Electric Cars

HUGE NEWS! WORST EV Market CRASH Of Our Lifetime Has Begun!

HUGE NEWS! WORST EV Market CRASH Of Our Lifetime Has Begun!

It’s over for EVS the biggest EV market crash of your lifetime has just begun leaving all the EV makers in shock and disbelief with more than 5 billion in losses thousands of EVS rotting in dealer lots a deadly fire risk that I’ll tell you about the EV Market is seeing a

Record-breaking collapse Ford GM Toyota even Tesla all the automakers are dying as the public goes against EVS but why are dealers not able to sell these freaking EVS are EVS a scam and what’s this deadly risk the political leaders have been hiding from you here’s something I thought I’d never say EVS

Are not the future the common man is going against EVS due to massive reliability issues and deadly flaws that were hidden by the political leaders this is what exactly happened the EV Market is crashing and it’s an absolute mess out there picture this EV graveyards with over 94,000 unsold cars

Dealers running away from EVs and the government pumping billions into the market but people just aren’t buying it’s like the whole world has suddenly realized that EVS might not be the golden ticket they were made out to be Steve Moore an economist who has always predicted upcoming crashes correctly

Just said EVS are heading down a disastrous Road and it’s not just him alone a major Consumer Report also just got leaked exposing five deadly flaws with EVS that were kept hidden from us but more on that in a minute now let’s start with the big brands in the EV

Market Ford GM Tesla Jeep you name them they’re all slamming the brakes on EV production and why is this because they’ve woken up to the harsh reality that EVS are just not selling as they expected and the government well they’re trying to push EVS like there’s no tomorrow but the people they’re seeing

Right through it here’s the situation get this General Motors might be going bankrupt the company led by Mary Bara suffered a loss of $1 billion due to their overpriced even EVS then we have Ford selling EVS at a loss of 36,000 per car even Tesla is slashing prices left

And right and center and still nobody’s buying thousands of EVS are collecting dust in dealer lots and the depreciation on EVS will leave you in tears we’re talking about used EVS being 33.7% cheaper than last year alone that’s a price drop of $1 17,8 on average and it gets worse for

People who have already purchased an EV not only do you have to pay a super high MSRP but you also need to pay $500 per month for insurance and over $15,000 every time you need to get your car repaired I know that sounds crazy but towards the end of the video we’re

Going to be looking at countless cases where this has already happened to the common Joe now let’s talk numbers used EV sales are down by 30% this year and new EVS are taking twice as long to sell as regular cars what are the reasons high prices poor range and a lack

Cluster charging infrastructure the winter season has made things even worse Eves are left to rot in parking lots as people struggle to find a working charging station people are sticking with their gas- powered cars because why well we all know why they’re affordable reliable and hasslefree even a 2020

Tesla is now worth only half of what it was 3 years ago and don’t get me started on the battery degradation issues that’s a whole other can of worms the government knew this was going to happen and they contined to push out strict emission norms for EVS anyway Joe Biden

Wants to ban gas cars and to do this he has launched these crazy emissions Norms that can only be met if companies sell EVS in big numbers and to fool us into thinking EVS are worth buying he then introduced tax incentives up to $7,500 per car but at the time the interest

Rates on car financing also increased does that sound like a coincidence to you and what if I told you buying more EVS is going to help China more than the US Donald Trump exposed this Grim reality where over 80% of the raw materials required for Ev batteries are

Supplied To Us by China he literally said and I quote I will stop the Eevee Madness if I’m elected again people should be given a choice to pick their car end quote Ford literally killed off production of their best-selling pickup truck the F-150 Lightning while GM and

Honda withdrew their plan to build EVS for under $3,000 Mary Bara said she’s facing pressure from the outside and thinks cheaper EVS under 30k will will not be profitable so what’s the bottom line for you and me if you’re thinking about getting an EV you might want to hit the

Brakes and wait it out the Market’s in absolute chaos and it’s only going to get worse before it gets better now let’s talk about the deadly flaws exposed in a recent consumer report I promise you the third one’s going to leave you surprised first off let’s talk

