Electric Cars

Breaking News: House Votes to Overturn Biden’s EV Mandate

Breaking News: House Votes to Overturn Biden’s EV Mandate

The House of Representatives has voted to overturn Biden’s EV mandate we let them know where we stood on HR 4468 which is a bill prohibiting the EPA from implementing a mandate to only buy electric vehicles now this is the first step in stopping the EPA from restricting what types of vehicles can

Be offered allowing you and the market to decide what is sold in the House of Representatives on December 6 voted to pass a bill that would block a proposed rule by the EPA or the Environmental prot ction agency to effectively mandate that most cars produced in the United

States to be fully electric by 2032 you spoke out and some elected officials actually heard you the bill HR 4468 dub the choice in automobile retail sales or cars Act of 2023 passed the house by 221 to 197 vote that included total GOP support and some Democrats that were

Seeking to have the bill sent back to committee the bill would block an EP PA a rule that would require roughly 68% of cars produced in the United States to be fully electric by 2032 the electric vehicle mandate rule is supported by President Joe Biden and his administration and Republicans have

Rallied against proposed standards which they say are unrealistic and threaten to undermine consumer Freedom as well as increasing us dependence on China because around 90% of the rare earth minerals used to create these electric vehicle batteries are from China while we are supportive of the free market producing Electric vehicles to satisfy a

Market need that is misguided EPA mandate would have an immediate detrimental impact on the choices and affordability of cars trucks and SUVs available to our constituents said the Republican signatories specifically those who signed the letter pushed for the inclusion of the reversal of the EV standards to be included in the final

Draft of the 2024 Government funding and quote Not only would the epa’s proposed regulation hurt America’s national security but it would severely limit consumer choice for the affordable vehicles that fit the needs of the average American close quote they wrote In addition at the time of inflation

High interest rates and Rising costs the last thing Americans need to find both new and used vehicles is unaffordable because the EPA has mandates the National Auto Dealers Association has also criticized the EPA rule which they called too far too fast in a December 5th press conference in support of the

Measure to overturn the rule prior to the vote on the floor they stated that this standard is unattainable it’s unaffordable and it’s unrealistic representative Lisa mlan of Michigan agreed saying that the notion that most Vehicles should be fully electric by 2032 is ridiculous she said if we force

Automakers to do this they will bleed money which will mean layoffs for employees and their families who are already struggling under the administration and Manufacturing will move outside the United States this is not good for our taxpayers representative chip Roy of Texas another Enthusiast supporter of The Proposal

Raised a series of concerns about the potential effect of the Mandate specifically the instability of the US electric grid which is currently unable to support the large-scale movement toward EVS as proof of this he pointed to the case in California a few years ago when Governor Gavin Newsome asked

California not to charge their EVS between 400 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. due to the strains on the electric grid and quote what do we do when you’re stuck what do you do when your wife is pregnant or you have to get to the hospital close quote despite this bill

Passing in the house the legislation seems unlikely to pass in the Senate where the Democrats hold a majority and even if it did pass in the Senate President Biden has promised to veto the bill in the United States the president can use this veto power to prevent a

Bill from passing through Congress and becoming a law and Congress can override that veto by 2third of the vote in both Chambers so now it’s time to start making some phone calls and some emails and some letter writing however Republicans are unusually United behind this effort to overturn this Rule and

Some Democrats are also in support of removing the Mandate in the house that is good and this electric vehicle mandate could become a key point of negotiations over the spending in the next year it could also be involved in the presidential election of 2024 which we’re already seeing now what if you

Were forced to buy something you didn’t want remember the cars act also prevents regulations that would mandate certain Technologies or limit the availability of veh based on the engine type so what can you do okay reach out to your Senators reach out to your representatives tell them you support

Them call write email whatever it takes to let them know not to get this wrong your voice is important if you like this video give it a like And subscribe for more videos like this one if you got questions or comments I’m sure you will I’ll be happy to answer you can support

Me by buying me a cup of coffee the link for that is in the description plus all the links for our website social media the book and the podcast I’m Lauren fix thank you so much for watching

Breaking News: House Votes to Overturn Biden’s EV Mandate. We let them know we stood behind H.R. 4468, a bill prohibiting the #EPA from implementing a mandate to only buy electric vehicles. This is the first step in stopping the EPA from restricting what types of vehicles can be offered, allowing you & the market to decide what is sold.

The House of Representatives on Dec. 6 voted to pass a bill that will block a proposed rule by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to effectively mandate that most cars produced in the United States be fully electric by 2032. You spoke out and some elected politicians heard you.

The bill, H.R. 4468, dubbed the Choice in Automobile Retail Sales (or CARS) Act of 2023, passed the House by a 221–197 vote. That included total GOP support. Democrats are seeking to have the bill sent back to committee.

The bill would block an EPA rule that would require roughly 68 percent of cars manufactured in the United States be fully electric by 2032. The electric vehicle mandate rule is supported by President Joe Biden’s administration.

Republicans have rallied against the proposed standards, which they say are unrealistic and threaten to undermine consumer freedom, as well as increasing US dependence on China. Around 90% of the rare earth minerals used to create electric vehicles batteries are sourced from China.

Specifically, those who signed the letter pushed for the inclusion of a reversal of the EV standards to be included in the final draft of 2024 government funding. The last thing Americans need is to find both new and used vehicles unaffordable because of an EPA mandate.

The National Automobile Dealers Association  @NADA criticized the EPA rule, which they called “too far, too fast.” In a December 5th press conference in support of the measure to overturn the rule prior to its vote on the floor. They state, “this standard is unattainable, it’s unaffordable, and in fact it’s unrealistic.”

Rep. Lisa McClain (R-MI) agreed, saying that the notion that most vehicles should be fully electric by 2032 is “ridiculous.” She said, “If we force automakers to do this, they will bleed money, which will mean layoffs for employees of families who are already struggling under this administration, and manufacturing will move outside of the United States. “That is not good for our taxpayers.”

Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX), another enthusiastic supporter of the proposal, raised a series of concerns about the potential effects of a mandate. Specifically, the instability of the U.S. electric grid, which is currently unable to support a large-scale move toward EVs. As proof of this, he pointed to a case in California a few years ago when Gov. Gavin Newsom asked Californians not to charge their EVs between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. due to strains on the electric grid. “What do you do when you’re stuck? What do you do when your wife is pregnant in the hospital?”

Despite its passage by the House, the legislation seems unlikely to pass in the Senate, where Democrats hold the majority. And even if it did pass the Senate, President Biden has promised to veto the bill. In the United States, the president can use the veto power to prevent a bill passed by the Congress from becoming law. Congress can override the veto by a two-thirds vote of both chambers.

However, Republicans are unusually united behind the effort to overturn the rule, some democrats are also in support of removing the mandate in the house. This electric vehicle mandate could become a key point of negotiations over spending next year. It could also be involved in the presidential election in 2024.

What if you were forced to buy something you don’t want? Remember, the CARS Act also prevents regulations that would mandate certain technologies or limit the availability of vehicles based on engine type. So what can you do?

Reach out to your Senators, call, write, email, attend town halls and tell them not to get this wrong.

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00:00 #News House Votes to Overturn #Biden #ev Mandate
00:41 CARS Vote
02:16 National Auto Dealers

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