Electric Motorcycles

One Very Cool FEATURE! – Mokwheel Scoria Ebike Review

One Very Cool FEATURE! – Mokwheel Scoria Ebike Review

Welcome back to the channel ladies and gentlemen we got a new bright shiny bike sitting in front of me this one’s from muuk Wheel and this is the sca model now there’s a lot of different changes they actually did to this thing since it last came out you’re going to obviously

Notice the nice Brown Wall tires they match up perfectly with this red candy paint job on here you got a nice little silver lining right here it says Class 2 ebike it is a 750 W Hub motor back here 48volt system with an almost 20 amp hour

Battery believe is 19.6 amp hours but you should get some decent range out of this thing it’s a pretty light bike at that I think it’s like 79 lb right under 80 and you can hold up to someone that’s 350 lb as well and it comes with a cool

Rack right here that’s wood and if you guys want to match it up to the front they do sell the front basket that also has the wood piece so it will match up with the back it’ll look perfect but you have to buy that separate it doesn’t

Come with it now something you guys are going to love about this bike right off the bat is that it is made for people that are starting at 5 foot going up to 61 or 6’2 so this is going to be a perfect bike for shorter people and you

Can see that I have my foot like all the way down and my knee is still bit right now so if I put my feet completely down I’m actually not even sitting on the seat and you guys might have noticed that when I was sitting on this bike

It’s actually not even at the bottom of how low this thing will go so really quick and we’ll get into some other stuff that’s as low as a seat will go and look at that my feet are so bent this is just way too low for me but you

Can also raise it pretty high uh it goes up to there that’s the maximum that you can lift it up to so if you’re like 6ot you can definitely get on this bike and ride it perfectly fine so one of the coolest features about this bike and

Maybe it’s something that you don’t even care about but the fact that they added it into a bike like this is super cool so you’re going to notice that you have one plug right here and this is the charge of the bike and the battery sits

Right here and you could charge it here or you can take the battery out you can charge the battery separately if you want right here is a torque sensor we’ll get into that a little bit later when we ride and kind of see how that is but you

Have another plug right here this plug is for an inverter 1,000 watt inverter that they sell on their website separately it’s 400 bucks and then it’s a big cylinder right here that sits in a bag it strapped up to the back right here and then you could charge actual

Appliances from this battery that’s in this bike that is super cool that they thought of something like that now here is a look at the front end of this bike especially the tires the tires are the main thing I want to talk about because look at this tread design it is so cool

Looking and they actually feel pretty firm compared to the tires that they were putting on this a couple months ago so I’m so glad they changed them and it’s a unique Tire I’ve actually never seen it on a bike before but it is made by the same company that makes those

Cheaper tires because I can see the logo right on the side but that brown sidewall with the red frame just looks so good and then one other thing that they changed on this bike was the kickstand so if you guys have ever seen viev views on this bike they had a

Kickstand that went right in the middle and it was a dual kickstand so it kind of came out to the side on both legs when people would fold it up it wouldn’t go so high so when you hit a bump or turn it would scrape on the ground now

We just have one little kickstand on this side it’s a standard traditional kickstand that comes on all these bikes shouldn’t have a problem in the back of the bike we’re going to have our 750 W motor on a MAG wheel which is nice for this type of bike because mag wheels are

Stronger and there’s no spokes that you need to tighten over time especially at the right it for 500 Mi 1,000 Mi 2,000 Mi no maintenance required on those rims you do have a sspeed back here from Shimano you also have a journey Shimano derer as well and that chain goes to a

442 sprocket up front you also have a quick motor disconnect on the right hand side just in case you get a rear flat or you need to change out the rear tire so that makes it pretty easy and here’s a closer look at the rear rack with that

Wood and underneath this seat which I didn’t mention already it does have a little bit of suspension into it not the seat post but the actual seat itself here’s a look at the headset and the stem from Zoom they added a class two sticker onto the bike some mounts to put

