Electric Motorcycles

Mundaring to Northam ….CAN THE T720 ELECTRIC BIKE MAKE IT?

Mundaring to Northam ….CAN THE T720 ELECTRIC BIKE MAKE IT?

Okay today we’re just going to have a look at these T 720s we bought them from the bike shop they’re a uh electric bike thing I like about him is the rack system and we got them for Christmas so we’re going to try them out on the camp

Trail the cap sorry Trail and we’re going to see how they go their range is supposed to be 100K and the kep trail is 75 on dirt so we’re going to get a good idea of just how well they travel um What attracted us to these are basically the size my wife

Who’s 56 has no problem riding it um she’s dropping us off today and my son and I are going to take it we’re going from mundaring all the way to Northern so we’re going to see how they travel um the things we liked uh the fat tires and

The distance and the rack Sy cuz eventually we want to do the Mund bitty on these so this is a bit of a trial for us we’ll see how it goes I’ll give you a bit of a review on the bike um and we can see whether or not you’d be

Interested in getting one cuz I think they’re a brilliant bike we’ve had this for a couple months now and we’re just testing our [Applause] range hey s as we’re riding along you’ll see I’ve got it currently in just one for the the um pedal assist now what you’ll

Notice is when I drop below a certain speed the pedal assist kicks in I think it’s on this one it’s about 12K an hour and you’ll see the little bar on the left there um that just shows how much it’s helping me so the slower I go the

More it’ll help me so so that’s how you conserve your energy you’ve got your gears to your right and then you’ve got the pedal assist which just helps you start uphills and basically get momentum up which means that your legs are just keeping your momentum up and you’ve got six

Gears um so one to six six being the most assisted obviously so if it’s got six then and um you’re using probably the most battery but you’ll also go up to 25k an [Applause] hour all right we found the Heritage Trail all right so this a perfect section you just show you how the electric bike works so on your right you got Gears obviously I can’t use that cuz I’m filming this with my right hand but on your left hand you’ve got

Your your power modes which is up to five and you can see on the left side of that bar that that’s the amount batter’s helping you so if I go faster cuz it’s on Two And after 18 it cuts off you’ll see it goes away but if

I slow down and don’t pedal us hard you’re going to watch it as it pushes more and uses more battery so the way to be really good with your pedaling is to have it so that the pedal mode or the the the power mode is just below what you pedal so when you

Hit an upill it helps you up the hill and downhill you can get as much speed as you want and the batter is not engaged now on the highest mode after 25 it’ll stop anyway it’ll cut out and um that’s just the way it works it’s car pedal assist it’s a good

System and I mean so far you can see that we haven’t even used a bar we’ve done over 20k so we’re just going to keep loing along going like this so a 20K in we’re just at chido which gives you a nice spot to have a rest under a bit of

Shade um you’ve got a little convenience store over there if you need to buy anything and a pub you have a beer theyve got good flushable toilets and it’s uh just a nice little place to have a little rest a nice breeze coming through here so I mean 20K in we got

Another 55 to go so far we haven’t finished first bar that Wally there is the guy I’m traveling with called Conor Perry he’s my son but uh even he’s enjoying it and the ride’s been very comfortable so one of the things I really love about these bikes is how

Comfortable they are um you can see there the seat you can you can sit on these bikes for 5 hours and you’re still okay you don’t feel like you need bike pants or you’ve been badly wedged so it’s a really comfortable sitting position on these and um my little bags

On the back are going brilliantly they’re not in my way um the racks are holding up plenty of water and from here we’re just going to kick on and head up the trail okay we’ve been going for about 2 hours now done about 35k um the little fell behind us slowing

Us down a bit he’s still figuring out 100% how to use the bike but we’ve also had a few brakes look this has been really enjoyable this ride it’s really really easy um with the weight of these bikes and the amount of downhill we’ve had um I still haven’t used a bar and

We’re up to 35k I mean I’ve only been on one or two pedalist assist but I really haven’t needed it that much it kicks in keeps me going at momentum we’re traveling at about 20K an hour so any breakes and that slows us down if we get to halfway

Maybe a little bit past we got heaps of bars left maybe will up the pace but that’s uh just past hours two update So aha there it is boy I am a genius all right we’re coming in um Bak hill now this will be our third hour on the bike we’ve uh coming into Bakers Hill is a bit of a prick because there’s nowhere we run R roll when we go to Sawyers Valley

