Electric Cars

Winter Challenges Of Electric Vehicles: Issues, Problems & Advantages

Winter Challenges Of Electric Vehicles: Issues, Problems & Advantages

Good morning or is it a good morning it isus 32° fah here in Montana a little bit cold little bit of snow and I tell you man these electric cars are just Chunk in this cold they don’t do anything they don’t start up you can’t drive them you can’t heat them it’s cold

Inside if you can drive them and they don’t go very far they have less than half the range they’re complet completely totally Worthless so don’t believe that guy in the intro whoever he was I mean he was wearing a face mask probably to ha to hide his face from you but hey it’s the time of the year when you get to hear these things on social media and everywhere where they

Blow up stories about EVS how bad they are well I tell you what this is our sixth winter here in Montana with our EVS we had multiple right now we have this 2018 Tesla Model 3 that we had since new we have this 2013 Tesla Model

S rear wheeel drive that we had since 2021 and in between we had the 2020 Chevy bolt and we went through a window with it it did just fine as well so their stories you see don’t believe them they’re overblown okay so one of the weird

Things is when I first got an electric car back in 2018 people would ask how does it do in a winter and I was always confused why would they ask me that it was in the middle of summer but then eventually it clicked in my head and I

Figured it out well because in tal combustion engine vehicle their gas cars they diesel trucks out here here they don’t work in the winter they have a hard time starting them when it’s cold- 31° even gas vehicles don’t start if they’ve been sitting like this one here

Been sitting a couple days we had it happen to us our Honda Court would start it was onlyus 20 it was only sitting over the weekend Monday morning it would not start so what do you do well you have to plug in your ice vehicle yes

Isn’t that kind of weird you plug in your uh internal combustion engine vehicle that runs off gas or diesel so that you can start it yeah you have to put it plug it in so that that uh there’s a block heater that keeps the engine warm that’s what you have to do

In cold temperatures like this unless you have a nice garage that stays warm or is even heated then yeah you may be lucky also if I would go to town today all the vehicles in the parking lots everywhere are probably running at at least 90% why well cuz people are afraid they

Don’t restart and people don’t want it cold they go in real quick oh it’s only 5 10 minutes so they leave it running out there polluting and idling at zero miles per gallon the worst fuel economy you could have not with an electric car with an electric car you keep just the

Heat going that’s all you keep going nobody will even notice that it is on you can keep your cabin nice and warm so if we wanted to go somewhere today uh I would uh use one of those two vehicles I want not use the the truck

Over there no the truck may not even start so and uh well what would I do well go check out this video and then you know what you need to do when it’s that called out that you can get in a nice and comfy electric vehicle and it

Will be driving just wonderful okay even in an emergency right now if we needed one of these two here we could get in and go we probably would take this one cuz there’s not as much snow on it we would have to dig out this one takes a

Little longer so we would take it here we will get in and go yes it will be freezing cold in there but it starts up it goes no problem what about range you ask h no big deal yes you have less range in the the time why because you

Heat with the electricity that’s in the battery pack internal combustion engine vehicles are so inefficient they have so much excess heat you can easily heat the cabin that is an advantage but with the electric vehicle unfortunately yes we need to use electricity from the battery

But it’s actually not so bad um we still make it on our trips in the winter time we still make it from here to our supercharger in be if we go that direction Direction 150 Mi uphill battle 2,000 FT elevation gain no problem and that’s all that matters and there we

Want a break anyway after a couple hours of driving here around town no big deal also most of the time for your daily driving you don’t need that much and you can just increase your charge level a little bit so if you have it charged to 70% now charge it to

80% and you got a little extra so yes uh no problem driving an electric car in the winter time so I said I’m not going to take him out today plenty of videos on our Channel I’m going to put a bunch of uh links to some of those videos Down

Below in the description go watch them if you haven’t seen them yet I have taken all these cars that I mentioned earlier out in extreme cold we’ve been driving through winter storms all kinds of stuff so go check those out these cars do quite well in the winter time

The only thing you want to do is at home here Z and there keep them plugged in keep them Plugged In This Way those cars can do what they need to do keep their batteries nice and toasty so that you have a better Driving Experience whatever they need to do if

