Electric Motorcycles

2024 E bike Review

2024 E bike Review

This is Sam leest with antler down and today I’m going over the jayzon x Hunter so the x Hunter is a 750 wat bike it’s a foldable ebike um it’s got a lot a lot of power um it’s a 28 mph bike it’s got um a lot of uh suspension built into it

You got your front forks along with the the uh rear suspension built in it’s got a good headlight tail lights work so when I first got this bike um putting it together was very simple uh it comes pretty much shipped in so uh you had to

Put on the front tire and the seat I believe is all it was and then fold the handlebars like I said it is a folding ebike it folds up pretty easy it’s not the easiest thing in the world to fold but you can fold it so I’m going to move

This around here so you can see uh I believe it weighs like 70 lb this is all you do right here to fold it just pull that out it comes with a key I actually put another another key on here for my lock for whenever I lock it up onto the

The trees or whatever but you just pick it up rotate this over like I said it’s not the easiest but it’s definitely not too hard to do and there it is Fold It Up which is super awesome I’ve had this bike for a while I’ve actually put close to 100

Miles of actual hard miles on it um going up and down through terrain going through uh mud water this is definitely not a regular put on the road kind of review this is a review for hunters for people that are looking to you know maybe get in the ebikes get into

Something that’s not as expensive as some of the other bikes out there and uh this bike right here has really surprised me when I got the bike I originally thought ah you know it’ll be fun to have and maybe as a toy but it really surprised me on how well it

Handled the Terin they have an actual back basket um it hasn’t showed up yet so I just kind of made shift one um it had some actual reflectors on the wheels but the Terin decided that they was going to take them off they couldn’t handle that but other than that the bike

Has held up extremely well when it gets cold the battery for some reason um wants to throw an error out however I fix that by basically just wrapping uh I’ve got a a cold weather vest that I wrap around it you know whenever I leave it out in the woods while I’m actually

Hunting and then I come back and then ride the bike out but uh that that fixed that problem key switch down here and then you got your uh power on and off it comes with a headlight it’s got a horn I hate the horn because I’m a Hunter so I

Try to make sure that I don’t touch it unfortunately you can’t disconnect the horn the horn stays on there but uh it’s got your P assist modes you got five P assist modes um you can actually get into your system and um make it to where it’s accessible for hunting land which

Is really cool to do that’s a simple little simple thing there’s a lot of videos on this um but once you get in on it you can change the classifications of your bike you can speed it up slow it down whatever you want to do it’s real

Simple to do as well but uh I’m going to go ahead and ride it around real quick and uh let you guys get a little bit of a a look at it and then we’ll continue on so one of the big things about this bike

Too is it’s got a it’s really actually a quiet motor for the bike itself it’s got a lot of power to be able to go through stuff like that cuz that right there was a a pretty decent incline and it had a lot of uh mud and water in there and it

Just handled it it’s got really good balance it’s a comfortable bike like I said the the throttle right now is set for whenever I do turn it or when I give it throttle it moves um it does have pedal assist I actually have that turned

Off because I was doing a little bit of testing on it today just to see uh the top mile per hour I got off of it but it handles really really well that right there is uh actually pretty pretty muddy I mean a lot of

Bikes I don’t think will be able to make it through that there’s a small hill over there um what I’m going to do is I’m just going to kind of drive up the hill and then without pedal assist I’m going to give it some pedal and we’re

Just going to see that incline I don’t really know how big of an incline that is but it’s pretty it’s pretty steep [Applause] so so this is actually pretty muddy right here where I’m at right here is actually pretty wet and it’s got a lot of loose grass and kind of Muddy so

Give a little pedal to get through this so it does have disc brakes um they are adjustable and uh they seem to be pretty good brakes um I I mean it’s not a bad not bad brakes let’s go see if we can’t get a top speed drive by All right so I’m going to go over a few things that I might have glossed over during the actual review um it’s got a 1 to7 Shimano uh it’s got five pedal assist uh the motor actually has a peak wattage of 1400 uh it’s 750

All the time 48 by 13 amp hours uh it’s got a Max load of 480 lb um I’ve actually ridden myself and uh my son on the back of it just playing around and it handled it fine it says it’s got a 71 mile range um I’m sure if you pedal it

And kept it like pedal assist one or two you could probably get that but out of five um on warm days I was getting close to maybe 15 and then on the colder days I was getting closer to eight so that’s on pedal assist 5 and really just uh

Basically going as fast as the bike could go now I guess the overall idea is would I buy this bike for hunting yes I would buy it for hunting but it solely depends on your terrain with it having 20in tires it’s pretty low to the ground so a lot of times if

You’re pedaling through rocks or anything like that you’re liable to um catch your pedal on the ground or your boot so that’s that’s one thing that if if you have hilly terrain Rocky terrain I would probably go with a 24 in Tire maybe get yourself off the ground a

Little bit uh flat Farm ground this thing is awesome uh super quiet for the price it’s an awesome e bike so I think that if you buy this bike for the money I think you’ll be very happy with it so this is the jayzon X Hunter I’m sayless with antler down and

Uh I’m going to go ahead and give it a uh antler down approval

I have set out to find a E bike that is not only cost effective but also performs like a few other names in the outdoor industry. This is the first bike that I have done and it is the Jasion X Hunter!! I am very surprised by this bike!!!

Jasion Sent me this X hunter. In saying that this is a 100% honest review.


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