There’s lots of downhill roll spots coming to Bakers Hill it really is using the uh the motor coming up so I’ve gone from having full bars to dropping two bars coming in so I’m fluctuating on about half half the battery left which is pretty good really cuz I mean I’m

Halfway probably coming up to a little over halfway uh we’ll stoping Bakers Hill have something to eat maybe grab uh Connor a pie and then we’ll take off from there but overall the bik’s doing well batteries are doing okay um we’re just cruising along probably at about

We’re averaging probably about 15 16k an hour so that’s putting us on a pretty slow pace but we are stopping from time to time having a drink relaxing look this isn’t a race I’m not really all that worried and I can’t get in too early cuz there’s a water park in

Northerm that we checked on and it only opens after 1200 so the general idea is when we get into Northern we want to go for a swim so that’s a plan all right well I’ll get you updated on the next hour or when we get into uh Bakers

Hill just can’t stop looking at me you just can’t get enough of me you’re so beautiful yes just so beautiful all right crack bikes up to three and let’s get going all right leaving Bakers Hill heading to Northern stopped for a pie something to drink bit of a

Relax but uh this is uh we got to go to crack line and then in so we’ll keep you updated on how we go but the bike’s doing brilliantly um fat Wheels really good going through all the all the um boggy stuff and we’ll just keep plotting

Along and uh we’ll show you the scenery on the way down okay we lost the track for a little while back there um right after you come under the bridge it’s not very clear where it go and we ended up having to go down to Eden Road which I think was the right

Track which has got us back onto the one we’re on now um which is the correct track um but yeah it’s not very clear after that bridge I had to pull out the maps and took us a while because obviously I didn’t want to go the wrong way done

That before and we got lost for 6 hours so um we went the right way all looking good and uh we’re about 10K out of northerm now [Applause] go [Applause] you good all right let’s go can’t to go Cor [Applause] [Applause] you what go It’s [Applause] Good we’re in at Norm at the Aquatic Park which has some lovely water slides we’re going to go on but the bikes in general made it with two B fair so I think you could say pretty safely those will do 100K on that battery no worries and

That’s on Bush track now we only went between uh 2 and three 1 2 and three as for pedal assist but in all honesty on that track you couldn’t go much faster um because of the gravel exactly as my son found out he uh he the B the bike

Went over twice so so we’ll have to get um just that little pedal there just that arm bent a little bit so we’ll get that we’ll get you one of those um cuz he did a good job on it but look overall the bikes came through unscathed very well and that one went

Over twice uh we’ve been on the bike whatat since 8 it’s so that’s probably about 5 hours on the bikes and very comfortable no problems no bum Sor us just hot and ready for a swim until we got to the end I thought it was num and then what happened last

10ks dad what did you think of it before the last 10ks well I thought it was good then you crashed your bike twice bent one of the pedals and overall ended up in trouble so but we got in we’re ready and we’re going to go for a swim now All right well we got back um look these bikes are impressive really impressive what I love about them when you buy them is you get all the racking and everything for them um and by the way I’m not getting sponsored At All by the company but since we’ve got these bikes

I can’t speak highly enough of them the racking comes in handy if you want to mount a camera you’ll see some of the camera shots we did today um it allows you to put baskets everything on everything about the bike I like probably my only um criticism of the

Bike is I think the brakes could be a little bit better um but I think it’s very important to realize when you’re talking about an ebike range does matter like the 100ks that the are said to do they will do 100ks and that’s the minimum you get on these you can

Actually get bikes battery packs and give you 150 kilm range so um overall I don’t think you can go wrong with these bikes they’re brilliant and I really can’t speak high enough so that’s my review on the uh 150 ET cycle um 17 720 sorry um ET cycle

Uh if you think you’re buying one I’m telling you to buy one that’s how simple it is but uh so I’ll see you on the next video leave a comment if you liked it they’re about $2,000 each is what they cost us in Australian dollars so they’re

Very affordable as well probably one of the best best Bo um price bikes I’ve got all right I’ll catch you on the next video for

We tested our electric bikes for range on the Kep track that runs from Mundaring to Northam. the bike has specs saying it will go 100KM so we want to see if it can. Come and see just how good or bad these bikes are and weather you would consider getting one,

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