A water bottle at here is the top of the bike if you were to sit on it for the very first time and see how the display and The Handlebar setup is now I will say the cable management is a little messy on this bike so if that bothers

You you might want to get some zip ties and clean that up cuz I just see wires going everywhere on this bike let’s start off to the leftand side you got some leather grips over here they do lock in place they also have a gel type

Of filling in here so we’re going to have to see how that is when we ride also a palm rest right here and your throttle is on the left hand side it’s this little thing right here so you can pull that down and then here is your

Button layout so the top button is power and then you got your up and down buttons for pedal assist uh 1 through five and then the headlight Button as at the bottom and then you have the horn at the very very bottom if it will focus

There we go so let’s turn this on so you guys can see how the display looks it does take a while not going to lie um you got to hold it for about 3 seconds and it pops up and it says hello and you can see your speed it says we’re in eco

Mode pedal assist zero so it starts off in zero the time that the bike has been on I believe in total and then the trip as well which I did .9 miles because I took it up and on the street to make sure it was working when I unboxed it so

I want to come over here and I’ll show you if you go pedal assist you go up to five that doesn’t change with Eco Mode you can see that eco mode is still showing there so I think it has something to do with this torque sensor

So we’re probably going to have to Pedal this bike and just see what happens out on the road and see if that changes to sport or what it changes to and then moving over onto this side is where you have your seven speed and then you have

The shifter on this side to use your thumb and then you also have the other one on the other side for your index finger and you get Tetro brakes with this as well and they have 180 mm rotors from Tetro as well so now that I have

The bike turned on let me turn off these lights so we can see what these lights on the the bike look like it is dark in here ladies and gentlemen oh man okay hopefully we can kind of now see um this headlight right here um I got to adjust

It it’s a little too down but that is not looking like a good headlight I like the fact that there’s no scattered light on the ground or on the sides but that doesn’t really look promising and I’ll go a little bit farther back so you guys

Can see it does get a little bit wider but I don’t know it just doesn’t look as bright as some of these other ebikes now coming over here though here is how the brake light looks and if you do hit the brake levers could be the right side or

The left side you’re going to see that it activates and gets brighter and with my eyes it looks decent it looks like the same one that comes on the aerial Rider ebikes and some of the other mountain bikes I’ve got so the fact that it’s even got a working brake light in

The back and it’s centered on the bike I’ll take it it’s nice all right ladies and gentlemen we are on the GoPro and we got to see how fast this thing goes on throttle only so their website says 25 mph I have not went into any settings and changed anything so I’m really

Curious to see where it’s going to stop at but it looks like we’re going past it and those speeds are 100% accurate every single time it changes my phone changes so that is awesome to see that those are working hand in hand now I won’t have to

Actually pull over and show you guys our top speed cuz you’re going to see it right here it’s looking like it’s a 28 mph class 3 ebike even though it has a s ER on the bike that says Class 2 which I kind of like don’t get me wrong it lets

You go on other Trails where people are going to be and people can’t really complain or say anything even if there is someone out there like telling you like hey like you can’t be out here you can show them no my bike is legal to be

Out here cuz some places you can only go so fast on a trail now here’s what I’m noticing right off the bat with this bike is that it has a wobble to it and I was trying to look down to see if these tires weren’t like fully Seated on the

The wheel correctly cuz sometimes if you have like one lopsided thing you can kind of feel the tire like shift but it doesn’t look like it I feel like it’s just this tread pattern I really like how these tires look but they’re feeling a little like going side to side I’m not

A big fan of that so it’s giving some odd vibration to the bike that shouldn’t be there but it also is depending on the road as well when I’m feeling that vibration from the tires I’m also noticing when I went over over a big patch back there and you’re not going to

Hear it over the GoPro but it was picking up a lot of rocks and debris it felt like I need mud guards on this thing like a car does to stop throwing rocks it literally felt like it was picking up every Little Rock and like throwing it out and here’s something you

