Electric Cars



Toyota’s CEO thinks EVS are a scam the biggest automaker in the world is going against electric vehicles he just dropped a brutal warning making all political leaders confused and Afraid Toyota is totally against EVs and the public is going to get their gas cars back due to their recent decision the EV

Market is crashing super hard proving that Toyota’s CEO was right all along but what exactly is this shocking warning all about what exactly are the political leaders fighting about EVs and are those EVS a scam here’s what exactly happened let’s start with AIO Toyota the

Guy who’s been at the head of Toyota for years he wasn’t just any CEO he’s a guy who’s seen it all and knows the car game inside out but there’s a Twist he’s been warning about the dangers of going all in on EVs and guess what he was right

All along while everyone else was jumping onto the EV bandwagon Toyota rang the alarm saying going all in on EVS is a mistake we must give consumers the choice to choose and not just this but he’s also been investing in two secret projects that could destroy

Electric cars for ever a new type of engine promising 1,000 M of range but more on that in a minute recently at the Tokyo Auto Salon event where Toyota announced some cool gas cars like the gr yarus and the Lexus LBX RR morizo concept A Kio Toyota shocked Everyone by

Saying battery electric vehicles aren’t the only path to carbon neutrality he’s been constantly saying things like this against Eevees which is why he was even ousted from his company replaced by coji who is the current CEO you see when he warned everyone of the dangers of EVS the political leaders wanted him gone

How else are they going to make money from the EV boom so what did they do they got environmentalists to do the job for them I’m talking boycotts protests and scathing open letters forcing Toyota to either make more EVS or pay huge fines and the pressure isn’t just from

Active activists big investors are getting antsy too academic rep pension a Danish fund with over $19 billion of assets is demanding answers for Toyota’s anti- EV stance and they’re not alone other major European investors are joining the chorus all worried that Toyota’s reluctance to embrace battery

EVS will leave them in the dust Toyota’s response they’re standing their ground at their annual general meeting executive VP masahiko MAA laid it all out Banning gas cars isn’t the agenda we should focus on Bing emissions instead and there’s more than one way to do that

Now let’s get into the real meaning of Toyota’s argument he’s got this whole angle about how EVS aren’t practical for everyone think about it not everyone can afford an EV right now not to mention the issues with charging infrastructure and the whole shebang about EV fires oh and EVS have massive repair issues

That’s just got exposed which I’ll talk about towards the end of the video so the Toyota chairman is looking at the bigger picture and saying we need to think about everyone not just the folks who can jump on the EV bandwagon and he isn’t wrong take Elon Musk the EV

Pioneer the man who single-handedly accelerated the evv revolution he just faced a brutal reality check as well Tesla’s thirdd quarter earnings were a disaster they were so bad that musk’s net worth took a $28 billion hit Yes you heard me right billion with a B Tesla’s shares nose-dived over 177% erasing a

Jaw-dropping 138 billion in market cap in Just 2 days it’s a stunning reverse for a company that was flying high leading the charge into an all electric future but wait there’s more Akio Toyota the former CEO and current chairman of Toyota had this to say people are finally seeing the reality overpriced

EVS will do nothing but prevent a lot of people from entering into the market other major automakers are also hitting the brakes on their EV Ambitions Lucid just cut its production targets by 30% General Motors delayed the Chevy Silverado EV launch by a whole year and Ford 2 killed off its F-150 the

Lightning production after selling EVS at a loss of $36,000 per car for the past year so e sales are tanking big players like Tesla Ford and GM they’re all feeling the heat unsold EVS are piling up in lots and the demand just isn’t there but here’s where it gets even more interesting despite

His warnings Toyota still stepped into the EV Arena nonetheless he doesn’t feel threatened by the EV push and the reason he’s doing this is not just because of the pressure he’s got something much better than EVS which shall talk about in a couple of minutes and lastly there’s the political angle the Biden

Administration has laid out super strict emissions Norms lately and the only way for companies to comply is to start selling more EVS if that’s not crazy enough the government is also forcing companies to sell only EVS by 2030 what’s making all of this worse is that a major EV reliability report from

