Electric Cars



Joe Biden just got shocked both public and all EV makers are going against Biden’s forced EV push on the common man he’s like EVS are the future why you guys backing out now Ford GM Tesla everyone is slashing EV prices while thousands of EVS eat dust on dealer lots

And not just that EVS are also exploding and catching fire putting the lives of owners and their families in danger so why do the political leaders want to force EVS upon us our E’s a scam a major Consumer Report just got leaked covering five fatal flaws everyone hid from you

And Joe Biden is now facing massive consumer backlash if you want to know the reality of EVs and want gas cars to make a comeback watch this video very carefully car makers have warned Biden saying please oh please stop pushing EVS so hard or else the EV Market is going

To crash oh and by the way people hate EVS car makers think EVS are nothing but a giant money-making scam thousands of jobs have been lost more than $4 billion in losses and despite Biden’s forced EV push customers are rejecting Eves hard remember how Biden was all about EVS he

Was dreaming of streets filled with silent eco-friendly cars but here’s the kicker the car makers you know the big shots like GM Ford and Tesla they’re freaking out they’ve been trying hard to sell EVS but guess what they’re not selling imagine this Ford’s got a ton of

EVS lined up all shiny and new but here’s the jaw-dropping part out of a million EVS they’ve pushed out 700,000 are just sitting there Gathering dust in the dealerships and GM oh boy they’re in deep Waters too they thought their electric pickups were the bee’s knees but nope they’re barely moving we’re

Talking about a massive drop in sales now Biden’s team came up with this rule that by 2032 2/3 of new cars have to be electric but in a reality ity check we’re nowhere near ready for that the charging stations the public demand it’s all in the baby steps phase Biden’s

Pushing EVS hard and the people well they’re just not biting but wait there’s more nearly 4,000 car dealers from all over the US are also jumping into the freight they’re sending their own SOS to Biden and their message hey people aren’t ready for electric cars we can’t

Sell these things the dealers they know the market they’re the ones on the front lines selling cars day in and day out and they’re seeing EVS just not moving this is despite the fact that Biden gave $9 billion to Ford and even launched some shady restrictions to make it

Difficult for companies to sell gas cars but more on that in a minute now that the EV hype is finally over and consumers are not buying car makers are finally going to war with the political leaders finally listening to what the public wants instead both Ford and GM

Two of the biggest names in the carbiz have just slammed the brakes on their EV dreams you’re going to like this this Ford just killed the production of their F-150 Lightning pickups because no one was buying General Motors on the other hand is delaying cars like the Silverado

EV and even pulled out of a billion- dollar deal with Honda to build cheap EVS for under 30,000 GM’s case is even worse because their CEO Mary bar herself is taking a series of bad steps first she said cheap EVS will never be profitable so why make them and then

She’s not ready to lower the prices on the existing EVS despite the major market crash and here’s where it gets even more Twisted some car makers are playing both sides of the field publicly they’re all about EVS showing off their electric cars in ads and making big promises but behind closed doors they’re

Singing a different tune they’re telling the government whoa slow down we can’t just switch to EVS overnight Ford’s backing off on their plans for a new battery Factory and GM saying no way for their target of cranking out hundreds of thousands of EVS even Tesla is putting

The brakes on building a new EV plant in Mexico and then there’s former president Trump he’s not exactly cheering for the EV race in his eyes EVS are expensive not practical and kind of a threat to the Classic Auto industry Vibe he’s all about keeping it American and worries

That EVS might not be the best move for the US car scene but let’s not forget the bigger picture here the push for EVS isn’t just about cars it’s wrapped up in politics the Biden Administration with its tough emissions rules is nudging car makers towards EVS at Breakneck speed

Here’s the Shady thing he did since the US presidential elections are coming up Biden wants to show everyone how he’s all about the environment he’s forcing companies to not exceed a certain minimum threshold in emissions when selling cars and that number is so low that it’s basically impossible to

Achieve without selling EVS so in a nutshell he’s asking you to buy overpriced EVS or you can go screw yourself and the public they’re caught in the middle of this electric storm many are trading in their EVS for H hybrids some are straight up abandoning their EVs and the rest are just left