Guys might want to know so see how it says Eco on this display right here I know it’s going to be a little hard to see with the GoPro but as we go up in speed you’re going to see that the screen changes and it goes to power mode

After about 15 or 16 mph so you’re in eco mode if you’re under 15 milph all right so we’re pulling up to our designated speed test and we’re going to see how fast this bike goes so in general in this little section if you guys are new to the channel most of my

Ebikes and scooters whatever I ride at the very end of this it normally reaches 27 mph and let’s try not to Whiskey throttle it all right I almost wrecked it and dropped it um so I’m going to see how fast it goes to the end of this

Street let’s go one two 3 throttle only and then we’ll do the pedals in the next section and see how that feels but Power feels decent it’s not too bad it kind of comes on a little slow and then it kind of has like a mid power curve and just

Kind of keeps going up but not too bad but uh okay wherever she’s going all right so we could have probably reached about uh 27 M hour I feel like I got to do that test again cuz I had to let off so I’m going to go

Back and do that one more time one two three again throttle only 15 so this actually lags a little bit behind that but once you kind of get up to the same speed they match the same uh 25 26 can you do it come on come on we’re almost there oh just 26 mph so it’s a little slower than your average

Ebike that we normally get but it’s still feels pretty good okay so in this section I got it in gear number one we’re going to use the pedals only and we’re going to see how this torque sensor is cuz that’s one of the nicest features about this bike and that’s

Another reason why this bike is more expensive than your standard traditional bike that just has a Cadence Sensor so here we go one two 3 oh that was instant holy crap oh I got to shift I got to shift we already go got to go up in

Things I feel like there’s a lot of people out right now it’s kind of late but so here’s what I noticed I’m pedaling like normal I’m not trying to put too much effort into it I feel a little bit like I’m ghost pedaling so I feel like I would have liked the chain

Ring to be bigger than the 44 to that they put on here but what I’m noticing is I can’t go any faster than 15 if I just pedal like a normal person if I really push my feet into it and I feel kind of stupid cuz my feet are like

Moving so damn fast then I can go a lot faster I feel like if they would have just added a bigger chain ring onto this bike they would have made the torque sensor feel so much better but since they didn’t I just feel like it’s a missed opportunity and it just kind of

Feels like ghost pedaling after like 15 16 miles per hour all right so now we’re in the designated spot to see if this will go up the hill with throttle response only and then we’re going to try it with the pedals only and use the torque sensor I think the torque sensor

Is actually going to come in handy in this section but let’s see how it does with throttle only one two three oh oh that’s actually better than I thought so that was pretty good but let’s see how the torque sensor and the pedals work and I’m also going to have

To shift because they work pretty fast and I’m not going to be getting and picking up speed if I don’t shift so let’s do this all at once one 2 3 oh dang it so quick oh wow yes yes that’s the way to go if you need to get up hills is just

Use the torque sensor and pedal that felt so natural to get up this thing now these tires really aren’t made for off-roading and it has been raining a little bit it actually rained earlier today that’s kind of why we’re shooting this video a little late if I had to

Tell you what these tires were four I would say it’s about 80 to 85% Street and 15 to 20% dirt because I do have a little bit of tread in them but I am getting so much stuff hit in the face right now oh man I’m really wishing these had

Longer fenders on this bike right now I feel a bunch of stuff coming and hitting me the back one should be okay though cuz the back Fender is a lot longer than the front so off-roading with this bike especially with not having rear suspension actually felt really really

Good it looks like fun all right so let’s get into the Turning test of this bike now I know it’s objective a lot of people probably say like oh like why do you need to know that and that’s because some bikes the way the suspension and handlebar set up they act different and

Something I noticed on this bike is that when I’m turning it like this you get to a point like right here like right there when you turn you can feel the whole front of the bike just want to like turn like this really sh it reminds me of the spark Bandit and so

