Electric Cars

5 Cheapest and 5 Most Expensive Electric Cars 2024 | Affordable to Ultra-Luxury EVs Compared!

5 Cheapest and 5 Most Expensive Electric Cars 2024 | Affordable to Ultra-Luxury EVs Compared!

Today, we’re looking at five affordable and five  luxury electric vehicles of 2024, showcasing the   latest in EV technology and high-end design.  Whether it’s your first car or a new addition   to your collection, the EV world has something for  everyone. Join us on this electrifying journey!  

Let’s examine the most accessible electric  vehicles of 2024, focusing on affordability   and practicality. These models may not top speed  or range charts, but excel in cost-effectiveness,   ideal for budget-conscious buyers. Our  criteria include only the latest vehicles,   with a special mention of a standout 2023 model  known for its exceptional value. Perfect for  

Those entering the EV world, this model balances  price with the electric driving experience, making   it a top choice for first-time EV buyers. Sliding into our number five spot is the all-new   2024 Hyundai Kona Electric, priced at $32,675. The  Kona Electric has undergone a complete makeover  

For this year, mirroring the attractive design  of its internal combustion engine counterparts.   We had high hopes for a significant boost in  performance compared to its predecessor. However,   the latest iteration brings a mix of  anticipation and a bit of disappointment.  

For starters, the Kona Electric now offers  a choice between two motor and battery pack   configurations. But here’s the twist: both  options show a surprising dip in performance.   The top-tier model maintains its horsepower  at 201, yet the torque takes a noticeable hit,  

Dropping from 291 to 201 lb-ft. The new,  smaller motor option presents an even more   underwhelming picture, delivering just  133 horsepower and 188 lb-ft of torque.   Each motor is paired with its own battery pack.  The smaller setup provides a range of 197 miles,  

While the larger battery pushes slightly  ahead, offering 260 miles – just a   two-mile improvement over the 2023 model. Charging times also leave something to be   desired. Hyundai claims that charging from 10%  to 80% at a fast charger will take around 43  

Minutes. While the 2024 Kona Electric remains an  attractive option in the EV market, it’s somewhat   disheartening to see a model take a step back in  performance. No one enjoys witnessing a regression   in a nameplate that had so much potential. At number four, we have the 2024 Fiat 500e,  

Priced just a whisker below the Kona at  $32,500. This new iteration of the Fiat   500e is a delightful revelation, especially since  its first version seemed more like an afterthought   in the U.S. market. The latest model lands on  our shores with modest improvements in power,  

Offering 118 horsepower and 162 lb-ft  of torque. But the real game-changer   here is the significant leap in range. The  2024 model boasts an impressive 149 miles,   a substantial upgrade from the previous 84 miles. Charging the Fiat 500e is fairly convenient too.  

It takes just four hours to charge on a  Level 2 charger, and you can get from 0   to 80% in just 35 minutes with a fast charger. Now, you might be thinking, “Isn’t this a step   down from the Kona Electric?” In terms of raw  specs, perhaps. But the Fiat 500e isn’t trying  

To be more than what it is: a quintessential  city car. It’s designed for those who often   find themselves weaving through tight urban  spaces or for someone who doesn’t need to   travel far from home – or maybe even has  another vehicle for longer trips. Plus,  

Its upgraded styling is a head-turner, promising  to add a touch of joy every time you spot it in   a parking lot. And remember, there are still  more affordable options ahead in our list!   Landing at number three on our list is the Mini  Cooper Electric Hardtop, priced attractively at  

$30,900. This model finds itself in a slightly  more challenging position than the previous two   entries, but its lower price point is a definite  advantage. The Mini Cooper Electric shines in its   power output, delivering a robust 184 horsepower  and 199 lb-ft of torque to the front wheels,  

Thanks to the motor borrowed from  the now-discontinued BMW i3. However,   there’s a catch – its driving range is  a bit of a letdown at just 114 miles.   But let’s not forget, this is still a Mini  at heart. It retains the brand’s signature  

Compact size and nimble handling, making it a  joy to drive in urban environments. For those   who are set on a fully electric Mini, this  model is currently the go-to choice. However,   if patience is in your arsenal, waiting for the  2025 model might be a wise move. The upcoming  

Version is set to offer a significantly better  range of 250 miles and a slightly higher power   output of 215 horsepower. Keep in mind, though,  that with these enhancements, it’s likely to   come with a higher price tag as well. Our runner-up in this electrifying lineup  

Is the Nissan Leaf, with a starting price  of $28,140. This veteran of the EV world has   witnessed many competitors rise and fall, yet  it continues to hold its ground. While it may   not boast the most cutting-edge design or modern  features among its peers, the Leaf has leveraged  

Its affordability and a suite of features  to remain a strong contender in the market.   For the base price, the Nissan Leaf offers a  respectable 149 miles of range, backed by 147   horsepower and 236 lb-ft of torque directed to the  front wheels. For those who are willing to invest  