Scratching their heads wondering how cars got so darn expensive now remember that consumer report I told you about this report highlighted all that’s wrong with EVs and the political push and it’s like a big warning for those of you wanting to buy an EV why because EVS are

Killing people let me show you let’s start with the big scary word reliability or in the case of EVS the lack of it studies found that EVS have nearly 80% more repair problems than gas or hybrid cars yep you heard me right 80% more problems imagine you’ve just

Splurged on a shiny new EV and Bam you’re hit with all sorts of issues battery problems charging headaches even the body panels and interior parts making rattling noises now let’s shift gears and talk about something that’ll make your wallet cry repair bills so picture this you get a tiny scratch on

Your ev’s underbelly the next thing you know you’re slapped with a repair bill of $60,000 that’s not just a dent in your car it’s a crater in your bank account don’t worry it gets worse a poor fella in Canada got a heart stopping $50,000 quote just to replace his Tesla’s

Battery he was better off scrapping his car that’s a bit crazy right the third major issue is the charging infrastructure you buy an EV thinking you’re going green and what do you get a car that spends more time hooked to a charger than on the road and when winter

Comes oh watch out it’s like EES just give up on life their range drops faster than my phone’s battery on a bad day we’re talking about losing up to 41% of the range just because it’s chilly outside and the charging stations don’t even get me started most of them are

Either out of order or so packed you’d think they’re giving it away for free this leaves EV owners stranded cold and cursing the day they ditched their Good Old Reliable gas car now let’s get to the scariest part ev’s catching fire you might have heard about the tragic case

Of Omar aan he crashes his Tesla Model S and then the unthinkable happens the car turns into a raging Inferno trapping him inside and this isn’t just a one-off incident there have been cases of Tesla spontaneously catching fire in parking garages so what’s causing these EVS to

Turn into Fireballs it all comes down to their lithium ion batteries these things pack a lot of power but when they go wrong it’s like a mini volcano erupting a process called thermal runaway kicks in where the battery gets hotter and hotter eventually leading to a fire or

Even explosion EVS are also plagued with loads of software glitches since these cars are more reliant on computers than mechanics VW is facing the biggest issue because of this having to recall thousands of vehicles along with GM having to recall their Cadillac lyrics which didn’t sell in great numbers in

The first place and obviously the last two main issues that everyone probably already knows range anxiety and high prices you’d have to spend an extra $220,000 over a hybrid to buy an EV and even when you do you’ll have to drive it for $60 ,000 mil at least before you can

Actually start making a return on your investment so all in all the EV Market is in a state of flux right now if you’re someone who’s looking to buy an EV my best advice would be to wait and stick to gas and hybrids for now everyone wants to believe that EVS are

Practical enough or safe enough or Can Go the Distance but there’s no denying the proof that’s otherwise out there while Joe Biden is facing retaliation the car makers are turning into the real heroes of the story rushing back to combustion engines which are again selling in huge numbers then we have

Japanese companies like Honda and Toyota who are fully committed to selling hybrids alone some are even keen on building alternative solutions to EVS like hydrogen engines and ammonia engines so there’s a lot that could change in the future but what do you think are political leaders pushing EVS

Too hard could EVS be just one big scam let me know down in the comments below I just uploaded a video about groundbreaking news that could hurt the entire EV industry do check it out if you want to be truly shocked by what’s about to happen with EVS

Joe Biden just got SHOCKED! Both the public and ALL EV makers are going AGAINST Biden’s forced EV push on the common man. He’s like: EVs are the future, why are you guys backing out now? Ford, GM, Tesla, everyone is slashing EV prices, while thousands of EVs eat dust on dealer parking lots. And not just that, EVs are also exploding and catching fire, putting the lives of owners in danger! Why do the political leaders want to force EVs upon us? Are EVs a SCAM? A major consumer report just got leaked, covering 5 fatal flaws everyone hid from you, and Joe Biden is now facing massive consumer backlash!

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