Electric Motorcycles

Surviving a SNOWSTORM on an electric motorcycle | LiveWire One

Surviving a SNOWSTORM on an electric motorcycle | LiveWire One

Battery this is not a a good situation the sun’s starting to go down the temperature’s dropping it’s already 24° there’s a slush starting to go over the road can you pull up pull up in the cross and put your hands today I need to go return windshield

Clamps that I ordered cuz they were the wrong ones so I’ve got to drive back down a r no about 70 miles away I’m typically out right in the snow going full power on everything today gloves jacket pants now my wife super worried about me

Riding she has every right to be you the snow just makes everything more difficult doesn’t it less traction and then all the gear you wear really kind of limits your mobility and on top of that you know it’s I mean obviously motorcycles and snow don’t get along already

But it’s it’s more so the uh other people on the road that’s that’s what typically worries me this is the stuff that is not good for just this obviously this road hasn’t been salted yet no bueno on two wheels have to turn around here and see if there’s a another

Service road or a side road that’s been salted you know around here the uh the state doesn’t come out and clear all these Back Country Roads it’s uh all the local farmers do so each Farm has like a certain section of the road that they’re responsible for I guess this this Farm

Hasn’t come out and hit this part of the road yet just got to keep it nice and steady all right there we go It’s a 12v battery just the cold now thankfully I bought my 12vt Charger [Applause] M Then I need to try to figure out what to do I I brought my trickle trickle charger with me I just didn’t bring the tool to take the battery cover off like an idiot thank you this clamper they’re the wrong ones set I had I had to catch an Uber to get here

Yeah lithium ion jump starter now it’s like a little screwdriver that has multi I think that’ll take the battery cover off all right man appreciate it don’t think this is going to work I’m going to try to turn the bike back on one more time to see if it’ll start up

I doubt it’s going to happen but you never know No said I’ve got three [Applause] lights SE better days so it’s pulsing green light so that means that it’s just above 75% but not 100% so hopefully shouldn’t have to be here too long all right so hopefully hooking that up for a little bit is going to

Help and also getting the battery warm being inside will help as well [Applause] right here over here I we’re going to set we’re going to set you this I got cars coming in and out okay that’ll that’ll work right Here just got to wait now just my luck in about 2 hours the temperature is going to drop low enough to freeze the the ice on the roads so if this 12vt doesn’t charge up by the time I need to leave to get home I may be stuck Here God just stuck on an error and I don’t know if it just never cleared that error code pulled the main uh Fuse Oh man I just came [Applause] Down hey can you pull up can you pull up at the crest and put your hazards on and slow people down until I get this up all right yeah thankfully I was going slow appreciate It crash protector so the uh soon as I went started going down this hill the back end just started fish tailing and I slowed down didn’t hit the brakes and uh it just swung too much luckily I was only going like I don’t know maybe 10 m hour I just

Hope it didn’t Crush all my camera gear going to go very slow now pretty sure my handlebars are bentu K get back on the road A My hands Hurt I’ve done a a lot of stupid things in my life and this is certainly one of them it’s at least an inch of snow since I’ve been here can’t even see the Road so going down a really Steep Hill my feet down on the sides of skis and just letting the region slowly let me Down Well I know one thing new Skid Plate’s really Good

What was supposed to be a quick trip 70 mile trip down to my Harley-Davidson Dealer, turned into a day I’ll never forget. I set out from my home, expecting just a 35% chance of snow in the evening when my 12v battery delayed my departure back home with dire consequences.

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