
Style Porsche x Marc Fornes: Episode 4 – The Process

Style Porsche x Marc Fornes: Episode 4 – The Process

I’m very excited to collaborate with Porche on the debut of the electric Manan the mission is to create a two-car garage on one end be purely experiential purely enjoying the moment and on the same time there is that engineering aspect that Ultra fin how is it Possible do key design factors that por talks about and um a lot of those are what we look at in our own work as well especially like surface the surface is everything it’s your experience it’s your structure it’s your finish it’s really focus the same way experiencing a Porsche is about driving

Focus everything is there for a reason everything which is needed drivve the aesthetic that’s as well in the tradition of the German design philosophy but our house it’s not really styling it’s really design and the close connection to function tension for us is as much as a structural necessity as a visual

Expression we knew we wanted to use minimum amount of surface and generate the largest volume as possible and the second element which was in parallel we wanted to have a very intense background for the car something very stimulating what you can see here is what is

Inspired by the car itself we started by those triangles morph into those sh the same way the light would travel onto that trim what was important for us is that the collaboration was not to mimic the car itself it was more an attempt to actually take the philosophy behind the

Design of the car and bring it into the world of creating space so what you can see here is basically the second prototype we did for the structure what we’re trying to test here is can we produce a dome which is curved into two direction out of linear elements of aluminium very thin

Without having to fold at every step we’ve been incorporating some of the motifs from por side and I think there there’s a beautiful dialogue that’s happening I really wanted to create a place where ideas will be born but we also knew Singapore has very strong wind loads in January with the

Wind a DS this as well something you have to keep in mind in our case we design every single part that compos the structure you have a structure you have a pattern and it’s bended in two or three dimensions you have take as well into consideration that uh then the pattern is

Changing so we have about 6,470 uh elements that compose the entire structure it’s like a a 3D Puzzle between need to figure out a quick way for them to be assembled together and later on disassemble the purpose of uh our structure for the launch is really to create an experience and inspire people

Inspire people into uh creativity so that you come out of that have a unique moment a unique experience and stimulate you for whatever is next for you that very first moment where you sit for the first time what can we do to make that moment memorable thank you very much thank You

In the final episode of this series, we discover what it takes to create a structure that evokes emotion and makes a statement. Inspired by the new all-electric Porsche Macan, architect Marc Fornes designed the ultimate two-car garage to celebrate the car’s launch.
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