The thing you got to remind yourself on this bike is don’t try to turn it super sharp and you’re going to totally understand what I mean if you were to buy this bike or maybe even own it watching my video review when you get to this point you just feel the whole bike

Just want to like go like that so just be careful but one thing I do like about this bike is you can make u-turns super easy like really really easy and look at the turning radius of this bike as well look at this it goes all the way around

In the circle the only thing stopping it is the cables and there’s nothing you can do about the cables so that’s pretty cool that it goes all the way around so depending on if you need to move it in your garage lock it up somewhere store

It it’s very nice and easy to move the handlebars wherever you want without having to pick up the bike and like place it in different spots to get it where you need it all right so here comes the braking test ladies and gentlemen I got to go as fast as I

Possibly can on this bike because it goes up to 7 27 mph so we got to see how well it’s going to do all right here’s a braking test on going as fast as possible 27 mph woo man that front suspension dipped down pretty fast it’s 110 mm travel in

The front suspension the brakes felt really good they’re from techro I said that earlier and they’re hydraulic they did lock up a little bit but where’s that line at so there we go there’s a line that we stop out on all our electric bike test and it stops at the

Line or behind it it’s a good stopping ebike the bikes that stop after that line are normally bikes that have cable brakes and a lot of weight to them and they just don’t have pads that really connect to the rotors or they have very smaller rotors but this is a very good

Stopping ebike so safety-wise it’s great so the next thing I want to show you guys is the throttle response and the pedal response so here we go so throttle response 1 2 3 it’s crazy how like nice and gradual it is to get up to speed but I will it

Does have a delay let’s see one 2 3 it’s maybe right under a second coming up to a second when uh hitting that so here one two three yeah I want to say it’s in between half a second and a full second it’s kind of in between so it’s not that bad

Of a throttle response but let’s see how fast the pedal response is 1 2 3 oh yeah that’s even quicker than the throttle here we go one two 3 yeah that’s definitely quicker than the throttle by just a little bit it’s maybe half as fast as how this is so I

Want to say it’s probably half a second or less on the pedals and that feels great um the only thing you got to keep in mind is that it also since it has a torque sensor it’s going to depend on what gear you’re in too so if you’re in

A very tall gear and you’re at a low speed it’s actually going to take a little bit more input but it also still activated pretty damn fast let me try that again one two 3 yeah so it had a little bit more lag to it when you’re in a taller gear going

Slower but make sure you’re just in the proper gear for the speed that you’re going and it should activate pretty fast compared to using the throttle let’s go off the curb definitely felt the front suspension working but the rear suspension is non-existent so it kind of

Felt really hard in the back so just make sure if you jump off a curb or something like that you’re definitely not going to want to be sitting down cuz that’s not going to feel very good um but one thing we could check out right

Now because it is night time and I got my my review a little late in the day is that we can see how this headlight looks now I’m still going to do a separate video on it and we’ll check it out when we like go back and forth to work but

It’s performing pretty well just to see like right in front I don’t have any complaints with it yet all right so we’re back off road we got to go back the same way so we can get back to the house and give you my final thoughts on

It but I will say that even though there’s no rear suspension on this bike it feels really good it’s actually pretty comfortable compared to other things I’ve ridden now the seat on the other hand it’s kind of 50/50 I’m not going to say it’s the best seat out

There but I’m not really having too much of a problem with it but it also needs to be raged up a little higher for me and what I mean by that is not the seat going up but the actual slant of the seat needs to be a little bit adjusted

For me riding because I feel like I’m going to slip off the front of the seat now one other thing we got to try is how the horn sounds when we’re out here all right truck H it’s okay it’s not the best but it honestly sounds like every other ebike

We get nothing special about it not an actual horn it’s just whatever the one thing that trips me out on this bike is the fact that when you hit the power button it does nothing when you hit this this is obviously the headlight button when you hit that that’s the horn button the