Consumer Reports just got leaked and shows that EVS are 80% more likely to break down compared to a gas powered car and not just this if you end up damaging one of these things the repair cost is huge there have been cases of people getting 40 to $60,000 bills just to fix

A scratch on their EV the design of these batteries adds another layer of difficulty they’re often packed in ways that make them hard to open and repair without causing further damage plus some manufacturers discourage repairs citing safety concerns which limits options for owners so will Toyota never make good

EVS well they already did but that’s not where their heart lies so let’s talk numbers in 2023 they sold over 54,000 plug-in electric cars including 1,715 all electric beasts and almost 40,000 plug-in hybrids that’s 10 times more than the previous year now jumping to Q4 2023 Toyota reports a record

22,8 electrified vehicle sales which is a whopping 61% year-over-year increase this accounts for a solid 32.6% of Toyota’s total volume but here’s the twist while EV sales are booming Toyota is still not fully sold on the idea flashback to 2022 and 2021 Toyota’s plug-in electric car sales hovered around 35,000 and

52767 respectively fast forward to 2023 and you see this dramatic leap in sales but here’s the catch Toyota’s latest move shows they’re still hedging their bets not fully committing to the all electric dream in terms of bottles the Rav 4 Prime plug-in hybrid is the reigning Champion with the all electric

Be z4x and the Lexus RZ also making significant strides the bz 4X along with the Lexus RZ and subar roof sutera collectively sold 8,827 units in the quarter showing there’s a growing appetite for these electric rides but hold up despite this electrifying Performance Toyota is making some questionable calls they’ve

Slashed their 2023 EV sales forecast by nearly 40% why you ask well they’re blaming the decline in the Chinese market and a Cutthroat EV price War instead of charging charging head first into the EV Fray Toyota’s leaning back into its comfort zone of hybrids to avoid the heat of this pricing battle

This strategy is causing quite the stir environmentalists are up in arms demanding Toyota stop their anti-climate lobbying and fully Embrace electrification major investors are scratching their heads wondering if Toyota is missing the electric boat all in all EVS are not so ideal for the average Joe looking to buy a cheap

Reliable car and only Toyota seems to understand what the buyers really want so why can’t companies stop forcing costly EVS upon us and start listening to the public instead but hey Toyota isn’t just sticking to the old school engine Tech they’re talking about high compression leaner burning Technologies

And even hydrogen fueled engines it’s like they’re saying we can do engines but we can do them cleaner and better and what’s the deal with Toyota and EVS after all despite all this IC talk they’re not completely walking away from Electric they’re playing both sides of

The field they’ve got their foot in the EV door with models like like the bz 4X but they’re not going all in like some other automakers their new ammonia engine lines are quite promising with over 800 miles of range offering massive range while costing you a fraction of

What you pay for an EV EVS have huge issues and unless you want to spend thousands of dollars in insurance and repairs right now is not a great time to buy one even Toyota’s current CEO coji has somewhat started getting the idea that maybe EVS aren’t the future

Everyone thought they were for people who live in colder climates the range can drop by 30% and for people who drive in cities mostly that range is just not enough and it’s not just that most of these first generation EVS have huge quality issues panel gaps and software

Glitches so what do you think should all car makers Go 100% electric will Toyota lose customers for not embracing EVS soon enough let me know down in the comments below I just uploaded a video about groundbreaking news that could hurt the entire EV industry do check it

Out if you want to be truly shocked by what’s about to happen with EVS

Toyota CEO thinks EVs are a SCAM! The biggest automaker in the world is going AGAINST electric vehicles. He just dropped a brutal warning making all political leaders confused and afraid! Toyota is totally against EVs, and the public is going to get their gas cars back due to their recent decision! The EV market is crashing super hard, proving that the Toyota CEO was right all along! But what exactly is this shocking warning all about? What are the political leaders hiding about EVs? Are EVs a scam?

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