Electric Cars



GM and Ford can’t sell EVS they’re shutting down production firing thousands of workers and could even close their doors forever Yes you heard me right more than $5 billion in losses firing more than 1,000 workers in a single week we could be looking at the biggest automotive car crash of the

Century but why are Ford and GM not able to sell EVS are those EVS a scam in this video I’m going to tell you about the crisis happening at Ford and GM and why buying an EV might be a big mistake right now General Motors is about to

Close its doors and you might be shocked to know that their own CEO is killing the company but before I tell you about that controversy let’s see how the number one American brand Ford is handling the EV race here’s something I never thought I’d say Ford is losing

$36,000 on every EV they sell right now imagine selling something and losing more than the price of a brand new car on each sale that’s pretty crazy right the situation got so bad that Ford’s electric elect Vehicle Division reported an operating loss of $1.3 billion in just one quarter that’s even worse than

The previous quarter where they lost $1.1 billion and compared to last year it’s more than double the loss you can practically hear the alarms going off in Ford’s headquarters but why is this happening well Ford says it’s because of their continuous investment in EVs and some tough market dynamics what they

Mean is that they’re pouring money into developing these fancy electric cars but the sales just aren’t catching up plus there’s a Twist a lot of customers in North America are simply not willing to pay premium prices for these luxury EVS over gas or hybrid vehicles and if I

Told you why they’re doing this you might never want to buy an EV but more on this in a minute and Ford’s troubles don’t stop there their beloved F-150 Lightning the electric truck that was supposed to be a game changer is now Dead on Arrival they’ve stopped

Production and Jim Farley is now asking everyone to see Ford as a startup and ignore the losses they’re making moving on to General Motors here the situation is even worse more than 1,000 workers fired in just one week people getting killed due to their cars and EV losses

Left and right here’s what exactly happened first off GM’s CEO Mary Bara is in the hot seat she’s making decision after decision and honestly they’re not all looking too great the company’s facing a bunch of problems from EV sales going down the drain to issues with their self-driving car cruise and what

Does Mary bar do in the middle of all this she’s gone on record saying GM will not be lowering the prices and cheaper EVS under $30,000 are not going to be profitable so she’ll only focus on luxury EVS completely ignoring the Common Man and get this GM had this

Grand plan to build 400,000 EVS by mid 2024 but guess what they’re bailing on that big time why because the demand for their EVS is just not there it’s it’s like throwing a huge party and no one shows up a in the third quarter of 2023

They made about 32,000 EVS which is up 40% from the second quarter but their sales only grew by 28% the math just doesn’t add up they’ve even pushed back the production of their electric trucks including the Chevy Silverado EV and the GMC Sierra EV from 2024 to late 2025

It’s a big red flag waving right in our face but it’s not just about slowing down GM’s making some tough calls they’re talking about cutting expenses delaying factories and even doing stock BuyBacks to make shareholders happy now let’s talk about the elephant in the room cruise this Robo taxi unit was

Supposed to be a big win for GM but it’s turned into a nightmare after a serious incident where a driverless vehicle killed a pedestrian they’ve paused all operations top execs at Cru have resigned and there are layoffs coming GM’s financial situation is also taking a hit the United Auto Workers strike

Cost them $800 million since it started wait till I tell you about how Ford is forcing dealers to spend thousands and millions of dollars just to be able to sell their EVS let’s not forget the workers that are caught up in all this GM’s making some deep Cuts they’re

Laying off about 1,300 workers as they wind down production of the Chevy bolt and Camaro the Orion assembly plant where these layoffs are happening is getting retooled for electric trucks but that won’t be up and running until 2028 imagine being one of those workers showing up every day giving it your all

And then suddenly you’re told you don’t have a job anymore coming back to Ford’s CEO Jim Farley here’s something that’ll make you raise an eyebrow nearly 50% of EV buyers are now trading in their EVS for hybrids that’s right people are actually going back to gas and hybrid

Cars it’s like when everyone has tried that new trendy diet and then decided that it was Burgers and Fries that they wanted after all in 2023 hybrids like the Toyota Prius were the stars of the show making up 88.3% of car sales in the US outshining the 6.9% for EVS and the