Reliability or should I say the lack of it according to Consumer Reports EVS have a whopping 80% more problems compared to their gas powered cousins Yes you heard that right 80% we’re talking issues with batteries charging systems and even those Sleek body panels that were supposed to make you look cool

But wait it gets crazier plug-in hybrids are like the soap operas of cars with almost 150% more drama than regular cars it’s like they’ve got an identity crisis can’t decide if they’re electric or gas so they just break down instead now let’s shift gears to the real Thriller

Software issues imagine you’re driving a car that’s basically a computer on Wheels sounds pretty dope right but here’s the catch it’s a computer that might have a mind of its own all EVS are going haywire with dashboard displays going nuts creating distractions and posing safety hazards it’s like your car

Is playing a game of chance and you’re the unwilling participant but hold on it gets even more spine chilling Tesla the big shot of Eves had a software glitch that contributed to a fatal crash the car got confused about Lane lines and veered off course crashing at a high

Speed killing eight you might have heard companies claiming EVS can do 3 to 400 even 500 mil on a single charge but the reality is far from this you see the range they mention is in ideal conditions and in the real world you’re only going to get half that and when

Winter hits your car’s range is going to drop by 30% and don’t even get me started on the poor charging infrastructure every two and five of the Chargers are malfunctioning while the ones that do work are always overcrowded and what happens when these EVS are abandoned it’s an environmental

Nightmare each battery is packed with valuable materials like nickel lithium and Cobalt essential for the EV industry’s sustainability but when these cars are ditched it undermines their environmental benefits and adds to the waste problem now let’s talk about the big guy in the room the government they’re pushing EVS hard with mandates

And policies that are making it tough for anyone to say no the Biden administration’s message is clear make EVS or face the consequences Jack but here’s the catch the prices are Skyhigh people are being trapped into expensive monthly payments and dealers are fed up over 4,000 of them have banded together

To send a fiery letter to President Biden telling him to slow down and stop forcing EVS on the public and if that’s not enough to make you think twice let’s talk about EV insurance it’s through the roof we’re talking premiums as high as $6,000 a year a minor scratch on an ev’s

Battery can turn a $1,000 repair into a $115,000 nightmare insurance companies are demanding complete battery replacements for even the slightest damage and it’s hitting EV owners where it hurts their wallets there have been cases where people were quoted $50,000 just because their car got a scratch on

The battery in the midst of all this President Biden’s going full steam ahead with his EV mandates federal employees are now being told to travel only in EVS it’s part of his plan to cut emissions but it’s also forcing a major shift in the Auto industry and he seems to be

Oblivious to the fact that the public is suffering the middle class the backbone of the the economy is getting hit the hardest they’re being sold on this utopian EV dream only to wake up to a reality where EVS are nothing but overpriced underperforming hunks of metal dealers across the country are

Telling a tale of horror Lots filled with EVS nobody wants and a sales pitch that’s falling on deaf ears the EV market crash is not just a warning sign it’s a deafening alarm Bell it’s time to wake up and smell the gasoline because let’s face it EVS are just not the way

Forward at least not yet we’re staring down the barrel of some tough times ahead folks the EV market crash is a stark reminder that we leaped before we looked do you think political leaders are controlling the EV Market could EVS be just one big scam let me know your

Thoughts down in the comments below I just uploaded a video about groundbreaking news that could hurt the entire EV industry do check it out if you want to be truly shocked by what’s about to happen with EVS

It’s OVER for EVs! The biggest EV market crash of your lifetime just began, leaving all EV makers in shock and disbelief! With more than 5 billion in losses, thousands of EVs rotting in dealer lots, and a deadly fire risk that I’ll tell you about, the EV market is seeing a record-breaking collapse! Ford, GM, Toyota, and even Tesla, all automakers are DYING, as the public goes AGAINST EVs. But why are dealers not able to sell EVs? Are EVs a scam? And what’s the deadly risk the political leaders have been hiding from you?

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