You preheat them it will take power from the grid rather than from the battery it works perfect also I have a video about if you get stuck in the cold uh there should be a link popping up up here um how long can you be stuck in the cold

Because people always say oh you’re going to run out of battery well heck you’re going to run out of gas so there’s a video there that will show you uh how long you can actually be stuck in the cold um with an electric vehicle so it is freaking ass cold sorry for this

Expression but that’s what it is I’ve been out here um for a while now before I started this video I already been outside I had to feed uh our craters up there and uh I had to put fire within the boiler so we keep the house nice and

Toasty and my fingertips are kind of freezing right now so I’m going back in and uh well it’s going to be a beautiful day I think look at this I mean how much more beautiful can you get the sun’s coming up just now um it won’t be very warm today I

Think the high for today is like -4 or something the high yesterday was minus three so it won’t be very warm but it looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day with this sun coming out and uh well make sure that you are subscribed to our channel so you get to

See more of our adventure videos that we do in the winter time driving these EVS make sure you are subscribed to the channel and if you haven’t been with us for a while uh go click the Chanel icon and check out all the videos we have wintertime road trips summertime road

Trips extreme cold driving all kinds of stuff is there also go check out the link Down Below in the description to our red bubble store we got some T-shirts there and other stuff you might like something well in any event thank you for watching goodbye

This is just a short video to remind people that EV’s have issues but work just fine in winter and extreme cold. We have a ton of videos about driving electric cars in extreme cold, winter, snowstorms and blizzards on road trips and locally in town. Videos include the 2020 Chevy Bolt EV, the 2018 Tesla Model 3 Long Range Dual Motor, the 2013 Tesla Model S 85 Rear Wheel Drive, the Missoula Electric coop loaner 2022 Chevy Bolt EUV.
Video mentioned in this video:

Link to Winter/Extreme cold playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXFh8hHm3-BfjRiv2EwNVy_2UR8NwDWgb
More winter/extreme cold EV video links at the bottom!!

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Check out our Store for fun stuff: https://RMTFam.redbubble.com

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👀Timestamps take you right to that chapter:
0:00 Introduction
0:46 What is going on
1:37 Why does everyone as about EV and winter
3:19 EV advantages
4:23 Range
5:09 Daily driving
5:28 Conclusion

If you plan on visiting Yellowstone National Park, you need to check out the “Cozy Cabin”, the place to stay during your visit. Just a short scenic 30 minute drive from the West Entrance of YNP. Click the link for more info: https://www.vrbo.com/759482
Also check out these videos about the Cozy Cabin: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXFh8hHm3-BfB7ycfgrHbDBksajxiBxUF

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Need a great charger?! Wattsaving EV chargers: https://rb.gy/h1mc1

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Tesla referral code, if you need one, we are honored if you would use ours: https://ts.la/michael93081

Chevy Bolt: https://youtu.be/o-5YY-deEk4 https://youtu.be/3hmWnY7xqRg https://youtu.be/UbDEjwoRqGI https://youtu.be/u1XyFGFA6Uc https://youtu.be/DaqqZV5Kk1I https://youtu.be/YplPhC7VPSQ https://youtu.be/PkO59AlqgAg https://youtu.be/xwSFnVD5WGw

General: https://youtu.be/FJQKMW-ayp0 https://youtu.be/IWYK_mfpGSM https://youtu.be/UoJB4s_dLZA https://youtu.be/B5I2oCy_rWs https://youtu.be/_C9NeWO5PuU

Tesla: https://youtu.be/0daYwZImEWk https://youtu.be/vGqX0ntjs6A https://youtu.be/Qxz5FeV_Vgw https://youtu.be/Jd8_sLJSdOU https://youtu.be/0CXuMc25iGI https://youtu.be/FmeTSRA3L98 https://youtu.be/he0xa6YSO5c https://youtu.be/oDAheziXE2s https://youtu.be/uM2BuDU4B9I https://youtu.be/IWYK_mfpGSM https://youtu.be/UoJB4s_dLZA

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