that himiway um that link I’ll put it in the description of the video put a comment let me know what you think of these things you see from himiway and if you have any predictions again um where the industry is leading to put that

Prediction down I mean I’ve asked this many many times in videos now but as the days go by I keep seeing the changes that are actually happening in the industry that um some are going to the extreme and then others are going to the basic so where do you think it’s going

To go I think the basic is what’s going to be the big thing this year I think they’re going to try to give you a lot for the money and keep the price down so let me know anyways if you like this video go and hit the like button hit the

Subscribe button I’ll talk to you guys next time

Check out the new Himiway bikes on this site: https://himiwaybike.com/blogs/news/himiways-showcase-at-ces-2024?utm_source=Klaviyo&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=1%2F15%20CES%20Recap%20%2801HM65X1AG3SJN6CMYZEEP61JK%29&_kx=7JcysVIEceYQxk1O0BvQBKau9iCR8WUwp1_FeWD6aBSa_Pufer4JVCrRHbEBNhiH.Ku4GKX

Check out my new “blog” website that has a list of everything in this description (and more) for my recommendations of accessories and products. Affiliate links help my channel. Thanks!

Visiting the Magicycle website using this link helps my channel if you plan to purchase an ebike. Please click on this link to be able to use the discount codes from Magicycle:

Save $100 on orders over $1200 on Magicycle Ebikes by using these codes: RUSS1: $100 off orders over $1500
RUSS2: $200 off orders over $1800
RUSS3: $300 off orders over $3600

If the codes become invalid over time, use the affiliate link above to access the Magicycle site and then use the discount codes on the site. The link above still helps the Russ Is Right Channel. Thanks!

Save $50 when you purchase a Rad Power Bikes EBike with this link to their ordering website: http://rwrd.io/7qoq3tv?c


To purchase the Euphree ebike, please use my affiliate link: https://euphree.com/RussIsRight

Use this code to get a $79 off a Euphree Combination Folding Lock with a minimum purchase of $1700: RUSSISRIGHT

Please use this affiliate link to purchase an Electric Bike Company ebike: https://bit.ly/3B1G3AY

To purchase a Himiway ebike, please use my affiliate link here: https://himiwaybike.com/RUSSISRIGHT
The coupon code is “RUSSISRIGHT”

To save on lots of accessories on the “Himi Zone” store on Amazon, use this link: https://amzn.to/3Bx2Zbn then use this coupon code to save 5%: RUSS95OFF

To purchase an Engwe ebike, please use this link:


Xnito Helmets: Be sure to click on this affliate link to save 10% off your Xnito Helmet! https://xnito.com/RUSS. In addition, Xnito has reduced the retail price too! Great deal! Use the code: RUSS after clicking on the affiliate link!

#ebikes, #magicycle, #radpowerbikes, #himiway, #engwe, #xnito, #euphree, #ebc, #electricbikecompany

Here are the eBike Accessories I have on my bikes:

Amazon Affiliate Links:

SunTour Suspension Seat Post (27.2mm x 350mm) – https://amzn.to/41S2oNe
SunTour Suspension Seat Post (31.6mm x 350mm) – https://amzn.to/3n8VoMA
Tire Levers – https://amzn.to/40HbgEo
Insta360 X3 camera: https://amzn.to/3sQyBog
Veeape Tire Inflator – Portable Air Compressor: https://amzn.to/3fXq0dG
Rockbros Hex Driver – Multi-tool: https://amzn.to/3fibv6B
Rockbros Triangle bag: https://amzn.to/3SOtrmY
Extension for Handle Bar: https://amzn.to/3LzoKvr
Phone Mount: https://amzn.to/3dKKUKx
Lamicall Phone Mount: https://amzn.to/3A3Irrq
Bluetooth Speaker: https://amzn.to/3rZV6nM
Left Side Mirror (on my Rad Rover 5): https://amzn.to/3mrxCa1
Hafny Left Side Mirror (Teardrop shape): https://amzn.to/3A2MAvl
Polar Insulated Water Bottle: https://amzn.to/3emGATv
Bottle Cage: https://amzn.to/3ejwjHE
Kryptonite Chain and Lock: https://amzn.to/2Qeq2mN
Giddy Up – XL Bike Seat With LED: https://amzn.to/3Rq1RMq
Giddy Up – XL Extra Padded Bike Seat with LED: https://amzn.to/3E7xOG0
(The Giddy Up seems hard to find now… so try the XWing saddle below. (I have not tested this saddle however!)
X Wing – XL Adult Ebike Saddle with LED: https://amzn.to/3ZwKy0g
Bikeroo Saddle (I got the Indoor Elastomer version): https://amzn.to/3AZntu6
Inner Tube Slime: https://amzn.to/3uGS8WQ
Rear Rack Pannier Bag: https://amzn.to/3usEGWV
Bike Alarm with Remote: https://amzn.to/3opebiO
Safety Vest: https://amzn.to/3uW9PlU
Thin Cycling Gloves: https://amzn.to/3u1IU76
Finish Line – Dry Bike Lubricant (for Bike Chain): https://amzn.to/3pFVrfX
Unit Pack Power Battery: 52 Volts, 20 Amps: https://amzn.to/3zyRIUT
Anderson to XT-90 Cable: https://amzn.to/3fdWT5d
Pepper Spray: https://amzn.to/2Y6iPtb
Chest Strap Harness Mount for GoPro: https://amzn.to/3jHwCPe
4mm Park Tools Hex Wrench: https://amzn.to/3zGoW4p
5mm Park Tools Hex Wrench: https://amzn.to/3kFZGHm
Bern Bike Helmet – Brentwood 2.0 Helmet with MIPS – https://amzn.to/348M6GJ
Entity HL800 Light: https://www.bikesonline.com/entity-hl800-800-lumens-front-bicycle-light-usb-re
Magicycle Headlight: https://www.magicyclebike.com/products/107
Tektro HD-E250 Hydraulic Disc Brakes: https://www.magicyclebike.com/products/tektro-hd-e350-hydraulic-disc-brakes
Selfie stick clamp: https://amzn.to/3UhEEhp

Music for Russ Is Right Open:
(YouTube royalty-free music): “Leslie’s Strut” by John Deley and the 41 Players

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