Reason hybrids are more affordable and don’t come with the extra baggage of charging wos the average hybrid was priced at about $423 181 way lower than the $59,400 you’d have to cough up for an EV in the second quarter of 2022 Ford dealers were selling 86.4% of their Mach e inventory

Within 30 days fast forward to 2023 and that number plummets to Just 27.7% despite having over twice as much inventory now the sales figures for the Mach e fell by 90% from year over-year dropping from 10,941 vehicles to just 633 Ford’s head of Us sales analysis

Eric Merkel is trying to put a brave face on it saying EV sales are up overall but he also admits that a bunch of these unsold Mach e are stuck in dealer Lots not exactly flying off the shelves the F-150 Lightning isn’t fairing much better last year Ford was

Selling 70% of its lightning inventory within 30 days this year only 35% it’s like everyone was excited about this electric truck but now they’re just giving it the cold shoulder just what is Ford’s ambitious Target here to produce 600,000 EVS this year but the kicker is there expecting to lose at least 3

Billion in the process but wait it gets crazier Fords asking their dealers to spend a million just to become EV certified to sell these high-tech yet seemingly unprofitable Vehicles imagine being a dealer shelling out all that cash and then watching these EVS gather dust in your showroom now here’s where

It gets really messy some Ford dealers especially on the East Coast are saying that Ford’s production is way off from what customers actually want people want a cheap EV with a range of more than 300 M without useless technological gimmicks but Brands continue to ignore this Ford

And GM dealers are sitting on stockpiles of lightnings and mock e that they just can’t sell these dealers are so overwhelmed with EVS that they’re actually turning down allocations from Ford it’s absolutely unheard of like a kid saying no to Candy Ford’s problem isn’t just a blip it’s a sign of a

Bigger issue in the EV Market even Tesla the king of electric cars is facing the same problem having to cut prices and offer deals just to move their inventory the real shop is that the states with the biggest EV sales are now seeing the slowest growth but wait there’s more

Remember those 200,000 lightning reservations Ford bragged about Well turns out 70% of those orders are just sitting there unfulfilled by the time these Lightnings finally roll onto the Lots who knows if the customers will still be there Ford’s November sales tell a grim tale too overall their sales

Are down by 5% compared to last year sure EV sales hit a record high but it’s a droing in the ocean compared to the sales of their gas powerered vehicles their pickup trucks and SUVs usually their strong suit are also taking hits the situation is so dire that Ford is

Cutting back on their EV Investments they’ve slashed $2 billion in planned expenditures including scaling down their battery plant in Michigan and delaying production of another plant in Kentucky the irony is that while Ford’s EVS are struggling their internal combustion engine vehicles are still their bread and butter it’s like

Everyone’s excited about the future but they’re still clinging to the past and then there’s the human cost the UAW strike at Ford’s plants didn’t just interrupt production it led to Temporary layoffs and a lot of uncertainty for workers even after the strike ended it left a $1.7 billion dent in Ford’s

Earnings similar to GM the new labor agreement while beneficial for workers is adding around $900 in cost per vehicle it’s a tough pill to swallow for a company already in a financial crunch so what’s the bottom line here Ford and GM like many other automakers are learning the hard way that transitioning

To EVS is not a cakewalk the Biden Administration is like a coach pushing for a new game plan with those strict emissions rules they’re basically saying look by 2032 we want 67% of all new cars to be electric but should car makers be listening to politicians and not their

Customers are EVS a bad idea let me know down in the comments below I just uploaded a video about groundbreaking news that could hurt the entire EV industry do check it out if you want to be truly shocked by what’s about to happen with EVS

GM & Ford can’t sell EVs! They’re shutting down production, firing thousands of workers, and could even CLOSE THEIR DOORS FOREVER! Yes, you heard that right, With more than 5 billion dollars in losses, and firing more than 1000 workers in a single week, we could be looking at the biggest automotive car crash of the century. But why are Ford and GM not able to sell EVs? Are EVs A SCAM?

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