A bit more, there’s an option to upgrade to a more  robust package that includes 212 miles of range,   214 horsepower, and 250 lb-ft of torque. At a price tag of around $28,000, the base specs   are quite reasonable. Plus, there’s a potential  bonus: the Leaf might still qualify for half of  

The $7,500 EV Tax Credit in 2024. However, just  like with the Mini Cooper Electric Hardtop, a bit   of patience could pay off. Nissan is planning to  roll out a new model in 2025. But it’s important   to note that this upcoming model will likely  miss out on the tax credit, as production is  

Moving from Tennessee to England. For those on the  fence, it’s a choice between grabbing the current   model with potential tax incentives or waiting  for the newer, likely more advanced version.   Topping our list as the most affordable new  EV you can buy in the U.S. as of January 2024  

Is the Chevy Bolt, with its sibling, the  Bolt EUV, close behind. Priced at $26,500   and $27,800 respectively, these models  are not only budget-friendly but also   fully eligible for the full $7,500 EV Tax Credit. Yes, you heard that right. Despite the Bolt being  

Discontinued at the end of 2024, it’s still very  much available. A quick online search or a visit   to local dealerships, even here in Pittsburgh,  reveals a plentiful supply of brand-new Bolts,   often at MSRP or even lower. This availability  secures its position as the cheapest new EV  

Option currently on the market. Chevrolet really hit the mark   with the Bolt. By reducing the price and  packing the car with impressive features,   they’ve created a highly appealing compact  EV. The Bolt boasts a front-mounted motor   that churns out 200 horsepower and 266 lb-ft  of torque. Coupled with a 65 kWh battery pack,  

It offers a solid range of 259 miles. These specs  would be commendable for a car priced at $35,000,   but the Bolt starts at an incredibly low $26,500. The cherry on top is the Bolt’s eligibility for  

The $7,500 EV Tax Credit in 2024. This makes it  possible to own a 200-hp electric car for under   $20,000, depending on the deal you find. And  in 2024, the process is even more streamlined,   allowing you to apply for the tax  credit directly at the dealership.  

This makes the Chevy Bolt an unbeatable value  proposition for anyone looking to step into   the EV world without a hefty investment. For those seeking the pinnacle of electric   vehicle luxury and performance, we’re showcasing  the top tier of EV innovation. These cars aren’t  

Merely transport; they’re the benchmark of luxury,  merging opulence with advanced performance. Note   that some models may be officially ‘sold  out,’ but in the luxury supercar world,   opportunities can arise unexpectedly. For those  with the means and patience, owning one of these  

Exclusive electric marvels remains possible. Kicking off our list of the crème de la crème of   electric supercars is the Hispano Suiza Carmen  Boulogne, with a price tag of a staggering $1.8   million. This car isn’t just a vehicle; it’s  a fusion of automotive excellence and artistic  

Expression. Unveiled in 2020, the Carmen Boulogne  is a tribute to Hispano Suiza’s illustrious   pre-war racing heritage, and it stands out as  one of the most unique supercars in existence.   While its aesthetics might be subjective (after  all, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder), its  

Performance metrics are objectively breathtaking.  The car’s monocoque and body are crafted entirely   from carbon fiber, ensuring both strength  and lightness. It boasts a double-wishbone   suspension at both the front and rear, enhancing  its agility and handling. The powerhouse of   this vehicle is its dual electric motors, which  together unleash a formidable 1,100 horsepower.  

This translates to a top speed of 180 mph and  a blistering 0-60 mph time of just 2.6 seconds.   And despite these performance figures, it still  offers a practical range of about 200 miles.   Hispano Suiza has announced a very limited  production run of just 5 units for the  

Boulogne. As of now, there’s no clear  indication if this exclusive lot has   been completely sold out. However, there’s a  significant catch for potential U.S. buyers:   the company hasn’t planned on homologating the  Carmen Boulogne for sale in the United States.  

The only viable path for American enthusiasts to  legally drive this masterpiece on public roads   would be through a Show and Display exemption. In the number four spot of our elite electric   supercar showcase is the Rimac Nevera, priced  at a breathtaking $2.2 million. The story of  

Rimac is one of ambition and groundbreaking  innovation, with the Nevera standing as a   testament to its founder, Mate Rimac’s,  vision. His goal was clear: to eclipse the   performance of every other supercar. And with  the Nevera, he might just have achieved that.  

This car isn’t just powerful; it’s a force of  nature on wheels. Under its hood lies a heart   that pumps out an astonishing 1,877 horsepower.  But it doesn’t stop there – the Nevera also boasts   a staggering 1,740 lb-ft of torque, thanks to  a dedicated motor at each wheel. This raw power  

Translates into real-world performance that can  only be described as jaw-dropping: 0-60 mph in   a mere 1.74 seconds. It blazes through a quarter  mile in just over eight seconds and doesn’t stop   accelerating until it hits a top speed of 258 mph.  Even more impressively, it can go from 0 to 249  

Mph and back to 0 in less than 30 seconds. The Nevera also impresses with a solid range   of about 300 miles, though expect that to  decrease with more spirited driving. And   when it comes to recharging, it’s as quick  as it is on the road – 0 to 80% in just 19  

Minutes with 350 kW fast charging, giving  you just enough time for a quick break.   Rimac is producing only 150 of  these breathtaking machines,   making the Nevera not just a car, but a rare  jewel in the world of automotive engineering.  