Other two buttons you have are for pedal assist from 0 to 5 there is no actual menu button and to bring up anything there’s no voltage um I’m assuming this is the battery that’s on both sides of this pedometer right here so all those green bars but there’s no actual

Percentage there’s nothing I don’t even like these battery bars there’s like 15 of these things over here like I don’t even understand it so I’m not a huge fan of trying to understand my range because so far we have went 6 miles that’s what

My phone says on here it does say 6.2 Mi and that sounds about right because if the speed matches up with with GPS on your phone then that means your trip is also going to uh be the same as well your mileage I should say so that’s good

On that but I just don’t really know my battery bars I have no idea I do like the little power thing that kind of goes around it’s a little laggy but that’s kind of cool and you notice I had to move the screen over normally be the

Center but this is the only way I found my phone to fit it actually took me like 15 minutes to get this mounted because I was going to put my phone up here it doesn’t work I was trying to put it up here it was slanted off to the side so

The only spot you’re going to be able to put your phone is right where I put it or on this side and you’re going to have to move the screen but it’s not that big of a deal but I should say you do not need your phone up here unless you want

A text message and you don’t want to pull it out of your pocket because since the speed matches up why do you need your phone up here with your speedometer you just don’t another key point to mention is that I felt a little bit of vibration on this bike and it’s not at

Every single time riding the bike but it’s coming from the rear motor it gives a little bit of vibration and it’s transferring into the seat and I can feel it it’s nothing crazy it’s not going to steer you away from buying this bike but it’s just something to mention

If you guys want a nice very smooth comfortable bike with no vibrations nothing this probably won’t be the bike for you but it’s not a deal breaker for me so here’s something that I want to try is I want to go down into pedal assist zero and the throttle doesn’t

Work the torque sensor power’s not going to work so this is now a bike just to Pedal it if you ran out of power a lot of you guys like to see how that is so I’m going to try that out I do got to drop my gears though because I am way

Too high to be pedaling at 0 mes hour but okay here we go that’s the lowest gear I can go into this feels pretty good this is not bad now my feet are moving pretty fast but this is actually not that bad I might have to go up one

Gear okay that feels a lot better so I can do a solid 9 to 10 milph but I will say I probably wouldn’t want to do this more than maybe three or 4 miles it’s actually on the better side of bikes to uh pedal if you break down or whatever

Happens but I still wouldn’t want to do this it’s going to definitely be a workout but you can do it if you need to the next thing I want to try out is in pedal assist one and you use a throttle what speed does it go up to or is it

Unlimited in every single pedal assist it seems like it’s unlimited as long as you have it on any type of pedal assist yeah that’s what I’m getting at right now let me go back and let’s try out the pedals and see how fast we go in

Each mode like 10 m an hour 9 M an hour number one let’s see number two bumped us up a little bit but like 15 and that’s as much as I can do like I’m ghost pedaling at that point let’s go up to uh three three is very similar 16 M

Hour 17 let’s go up to four um 18 roughly yeah 18 maybe 19 yeah 18 19 and four and number five is just unlimited we go as fast as we want but I also feel like I’m ghost pedaling at like 19 20 mph so it’s really hard to make this

Bike go any faster if all you want to do is pedal after 20 M hour you’re literally just going to be flaring your legs all over the place okay guys so final conclusion on this bike where do we start now first I want to say that maybe I’m biased towards this bike but

When I got it in and saw the color saw the tires all the wood it’s a very well-built bike even the stem and all this kind of stuff right here the bearings that go in there everything felt nice and smooth just a little attention to detail on this bike alone

You’ll notice it when you see it in person compared to other bikes and just trust me on this I’ve seen about 50 ebikes with riding everything out there this is a very high quality ebike now it’s not going to be above and beyond for the price that it’s listed at which

To me at $1,800 isn’t that bad of an ebike especially you got to remember it’s a torque sensor ebike there’s a little bit more expensive and it has the inverter option if you don’t really need that option then maybe just look at another bike but the fact that you can