Securing the third position in our parade of  electric marvels is the Pininfarina Battista,   priced identically to the Nevera at $2.2  million. This Italian masterpiece stands   as a true rival to the Nevera, not only in  price but also in its foundational elements,  

As it shares the carbon tub, battery, and motors  with the Rimac Nevera. But make no mistake,   the Battista is far from a mere clone. It carves  out its own identity with a distinct personality   and aesthetics that are simply breathtaking. In terms of performance, the Battista mirrors  

The Nevera’s staggering figures. It commands  an impressive 1,877 horsepower and 1,726 lb-ft   of torque, thanks to a motor at each wheel. This  power translates into a real-world acceleration   of 0 to 60 mph in just 1.79 seconds,  and it doesn’t stop until it reaches  

A top speed of 217 mph. At one point, these  figures were enough to overshadow the Nevera,   but Rimac was quick to reclaim its ground. Choosing between the Battista and the Nevera   can feel like an echo of the same question,  given their similar performance specs. However,  

Where the Battista truly shines is in its design.  Its stunning looks alone are enough to tip the   scales for many. It may have borrowed some notes  from the Nevera, but it did so from the best in  

The class and added its own flair for style. In  the end, it’s not just about who copied from whom;   it’s about who took those elements and  created something even more extraordinary.   In the number two spot of our exclusive electric  supercar lineup is the Lotus Evija, with a price  

Tag of $2.3 million. The Evija is more than just  a car; it’s a groundbreaking phenomenon in the   automotive world, seamlessly blending stunning  beauty with raw power, all while staying true   to Lotus’s ethos of lightweight performance.  Weighing in at just 3,703 pounds, it outclasses  

Its competitors like the Nevera and Battista  in terms of weight. But the magic of the Evija   is how it makes this already light frame seem  even lighter, thanks to its astonishing power.   Lotus throws around some eye-watering numbers  when it comes to the Evija’s capabilities – peak  

Horsepower is quoted at around 1,972 to 2,011, so  you know you’re dealing with something close to   the 2,000 horsepower mark. The torque is equally  impressive at 1,253 lb-ft. These numbers work in   unison to propel the Evija from 0 to 62 mph in  under three seconds, eventually hitting a top  

Speed limited to 218 mph. The range is respectable  at around 200 miles, and if you’re in a hurry,   a 350 kW fast charger can replenish the  battery from 0 to 100% in just 18 minutes.   Only 130 units of the Evija were planned,  and deliveries began last summer. While  

Initially thought to be sold out, there  are reports that orders are still open,   though it’s uncertain for how much longer. And  for those looking for something even more extreme,   there’s buzz about an even hotter, track-only  version of the Evija, dubbed the Evija X.  

Before we reveal the number one electric supercar  on our list, we want to remind you that if you’re   enjoying this journey through the world of EVs and  want to stay updated on the latest in automotive   excellence, make sure to hit that subscribe  button. Your support helps us bring you more  

Content like this, so don’t forget to like, share,  and comment below on which of these electric   supercars you’d love to see in your garage! Now, let’s unveil our top pick:   The Aspark Owl secures the top spot on our list,  but it’s shrouded in a bit of mystery. This car  

Has been tantalizing the automotive world since  its debut over half a decade ago. Back in 2018,   it made headlines with a video showcasing  a blistering acceleration from 0-62 mph in   just 1.9 seconds. But fast forward to the  present, and we’re still eagerly awaiting  

The arrival of this electric dynamo. Despite its delay, the specs of the Aspark   Owl are nothing short of astounding.  Equipped with four electric motors,   it boasts a power output of 1,985 horsepower and  1,475 lb-ft of torque. The car claims a top speed  

Of 260 mph and an astonishing 0-60 mph time of  just 1.72 seconds. However, these figures haven’t   been tested or verified in real-world conditions  yet, so there’s a bit of mystery surrounding its   actual performance capabilities. Recent high-speed  test runs do suggest that it has the potential to  

Rival the Nevera in terms of power and speed. Initially, 50 units of the Aspark Owl were   planned, and the company has confirmed that  they’re all sold out. Prototypes have been   spotted in various locations around the globe, but  a true production version is yet to be revealed.  

Will 2024 be the year the Aspark Owl finally  spreads its wings and takes on the challenge   for the EV supercar crown? Only time will  tell, but the anticipation is certainly high.

Discover the most affordable and luxurious electric vehicles of 2024 in our latest video! We dive deep into the 5 cheapest and 5 most expensive EVs on the market, showcasing a range of options for every budget. From the budget-friendly Nissan Leaf to the opulent Aspark Owl, this video covers it all. Whether you’re a first-time EV buyer or looking for the pinnacle of electric luxury, join us as we explore these incredible machines. Don’t forget to subscribe for more automotive insights and reviews!

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