Add that down the road if you want to spend that extra $400 that’s pretty cool I think and then they do have a front basket that matches this and I think that would just look so nice and sick on this bike now the seat I like it is nice

And wide I feel like it’ be a little tiny bit better but I I think if I just raked it up a little bit more in the front I wouldn’t feel like I was going to slide off of it and I think I’d be okay but there are a lot better seats

Out there but this actually on the better side of seats now moving on to the front I normally don’t wear gloves but I did wear them tonight because it was super cold out and we have a freeze storm warning coming but I never really got to feel how this little Jael pad

Fell on the hanahar grips I don’t know it’s I never felt anything different it felt perfectly fine but I mean I think it’s just an extra touch to be like hey look we got this but to me it didn’t do anything the throttle on the left hand

Side is perfectly fine you’ll get used to it it’s very nice you might want to wear gloves though cuz it does have some hard lines in it so it might hurt your uh thumb over time and give you some indentation especially if you just hold that Throttle Down 24/7 the brakes work

Fantastic kill management is a little messy the screen is okay but the fact that there’s no extra menus to get in for like trip odometer all that little tiny stuff now they do have trip and time on here but that’s all you get like I don’t see anything else on this bike

That you can like look at like battery percent or voltage that’s just a big downside to me I’m not a big fan the shifter on the other hand was great the headlight seemed okay but we’ll do a separate video on it we’ll see how that performs cuz I don’t know yet I don’t

Want to make a judge on that so you got to stay tuned to the second video but you can get an idea as you’re seeing the riding footage that we just did on how it looked now the torque sensor on this bike I’m not a huge fan of torque

Sensors they do feel good for people that like to Pedal this bike but me personally I don’t pedal Al a Cadence Sensor being on the cheaper side of ebikes I’d rather have that save a couple hundred bucks off a torque sensor but I think the biggest Pro of this bike

Is really going to be for you short people out there that are looking for a bike that especially easy to get in so you just basically put your foot over and you can slide onto it you don’t have to do one of these because it’s a full

Frame going all the way to the top so I like the fact that you guys can ride this if you’re probably 5T and up to 6t so that is super cool with this bike the power was okay it it’s uh how can I explain it it’s almost as good as any

Other bike out there kind of that’s a actual class 3E bike that’s legal but I was never able to actually hit 28 milph so when I came in here the highest hot speed I hit was 27.4 but let’s get into the range and everything like that so I did 8 miles on

This bike and I’m looking at this and all I see is like nine or nine battery bars or eight battery bars I don’t know I don’t even know where we started at did we start at 10 I I don’t even know I I can’t tell you where the batter is at

On this thing but I am definitely going to charge it before I go to work cuz I don’t know if it’s almost dead or half dead I don’t know I do know they say you get about 60 to 80 M of range but I’m going to call that out and say honestly

For almost a 20 amp battery and a 48v bike at that I don’t think you’re going to get more than 25 miles out of this bike but if you do use pedal assist one and actually use a torque sensor torque sensor bikes will actually get you more

Range compared to a Cadence Sensor so I do think that you can get up to probably double the range that I’m telling you maybe like 45 50 mes of range if you really baby this thing do 6 to 8 miles per hour and just use it as a like slow

Cruiser on like a trail or something like that but it’s also going to depend on your weight and depend on a lot of stuff but it’s a great bike guys I think it’s one of the best looking bikes that I’ve gotten in a while and I was very

Surprised on this one I actually almost didn’t accept this bike and I’m kind ofad idea because it trust me if you guys order it you’re going to see the quality that’s put into the components of this bike trust me it just looks nice there’s no messed up pieces on this

Thing where it’s like oh that’s kind of janky put together no it’s not on this bike so hopefully I helped you guys if you guys were looking at maybe buying this bike or maybe even have one drop a comment let me know what you guys think

And uh let me know if you guys are going to stick around for part number two when I take this thing to work I’ll see you guys in the next one peace out

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